Carrying on a proud tradition of pegwarmers, Sunday Best Bart is a nicely done rehash of everyone's favorite hellraiser.
Bart comes with three accessories (slingshot, hymn book, Radioactive Man comic) and has four points of articulation.
Despite its non-selling status, Sunday Best Bart isn't a lousy figure. The sculpt is hardly a bad one, and the figure looks exactly as it should. Unfortunately, it seems toy store patrons aren't looking to have someone "Bart their world" at this time, and the figure just sits around. If you like the look, it's well worth owning. Since the outfit is not terribly representative of the character's personality, it's no surprise it's not flying off shelves.
The accessories are about par for Playmates. The comic book is a blue slice of plastic with a sticker on it, the hymn book is the same as Flanders' "good book" with a new sticker, and the slingshot is identical to the first Bart's accessory.
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