If this figure looks familiar, it should. FP-636 is a new version of 2018's X-Ray Man & Dog [FOTD #2,014], which itself was an update of the classic Adventure People X-Ray Man action figure. There were some deco, accessory, and tooling changes for the new release. If you have the old one and are happy with it, you probably don't need the new one. But if you are a sucker for a cheap nod to Adventure People, and love gorgeous box art, you simply must buy one or two of these.
The 3-inch figure uses the same body as last time, but has a new head and new head deco. It's greener - closer to the Adventure People figure. The chest paint is very similar to the last release but extends out a tiny bit more, better filling the chest frame. The new eyes look a lot more artificial, with a pale grey ring around the gold center. I'm not sure why they made this change, as the previous release was closer to the original deco.
Articulation is the same as other Imaginext figures, with about 6 moving parts. The hands grip the weapon quite well, which is a silver recolor of the Ion Alien Headquarters' blaster - which I don't have, or I'd compare it here. It fits the sci-fi figure quite nicely, although it is a bit on the large side. It's quite the accessory, larger than the X-Ray Dog, but arguably not as fun. I'd prefer something smaller, but it's still cool and a nice arguably new addition to the space sub-collection.
I paid $1.74 for this, and again I think it's totally worth the full asking price (which at press time is just under three bucks.) The color is much improved, as is the head sculpt - but the eyes are different. I liked them just fine before, but just consider what you're getting for the money and that it's an excellent deal. If you see it, I strongly recommend picking one up if you missed the previous release. New Imaginext figures like this are scarce these days, so picking up a couple every 1-2 years won't break the bank. If anything, it's Hot Wheels-level cheap - it's too much trouble to question if you should get it or not at this price. Just buy it.
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