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New York's American International Toy Fair February 12, 2013

It's Not LEGO! Since its inception, Hasbro has ramped up the licensed component of Kre-o construction toys from its own properties to something a little more extensive. There were three big line expansions on display beyond Transformers, specifically Star Trek and the Toys R Us-exclusive G.I. Joe range. Also notable> Kre-O brick buckets, bringing that generic brick construction element which LEGO and other companies wisely sell so fans can build their brick stash with less extensive bricks. (I've only been raving about this for about two years now, so hooray!)

Images - More Toy Fair 2013 Coverage and Pictures Below
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o

As of right now, Star Trek Into Darkness has no known toys beyond Mattel's Hot Wheels die-cast vehicles and the Kre-o sets shown here. Will there be action figures, Fighter Pods, or collectible glassware? Nobody has made an official announcement, but at least you've got some swell construction kits. A light-up element persists throughout the line, from the Kreon mini-figures to the vehicles themselves. Check the video below for a demo, the light-up figure space helmet is actually pretty slick... as is the big Enterprise. This should be hot stuff.

Video - Star Trek - Kre-o Star Trek Into Darkness Starship Enterprise

The G.I. Joe line is said to be exclusive to Toys R Us for now, and is actually hitting stores near you as you read this. Transformers will continue to expand with deluxe figures for $4.99 and more gear, plus additional big sets and more combiner teams. Seeing figures like Arcee alongside Piranahcon makes it feel like not only are the mini-figures the go-to collector line for the robots in disguise these days, but that these miniature figures are the true source of collectibility and the most interesting part of these sets so far. Here's hoping the electronic bits and pieces add to the big sets, which, honestly, look pretty dang cool up-close.

--Adam Pawlus

Additional Images
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o
Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o Toy Fair 2013 - Hasbro - Kre-o

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