This box was shipped in another, slightly larger mailer box made of brown cardboard. Marked with a mailing label and stamped with the words "3 SIMPSONS TOYS" in big black letters, there's very little else to make it seem that there's a real treasure of a toy located inside. We opted not to scan it for your bemusement.
As to the box itself, it looks very much like a scaled-down version of the boxes used for the playsets. The art is more or less original, despite a resemblance to the image on the regular Mr. Burns cardback. Still, it looks quite nice as Wizard/ToyFare has been spotty on the quality of the packaging for its exclusives.
The right and left sides of the box are identical.
The inserts of the package are just a plain yellow color-- not much to write home about.
No images of the actual toy appear on the box.