Because I generally like the format, the Original Predator Unmasked was another one of these goofy things I just had to have. Mine is a little imperfect - some scrapes on the tusks and subtle markings on the head - so I'm not crazy about that. I am, however, crazy about the weathering on his armor and the nifty spot patterns on his body. They did a great job painting it in a general sense, but you can find some imperfections. The sheet number of individually painted elements make me a little more forgiving, though, because the paint job on this is better than on most of the other Predators I've seen over the years.
If you've bought one of the Hikari figures, you know what to expect - a blocky, stiff figure with jointed shoulders and an articulated neck. The sculpting is pretty decent - the head is loaded with wrinkles, beads, and ridges - while the body has the net suit on as well as the armor. While the gauntlets lack the screens seen in the movies, you do get an impressive amount of red and black painted buttons as well as a pretty stunning wipe to bring out the detail. Each claw on his foot is painted black, as are the soles of his sandals and the straps on his knee armor. Funko didn't skimp on this one, and since there's a pretty big gap between the paint quality of most $50 Hikari figures and $80 Hikari figures I can't help but wonder if this one was underpriced by accident. It's really, really good.
While it has no accessories to speak of, the black-eyed death machine has a couple of blades extending from his right wrist. Each is a little bendy - such is the requirement of safety - but on the bright side he's not completely unarmed. Other space warrior and hero toys lack their swords or blasters, with a rare exception like Deadpool incorporating his swords. While this isn't as impressive as a massive statue or giant action figure, it's a charming vinyl figure with a metallic finish. Being a new figure, you might not see $50 as the right price for something that stands 8-inches tall. If it were an older or vintage figure it'd be a bargain. Compared to the ever-increasing price of mini-busts, it's a sizable collectible with admirable deco for the price. I may not buy many (or any) more Predators, but I like this one enough to want a companion Alien to go with it. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.
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