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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC, 2017
Day #1,725: June 14, 2017
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action FigureCosmic Radiation Mystron
The Man from Hollow Earth

Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Figures
Item No.:
Manufacturer: The Outer Space Men
Includes: Alternate arms, ray gun gargoyle, bat staff, 2-piece helmet, wings
Action Feature: Glows, pops apart
Retail: $20.00
Availability: May 2017 (Five Points Festival), June 9 (Online)
Other: Brings the total to 7 Mystrons, 8 if you count weapon variants


The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action FigureWas he sent here by the devil? No good sir, Cosmic Radiation Mystron's on the level. The same figure mold is back for another go-round, this time in glow plastic with silver highlights. Do we need this? No... but yes.

Mystron glows crazy with a pretty nifty application of silver paint. You get all the same parts with the Glyos pegs to let you customize the figure or mix and match with other figures... but now it glows. The arms and legs are basically the same as many other figures, but the rest of him? New. His wings are unpainted, but the head has painted hair and a beard that really shine. I mean that literally - the silver paint is fantastic and really looks bright even in a dark room. The accordion joints are also painted, as are rings around his ankles and the soles of his shoes for some reason. Three silver circles on his chest are also painted, as is his belt. Oh, and the fingers - they painted the fingers on Mystron, too. It's just enough paint to be interesting, and to make a glowing figure look like something more than the opposite of a shadow in the dark.

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure

The ghostly wings plug in to a hole in his back via the ever-present Glyos plug, and it was a decent fit. The tail also went in without a fight. The staff and gun were a tight fit. Everything fits together relatively well, and I would expect that you would not be disappointed with it in the sense that it just plain works.

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action FigureHe's got great accessories. The Gargoyle Gun is mostly painted silver, with the bare glow head plastic coming through. I wish they left the grip unpainted, and to be honest if they inverted the glow versus the silver that would also be nice. It's not bad. The staff is similarly cool, because the only painted element is a silver ball which hovers eerily above the figure with glowing wings. Now there's something out of your Phantasm-inspired nightmares.

For those keeping track, you might remember something about how these are made - specifically, a series' worth of accessories are on a single sprue. This means that glowing helmets (instead of clear) and clear staffs (instead of glowing) exist and were run - we got samples of them in a baggie with the order, but right now it doesn't seem to be advertised as a bonus with all orders. This goes for Alpha 7, Electron+, and Commander Comet too - none of the year one guys seemed to have bonus parts in my order.

Now while it would be awesome to have Mystron in glowing red, that kind of plastic hasn't been run by the Glyos factory in years and most information I have seems to imply it never will again. This is disappointing. What isn't disappointing is the green glow plastic, which grows brightly and menacingly in your closet or in your office when you flip off the light. I'm enjoying it - but I have a closet set up with glowing toys in it. Everyone should do this. If you aren't buying this set, you totally should. It's not going to change your life, but if you like the aesthetic you should jump on these.

--Adam Pawlus

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The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure
The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Mystron Action Figure

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