Rereleased as "Sky Winch Batman" for the sequel, Iron Winch Batman brought back the same basic Batman mold again with a new accessory - a batarang blaster. At least, I think it's new, I don't recognize it.
Batman's costume looks more like the comics - or almost the 1966 show - thanks to grey tights with blue gloves, boots, cowl, and man panties.
The not-quite-5-inch Michael Keaton-inspired Batman aged well - there's a cloth cape and it looks just as good as it did the day I got it. The belt and bat-symbol are gold, the articulation is clean, and there's nothing weird or sticky about it like some older action figures. Kenner really did a good job building these things to last. The figure stands up well, even when holding the big accessory. Obviously there's still a "sweet spot," but he's not likely to face-plant and that's amazing.
The accessory is awesome. As a kid it reminded me of the Metroid Norfair Dragon, except it spits out a gold hook rather than a fireball. The string is pretty short due to fears of choking kids, thus ruining the fun, but it's strong. All you have to do is pull the batarang out and flick the gold switch - and Batman quickly ascends. It's really impressive but painfully short. Even as a kid I was hoping to send him up to the height of a table, and it only goes up a paltry few inches. Maybe that's why it works - it's a marvelous mechanism, but it's not super impressive to see Batman go up only slightly over his own height.
If Hasbro still had the Batman license, they could rerelease this 30-year-old figure today and kids would love it. It's simple, big, and durable. The mechanism works, the cape hangs well, and the figure held up to wear pretty well. You've got plenty of Batman options at the store or online shop these days, but this one is ripped and ready to climb. That's way more exciting than the kinds of accessories we get these days. If you stumble on this one for cheap, get it. is best not viewed in Apple's Safari browser, we don't know why. All material on this site copyright their respective copyright holders. All materials appear hear for informative and entertainment purposes. is not to be held responsible for anything, ever. Photos taken by the staff. Site design, graphics, writing, and whatnot credited on the credits page. Be cool-- don't steal. We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.