Due to the various problems of switching servers, we're still moving around and whatnot. As a matter of fact, Adam's 16bit email has been down and he didn't realize it... so while this site certainly appears to be dead in the water, rest assured, it isn't just yet.
--DS2 & AP

Spider-Sense... Still Tingling!
April 23 2001 |
Due to the various new webbishness going around here at the Offices, this site has been placed on the temporary backburner. Meaning if you visited this page at all this month, you've been sorely disappointed.
New stuff is coming. We're working on it as this update gets posted, but it ain't done yet, so you can't see it.
Lots of work is going into TransFormers: Super Collection Figures Act 2 and our almost-ready-for-mass-consumption music area. The great thing about this music area is just about everything in it is crap you've never heard about, or stuff you've heard about but never seen. We've found some great stuff in our local discount bins (we have $0.10 bins here in Tucson, and have pillaged them plenty), and random weirdness from the ends of the web. (And if you want to send us your stuff to review, we're more than willing to accept donations.)
--DS2 & AP

Spider-Sense... Tingling!
April 2 2001 |
Spider-Man (Black Costume) has been added to the toy archive. Next up: Man-Spider.
As I've said, I've been up to some mass weirdness lately. There's been some added work, a few server issues, and I've just taken over most of the big duties at So now ya know.
In a semi-related piece of news, we're also switching servers-- so the three regular readers of this site might notice a bit of a blip at some point over the next few days.

Click Here For News From March!
