Wait, Yeah, I Work On Another Site
April 30 2002 |
Oh Yeah
So I've been negligent of my HTML-borne childe for the past month. Some of you may have noticed I've been putting in the long, mad hours on Yakface.com, and I've also been putting up the work to graduate college. (And no, I have yet to find a job.) Anyway, I'm back. Sort of-- I'll be in Indiana for the Star Wars Celebration this weekend, so I'll be back and regular starting next week.
Free Comic Book Day
If you want to read comics, but are too cheap to spend money, this Saturday is the day for you: the comic industry is sponsoring Free Comic Book Day, which you can find out more about at http://www.freecomicbookday.com/. Some of the freebies include Justice League Adventures, Spider-Man Unlimited, and an issue of Star Wars Tales-- all supposedly with new content.
Scooby-Doo Scores
While many have seen most of the Scooby-Doo villains, the fishlike Beast of the Bottomless Lake has remained elusive-- we finally saw one (and so far, only one) at a Tucson Kay-Bee Toy Store.
Simpsons Coverage to Shrink
Due to a lack of funds (and an increase in $30 exclusives) 16bit.com will no longer be covering the line in-depth. We have items through series 6 which will be posted eventually, but don't expect much in the way of 2002 product to be covered.
TransFormers #1 Comic (The New One) Reprinted
The brand spanking new TransFormers comic series-- which is damned beautiful-- has been released, and #1 has been reprinted after an initial sell-out. If you have yet to see it, run to your local comic store and check for availability.
Record Review Tomorrow
Could it be... a new section?!? Yes. We received a nifty CD in the mail with Devo covers and new Causey Way tunes... find out more about it in tomorrow's music review!
-- AP

Click Here For News From March!
