When I was writing daily reviews, I shot lots and lots of figures that are still only partially finished - which is unfortunate, I should have shown you Rift Killer Hyper Mordireus earlier. To call it striking is something of an understatement - the pink looks incredibly different indoors versus outdoors, or under artificial light versus sunlight. Heck, it looks different under black light too. (Most of these photos were taken back in 2019.)
The 3 3/4-inch scale from the great Toy Pizza/Knights of the Slice line crossed over to Onell Design's shop, cast in a clear pink with metallic pink painted highlights. It's subtle - you may be able to make them out more easily in the UV light photos. The figure has some black highlights in the form of eyes and snaps, but the metallic pink is no slouch. If they left it off, you might not mess it, but in the right lighting conditions it helps to enhance the figure and show off a lot of extra detail by reflecting the light rather than gobbling it up.
Onell Design (and friends) have done a lot of pink figures over the years, but usually anything labeled "Mordireus" came out looking the hottest. And I mean that - your eyes may melt, it's so good. The Gobon has an extra head in his belly you can see through the clear pink plastic, and it looks a heck of a lot brighter than the other colors. I haven't even mentioned how good the figure is yet - he has swivel joints all over, so he can fit in your old Kenner toys. Sadly the elbows and knees only swivel, so he won't be hanging out in a lot of G.I. Joe or Cobra transports... but odds are unlikely you'd be getting one to do that as it is. His right hand is open for weapons (that you provide, as none were included) and the engineering is great. The figure can stand without flopping over thanks to his boots, there's no real danger in the figure falling over thanks to the solid joints, and you probably won't lose it. Why? Just look at it. It's unlikely this figure won't stand out in any room of your house.
While the clear and the pink hide this figure's surprisingly detailed sci-fi comic aesthetic, you can see a lot of armor, cables, and things you can pretend are organs. The design of the toys from the Toy Pizza crew all seem to have been engineered with multiple paint masks in mind, so properly applied color to these mutants can result in figures that look significantly different from one another with no tooling changes. Back when we were getting monthly drops from most of the Glyos-adjacent toymakers, that was a huge deal - today, you're lucky to see something for sale in any color at any price. Even just the same thing again is of interest, especially to newcomers. It's a shame these things almost always sell out before the first orders ship out, because it's not like I can get one and tell you "it's awesome, go buy it before it sold out." With almost every releases, it's already gone.
I felt $18 was a little high for the figure when he was released, but now that Onell Design does even fewer releases (with Toy Pizza not doing too many either), and inflation from the big guys kicked in, $18 doesn't seem too bad. I didn't notice any on eBay, so if you see one for sale and you like pink figures, grab one. It's so weird to look back at the indie figures of 2010 as being dirt cheap, but they were, and now in 2022 it's a struggle to buy any 3 3/4-inch action figures for under $10. And when I was a kid, they were $5 or under. If you can get this one for $18 anymore, consider yourself fortunate.
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