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An Intruder Has Penetrated Our Defenses
March 2, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 298, 299

Today at Galactic Hunter we start with a look at the filthy C-3PO from 1999 and, later, 2003. So is a new sculpt with a removable arm and a whole lot of mud the kind of thing that should make you want to buy yet another version of this famous golden droid? Read on!

Next, there's the Revenge of the Sith Clone Trooper, specifically the plain white one that's more or less laying on its belly. It doesn't have a lot of articulation, but is it good enough to add to your growing armies and dioramas? Read on!


Nike Transformers Sneakers Revealed

TransformersSneakyFor the fan that has everything. Footurama has revealed several pictures of what we can only assume are legit Transformers-branded Nike sneakers. These fresh kicks are, presumably, limited editions of some sort and not kiddie footwear. Although we'd probably wear these if given the chance. Too nifty.


Keep Waiting
March 5, 2007
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on!

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

8D8 Kyle Katarn Luke with Hat

From left to right: 8D8, Kyle Katarn, Luke Skywalker with New Hat. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 303rd installment in our ongoing series!


Master Collector Operation Moth Set #4 Revealed

G.I. JoeSnow Serpent Commander, Ice ViperWhile we find snow-based Joe toys about as exciting as a punch in the nuts, you'll be thrilled to find out that Master Collector revealed the fourth (and presumably final) Operation Flaming M.O.T.H. set. You get a Snow Serpent Commander and an Ice Viper totally decked out with accessories but in ironically American red, white, and blue. Well, you can't win them all-- but they aren't all bad, we guess. Click through for more.


Target Clearances (Some) Cybertron

TransformersMetroplexWhile the deluxes are still full price (at about $7.99), many Target stores are marking down their larger toys by 33-50%-- we've seen Metroplexeses for as little as $19.78 and as high as $27.somethingorother. Check the toys at the scanner if you're interested, because this may be your last, best, cheapest shot at some of the best Transformers toys released by Hasbro in recent memory. Or at least, the cheapest.


Game Deals This Week

TransformersCHEEPHey, cheapo: there are some deals this week. Circuit City stores in the USA are giving away a bonus free game if you buy a PSP this week-- that's the good news. The bad news is that the games are your choice of: Ape Escape, Hot Shots Golf, Twisted Metal, ATV Offroad Fury. We can tell, you're excited. Still, if you were going to buy one anyway, short of a price drop, this is probably as good as it's gonna get.

Also, CompUSA stores are going out of business, and their "big clearance savings" aren't so big just yet-- all software is 10% off. Which, sadly, is not enough for us to care, but when it's 30% off, we'll check back.

Finally, we also noticed a lot of Toys "R" Us stores getting in (stay with us here) new copies of old games. Meaning that cheapo titles they ran out of weeks ago are, suddenly, back in stock and still at clearance prices. If you didn't yet get a $10 Gradius Collection for PSP, now is the time. (And trust us when we say that you absolutely do want to get any collection of Konami shooters than you can afford.)


Ad: Weekly Sale at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthWeekly SaleOver at Entertainment Earth, there are four discounted items and two discounted bundles this week where you can save 20% (or more). You can get items from Star Wars, Transformers, YuGiOh!, and more-- click through for pricing and availability. (Especially notable: Japanese Darth Vader Lightsaber Umbrella!)


What a Racket
March 6, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 303

Today at Galactic Hunter we start with a look at the first-ever action figure of a Aayla Secura, a comic character who made the leap to the big screen in 2002 and to the world of toys in 2003. As a bad girl-turned-hero with very tight pants, could this figure bring you something your collection is missing? Read on!


LEGO MMO In Development

LEGONo it isn'tIf someone came up to us yesterday and said a small game developer was developing a LEGO-based MMO (that's massive multiplayer online game) we'd call them a filthy damned liar and go back to our Captain Beefheart records and Parodius playing. However, it seems this official announcement is reporting this as fact-- and who are we to argue? After the wild success of the Star Wars LEGO games, perhaps they're on to something-- after all, we love LEGO toys and we love video games. So why not combine them?

We'd have more news for you today, but you know, Parodius. We're gathering obscure but true and funny factoids about KFC's mascot/founder Colonel Sanders which we should post in the coming days. (No, really.)


I Attach No Importance to It
March 7, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 304

Today at Galactic Hunter we start with a look at the original design of the Covert Ops Clone Trooper, a figure which-- as far as we can tell-- was a more or less original Hasbro design or a rejected one from Revenge of the Sith. You might think it's hard to hide when you're covered in light grey and various hues of purple, but would you believe we actually really like this figure? Read on!


We Make You a Better Person: Learn About Colonel Sanders

16bit.comSometimes, we get people asking us why we don't do more features here. There are several reasons, most of which are related to other projects and the fact that we are very lazy people.

So today, we have something for you. Here are Five Amazing True Things About Colonel Sanders.

1. Curse of the Colonel. In Japan, the Colonel is something of a larger-than-life figure, or so our studies show us. American creations often find themselves interpreted in very unique ways by everybody's favorite Asian island superpower, and this one combines Baseball with KFC. You see, the Curse of the Colonel is sort of like the Curse of the Bambino here in the USA, but instead of some wrath-of-the-Universe-by-way-of-Babe-Ruth, it's the Colonel. The Hanshin Tigers were cursed when, after losing a game, their fans rioted and took a statue from outside a KFC and tossed it out a bridge. This "cursed" the team with an losing streak which started in 1985, and we're not quite sure the kind of powers that the Colonel carries with him, but we're pretty sure we'll get in trouble for dwelling on this one too much.

2. The Wendy's Connection. McDonald's was sold to a guy named Ray Kroc, and Colonel Sanders-- despite being the founder of the KFC company-- actually sold it off to Dave Thomas, the guy who would go on to eventually found Wendy's. Dave Thomas, according to the National Review Online, bought the chain in 1962, turned it into a million dollar business, and then turned it around and sold it to start his own chain. Harland Sanders would later return to appear in ads for the company until he passed on, but still, we were surprised to find out that the two places had any sort of an actual connection.

Go Colonel3. Video Game Villain. The Japanese game series Parodius, true to its name, takes elements of parody and mashes them up with the gameplay of the Gradius series. Instead of an interstellar shoot-'em-up, the game levels skewer pop culture, other game series, and a variety of things which, true to what you might expect, are uniquely "wacky Japanese" in their styling. The game series lets you play such characters as a flying octopus, a paper airplane that wears a condom after you earn some shields, and a flying, adorable kitty cat. In the first stage of Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius (or Chatting Parodius to many Western fans), you can fight a parade of Colonel Sanders, each of which are riding a unicycle while throwing fried chicken drumsticks at you. If you own a PSP and import the game Parodius Collection, you can actually see this for yourself. (We were so shocked we added it to Wikipedia over the weekend.)

Go Colonel

4. Toy World Traveller. We tried to find a more permanent link to this, but this eBay auction must be seen to be believed. The seller is in Hong Kong and the claim is that this set of 2-inch tall collectible fast food premiums of quasi-anime styled super-deformed Colonel Sanders figures were, well, basically kiddie meal toys. You can see the colonel as a toy just about anywhere, but Egyptian Colonel? Sombrero Colonel? Hawaiian Colonel? The Colonel in a turban? This is some seriously amazing stuff here.

Bugwah?5. God and/or Pimp. In the Japanese novel Kafka on the Shore, writer Haruki Murakami works in the legendary American mascot in as, well, either a pimp or some sort of deity. It seems to be up to interpretation depending on the literary critic, but Wikipedia may have summed it up in the most interesting possible way: he is depicted as a divine entity who is in possession of some of the best hookers in Japan. Dammit, and all he does here is sell chicken. And, you know, rot in the ground. As he died in 1980.


Hello Kitty Meets Space Invaders

What do you get when you combine Hello Kitty with sprites from the vintage game Space Invaders? Well, apparently you get a lot of collectible key chains, cell phone straps, towels, and more. Since dot graphics toys tend to appeal to older game fans, and Hello Kitty to 14-year-old girls, we're not quite sure who these were made for. Possibly us. They're pretty awesome, and NCS has a gallery of some of these nifty items.


Doesn't Surprise Me Now
March 8, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 305

Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the only modern Sy Snootles so far. She's based on the digital version of the character from 1997's Return of the Jedi: Special Edition and not the niftier 1983 version of the puppet with the feather. So should you track her down? Read on!


Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End In Stores; Clearance Old Stuff

We've heard the reports, and now we've seen them: Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End toys from Zizzle are everywhere. We personally have seen several playsets and action figures (the entire basic first wave) at Wal-Mart stores, but have yet to buy any. (We even saw Gibbs.) The new packaging has a bubble much more like the 2006 Star Wars line and has a lot of red in it-- it's pretty nice. The basic figures we saw were $4.96 a whack, and according to our sources, aren't supposed to be out until later this month due to a bullcrap "embargo" date which it seems is being ignored. (It's also worth knowing that the Target chain of stores is marking down most Dead Man's Chest and Secrets of the Deep toys, figures, and vehicles 33-50%.)

And while we're on that note...


Spider-Man 3 In Stores

Wal-Mart stores are also putting out Spider-Man 3 product, so far just web shooters and pull-back vehicles. (Yes, Spider-Man 3 and no, not Spider-Man Origins.) This month should be big for a lot of heavy hitter Summer movie toy lines, so keep checking your local stores for more! (It's also worth knowing that the Target chain of stores is marking down all Origins products 33-50%.)


Packaged Transformers Movie Starscream

Asian auction site has a packaged version of the movie Starscream toy. (And a heck of a lot of other stuff.

Click through to see Starscream.


Words are like Bullets
March 9, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 306

Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the first-ever blue Coruscant Guard from Power of the Jedi. He had decent articulation, bright blue coloring, and a big helmet plus an even bigger gun. How can you not love this? Read on!

Also, we're already working hard on a retrospective on the first year of the column-- which is, by our count, two months away. It should be good.


Wii, DS Blowout at Target

It seems Target stores just don't want to keep games in stock. Our localest Target had a number of games for the Wii for 30% off (or more), like an off-road racing game with some add-on controller bit, Spongebob games, and a number of other licensed titles. In other words, junk. There were also a huge quantity of DS titles, from Sudoku to Metroid Pinball for a mere $13. We were stoked, and bought Metroid. As we love Metroid, and pinball.

Selection and pricing may vary from store to store, so be sure to scope out the clearance section of your electronics department. (Note: these are not always located in the electronics department.)


My Least Favorite Logo
March 12, 2007
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on!

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

Lt. Dannl Faytonni Ask Aak Darth Maul

From left to right: Lt. Dannl Faytonni, Ask Aak, Darth Maul. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 310th installment in our ongoing series!


G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary Pack Contents Revealed

G.I. JoeNew!Over at Entertainment Earth, pre-orders are up for the first two 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe Battle Packs-- these are the all-new sculpt 3 3/4-inch action figures. Click through for pricing and availability.

The packs are currently split into Joes and Cobras-- so you can get a pack with just the bad guys if you like, and we assume, you will like.


My Little Pony 25th Anniversary Pack Contents Revealed

ToysNew!Over at Entertainment Earth, they also announced/revealed/whatever two new 3-packs of My Little Pony anniversary sets. Other than Barbie, we're not used to seeing any sort of old girl's toys brought back for nostalgia reasons, so this is pretty notable even if you aren't a fan of such things. (Sure, they brought back Care Bears, but not retro packaged ones.)


Wii Super Paper Mario

WiiNICE!As always, The Magic Box has something to show you-- this time it's about five pages of new screens from Super Paper Mario. The site has images showing multiple angles of the stages which is something we haven't seen before. We're quite pleased with how this is shaping up, so be sure to take a look. It should be out in American stores this April.

Also, if you hate yourself or have youngsters in your house, you may be interested in this report we saw at Joystiq of High School Musical-themed games for the Wii, PS2, and DS. And if you don't know what that means, we envy you.


Ad: 300 & Weekly Sale at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthWeekly SaleOver at Entertainment Earth, there are four discounted items and two discounted bundles this week where you can save 20% (or more). You can get items from Star Wars, Speed Racer, Lord of the Rings, and more-- click through for pricing and availability. (Especially notable: 300 Graphic Novel!)


An Evening Wasted
March 13, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 310

Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the Kren Blista-Vanne figure from Saga 2003. As one of two (so far) dignitaries, the figure is somewhat lacking in articulation-- it's still pretty awesome though. So should you get one or two? Read on!


Wii Virtual Console This Week

WiiOld, NewToday in the USA, Nintendo released three new games on its Virtual Console network. From Sega, there's Sonic Spinball from the Sega Genesis. It's Sonic, it's pinball, and it's fun. From Tecmo, there's the NES classic Tecmo Bowl, a once much-loved game devoid of the NFL license which once had a huge fan following-- but, as you can tell, sports don't age well. Finally, there's Double Dungeons for the TurboGrafx-16. We've never played it.


Super Plastic at Anime News Network

AnimeTrial & EriIf you can't get enough of Adam's rambling, check out the new column at Anime News Network called Super Plastic. This week, we look at the School Rumble statue of Eri Sawachika, a test shot of an upcoming release from the Good Smile Company. You can even pre-order (or order) it from a number of stores. So should you get it? Click to read it.

More again in two weeks!


March 15, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 311, 312

Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the Saesee Tiin figure from Clone Wars 2003. He's a pilot, he's got armor, and that communicator halo thing. So do you need one for your starfighter motorpool? Read on!

Also you won't want to miss a look at the very first Clone Trooper figure, originally released by Hasbro in 2002. He's got limited articulation, and big appeal. Why? Read on!


Halo 2 for the PC: Spartans of the Future

Video GamesTonight We Dine In Hell!After selling 1.5 billion copies for the Xbox, Bungie's sci-fi blockbuster is coming to the PC on May 8, so says GameSpot, as part of the new horribly named "Games for Windows" campagin. If you were too cheap to drop $150 or whatever it was for an Xbox, hey, now's your chance to see what the fuss was over.


Ad: Saga Collection Waves 8, 9 In Stock at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthNew Clone SmellOver at Entertainment Earth, there are tons of new arrivals from Hasbro, notably Waves 8 and 9 of The Saga Collection. Supplies are limited, so be sure to click through for pricing and availability.


We Love Being Cheap
March 16, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 313

Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the Darth Maul armored figure from Power of the Jedi that proves just because you wore one costume and died doesn't mean you can't lead a productive life of a hit action figure character. Is this movie/concept hybrid worth your bucks? Read on!


Another Castlevania Interview with IGA

PSPDie,  Monster!Site Games Radar has a (mostly) very good interview With Koji "IGA" Igarashi, producer of Symphony of the Night and the various ports-- new and old-- of the title. The interview reveals new voice acting is pretty much a sure thing, but he seems pretty down on the Saturn port of the game-- which, having played through it twice, we don't personally agree with. (The new areas were cool, as were the new weapons. The new loading times, not so much.) Click through for more.


Target: Clearance Final Markdown (YMMV)

TargetCheepnisYour mileage may vary from store to store, but our favorite Target marked down a lot of really cool stuff on Thursday to 75% off, including the post-movie Pirates of the Caribbean and Superman lines, several Sigma 6 G.I. Joe items, and even a few Transformers Cybertron toys. Our find-of-the-day was a Sigma 6 HISS for $2 and change (which we bought) and a Mech (which we didn't). Check your local stores for pricing and availability.


Human Morality
March 19, 2007
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on!

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

General Grievous Rebel Trooper Oppo Rancisis

From left to right: General Grievous, Rebel Trooper, Oppo Rancisis. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 317th installment in our ongoing series!


Japanese Kissplayer Sparkbots

ToysSparky!The gents at Fan2Fan have a report on Tokyo's Toy Festival, which includes new looks at new movie toys and a set of exclusive "Sparkbots," recolors of older orbs that transform into various things. We very much wish we had a set and are considering getting one. Definitely check out their report!


Multiplatform Beautiful Katamari This Fall?

Video GamesWe would have made a much larger one.While currently still just a rumor, we're seeing reports which indicate that Namco has a new Katamari title coming this Fall-- October for Xbox 360 and PS3 ($39.99) and November for the Wii ($49.99). Apparently this information comes from inside Blockbuster Video's top secret files. As Namco has been pretty down on potential future sequels, this is good news-- and an excuse to get a 360.


Wii Nights from Sega?

WiiHunh?Another revival rumor going around this weekend is that NiGHTS, an on-the-rails platformer from Sega on the legendary and wonderful Saturn, would be making a comeback on the Wii. There's a lot of call for this being an April Fool's Prank, as the game itself (and its Xmas demo spin-off) seem to hold a special place in the hearts of gamers. (We own it and we're not quite sure we get the fuss. It's not like it was Gradius or anything.) If it's true, we're all curious-- a more free-roaming version of the game could be interesting, and the original's flair for design (and unruly grading system) were pretty spiffy. Hmm indeed.


Ad: Weekly Sale at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthWeekly SaleOver at Entertainment Earth, there are five discounted items and two discounted bundles this week where you can save 20% (or more). You can get items from Star Wars, Xevoz, Furreal Friends, and more-- click through for pricing and availability.


As a Mouse
March 20, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 317

Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the Clone Trooper figure from Clone Wars, specifically the kneeling one without any rank marks. Is this uniquely posed figure worth your credits? Read on!


New Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Images

PSPYowzaOver at The Magic Box are several new images of the Square-Enix game, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. The PSP RPG is looking sharp-- although we don't know too much about any American release yet. It's looking very sharp for a portable game, so here's hoping it's awesome.


Wii Virtual Console This Week

WiiOld, NewToday in the USA, Nintendo has three new games on its Virtual Console network for you to try. From Sega, there's Beyond Oasis from the Sega Genesis. There are swords, and we're told this one is pretty good. From Nintendo, there's the NES classic Excitebike, which is probably more of a "you had to be there" game-- it's fun, but if you didn't like the game before, odds are you won't like it now. Finally, there's Splatterhouse, a fun gory romp from the TurboGrafx-16. Download your favorites now, or don't!


Ad: 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe Individual Figures, 30th Vintage Star Wars, More at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthNEW!Over at Entertainment Earth, there tons of exciting new items like the 30th Anniversary Figures Wave 3, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary Wave 1 (with Flint and more), and, of course, the Star Wars 2007 Vintage Action Figures Case. Items are first-come, first-served and pre-orders are up now-- so click through for pricing and availability.


I Do Have a Cause
March 22, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 318, 319

Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the Han Solo figure from Return of the Jedi. This one is based on the second-and-a-half where he disguises himself as an AT-ST Driver. And yes, Hasbro made new molds-- a hand and a head-- to make this figure. Could it be worth owning? Read on!

Also you won't want to miss a look at the only General Jan Dodonna figure, ever. He was tied as the winner for the fifth Fan's Choice poll, and well, fans bought him. Should you? Read on!


Target Exclusive Spider-Man 3 Figure Set Spotted

Spider-ManAnyone call for an overpriced webslinger?As everybody is ignoring street dates, we spotted a new Spider-Man 3 box set at Target on Tuesday. For a whopping $19.99, you get two very nice looking action figures of Sandman and Spider-Man. The box has a sandy texture on the top, Spider-Man is this incredible metallic color, and it features firing weapons. It's a stunning set in an awesome box, but as the figures-- by themselves-- aren't worth more than $7 or $8, you might want to pass on this one. (Until the inevitable sale.)

(And no, we didn't buy it. We decided to keep the $20 to put toward those Order 66 packs when those show up.)


Toys "R" Us Exclusive Marvel X-Men Superhero Squad Box Set Spotted

MarvelMutant PowerFor $12.99, Toys "R" Us has a new 5-pack of Hasbro Superhero Squad figures (all redecorated or reissued figures. Packaged in a smaller version of the large Galactic Heroes 10-pack boxes, this set features Colossus (metallic repaint), Cyclops (black outfit), Magneto (no change), Wolverine (no change), and Angel (blue instead of red). The box has a big "Toys "R" Us Exclusive" sticker on it, so you can't miss it.


Online Store Reveals Flint, Hooded Cobra Commander, More Single Carded Joes

G.I. JoeCobraaaaaOver at Entertainment Earth, there are pictures (and assortment information, which is valid, we know because we posted it ourselves at our day job) for the first new wave of wide-released individually packaged 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe Figures.

What's notable? Hooded Cobra Commander. Flint. Cobra Trooper. And they're all one per case. Also, there's Snake Eyes with Timber and Storm Shadow, each at higher case pack-outs. Still, they look good, we've already ordered a box of 'em because we're stupid. But they look nice.


Mystery Science Theater 3000 Vol. 11 Contents Revealed

DVDAl Gore's Favorite ShowThe guys at Satellite News, the official MST3K site, posted the contents of the next DVD box scheduled to hit from Rhino. Due in stores-- for now-- on June 26, this set has The Ring of Terror, The Indestructible Man, Tormented, and Horrors of Spider Island. So there ya have it-- and we warned you in plenty of time so you can start saving your pennies.

--AP, thanks to EP

Gyruss Coming to Xbox 360

Video GamesLesser TitlesAccording to this report at Xbox 360 Fanboy, Konami's less-than-famous-but-still-decent shooter Gyruss is next week's downloadable Xbox Live Arcade title. It's like Tempest, but Konami made it. (So it's not like Gradius or anything.) Still, there's some news for you.


And He Did
March 23, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 320

Beware the Dark Side! Today at Galactic Hunter we look at Anakin Skywalker from The Saga Collection line, specifically the kneeling one without any rank marks. Is this uniquely posed figure worth your credits? Read on!

Also: Target stores are clearing out their earlier 2007 Battle Packs while the Order 66 packs get put out on the shelves. Happy hunting!


Target Skywarp vs. Ultra Magnus Clearance

TransFormersDo you have time for it now?Depending on where you shop, you can save big on this one-- some stores have marked it down 30%, some 50%. Some not at all. It started off at $19.99, which was a great deal for what it was-- and now it's even cheaper. Check your local stores for pricing and availability.

We also found Cybertron Metroplex at Target for $9.96. Seriously. Under $10. If you see one at your local Target, take it to the scanner and see how you fare.


Toys "R" Us Exclusive Marvel Avengers Superhero Squad Box Set Spotted

MarvelMutant PowerYesterday, we reported on a TRU Exclusive X-Men set. Reader Eric tells us that there's a second set-- one we didn't see yet, based on the Avengers team. Here's what Eric had to say: I saw your news bit about a TRU exclusive Marvel Heroes pack. I have actually seen two of these. (I'm not sure if the other is a TRU exclusive though.) The other pack I saw was an Avengers pack of sorts, I think. All I really remember is that it had a grey Hulk, and Wasp.

--AP, thanks Eric!

Ad: Brand New Gentle Giant Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth;
New Weekly Specials Posted at Noon Today

Entertainment EarthNEW!Over at Entertainment Earth, all of the new Gentle Giant items are up for pre-order. From Lord of the Rings, there's an animated Ringwraith maquette. From Pirates of the Caribbean, there are animated maquettes of Elizabeth Swann and Davy Jones. And for Star Wars, there's a ton of stuff. A Darth Vader statue. Royal Guard busts. Boba Fett busts. And much, much more-- click through for pricing and availability.


President of Earth
March 26, 2007
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on!

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

Clone Trooper Battle Droid Stormtrooper

From left to right: Clone Trooper, Battle Droid Pilot, Stormtrooper. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 324th installment in our ongoing series!


Japanese Nike Transformers: In Color

TransformersSwoosh!The gents at Fan2Fan posted a whole bunch of new magazine scans, including numerous shots of the new Nike Transformers of Optimus Prime and Megatron, as well as their packaging-- which, surprise surprise, looks like a shoe box. We're enamored. We'll probably buy these if we see them at a summer convention. Click through to see more.


Spider-Man 3 BIG LAUNCH (sucked); Hasbro Exclusives

Spider-ManSpider-DudBecause Hasbro enjoyed massive amounts of hype from a street date imposed on Star Wars figures for each prequel, they decided to try the same thing with Spider-Man 3, and it didn't quite work-- most stores put stuff out as they got it here and there, so a toy hunter with open eyes could probably buy most of the line before it officially hit, thus making the big launch date pointless. Almost as pointless as a lot of stores who not only honored the street date, but as of today, still haven't put up their Spider-Man displays. (Target, Wal-Mart, I'm looking at you.)

We ask very little from a major launch-- we want lots of product available, and available at most major stores. That's it. If you can't be troubled to coordinate a massive, stocked display of more figures than I could possibly want, then just put them out like you would any other product. Our localest Wal-Mart had a huge display with a big arch over the toy aisle, and about a grand total of 20 figures four or five web blasters, and that's about it. Just lots of empty peg space-- the aisle was largely vacant and never stocked. Boo.

Anyway, has the scoop on the launch of the line and three exclusive figure items from Hasbro. Target has the two-pack as mentioned last week, and Wal-Mart has two individually packaged figures-- a black Spider-Man out now, and a black Venom coming soon. Thrilling. Click through for more.

(We'd be all over the figures, but we ordered us a set of the Superhero Squad figures. They're awesomer. Maybe we'll do a review soon.)


Ad: Spider-Spud IN STOCK at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthSpider-SpudOver at Entertainment Earth, you can place your order for Hasbro's new and exciting Mr. Potato Head, Spider-Spud. This is the first licensed, non-Star Wars character to be made as Mr. Potato Head. (Another Hasbro character, Optimus Prime, will be getting the potato treatment in a few months.) This little bugger is in stock while supplies last, click through for more.


Mega Man 2: Still Fun, Also Awesome

Video GamesClassicAfter having our asses handed to us on Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X, we decided that it had been long enough: it was time to plug in the NES and Mega Man 2 again. Maybe we just played it too much as a kid, but dammit, the game is still excellent after all these years. We beat it in one sitting, which, well, wasn't all that hard-- and it wasn't something we usually tried to do. (Usually if a game gave you a password, we'd write it down and come back later.) If you have this game in your stash, and haven't played it in like five to ten years like us, you should blow off the dust and enjoy. It's totally worth your couple of hours. Fun fun fun. (Even if, well, it comes off as simplistic in this day of newfangled graphics and, in the case of Maverick Hunter, awful voice acting.)


Sing You Fool
March 27, 2007
Spider-Man 3 Superhero Squad; Hasbro Exclusives (Again)

Spider-ManBecause we are shameless, and had a coupon, we bought these exciting figures from Entertainment Earth. The first wave has four Spider-Man variants as well as Green Goblin from the first film and (spoiler alert) Sandman, New Goblin, and Venom from #3.

Two more packs are on the way-- Spider-Man vs. Rhino and Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus. Doc Ock is based on Spider-Man 2 and the Rhino is an orignal design which, we think, comes from Hasbro originally. Tres awesomez.

We also hit up a Wal-Mart that had many, many, MANY of the black Spider-Man exclusive figure for $9.96. At that price, we passed-- and seeing how there were about a dozen of the "limited edition" figures there, which are just repackaged repaints of the regular super-poseable figure, we weren't alone.


Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 324

He's on fire, baby. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at yet another thrilling Darth Vader from The Saga Collection line, and this one is invoking the wrath of the Emperor. It's an old figure with a new arm, new paint, and some blue pasta on it. Is it worth buying? Read on!


Wii Virtual Console This Week

WiiBoringSomeone up there hates you, because today you only get one Virtual Console game and it's the Super NES title, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV. It isn't Kirby, or a game featuring Ninja Turtles. Therefore, it sucks, even if it's good.


Super Plastic at Anime News Network

AnimeDanishIf you can't get enough of Adam's rambling, check out the new column at Anime News Network called Super Plastic.

This week, we look at the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya statue of Haruhi Suzumiya , a prototype of an upcoming release from Max Factory. You can even pre-order (or order) it from our sponsor overlords. It looks really, really slick-- so should you get it? Click to read it.

More again in two weeks!


Ad: More Former Star Wars Exclusives Coming to Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthBonusOver at Entertainment Earth, a number of former Wal-Mart exclusives are up for order and, in some cases, pre-order. These include DVD Figure sets (figures without DVDs, just badly named by the manufacturer), the Millennium Falcon Transformer with bonus Titanium ships, the Cantina Band tin set, and some Unleashed figures. Wowie zowie.

And as always, buying through these shameless plugs means we get a nickel or two, and we appreciate your shined nickels and loose change.

Cantina Band Box Set Unleashed Luke & Vader
DVD Commemorative Figures

From left to right: Cantina Band Box Set, Unleashed Luke & Vader Set, DVD Commemorative Figures set (10 figures). Click through for pricing and availability. Thanks for reading! (But mostly stuffing our coffers.)


Shiny on Both Sides
March 28, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 325

Hunting: our national sport. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at yet another thrilling Jango Fett from the 30th Anniversary Tin Collection sets, which is already on its way out. This figure combines pieces from at least two previously released figures to make a newer, arguably better release-- in some respects. Does this action feature-free figure have what it takes to be bought by you, the reader? Read on!


Xbox 360 Elite Confirmed

Video GamesXpensiveFor a paltry $479, you can buy a premium black Xbox 360. As one of the worst kept secrets of the year, right up there with the NiGHTS sequel, this "new" console hits the USA on April 29. It has HDMI cables, a 120 gig hard drive, and is black. As far as we know, no plans have been made for a price drop of the existing two SKUs-- they're just adding this newer, more expensive one to the mix.


Toys "R" Us Hasbro Marvel Exclusives Today

MarvelBoringToys "R" Us has been ramping up the exclusives lately, with several items from Hasbro hitting in the past couple of weeks alone. Two more were spotted in LA last night, with a Silver 25th Anniversary Wolverine celebrating the miniseries' 25th birthday as well as a crystal clear Diamond Emma Frost which sucks just a little bit less than the normal release. Each "limited edition" figure is about $10.99 each and can be found at some locations-- we're not quite sure how distribution is going because we've never seen them locally before now. (Toys "R" is selling Wolverine, and Emma Frost for $9.99 each.)

Also, Toys "R" Us has an exclusive Hasbro Spider-Copter in a hideous vac-metal blue color. It's based on sculpts from Toy Biz lines and we believe the figure is a repurposed Spider-Man 1 or 2 movie figure. Still, we've seen worse for $24.99.

For your money, the $12.99 exclusive Avengers and X-Men sets from the Superhero Squad lines are not only a much better value, but overall better products.


MGA Does Shrek 3

ShrekMGA Entertainment (Bratz, and that's about it) is doing Shrek toys for the third movie, and we spotted 4 unique figures in stores now: Shrek, Prince Charming, another Shrek, and Donkey & Puss-in-Boots as a 2-pack. For those keeping track, McFarlane Toys did the first film, and Hasbro did the second. This line seems to be aiming for the appearance of the first with the durability of the second, which is a good thing overall if you can't get enough of the green marketing machine.

You can find these now at Toys "R" Us for about $10 a whack.


...But Only If You Smoke Parliaments
March 29, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 326

Smoking makes you cool, right? Well, maybe not. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at Dannik Jerriko from 2005's very brief line-up of original trilogy figures. This figure is ugly, smokes, and hangs out at a bar all day. He's got substance problems. So is he cool enough for your Cantina dioramas? Read on!


G1 (& UT) Transformers Attacktix Out

TransformersXpensiveLike Transformers? Boy, is this an awesome little set-- you get G1 versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron as well as Energon Landquake and a Comic-Con style Cybertron Skywarp in a box for a little over ten bucks.

As we get cases of Attacktix from Entertainment Earth, that's where this came from. As far as we know it hasn't shown up in brick and mortar yet, but you can order one online-- or wait.

Each figure has a spring-loaded attack-- basically, all are firing projectiles except Landquake, who has this claw thing. Which is pretty cool.

It ships in an assortment with a companion Star Wars set featuring Chewbacca and Han Solo (Hoth gear) as well as Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper. So Attacktix still has a lot of product on the way, it seems. We're especially fond of the Legends-style Skywarp in this set.

Update: Thanks everyone out there for taking the images and story with no credit. We appreciate it! And hotlinking the images on our server? That's such an awesome thing to do. Please, do keep it up.


TV Dinner By The Pool
March 30, 2007
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 327

It all started here-- roughly. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at Darth Vader from the first assortment of "modern" action figures, way back in 1995. We use the quotes not to be disingenuous, but to point out something amusing-- this figure is part of a 12-year old line. The original vintage Darth Vader turned 12 in about 1990, and the figure was long gone from the market. Long live the modern figures! Well, new sculpts of them anyway. Read on to find out how the original fares a dozen years later.

Also, if the high-stakes world of action figure collecting is too thrilling for you, consider Star Wars Stamps from the US Postal Service. Wow. Thrilling. Let us break out our shuffleboard kit next.

Oh, we also got samples of the Darth Maul Sith Infiltrator and V-Wing Starfighter. We'll be talking about them in the EE Podcast later today, so be sure to sign up for that to get the full scoop on... well, probably both of those.


Online Store Reveals Cobra Battle Pack #2: Now With More Troopers; 8-Inch Stuff

G.I. JoeCobraaaaaOver at Entertainment Earth, there's a listing for G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary Action Figures Cobra Battle Pack 2. Before you cry and whine about the figure choices being a hoax, we'll have you know that we can tell you that this is not a hoax and this is something that, well, we kinda posted as part of our day job. So it's legit, but there are no pictures yet in this new set of 5 figures due later this year.

What's in the box? Well, let's start with the yawners-- "2004" versions of Cobra Commander and Storm Shadow. We don't know what that means yet as far as new sculpt vs. repaint goes, but from what we surmise, it's 2007 molds in 2004 colors. What we found particularly interesting were the other three figures which, we assume, are all repainted Cobra Troopers. They are: Comic Book Deco Trooper, Cobra Jet Pack Trooper, and Cobra Stinger Driver. We're pleased to hear about the comic book deco. Watch this link for updates and photos as, well, they gotta show up eventually.

So for the record: Hasbro, according to fan sites, said there would only be two of these five-packs. And now, there are three. There was also word that this new line of 3 3/4-inch figures would be capped at 25 but with these new announcements, we're up to 20 total-- it's very likely that the line has expanded a little since whatever first announcements and tidbits got out there.


The same store added pre-orders for G.I. Joe Adventure Team Action Figures Wave 1 (no pictures yet), an assortment with a mere 2 items in it-- one has Storm Shadow and a Tiger and the other has an Aligator and a man for the 'gator to eat. We guess this means Snake Eyes and the pyramid stuff comes later. A G.I. Joe Military 8-Inch Figures Wave 1 Set (no images on this one either) also went up, featuring Leatherneck, Shockwave, and Sandstorm. Supposedly these will all have the mighty Kung Fu Grip.


Entertainment Earth Podcast (powered by

Podcast #41: March 30, 2007

Ships happen! This week: New Star Wars Vehicle reviews, free exclusive Hasbro Marvel poster details, new Star Wars exclusives, Zoids news from Japan, exciting Kingdom Hearts tidbits, and Mario and Sonic make nice.

Click here to visit the Episode #41 page at Entertainment Earth.


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