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Animal Day
 May 1 2002

Spring Clearance

Due to K-Mart closures and Target marking a bunch of toys down-- including Spider-Man Classics to as low as $2.44 and new GI Joe: A Real American Hero vehicles down to $6.90-- make sure to look at the back ends of the toy aisles these days. Even Simpsons markdowns can be found at software stores... it's a good time for clearance fans!

Marvel Legends

Series One of this fantastic toy line-- a sequel of sorts to Spider-Man Classics-- has been given the spotlight over at The Raving Toy Maniac. See The Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, and Toad in all their plastic glory. (16bit note: some of the links to specific figure articles were down when we visited.)

Spave Ghost Villains

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably noticed these figures hitting stores like Sam Goody and Suncoast recently. Zorak, Brak, and Moltar each sell for just under $15.

TransFormers Armada #1 Comic Available for Pre-Order

Ben Yee's TransFormers Site has the premiere ish of the new series up for preorder, $2.95 + shipping.

Music Delay

Surprised? The review intended to be up today isn't due to unforseen circumstances. I'll be away for the next few days due to Star Wars Celebration II. For the full lowdown on what transpires, check out next week.

-- AP

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions
 May 14 2002

Kingdom Hearts (PlayStation 2) Voice Talent Announced

The GameForms Project, formerly known as The GIA, has posted word on the English language version of the child stemming from the Disney/Square partnership. Read more about the game, set for release on October 14, at The GameForms Project.

Marvel Legends Figures Arrive

In a sequel line of sorts to Spider-Man Classics, Toy Biz has released a set of Marvel Super Heroes with gobs of articulation, accessories, and a comic book. Series I consists of Toad, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man... and Series I has been spotted at Arizona Toys "R" Us stores. So far, we have not made a sighting of the Hulk.

PlayStation 2, PSOne Price Cuts

The PS2 has been marked down to $199 and the PSOne is now $49. If you've been waiting for a price drop, this one is supposedly effective this week. Since Electronics Boutique/EBWorld stores have been charging $199.99 for a used PS2, expect to see drops all over the place soon.

Star Wars Commander Jorg Sacul Review

An intensive look at the Star Wars Celebration II exclusive has been posted to our sister site,

Thundercats to Return?

Word on the low-down is that 80s hero favorites The Thundercats are about to be given the executive retro treatment. Word on the street is that Hasbro has picked up the toy license and the comic and TV rights are being shopped around... after Voltron, TransFormers, He-Man and GI Joe, this would pretty much top off the most wanted lists of retro action toys from that era.

TransFormers: New Releases

Recently released to a Wal-Mart near you: a $15 set of two G2-era Laser Cycles, and a $5-$6 repaint of the Beast Machines Obsidian toy. All nice, and all shipping in delightfully large quantities.


Are you in the toy industry? Do you need someone with more random knowledge than a sack full of cats? Someone who can write a fragment? Then please contact me.

-- AP

Ninja Rap
 May 15 2002

Coke: Now Available in Vanilla

While Denny's and soda jerks the world over have offered a vanilla-tinted version of the cola for years, Coca-Cola has finally started to bottle it. Spotted today in a Phoenix Fry's Food and Drug were cases of Vanilla Coke in 20 oz bottles, selling for $0.50.

GI Joe: General Hawk, Headman pictures

Yo Joe! has posted pictures of the newly released repaints. Check 'em out.

Harry Potter DVD Reviews

The Digital Bits and DVD File each posted a review of the DVD that's sure to be a hit with young Muggles everywhere... but is it for you? Find out with their brand new reviews!

Paper Mario: Price Drop

The popular (and apparently quite good) Nintendo64 game has been seen at Target stores at $29.99.

TransFormers: Repaints in Disguise

A boxed set of repaints of Mirage, Spystreak, and Scavenger was spotted at Toys "R" Us. The Mega-price point set joins several other similar packs on the market, and was spotted in a large quantity.

Xbox Price Dropped - Sort Of

Gameforms has posted a blurb on the drop, which applies to the console and some games. Microsoft has yet to make an official announcement, but the console has been dropped by $100.


Star Wars comes out tomorrow. Take off of work, you've earned it.

-- AP

Yo soy el Mysterio!
 May 30 2002

Marvel Super Heroes: Sightings Continued

While initial sightings of Toy Biz' new Marvel Super Heroes range pretty much consisted of a few Toad figures and little else, this seems to have changed: now stores are completely Toad-less, and Hulk, Iron Man, and Captain America have taken over the racks. Interesting.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Documentary, Remake

Gameforms, GameSpot, and other gaming sites have all reported that fans of Metal Gear Solid 2 have a lot to look forward to in the coming months. MGS2: Substance allows PC, PS2, and Xbox players to play the game as multiple characters, includes additional story-based missions for Snake, and more-- including a bewildering skateboarding mode. Also, a documentary for the PS2 is in the works on the game's development-- interesting stuff, surely.

Mo' JOE!

New assortments of 4" GI Joe: A Real American Hero figures have been spotted in Phoenix Wal-Marts. New figures include two-packs with repaints, such as Cobra Commander's outfit now being black, and several older 80's figures repainted like Headman and Slice. Be sure to check out those stores, as the figures come on the same old cardbacks and don't really tend to stand out much on the shelf.

Simpsons Season 2 on DVD: August 6

While rumblings originally indicated that the second season of America's favorite post-modern stone age family was due out in December of 2001, it looks like it will finally see release in a few short months. Including 22 episodes, two music videos, and commentary tracks, it should be a worthy purchase for all Simpsons fans.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, 3 DVDs Announced

New Line Cinema has announced the TMNT sequels for DVD later this year. While they have also announced cutting the price of the original film to $14.99, most Wal-Mart stores already sell this disc for under $10 and have sold it at that price for several months.

TransFormers: Leftovers

Appearing at the same time as the recently released PlaySkool TransFormers are a pair of exclusives. While we have yet to make a personal sighting, has reported findings of Scourge, a black G2 Laser Optimus Prime repaint for Toys "R" Us as well as Megabolt Megatron, a previously unreleased Beast Machines toy, at Kay-Bee Toy & Hobby. So be sure to keep your eyes peeled for those.

UHF DVD: June 4

Just a friendly reminder, "Weird Al" Yankovic's off-the-wall 1989 comedy hits DVD as a nicely made special edition is due out next week. At an SRP of only $14.99, can you possibly go wrong?

(For those not knowing that was a rhetorical question, you can check out this review at DVD File.)

-- AP

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