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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC, 2018
Day #2,567: May 19, 2023
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action FigureAstrodite
There Once Was The Woman from Venus

Outer Space Men Action Figures
Item No.:
Manufacturer: The Outer Space Men
Includes: Wings, staff, helmet, crossbow, alternate bent limbs
Action Feature: Glows in the Dark
Retail: $25.00
Availability: December 2018
Other: Still Available


The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action FigureI love glow figures, but too much of a good thing is possible. Cosmic Radiation Astrodite stayed in her baggie since I got her in 2018! White Star is still bagged, but I opened Astrodite Infinity Edition [FOTD #2,025] immediately. She's good! But the allure of repaints diminishes as time goes on - especially when it's a repaint of a figure you have to look like another figure you have. I'd love to see more variations on this mold, and while glow is exactly the kind of thing I want (and bought) she's just another glowing figure on a shelf of glowing figures. Excellent, but not special.

Click here to check availability at eBay.

If you've been reading this site, you know that these are some of my favorite figures for collectors. They're more or less compatible with 3 3/4-inch Star Wars, and bring a mid-century era of space race action to toys that was missing in my lifetime. This time around, she's cast in glow plastic with silver highlights and a clear colorless helmet.

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure

What makes this figure work is a small smattering of silver. If she were all glow, her eyes wouldn't "pop" when she glows, and the triangle on her staff would just fade into the wings. Her silver feathers look spectacular, and the crossbow is just plain glow - can't win 'em all. I like the silver "joint" bands on her arms and legs, and her proportions are consistent with those of Nixon-era men's magazines comic strips. Or so I'm told.

Her hair looks excellent, with a nice silver bun that really dazzles in the clear helmet. The funny thing about this figure's paint job is that is shows just how awesome some of these figures would be had they just cast them in silver plastic. Alas! It was not meant to be, or at least has not yet come to pass. What you do get

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure

This figure's best feature is the Onell Design-style glow plastic. It's bright, it charges quickly, and if you have enough glow figures it can really light up a dark room. I don't mean that as a metaphor - if you take a UV flashlight to my glow-in-the-dark closet, it's bright enough that you can see the walls and carpeting! What I don't like are her tiny legs are so close together, she doesn't stand very well. She could benefit from a display stand, a wider stand, or bigger feet. You can use the staff to prop her up to varying levels of success, or you might want to just lean her against the wall.

While not essential, she's a really good figure. They took a great sculpt and gave it an action figure that people really like, but the edition size combined with the price did not result in the insta-sellout you typically see with other indie figure lines. I don't think it's a knock against the figure - these have to be limited editions to succeed, otherwise people may fold their arms and wait for a sale. Or two. Or four. I'd recommend her if you don't have the mold, or just want to power up your glow collection.

--Adam Pawlus

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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure

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