Takara-Tomy Transformers Missing Link Cliffjumper Action Figure Takara-Tomy, 2025
Day #2,834: March 18, 2025
G1 Universe Cliffjumper Now With Added Joints
Transformers Missing Link
Item No.: No. G1878 Manufacturer:Takara-Tomy Includes:Blaster, bazooka, stickers, card Action Feature:Transforms from robot to VW bug Retail:$39.99 Availability: January 2025 Other: Bumblebee premold also available
This Cliffjumper is a lot like Bumblebee [FOTD #2,819], with pretty much the exact same transformation and articulation. The head is new, the chassis is new, and the accessories are different between figures. Since both have distinctive personalities, you might want both - but the pair will set you back at least $80, as opposed to G1 reissues, which were ten bucks a pop at the last US minicar rerelease.
Also packaged in a tiny box, with a tinier box inside, nestled in a styrofoam insert, Cliffjumper is ready to go in robot mode. Prying him out of the foam was easy, but his blaster was kind of hard to remove. I assume some fans will want to use tweezers, or just rip apart the insert. I had an original as a kid - the "Listen 'n Fun" version - and it feels a lot like his default configuration. It's red, with a shiny backer to his red head, which has a silver face. Articulation is enhanced from the original with moving shoulders and elbows, plus some movement at the hips and a bit more at the ankles, but it's not exactly impressive like Optimus Prime. It's very clearly better, and I love having new vac-metal silver accessories, but I probably would have been just as happy with a straight-up reissue of the original robot.
The main added joint that matters is at the neck - he can look around now! The original could only fold in and out for transformation, limiting how expressive he could be. Takara-Tomy made sure he can assume his various packaging art painting poses, which - while awesome - is probably not how most fans will display this toy. At least, not unless he included a display stand, and he doesn't. A 3mm port in his back will allow you to make one, or borrow one from another figure line. Since G1 Cliffjumper hasn't been reissued since a Basic Fun-driven key chain in 2007, odds are this is the Cliffy to get. Having said that, I'd still encourage Hasbro and Takara-Tomy to reissue the original some day. It'd sell... and you could apply the toy-inspired stickers included with the Missing Link toy to it. Cliffy has a couple o faction symbols, some of those rectangular Diaclone stickers, and a 1984 packaging art--inspired flat-head faction symbol that's pretty great.
Transformation is easy, like the original toy. Fold in the head, fold down the feet, shove the legs in the body cavity, and cram in the arms. I didn't need instructions, and if you do, perhaps you would like a simpler hobby like watching paint dry or staring into the Sun.
The car mode is very simple, and it reminds me a lot of the original. The 1984 toy rolled a bit better thanks to the wheel alignment not taking a back seat to elbows, but it's still very good. There's a tiny gap between the rear plate of Cliffjumper's head and the back of the car, and it seems the legs don't go together perfectly well to form the car's hood... but it's very close. At this size, I assume those kinds of tolerances are hard to pull off. Even though it may not be perfect, it's still very good. A reissue of the original toy might suffer similar problems.
I feel like if you collect Missing Link toys, you'll already have one of these. I'm probably going to snap up all the toys I recognize from the American line-up, plus anyone it felt like they missed the first time around. (Arcee, specifically.) I see Cliffjumper as essential - Casey Kasem! - and his unique blaster and bazooka really make the toy stand out by adding elements that felt absent from the previous four decades. Is it worth $40? Maybe. If you want upgrade stickers, those would probably cost you $10. A reissue of the original toy would likely start at $10 or $12. Third-party upgrade blasters would probably be another $10. If all of these elements sound like things you would want, once you add in articulation and the higher price due to it being a Japanese import, you can probably rationalize this purchase without too much trouble. Also if you just want to re-buy 1984 all over again, he's something you can't miss.
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