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Fix This Fix That
May 1, 2023
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars Mix and Match and New Old Sculpts. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 AntMan Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Marvel Legends 375 AntMan Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Life-size? This Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 AntMan Action Figure does an acceptable job of updating the classic comic character, although the design is missing a few important elements. But it does make for a cool little toy. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Trip World Pre-Orders Live for Game Boy, Switch, PS4, and More

Video GamesTrip WorldVia Limited Run Games: Trip World pre-orders are up. Fancy deluxe and regular editions for Switch, PS4, PS5, Game Boy, and Game Boy Color are up. I'm very fond of the original Shadow Raider.

The two Game Boy ports are $39.99 (or more) while the modern console ports start at $34.99.


Classic Review: Onell Design Glyos Red Swing Joint Set from 2013

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Red Swing Joint SetA classic! I've written over 5,000 action figure reviews since 2006, so I'm going to toot my own horn with classic Figure of the Day.

Posted 10 years ago today! The Onell Design Glyos Red Swing Joint Set is a set of upgrade parts to enhance articulation on your figures. Read on, it's a good one - and come back tomorrow for an all-new review!


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


RIP Gordon Lightfoot
May 2, 2023
Review: Hasbro Transformers Authentics Bravo Optimus Primal Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Authentics Bravo Optimus Primal Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

New and cheap! The Hasbro Transformers Authentics Bravo Optimus Primal Action Figure is one of the few toys you pick up and ask "how come everything else is so expensive?" While not perfect, it is an astonishingly good robot figure toy for the price. As a gorilla, it could be better, but it's still neat. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


RIP Tuesday Morning
May 3, 2023
Star Wars Review: Princess Leia (Ewok Village, The Black Series)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Princess Leia (Ewok Village, The Black Series). You may be able to get her pretty cheaply right now, but don't let that deter you - it's a neat figure. Read the whole review.


Micronauts Cartoon Was Made, You Won't See It

MicronautsTrip WorldVia Twitter: Great post from my former staff writer on Micronauts. The studio keeping a show on the shelf after we had almost no support staff after 3 years of some of my/our best work ever turned that time into a 52 episode gig job.. Apparently the show has been done since 2020, but as far as I know no toys were ever presented to be bought and the show itself is probably never going to see the light of day - along with the Batgirl movie and Star Wars Detours. People who worked on the show are none too pleased.


LEGO Dreamzzzz Is Weird

LEGOBetty Dreams of Green MenVia Brickset: New DREAMZzz sets announced!. The new theme mashes up stuff in an interesting way that seems like someone took those yellow box Creator sets and ramped up the specificity and weirdness.


Tuesday Morning Closing Remaining Stores

ToysBetty Dreams of Green MenVia CNN (and Kerry): Tuesday Morning is going out of business and closing all of its stores .. The chain, which 30ish years ago would be closed for a period of time and then send out mailers to let you know they'd be open with new bargains on - you guessed it - Tuesday morning, closed a ton of stores earlier this year. Almost all the Phoenix-area locations were shuttered a few months ago, and I went out of my way to visit one of the few remaining locations two weeks ago. It was pretty nice - lots of cheap risers (for figures), a good amount of toys, the usual stuff.

I frequently found it a hand source of some weird stuff - especially Playmobil and Imaginext, but also occasional board games, puzzles, action figures, and other plastic closeouts.


Ad: New Conan at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Get new Super7 Conan the Barbarian Ultimates at Entertainment Earth! Awesome. Orders of $59+ ship for free with the code FREESHIP59!

Conan the Barbarian Ultimates Conan Battle of the Mounds 7-Inch Action Figure Conan the Barbarian Ultimates Valeria Spirit Battle of the Mounds 7-Inch Action Figure Conan the Barbarian Ultimates Subotai Battle of the Mounds 7-Inch Action Figure Conan the Barbarian Ultimates Thulsa Doom Battle of the Mounds 7-Inch Action Figure

May the Marketing Holiday Be With You
May 4, 2023
Review: Mattel Jurassic World Dino Trackers Danger Pack Nothosaurus Action Figure

Figure of the DayMattel Jurassic World Dino Trackers Danger Pack Nothosaurus Action Figure Super7Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Hard to find but check the grocery store! The Mattel Jurassic World Dino Trackers Danger Pack Nothosaurus Action Figure was something I stumbled on when buying food - and it's pretty cool! Much if it is molded in color and it has feet instead of fins like in some paintings. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Glyos Drops - Healey Made, Rocom Toys, and Toy Pizza

GlyosN10? D'oh!Via the Glyos News Dump: Rocom Toys Grey and Red Drop Friday at 8:00 AM Pacific . The NES colored N10 Droid Mighty Video Might Maniax figure will hopefully be in stock long enough for you to get yours too.

But wait, there's more! New Knights of the Slice Menu for Sunday, May 3, 2023 has a new 2-pack of 3 3/4-inch indie figures while supplies last, featuring the not-very-often-seen Spy Monkey Creations weapon molds.

If that weren't enough - and it's not - May the 4th Be With Healey Made. He's promising blank vinyl and "some previously released editions, all in the flavor of Star Wars." Color me curious.


Ruin That Party
May 5, 2023
Star Wars Review: Zuckuss (The Retro Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Zuckuss (The Retro Collection). They fixed the hand to better hold the blaster and changed the color a bit - that's good! But the sculpted details are still pretty soft - that's not ideal. But at least it's interesting and different than the 1982 original. Read the whole review.


Review: Healey Made Trooper (Shadow) Action Figure

Figure of the DayHealey Made Trooper (Shadow) Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It blue! The Healey Made Trooper (Shadow) Action Figure is fantastic and fun. Because it's Glyos, you can mix and match with the other Healey figures - and he's a good match with the Raider or other Trooper. He sold out, but if you have the chance to buy one in this or another color you should. It's marvelous. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Ad: New Star Wars Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Get new Hasbro and Funko Star Wars pre-orders and a lot more. Don't miss the Star Wars The Vintage Collection Wicket W. Warrick & Kneesaa 3 3/4-Inch Action Figures! Orders of $59+ ship for free with the code FREESHIP59!

Star Wars The Vintage Collection Wicket W. Warrick & Kneesaa 3 3/4-Inch Action Figures Star Wars The Vintage Collection Grand Inquisitor 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Phase II Clone Trooper 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Wicket W. Warrick 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series MagnaGuard Droid 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series The Mandalorian (Glavis Ringworld) 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Darth Malgus 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Ahsoka Tano (Padawan) 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Chewbacca (ROTJ) 6-Inch Action Figures Star Wars The Black Series Axe Woves Premium Electronic Helmet Prop Replica Star Wars Greedo Vinyl Soda Figure - Entertainment Earth Star Wars Princess Leia Vinyl Soda Figure

Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchSTAR WARS Heritage Pack (2023) This week's batch of titles on the eShop: STAR WARS Heritage Pack (2023), Hasbro Kids Bundle, Deathwish Enforcers, and over a dozen more. The Star Wars bundle is on sale for $39.99 today and is pretty extensive with the Jedi Knight games and The Force Unleashed, to name a few.


Hair Continuity
May 8, 2023
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars Carry Cases and Quotas. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 Green Goblin Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Marvel Legends 375 Green Goblin Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

With envy! This Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 Green Goblin Action Figure has no pumpkin bombs, but you do get a nice little glider. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Nintendo-Flavored Glyos Figure

GlyosTrip WorldVia Limited Run Games: Rocom Toys Menu for May 5, 2023. I believe it's the only new figure in this release and it was $40.00.


New Fang Wizard, and new Jonny Cohen

MusicTrip WorldVia Teenbeat Records: Your Problem as a Mountain from Party Milk - formerly Fang Wizard - is coming out in July. I like their singles and first record a bunch.

Their label, the great Teen-Beat Records, is also releasing The Jonny Cohen Love Machine Clambake Fiasco right now. I liked their other stuff, this just came out on Friday.--AP

Classic Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations 30th Anniversary Blitzwing from 2013

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations 30th Anniversary BlitzwingA classic! I've written over 5,000 action figure reviews since 2006, so I'm going to toot my own horn with classic Figure of the Day.

Posted 10 years ago today! The Hasbro Transformers Generations 30th Anniversary Blitzwing is a figure some people loved with the triple-face gimmick, but mine didn't rotate very well and there have since been two other Voyager-class Blitzwing toys which I think are a lot better. But hey, who am I to stop you from buying something old? I actually saw a few of these sitting in collectible shops over the weekend. Read on, and come back tomorrow for an all-new review!


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


Eel the Burn
May 9, 2023
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Legacy Evolution Deluxe Buzzworthy Origin Autobot Jazz Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Legacy Evolution Deluxe Buzzworthy Origin Autobot Jazz Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Newish! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Legacy Evolution Deluxe Buzzworthy Origin Autobot Jazz Action Figure is a figure you've wanted for decades, and it turned out pretty well. The robot figure? Very nice. The boxy space car mode? Also very good. And it's not a hassle to get as Target's exclusive seems to be around right now, but you may have to make more than one stop to get it. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


New Bio-Masters Are Coming

GlyosTrip WorldVia the Glyos News Dump: New Bio-Masters on May 12. I look forward to it.


RIP Frank Kozik
May 10, 2023
Star Wars Review: Cassian Andor (Aldahani Mission, The Vintage Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Cassian Andor (Aldahani Mission, The Vintage Collection). He's starting to pop up in stores (and online), but he's also mostly older figure parts and as such, is missing the blaster he made a fuss about holding on Andor. As a last-minute, rush job of a figure it's not bad - but since we got fully-sculpted figures from the show already it just reminds me that we could have had something a little bit better. Read the whole review.


Ad: New Marvel Legends Hawkeye at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Get new Hasbro Marvel Legends Action Figures at Entertainment Earth! This week's new addition is Avengers 60th Anniversary Marvel Legends Hawkeye with Sky-Cycle 6 Inch Action Figure. Orders of $59+ ship for free with the code FREESHIP59!

Avengers 60th Anniversary Marvel Legends Hawkeye with Sky-Cycle 6 Inch Action Figure Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse Marvel Legends Cyborg Spider-Woman Deluxe 6-Inch Action Figure

Still Can't Believe a Beetlejuice Sequel Got Greenlit Finally
May 11, 2023
Review: Super7 Universal Monsters The Mummy ReAction Figure

Figure of the DaySuper7 Universal Monsters The Mummy ReAction Figure Super7Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's a mummy! The Super7 Universal Monsters The Mummy ReAction Figure born 5 years ago. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Ruin That Party
May 12, 2023
Star Wars Review: Reva (Third Sister, The Black Series)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Reva (Third Sister, The Black Series). They did a pretty great job with this one, featuring one of the better heads and faces with tip-top armor and extra lightsaber accessories. Read the whole review.


Review: Onell Design Glyos Pheyden Bio Phantom Action Figure

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Pheyden Bio Phantom Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's white! The Onell Design Glyos Pheyden Bio Phantom Action Figure is a clear white figure, which isn't something you see in toys very much. It's from late last year, and has metallic pink fingers. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Goodbye MTV News, Hello D&DTV?

TVTrip WorldVia Variety: Dungeons & Dragons Free 24-Hour Streaming Channel Set to Launch This Summer (EXCLUSIVE). Tech podcasts and outlets have been saying that free, ad-supported, linear streaming stations - or as olds call them, "TV Channels" - are the latest fad in media companies. Pluto TV and other things that let you just turn a station on and watch whatever is broadcast is now called "FAST," or "free, ad-supported TV streaming."

Hasbro previously had a cable channel called the HUB, but this new one is focused on Dungeons & Dragons. That means the old cartoon, new shows, and Internet people making some sort of show for this. Is it enough to keep people interested? I have no idea. But it's probably worth a shot, Pluto TV has a Transformers channel and getting this stuff out there for people to watch might even be fun.


Ad: New D&D Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Get Dungeons & Dragons R.A. Salvatore's The Legend of Drizzt Golden Archive Drizzt 6-Inch Action Figure< and a lot more. New and back-on-sale figures are up that you should absolutely check out! Orders of $59+ ship for free with the code FREESHIP59!

Dungeons & Dragons R.A. Salvatore's The Legend of Drizzt Golden Archive Drizzt 6-Inch Action Figure

Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchThe Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom This week's batch of titles on the eShop: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Arcade Archives Tecmo Knight, Mutant Mudds Collection + Xeodrifter, and over a dozen more.


RIP Mark Boudreaux?
May 15, 2023
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars Mix and Match and New Old Sculpts. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Marvel Legends 375 Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Web pits! This Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man Action Figure takes an existing mold and adds some cool black suit deco and retooled forearms with web elements. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Classic Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations 30th Anniversary Autobot Springer from 2013

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations 30th Anniversary Autobot SpringerA classic! I've written over 5,000 action figure reviews since 2006, so I'm going to toot my own horn with classic Figure of the Day.

Posted 10 years ago today! The Hasbro Transformers Generations 30th Anniversary Autobot Springer also was a model used in the comics around that time. It was a pretty big toy for the money, in an era where getting multiple Voyager-class "classic" toys in a year was something pretty unusual. Now? There's a bunch. But at the time, it was exciting to get a big, colorful toy with lots of accessories and rocket-firing blasters. Nothing for collectors seems to shoot anymore. How disappointing. Read on, it's a good one - and come back tomorrow for an all-new review!


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


RIP Mark Boudreaux
May 16, 2023
Review: Hasbro Transformers Rise of the Beasts Deluxe Beast Weaponizers Optimus Prime and Chainclaw Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Rise of the Beasts Deluxe Beast Weaponizers Optimus Prime and Chainclaw FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

New and cheap! The Hasbro Transformers Rise of the Beasts Deluxe Beast Weaponizers Optimus Prime and Chainclaw Figure has a wolf with a chainsaw in its butt - and it's great. It's a pretty fun toy and not too bad in terms or pricing when compared with the collector line. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Covered in Pirate Filth
May 17, 2023
Star Wars Review: 4-LOM (The Retro Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: 4-LOM (The Retro Collection). The original isn't too expensive, and it isn't changed too much either. But if you don't have the original, this is a pretty good substitute with the requisite slightly washed-out sculpted detail. But hey, what matters is the robes cover most of it and they did a good job replicating the old fabric, so you'll probably love it. Read the whole review.


A Good Day for Vampire Hunting?
May 18, 2023
Review: Hasbro The Adventures of Indiana Jones Indiana Jones

Figure of the DayHasbro The Adventures of Indiana Jones Indiana JonesSuper7Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

This figure is not easily available - but even if it were, you may want to reconsider it. This series of figures really hinges on Hasbro The Adventures of Indiana Jones Indiana Jones being good - and he ain't great. The Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade Target and Shared exclusive versions are starting to hit, and... well, they're a little soft on details. The whip is too big to hold well and is kind of ridiculous. There are some odd color choices. The head sculpt doesn't look like the original toy at all. As much as I would like to say something like "it's really a shame this figure is tough to find," I think you might find - to paraphrase Mr. Spock - that 'having' is not so pleasing as 'wanting.' Much like the quality of most of the Indy (the character) figures in 2009, this one does not make me want to spend $150+ on additional figures right now. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Analogue Duo Pre-Orders Star Tomorrow

TurboGrafx16DuoVia Analogue: Analogue Duo. Preorder May 19 8am PDT at $249. Available in limited quantities. Shipping 2023.

With wireless controller, HuCard, and CD compatibility right out of the box, this should be exciting for fans of this console - but it doesn't boast OpenFPGA, so it might be even more niche than the NT, Mega Sg, and the like. I've found their systems to be largely fantastic - if expensive - although not that expensive when adjusted for inflation in some cases. A few years ago Limited Run Games announced a reissue of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and I have little doubt that's the killer app for this, if and when it ever goes up for order. I have to assume it'll be soon now that this console is finally making it out.


Helmet Day
May 19, 2023
Star Wars Review: Hunter (The Vintage Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Hunter (The Vintage Collection). It's the only actual member of The Bad Batch in The Vintage Collection so far, and he's a good one - lots of small painted details may be enjoyed, and he has a lot of accessories. It's worth getting. Read the whole review.


Review: Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure

Figure of the DayOuter Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It glows! The Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Astrodite Action Figure is still available, and there haven't been a heck of a lot of new releases over the last 5 years. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchPuzzle Bobble Everybubble This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Puzzle Bobble Everybubble, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, Arcade Archives MAZINGER Z, and over a dozen more.


RIP Harry Bradley, Hot Wheels Designer
May 22, 2023
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Retro Indiana Jones and Star Wars Little Green Friends. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 The Invisible Woman Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Marvel Legends 375 The Invisible Woman Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

But you can see her! This Hasbro Marvel Legends 375 The Invisible Woman Action Figure makes use of the same body, but completes your super team with Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, and the Thing. But you probably won't find her in stores these days. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


New to Me: Surf Kraftwerk from The Routes

Music The Twang MachineVia The Routes: The Twang Machine is an album I had missed. It's pretty spectacular, if you like Japanese surf bands and Kraftwerk, which nicely intersects two of my favorite things. Iggy Pop played some of it on "Iggy Confidential" and it's really good. Check it out. This is, of course, not the only surf covers of Kraftwerk that came out of Japan. Surf Coasters fans already enjoy "Neon Lights" from the album Surfdelic, which is great.

Also of note, this Friday sees the release of AJJ's first full album since 2020's "Good Luck, Everybody." Disposable Everything comes out on digital and vinyl and whatever else there is, including some store exclusive variants. (I'm hoping to score the Zia Records Arizona Sunset version myself.)


Classic Review: Onell Design Glyos Sonesidar Mimic Armorvor Action Figure from 2013

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Sonesidar Mimic Armorvor Action FigureA classic! I've written over 5,000 action figure reviews since 2006, so I'm going to toot my own horn with classic Figure of the Day.

Posted 10 years ago today! The Onell Design Glyos Sonesidar Mimic Armorvor Action Figure took a figure that I think everybody loved at the time, and then gave him some great bright colors. It's one of the greats - but aren't they all? Read on, and come back tomorrow for an all-new review!


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


RIP Ray Stevenson
May 23, 2023
Review: Hasbro Transformers Authentics Alpha Starscream Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Authentics Alpha Starscream Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Newish! The Hasbro Transformers Authentics Alpha Starscream Action Figure showed up at a grocery store here in Arizona last month and it's a plenty big figure for the money. His joints are a little wobbly, but it's otherwise a pretty nifty slightly-different take on a classic figure. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


ROM Reprints Return to Marvel

ComicsROMVia Marvel: Rom, the Greatest of the Spaceknights, Returns to Marvel Comics in All-New Omnibus Collections. Being a Hasbro (formerly Parker Bros.) property that was previously at IDW, reprints of the old stories were not likely - but here it is. You can get an omnibus edition in January with #1-#29 and an issue of Power Man and Iron Fist in there, or a reprint of issue #1 in September.

Does this mean anything for Transformers, Micronauts, G.I. Joe, or others? Probably not. But it's a nice start. For the kids out there, ROM was a bigger, fancier electronic robot toy from the 1970s that ran as a comic until 1986 - which was pretty good for there being no toy to sell.


New Blue Knights of the Slice Mikros

GlyosTrip WorldVia the Glyos News Dump: Toy Pizza Goes Blue Mikros - May 23, 2023 Menu. The Micronauts-flavored figures are in stock now... except for the 2-pack that sold out.


First Road Update since 2020
May 24, 2023
Star Wars Review: HK-87 (The Black Series)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,031: HK-87 (The Black Series). It's based on some old McQuarrie concept sketches for bounty hunters, which means I like it a lot. There's a good reason it looks like classic Star Wars, and I dig the mismatched colors and nifty blaster. Read the whole review.


Ad: New Hasbro Transformers at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Get new Hasbro Marvel Legends Action Figures at Entertainment Earth! This week's new additions include Transformers Studio Series 86 Deluxe Brawn - a re-remake of a popular minicar. Orders of $59+ ship for free with the code FREESHIP59!

Transformers Studio Series Core Class Rise of the Beasts Bumblebee Transformers Studio Series Voyager Rise of the Beasts Rhinox Transformers Studio Series Voyager 04 Gamer Edition War for Cybertron Megatron Transformers Studio Series Deluxe 05 Transformers: War for Cybertron Gamer Edition Cliffjumper Transformers Studio Series 86 Deluxe Brawn

RIP Tina Turner
May 25, 2023
Review: Super7 Universal Monsters The Metaluna Mutant ReAction Figure

Figure of the DaySuper7 Universal Monsters The Metaluna Mutant ReAction Figure Super7Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

While not the first toy inspired by this movie at this scale, the Super7 Universal Monsters The Metaluna Mutant ReAction Figure fits in better with your old Kenner and Star Wars toys. I love it, you need one. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


New AJJ Today
May 26, 2023
Star Wars Review: Han Solo (Endor, The Retro Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Han Solo (Endor, The Retro Collection). The skin color of modern retro guys aren't as good as the originals, but the sculpt is excellent and so is the coat. Given the coat covers most of this somewhat hard-to-find 1984 figure, I'd say it's worth getting aboard the "good enough" train. Toot toot. Read the whole review.


Review: Toy Pizza Noir Knight and Apotheosis Capsule Set

Figure of the DayToy Pizza Noir Knight and Apotheosis Capsule SetSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's an exclusive from 2019! The Toy Pizza Noir Knight and Apotheosis Capsule Set was sold as a set at New York Comic Con, and I only just now finally opened the second head. It's a good one. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


New or Newish Healey Made Raider Saturday

GlyosRaiderVia the Glyos News Dump: Healey Made New Raider on Saturday 5/27. Specific details were not shared, but we were previously shown a Raider (Shadow) remake along with an Assassin, and as far as I know those are probably the next two figures. It would be my guess, anyway.


AJJ New Album Today: Disposable Everything

MusicDisposable EverythingVia AJJ on Bandcamp or in better record shops today: Disposable Everything. They've been playing Arizona since 2004 - if not earlier - and they make a lot of fun stuff. I'll probably be picking up one of them tonight. Good hunting.


Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchArcade Archives Ark Area This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Arcade Archives Ark Area, Fitness Circuit, Hello Kitty and Friends Happiness Paradise Ð, and over a dozen more.


No Expectations
May 29, 2023
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars Scale and Twists, Turns. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Hasbro Marvel Spider-Man Epic Hero Series Venom Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Marvel Spider-Man Epic Hero Series Venom Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Big and pretty great! This Hasbro Marvel Spider-Man Epic Hero Series Venom Action Figure adds articulation to your kid line dreams, plus a big tongue, plus giant gripping hands. You can actually have fun with this one. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Classic Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Fig Rig from 2013

Figure of the DayMattel Hot Wheels Fig RigA classic! I've written over 5,000 action figure reviews since 2006, so I'm going to toot my own horn with classic Figure of the Day.

Posted 10 years ago today! The Mattel Hot Wheels Fig Rig is another classic, and you can still find repaints of it in stores. It was the first bricks-compatible Hot Wheels car, and this one works particularly well with LEGO figures. If you don't already have one, go to the store and buy one in whatever color you can find. It's a great toy. Read on, it's a good one - and come back tomorrow for an all-new review!


Glyos Shadow Raider V.2 & New Manglors and Mordles

GlyosRaiderVia the Glyos News Dump: Healey Made Menu: May 27, 2023. Several years ago, the first painted Healey Made Glyos figure was the Raider (Shadow) - this new one changes up a few paint hits, and adds a cloth cape to the mix. It's basically just different enough to make you mad, but I bought one anyway. Click here to see if it's still able to be ordered. At press time it's still available for $25 and is a nice fit with your original Kenner figures, even if it's not really a Star Wars guy.

You can also click here to read the review of the first version over at I liked it.

But wait, there's more! You can also see the ToyFinity Drop Menu - May 28, 2023. New Manglors and Mordles can be yours while supplies last - so go check those out too.


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


Let's Summer
May 30, 2023
Review: Hasbro Transformers Legacy Evolution Deluxe Crashbar Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Legacy Evolution Deluxe Crashbar Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

New and good! The Hasbro Transformers Legacy Evolution Deluxe Crashbar Action Figure isn't cheap, but at $25 it's a fun motorcycle - and how often do we get those? You can tear him apart and he looks cool. That's almost all I can ask for these days. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


When a Problem Comes Along
May 31, 2023
Star Wars Review: Kithaba (2023 Reissue, The Vintage Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Kithaba (2023 Reissue, The Vintage Collection). Take three! The first one had a brown bandanna, then there was a red variation. This one from last month has some of that fancy tiny dot printing, giving it a slightly different look - especially if you squint and have a microscope. But you don't, so it's just a good new edition of an alien figure that you probably very much want. Read the whole review.


Ad: New Devo at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Get newDevo Whip It Mark Mothersbaugh 3 3/4-Inch ReAction Figure. It's one of two new Devo figures, and this is the first we've seen pictures. Orders of $59+ ship for free with the code FREESHIP59!

Devo Whip It Mark Mothersbaugh 3 3/4-Inch ReAction Figure Bootsy Collins Black and Gold 3 3/4-Inch ReAction Figure Cheetos Chester Cheetah 6-Inch Action Figure Harley Quinn Red, White, and Black by Stjepan Sejic Resin 1:10 Scale Statue

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