Give Me All The Bacon and Eggs You Have! At my day job we sell a good chunk of products from Ripple Junction, an apparel-maker with licenses for Big Bang Theory, Parks & Recreation, The Goonies, The Princess Bride, Workaholix, and even National Lampoon's Vacation. Where else can you buy Walley World Hats and T-Shirts? These guys make a lot of good stuff and have superlative licenses... even an Office Space Initech polo.
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From The Princess Bride there was a large Rodent of Unusual Size, as well as the Soft Kitty from Big Bang Theory. Also, check out Blake's Bear Coat from Workaholix, which did so well it's getting another run. (Order yours at Entertainment Earth because I work there and if you click over from this site, I get a kickback. Thank you.)
I wasn't able to shoot everything - I was having a meeting while I shoot these pictures - so enjoy what I got! Also you can order Ripple Junction stuff at Entertainment Earth.
--Adam Pawlus