Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Simon Amiibo Nintendo, 2019 |
Day #2,170: February 18, 2020 |
Super Smash Bros. Simon
Not Richter
Super Smash Bros. Amiibo
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Includes: n/a
Action Feature: Works with a lot of stuff
Retail: $15.99
Availability: November 2019
Other: See also Richter

I saw the Super Smash Bros. Simon figure in stores a few days early, and they wouldn't sell it to me - accursed gating of sales! The figure's no slouch, and probably the widest-distribution Simon Belmont figure yet. There are more Castlevania toys available now thanks to Mondo and First4Figures than there have been in the franchises's heyday. If you wanted a Simon Belmont toy during the NES, Super NES, or N64 days you were completely out of luck - NECA eventually licensed the line and made a few figures in the 2000s, but this is probably your best bet right now.

If you're a stickler for packaging, this one is kind of interesting. The packaging only calls the figure "Simon," with no trademarks or mention of Konami or Castlevania anywhere on the packaging. I don't know if this is a loophole to avoid some sort of royalties or just an attempt to get people to buy a Smash Bros. toy rather than one based on a 33-year-old game series, but it is kind of surprising. The packaging has Japanese and English, clearly aiming to go for a one-size-fits-all model.
His whip appears to be fully powered-up, molded in a twisting pattern and fused to the bottom of his arm. The little statue is made of multiple pieces of plastic molded in different colors with light paintwork on them, but what amazed me the most about the figure was the strange pose. His feet are hanging off the base, and to fudge it they're connected to clear blocks. This allows the figure to maintain a certain sense of scale with the rest of the line while keeping the base a consistent size. It's weird. It's clearly an intentional decision to showcase the figure a this particular size with his arms extended, his hair flowing, and his thighs positively huge.
He draws inspiration from the many eras of box art, taking the most cues from the original NES game to come up with the Super Smash Bros. incarnation. Simon feels like he could have come in from Eternia, but picked up a few upgrades along the way. For example, the grip on his whip is now a cross shape, and the bandana of old is now more of a tiara. It still looks cool. I'm not crazy about the face, which looks a little sunken-in, but it's not like there has ever been a definitive take on the Simon Belmont head. This is a decent figure, if expensive, and it certainly makes me pine for a Super7 or Mattel take on the figure based on the Masters of the Universe bucks. Until then, this is probably your best bet to celebrate your fandom unless you want to spend hundreds of dollars.
--Adam Pawlus
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