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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC, 2017
Day #1,655: March 8, 2017
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action FigureWhite Star Cyclops
The Man from Beyond the Milky Way

Outer Space Men White Star Figures
Item No.:
Manufacturer: The Outer Space Men
Includes: 2-piece helmet, inner helmet, 2-piece armor, twin eye blasters, alternate fists
Action Feature: Pops apart
Retail: $25.00
Availability: March 3, 2017
Other: Big Man from Outer Space


The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action FigureThe curse of completism! The Outer Space Men doesn't have a lot of subsets - there were a couple of "wave" repaints of fancy recolors, but the only linewide uniform set up until White Star figures were the Infinity Edition figures. All but three of the figure molds came out in white with blue trim by 2014, with no indication when - or if - the set would be completed. The concept was neat, but I'd be lying if I said that White Star Cyclops was a gap in my collection that I needed filled. He and his brothers look really cool, with the while plastic doing a good job showing off some details that weren't visible on some of the clear or painted figures. But did I need another Cyclops? (Yes.)

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure

I love having the whole set (and now, I do have it) but it doesn't bring a lot to the table that I didn't have in my toy diorama already. I can say that the color does bring out a lot in the figure, making it easy to see the big mucles, sharp claws, and significant underbite. His eye and a dot on his chest are painted blue, while the remainder of the white PVC plastic bits are left undecorated. The ABS blasters and helmet are cast in blue and otherwise undecorated. It's a good look - but it's a lot of white to take in. I should also note that under his chest armor is a nifty Easter Egg - the ornamentation for the Glyos release of Cyclops was tweaked slightly and given some added details to resemble the face of Pheyden, Onell Design's chief character in its Glyos line.

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action FigureAfter six total releases, he seems to be holding up as well as ever. He's standing upright and gravity's not getting the best of him while he holds his blasters in his fists or on his belt. Everything fits together perfectly, including the two-piece plastic helmet and the "flight cap" that goes directly over his head and most of his face. Granted, no Glyos toy has ever really given me reason to doubt the form fit factor, but it's always a joy to see toys without problems.

The only area I would say that this figure failed to meet expectations is in his twin pistols. There's nothing wrong here, but the previous versions had a painted tip under the rounded cap on each ray gun. This gave them a little life. The White Star release comes completely undecorated, which is consistent with other White Star figures but sort of is a drag when compared to the tiny flourish offered on some of the other Cyclops toys. Don't let this scare you off from the figure - it delivers on every promise the White Star subset has to offer.

As with the other Cyclops figures, he has two-piece removable armor and swappable open and closed hands. The open hands are true to the original prototype from nearly 50 years ago, while the closed fists are your ticket to actually holding his blasters. I prefer the closed ones.

Standing just over 5-inches tall, Cyclops is one of the largest and heaviest PVC figures available in the Glyos line. In terms of mass, there's enough heft here where you'll probably feel like you got your money's worth. Unless, of course, you want something else entirely - in which case you should buy that. For customizers wanting blank figures, fans completing the White Star line, and someone just wanting a Cyclops, this is a good figure. If you've already got the painted and glow ones and don't see a reason to buy another take on this toy I don't think I can convince you to bite the bullet - it's a good piece, but it doesn't bring an exciting feature to life like the Cosmic Radiation set, or the fantastic and gorgeous paint jobs of the Cosmic Creators or Infinity editions. It's perfectly nice - the only real complaint you can have about it is also a compliment, and that is that it is 100% perfect in delivering in what it promised.

--Adam Pawlus

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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men White Star Cyclops Action Figure

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