I like how Playmobil seems less concerned about the preschool toys they sell looking spooky. This Mummy and Grim Reaper was a strange pairing, but a must for monster fans. We have had tons of mummies over the years - some with bandages, some with gold skin, some with exposed flesh and extra casts - so that might not be super exciting for many of you. We've had fewer Reapers, and this one is probably the very best. Id' say the mummy is very good with room for improvement - but may be one of the best so far, too.
The Grim Reaper comes in a black robe of sorts. The sleeves are repurposed from a blouse, and the lower legs are used for dresses and other robes. The hood pops off and you've seen this cape before. The scythe may be new here - I've seen them before, but not in this configuration. Usually they're one color, or have two handgrips - this is a dual-color piece with a grey blade and brown handle. They did a bang-up job here, and the coloring is more consistent in the outfit when compared to previous releases. They're all fairly nice, but this one seems more cohesive.
With sensible snap-on capes and hoods, you'd think the figure spent its entire surprise budget. I don't, because I accidentally made the figure glow in the dark when I was leaving the room - the unadvertised feature is welcome but weak. The head and hands glow slightly and need a lot of encouragement to shine. Under UV light, the head and hands sparkle - it's quite beautiful to see Wint-O-Mint-esque flecks in there.
The Mummy is an interesting one, cobbling typical figure parts with the pirate's hat to give you a fairly convincing preserved corpse. Like the Reaper, red eyes shine form behind the bandages. They don't glow, this is only figuratively glowing as they're set off from the white and grey bandages. A mostly white figure has wrappings on the torso, head, arms, and legs - but not head bandanna - to bring the illusion of an ancient body to life. Some grey paint on the hat would have made a tremendous difference in selling the piece as wrappings, rather than have it stand out differently due to how it's decorated.
His accessory is a cobweb with a spider on it. What am I supposed to do with this? I don't know. A scepter or jar o' organs would be fun. A snake would be cool. Instead I have a spider and a web. That spider's going to starve.
You can't go wrong with Playmobil figures - they're sturdy and always good. These have wrists that swivel nicely, legs that rotate well, and removable accessories. For the asking price they're more than decent - I hope you got yours. You get your money's worth,
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