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More Goodies
 August 1 2002

Comic-Con International He-Man Revealed

1000 specially made He-Man figures will be distributed at San Diego's Comic-Con International this weekend... for a fairly low price, you can get a regular he-man with some minor deco changes and repainted weapons. See it on the forums at

BotCon Splendor

Countless pages updated on the new product shown at BotCon, as well as the veritable treasure of knowledge and product contained therein. (There's TWO Optimus Primes in the Armada line!)

Check out,,, or your favorite outlet for the scoop(s).

Jurassic Park III Clearances

Dozens of ultra-cheap Jurassic Park III toys, including the previously unseen Camo Xtreme dinosaurs, have shown up at Wal-Mart. $2 nets you two human figures, $4 for the Raptor Attack playset (previously $30-40), and electronic dinosaurs are $3. Good deals abound, kids!

-- DS2 & AP

 August 6 2002

Ed Wood DVD Rumor

The Digital Bits recently posted a rumor that none other than Tim Burton is responsible for the docucomedy's DVD delay. If true, this means that Burton is going back to add a bunch of extra content to the disc... and we don't mind waiting for that sort of thing.

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring DVD In-Stores Today!

Headline says it all. Supposedly this two-disc version of the DVD has a rebate/coupon for $5/$10 off the upcoming four-disc set or the limited edition four-disc gift set with the statues and everything.

The best in-store price seems to be $15.99/$12.99 at Best Buy (for the DVD/VHS, respectively), but there are a variety of in-store offers to receive the item at a discount, or even for free. Blockbuster Video has a prepaid rental card for $25 that entitles you to 10 rentals, one a week for 10 weeks, plus a DVD copy of LOTR. The last day to get the card is, well, today. Also, Best Buy is offering a free copy to people who buy an Xbox game console. While not exactly a great deal, if you were gonna buy an Xbox anyway, you could do far worse.

(This was originally written for Monday but couldn't be uploaded due to a problem with our servers.)

More on BotCon posted several text articles on the sundry BotCon panels. From story editors to undeveloped product concepts, if you have any interest in TransFormers beyond the most basic level of fandom, you'll drool over some of the stuff that got posted.

More Mini-Masters, Castle Grayskull at Target Stores

While we're fairly sure they'll eventually be everywhere, we've noticed a ton of smaller scale Masters of the Universe figures at Target. While at first there was only a four-pack for $9.99, there are now several individual ones at $2.99.

Also, Castle Grayskull is showing up at Target for $49.99 and at Wal-Mart for $47-$50. Big thanks to our readers who told us about the Wal-Mart pricing. (And we'd love to hear more news from you cats if you'd be so kind as to send it in.)

Simpsons, Bongo Comics, Arrive

The Kay-Bee exclusive three-pack of Bongo Comics Simpsons figures has arrived. For $19.99, you get special versions of Apu, Ms. Krabappel, and Homer. Is it worth it? Well, we passed.

More Classic Spider-Man

What was once the Spider-Man Classics line has returned, more or less, and is showing up at Target. A Magnetic Spidey (which we love to pieces), a new Doctor Octopus and a new Lizard are the first figures in what promises to be a kid-friendly, well-made lineup of toys. Also, a large city playse has shown up, and a smaller one with a different magnetic webslinger figure is only $16. Good times, surely.

More Movie Spider-Man, Series 3

A trio of new Tobey-esque Spider-Man figures were discovered at Wal-Mart just minutes before this post. Aside from the Battle Damaged Green Goblin, there was a multi-jointed Spidey with a removabe mask and a wrestling outfit, plus one with punching action. Good to note if you're into this line.

Spy Kids 2 Toys Roll Out

While it's not something we watch, we saw dozens of Spy Kids 2 merchandise pop up at Toys "R" Us stores over the past week. They're also in this week's newspaper circular, so odds are they'll be available in quantity.

Tech Deck SKUMM/Metal Mulisha Toys on the Cheap

Kay-Bee toys is offering an unnamed SKUMM (super kinetic ultra magnetic men) figure, apparently an exclusive, for $0.99. Basically, it's a nicely articulated skeleton with a "simulated leather" suit and magnets in its feet and back... tons of fun to play with if you have a fridge or furnishings with nails and bolts. For a buck, get one if you can.

-- DS2 & AP

Mo' Joe
 August 9 2002

GI Joe vs. Cobra: More New Product

In addition to seeing the GI Joe HQ playset show up at Toys "R" Us in new packaging, we've also spotted a lot of new figures this week! Wave 2 of the figure two-packs is out, and this includes new Zartan, a new Firefly, and some other great figures with the new "sound attack" accessories. Plus they include comics. Check your Wal-Marts and Toys "R" Us stores for those, as that's where we spotted the new sets last night.

He-Man Bashin' Beetle at Entertainment Earth

The only sighting we've heard of this new vehicle so far has been at Entertainment Earth, proof positive that the line seems to have a steady stream of new product over the next few months!

Stikfas Arrive

In a big surprise, Hasbro's imported Stikfas figures, a new kind of figure kit, were spotted for under $10 last night at the Paradise Valley Mall GameStop in Phoenix, Arizona.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Return, Again

A new Kids network tied in to the old Fox Kids Network has announced an all-new programming block, and you can find everything on it at this post at Raving Toy Maniac. After a live-action Next Mutation failed to click after the hugely popular cel-animated series, this new show has no mention of what we're to expect from the classic green teens. We have, however, heard of a number of CG tests, so they might go for that. Last we heard, Playmates re-upped their old deal on the toys not too long ago, so stay tuned for more on this.

-- DS2 & AP

New Stuff is Good
 August 12 2002

He-Man Bashin' Beetle at Wal-Mart

The first sighting was last week, but now we spotted one at a local Wal-Mart for about $26. (No, we didn't buy it. We aren't rich.)

Masters of the Universe: 2003

Not surprisingly, has posted several new images of previously unseen He-Man product. Interestingly enough, quite a few of these are very much in the vogue of the original line. Two new vehicles particularly struck our fancy: the War Whale and Battle Squid. Too cool.

The Raptor vehicle/creature is so delightfully cheesy that it looks like it was a rejected concept from 1988. (Maybe it was, we aren't tool well-versed on the unproduced Masters of the Universe.) The new Samurai toys (basically He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Skeletor, and Battle Cat with grey metal chunks), though, are right out of the 1990s Batman mentality. Surprising and refreshing were the Adventure Packs... basically, creature-based flight packs for He-Man and Skeletor. You can get a bat and an eagle to help your heroes soar to new heights... while we find these ripe for cancellation prior to production, or see them as a slow seller, it's something we'd be interested in buying. After the War Whale.

There's scads of new items and images over there, so if you have (or had) any interest in the whole MOTU deal, this is probably worth checking out.

Star Trek: Enterprise Toys Arrive

If you're looking for Art Asylum's first crack at Trek, try your local EB/GameStop stores. The figures are showing up at video game stores, for whatever reason, at roughly $10 per. Not a bad deal.

They Might Be Giants: Exclusive Internet/Concert CD

A couple of weeks back, we got our mitts on the not-sold-in-stores-and-we-don't-know-why CD, They Got Lost, which collects a lot of rare and unreleased content from Internet releases and elsewhere. If you bought all the Emusic releases, odds are a lot of this is familliar, but if you were cheap (like we were [well, we got it off of Napster]) there's some newish stuff. You can score the CD from the band's website for various prices in various bundles, some of which are actually nicely priced, and yes it is worth shelling out some cash for. If you've got most of their releases and want more.

TransFormers Action Masters Reviews at

One of the neater, weirder, and more uncommon pieces of the TransFormers toy universe were the non-transforming Action Masters. Released at the end of the first generation of toys, they're something most fans have never really seen, it seems, and Ben Yee is giving an extended look at some of the better ones over at

TransFormers Robots in Disguise: New Releases?!?

With the start of the new Armada line, it was assumed we'd seen the end of the Robots in Disguise range... turns out that's not quite right. Turns out exclusive clear versions of some of them have arrived at Kay-Bee Toys... find out more at the sightings section of Dave's Transformers Page.

-- DS2 & AP

Nightmare Redux
 August 15 2002

Bionicle: Toa Nuva Sightings

The Mask of Destiny is reporting sightings of the six new Toa figures/kits at a few spots, so expect these technic mechanoids soon.

Final Fantasy returns to Nintendo

GameSpot posted a few images and a very small bit of news on what was news to us: GameCube's first Final Fantasy title, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicle.

Mattel Nightmare Before Christmas Figures: The Rerun

We've just found out that Neca is cranking out NBX figures based on the molds offered in the early 1990s. While we are big fans of the line, and didn't pick up as many of them as we wanted on the first go-round, we'd like to go on record as saying that the reissuing of old toys curves your spine, infects your soul, and is responsible for the widespread permeation of Starbucks throughout North America. (Either way, our Jack needs a Sally.)

Masters of the Universe: Cartoon Shots, Wave 3 Due Date posted a bunch of shots of the characters in their animated forms as well as the release date for Orko & Teela: December 2003.

Nerf Herder: American Cheese Album Released

If you're looking for Art Asylum's first crack at Trek, try your local EB/GameStop stores. The The only band to sing the praises of socks and Cinemax has released their fourth CD, American Cheese, this week. If you're a fan, pick it up. If not, try picking it up. It's amusing enough for those versed in junk culture.

Pawlus to Start New Job Today

As the kids say, w00+.

Simpsons Series 11, 12 Art

The Simpsons Collector Sector posted links to the art for the first two series of 2003 Simpsons figures. Also shown: the new Burger King promotion for October!

Simpsons Mail-In Exclusives

Playmates will be offering Llewellyn Sinclair and Cooder as mail-away exclusives... $5 and two UPC codes (from series 1-9 items) will get you the set! Not a bad deal. They're also requesting receipts dated after August 15, 2002... offer expires October 31, 2002.

-- DS2 & AP

Bionicle Year Two
 August 19 2002

Bionicle: Toa Nuva Found at Toys "R" Us

Last Friday night, a few of each Toa Nuva set were spotted at Toys "R" Us by Arrowhead Mall in Phoenix/Glendale, AZ. $7.99 per, and we snagged samples of Lewa Nuva and Tahu Nuva. While the construction of the toys was identical other than color, mask, and weapons, they're still pretty great.

Masters of the Universe: Mer-Man Definitely Shipping

While we assume this wasn't a fluke, two of the brand-new Mer-Man figures were spotted at the Wal-Mart on West Bell Road in Phoenix over the weekend. Keep looking for it if you're wanting one, we snagged it and it's nothing short of marvelous.

Video Game Figures: EA, Sega Spotted

A few months ago, we reported of an agreement Ertl/Racing Champions made with Nintendo, Electronic Arts, and Sega to make a few new action figures based on popular game franchises. We spotted some of EA's and Sega's at a GameStop for $9.99 per. While Sonic wasn't much to write home about, and we aren't big fans of SSX, the Super Monkey Ball figures were pretty perfect. (And we'd have more comments had we any money left to buy them.)

-- DS2 & AP

Bionicle Year Two
 August 22 2002

Masters of the Universe: Wave II

We spotted the new Jungle Attack He-Man at a local Wal-Mart tonight, and is reporting sightings of this figure as well as the new Ram-Man. Sweet.

Nightmare Before Christmas: Marionettes

NECA continues its parade of new and recycled NBX product with a pair of 15-inch resin marionettes. Check out this feature at the Raving Toy Maniac for a shot of Sally, news of Jack, and the good word on where you can get these.

TransFormers: Armada TV Premiere

After last week's highly rated debut of the Most Powerful Man in the Universe, Cartoon Network will follow up with a two-hour movie event: the premiere of the animated Transformers: Armada toon. Check your listings for the time, as different cable providers have different feeds in different time zones. (For instance, DISH Network has the East Coast feed pretty much everywhere.)

TransFormers: Armada Optimus Prime Non-Sightings at K-Mart and Wal-Mart

Both "marts," at multiple locations, have rolled out the initial batch of Armada along with a price tag on the shelf for the missing Autobot leader. $39.99 at K-Mart, pennies less at Wal-Mart.

Video Game Figures: EA, Sega Spotted... Now at K-Mart

The figures spotted in our previous update have since been seen at K-Mart, same price.

Wal-Mart: Clearance Season

A variety of goods at covering the spectrum of discounts were spotted tonight, continuing the obvious flush of the Wal-Mart Toy System. The Bionicle Muaka and Kane-Ra were spotted at both $12 and $50. The Lord of the Rings horse sets were spotted at $12. Several endcaps were devoted to clearance product, and of course, each store had different items at different prices. (Such is the Wal-Mart clearance way.) So check those local stores, you might score something cool!

-- DS2 & AP

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