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Oh Yeah, I Don't Take Holidays
September 2, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.


Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Icer

Figure of the DayMattel Masters of the Universe Classics IcerSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

So blue! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Icer isn't a figure I would have asked for, but it turned out pretty well. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Glyos: Weaponeers of Monkaa Drop on Wednesday - Menu Preview

GlyosNew!If you missed SDCC, it's your day to shine. At the Glyos News Dump: Weaponeers of Monkaa Drop on Wednesday - Menu Preview Glow, flesh, and chrome parts await you - if you were in San Diego, you saw a bunch of these, but not all of them.

Orange and black figures were also shown at San Diego Comic-Con, but I assume those will be released next month.


Star Trek Into Darkness Blu-Ray Warning: Retailer Scavenger Hunt

Star TrekThanks to this review of Star Trek Into Darkness at we now know that there are many, many features on the Star Trek Into Darkness Blu-Ray which won't be on the retail disc. Some features (like the audio commentary) are being split off as retailer exclusives, going to iTunes, Target, and Best Buy. As a fan of Trek things I figured it was worth sharing that you might want to cancel that pre-order and send Paramount/CBS a letter letting them know why - I'll be waiting for either a $5 discounted bargain bin disc, or a special edition that actually has the special features. $25 for a disc lacking in extras won't do and I have no desire to buy the same movie three times to get the features.

(And I say this as someone that actually dug the movie.)


Choose One
September 3, 2013
Review: Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Gamma X Action Figure

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Gamma X Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Good! The Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Gamma X Action Figure is one of the last original designs from the 1960s to be rendered in plastic, and for all I know may be one of the last new characters we get - and this is his first of too many releases. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Keiji Inafune Rips Himself Off with New Mega Man-style game

Video GamesMighty No. 8Just started (and already funded), Inti Creates and Keiji Inafune have announced Mighty No. 9, a new downloadable PC (and console via stretch goal) game expected in 2015. Mega Man had "Rock" and "Roll" while this game has "Beck" and "Call."

The 2D action platformer couldn't be more like Mega Man, and the developers involved seem like good ones. I'm not pledging, but there some nifty rewards to be had like more guide books and being in the game.


Super 7 x Funko Licenses Goonies, BTTF, and Everything

ToysRetroFunko is bent on giving you the toys you wanted in the 1980s! I wrote Funko Acquires Part of Super 7, Retro Kenner License Madness Ensues. This line-up from Funko (purveyors of Pop! Vinyl) builds on the Super 7 ReAction ALIEN line, which has been just confirmed as being $14.99 SRP each - initially a blow to consumers, but they added an exclusive mystery sixth figure to the set for those (like me) who pre-ordered.

The list of licenses is nothing short of mouth-watering and will no doubt provide real competition for the dollars of anyone in their 30s. They include: Aliens, Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firelfly, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Predator, Goonies, Back to the Future, Dark Crystal and others to be announced, and this may all be within the next year. Start saving now, fanboys.


Ad: Get Retro Kenner Stuff at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthGet Retro Kenner-Style Action Figures at Entertainment Earth! ALIEN and Six Million Dollar Man are ond deck so far and more are coming soon - so get started here!

Alien 3 3/4-Inch ReAction Figures Set Alien ReAction Retro Action Figure Six Million Dollar Man Steve Austin & Bigfoot Figure 3-Pack

Collect them all!


Transformers 4 Title: Age of Extinction
September 4, 2013
Review: Mattel Batman Classic TV Series The Penguin Action Figure

Figure of the DayMattel Batman Classic TV Series The Penguin Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Finally! The Mattel Batman Classic TV Series The Penguin Action Figure is another great figure based on Burgess Meredith. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey MouseNew to download on the Playstation 3 this week: Diablo III, Rayman Legends, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, and Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.

New PSN games include Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Chaos Code, One Piece Pirate Warriors 2, Hunter¹s Trophy 2 ­ America, and Kickbeat.

New PS2 classic games this week: Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity for $9.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPRayman Legends New to the PSP Vita this week: Kickbeat for $9.99 and Rayman Legends for $35.99.


November 22: Xbox One - November 15: PS4
September 5, 2013
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Bumblebee

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations BumblebeeSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Another one! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Bumblebee is pretty great, despite being one of the least-essential additions to any "classic" line. With IDW flourishes and a non-frustrating transformation it's a worthwhile purchase. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Weaponeers of Monkaa: New Glyos Figures Now

GlyosLifespring EmpyreusIfVia the Glyos News Dump: Weaponeers of Monkaa: New Glyos Figures Now. The flesh-colored figures are gone, but the glow in the dark figures and weapons are still available.

I bought (and recommend) the glowing Gohlem figure. I got it at SDCC and it's great.


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released, Xbox One Dated

Xbox Live ArcadeWorld Series of Poker: Full House ProXbox fans, it's time to download World Series of Poker: Full House Pro, a free-to-play game. Microsoft says:

"There's no other event like it -- the World Series of Poker. Build your bankroll as you compete against players from around the world. Personalize your experience with flashy avatar accessories, amazing chip tricks, and real world casino venues. Download today and play for free, and be sure to come back daily for more free chips! (The World Series of Poker® brand is owned by Caesars Interactive Entertainment, Inc. and used under license.)"

The Xbox One now has a release date - November 22, 2013. The Playstation 4 is November 15.


Bif Bang Pow Does SNL, Schweddy Balls Ornament

TVAfter a journal and not many other products, Bif Bang Pow! is expanding its Saturday Night Live offerings with the perfect holiday gift or NPR pledge drive freebie.

Saturday Night Live Schweddy Balls Ornaments. Due December, you get a pair (fitting) for $6.99.

Saturday Night Live Schweddy Balls Ornaments - Set of 2

What better way to decorate your home? More SNL items are coming but I'm not at liberty to tell you what just yet.


Ad: New Mattel DC Universe 4-Inch Figures from Mattel

Entertainment EarthOrder DC Comics Multiverse 4-Inch Action Figures at Entertainment Earth!

$11.99, due January 2014.

DC Comics Multiverse Batman Arkham City 4-Inch Action Figure DC Comics Multiverse Bane 4-Inch Action Figure DC Comics Multiverse Mr. Freeze 4-Inch Action Figure
DC Comics Multiverse Azrael 4-Inch Action Figure DC Comics Multiverse Deadshot 4-Inch Action Figure DC Comics Multiverse Batman Armored 4-inch Action Figure

Based on the Arkham video games, these look pretty good - check 'em out!


Price Drops: C'mon Man, At Least Give Me a Month or Two
September 6, 2013
Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Batcopter

Figure of the DayMattel Hot Wheels BatcopterSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Common! The Mattel Hot Wheels Batcopter is likely sitting around somewhere at a store near you, and is a fun colorful toy for a buck. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Outer Space Men White Star Price Drop

Outer Space MenSkate PunkVia Outer Space Men News Blog: White Star Outer Space Men Price Drop. This set isn't even 3 months old, and they slashed the price 20% already. With 200 sets out there, that pretty much says that interest in the line has waned - particularly high-price unpainted figures. You can get the 8-pack for $91.99, which admittedly ain't bad.


Reminder: Glyos Drop Sunday 9/8, New Figures Likely

Rocks and Bugs and ThingsPinkVia the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Onell Drop News: Gatekeeper Evolution, New Figures Sunday. The list isn't up yet, but you can get a good look at some of the colors and a not-so-subtle hint about the Lost Sincroid Army.

Stay tuned to the Onell Blog and/or the Glyos News Dump for more!


New Baby and Giant Deadbeets 9/15

OMFGPinkFrom October Toys: September Deadbeets!. Two small figures are joined by a jumbo (or regular sized) vinyl release in OMFG-esque flesh for $60. It's big - 7 1/2-inches tall!

There are limits, but that's OK - they'll still sell out in 30 seconds.


So It's Come to This: Zombie Archie

ComicsJugdeadWe should have seen this coming. Afterlife with Archie brings the zombie apocalypse to Riverdale, because what you want in your malleable premise is ghouls and the undead.

Archie has incorporated numerous fads, trends, and social changes in its comics over the years (although it's still mostly white), and it's a great sign of seeing what was big about a year ago. It'll probably work. After all, we had Marvel Zombies and that started in 2005.


Transformers Collectors Club King, Gets Rewind

ComicsRewindA new mold - to the USA anyway. Transformers Collector Club will get Eject, which is the first and so far only official release of the unreleased Demolition Rumble mold, this time with a new head. Of course, they could just release the toy as designed and that would still qualify as new for a lot of us.

Other figures will include Chromedome, Fisitron/Ironfist, Barricade, and Treadshot.


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiDungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara This week's Wii U offerings: Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara for $14.99. It is joined by Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams for $14.99 and Spot the Differences: Party! for $5.00.

The Wii U Virtual Console has Breath of Fire 2. The Super NES RPG is $7.99 and your pal Laurence can tell you all about it.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSBoulder Dash XL 3DThis week's batch on the 3DS Shop: < 3DS games include Boulder Dash XL 3D, Darts Up 3D, and Summer Carnival '92 Recca.

Other DSiWare eShop games include Jewel Adventures.


News News News
September 9, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.


Review: Onell Design Glyos MVR Standard Noboto Action Figure

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos MVR Standard Noboto Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

One of many! The Onell Design Glyos MVR Standard Noboto Action Figure came out recently and was still in stock as of the weekend - but not no more. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


LEGO Tops Hasbro - Now #2 Toymaker

LEGONot Top Dawg!Via Bloomberg: Lego Beats Hasbro as World¹s No. 2 Toymaker Amid Asia Sales Jump. It's been expected that Star Wars may be having its best luck with LEGO and not in action figure form, and now it looks increasingly likely.

It's worth a read - it's pretty amazing that LEGO's good but narrow product offering has trumped Hasbro's thousands of products.


Glyos Menu: Lost Sincroid Army

GlyosMenuVia the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Onell Design September 8 2013 Drop Menu.

It's a very large release - tons of Glyans, a Gobon, Armorvor, Syclodoc, and three new figures from the Lost Sincroid Army.


New Masterpieces Transformers: Soundblaster, G2 Sideswipe

TransformersNew!Most likely not coming to America! Check out this post from TFW2005 - Official Images of Upcoming Masterpieces - Soundblaster and Ratbat Announced. Undoubtedly, Ratbat will drive sales of Soundblaster.

G2 Sideswipe is notable in that it has optional labels - it can look like the original G2 toy, or as something a little more subtle. Sideswipe is expected to be around $80, while Soundblaster is going to be $160. Unless you wait, of course, as Ratbat-less Soundblasters can be expected on eBay in the future.


Ad: Venture Bros. Monarch Test Shot Edition Figure

Venture Bros.It's coming soon - check out the Venture Bros. The Monarch Unpainted 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure . It's $11.99 and due in November/

Venture Bros. The Monarch Unpainted 3 3/4-Inch Figure

Limited edition, order yours now! Or don't!


New Old Stuff
September 10, 2013
Review: Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators Mel Birnkrant Edition Alpha 11 (Alpha 7) Action Figure

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators Mel Birnkrant Edition Alpha 11 (Alpha 7) Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Vintage, yet new! The Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators Mel Birnkrant Edition Alpha 11 (Alpha 7) Action Figure is a concept dating back to the original days of the line, an easy repaint that never made it out - until now, and in non-bendable form. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


30th Anniversary Capcom Stuff - iPhone Cases, Mugs, More

Video GamesCapcom 30Via NCS, check out 30th Anniversary Capcom Swag, dominated by a mix of retro and faux-retro 8-bit graphics.

Key chains, mugs, and shirts look pretty great - they aren't cheap, but damn they're cool. Actually, the prices aren't terrible - $16 for a mug, $34 for a shirt, and key chains are a little pricey at $11. All the same, they're worth seeing.


PSP: Vita TV Announced

PSPVita TV New to the PSP Vita Vita TV! It's a dongle that lets you play games on the TV. See that white thing? That's it. It's tiny.

Reports say it's due on November 14 in Japan, is compatible with the DualShock 3, and will be $150ish.


Ad: Get Bloody Naked Brock Samson at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthGet Venture Bros. Action Figures at Entertainment Earth! Naked Bloody Brock is here - and he's plenty of both!

The Venture Bros. Naked Brock Samson 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure - Convention Exclusive

Collect them all!


Satisfaction Not Guaranteed
September 11, 2013
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Hoist

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations HoistSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Green! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Hoist is one we've been waiting on for a while, and it's here now! So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Massive Vintage Toy Gallery - Greetings from Mouse Heaven

ToysMouse HeavenSuper-collector and patron saint of the Outer Space Men Mel Birnkrant sent me a link to his latest creation, Greetings from Mouse Heaven. To say the least, it is impressive, robust, and filled with things I certainly never expected to see.

Vintage Fantasia punch-out books, the first-ever Mickey Mouse toy, the Yellow Kid, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and tons of other stuff that most of us have had limited exposure to are here in abundance. It's a wonder that this didn't become a coffee table book but if nothing else, it's a wonderful and exceedingly free opportunity to get a look at someone else's collecting habit and realize just how little history of the world of toy collecting has been preserved out there.


Power Lords - 2 $10 Figures This Weekend

Power LordsPower SoliderAt the Glyos News Dump: First-Ever Glyos Power Lords Figures On Sale Saturday, at Power-Con in Los Angeles.

A Power Soldier and Elite Power Solider will go on sale this weekend for $10 each. Additional research says to expect them at Store Horsemen after the show. There are no limits at the show.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Mystic HeroesNew to download on the Playstation 3 this week: Puppeteer, NHL 14, and Street Fighter X Tekken.

New PSN games include Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD, Chaos Code, Sanctum 2, and Dragon Fantasy Book II.

New PS2 classic games this week: Mystic Heroes for $9.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPDragon Fantasy Book II New to the PSP Vita this week: Dragon Fantasy Book II for $14.99 and Killzone Mercenary for $35.99.


Power Lords Club: Pricey
September 12, 2013
Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man

Figure of the DayMattel Masters of the Universe Classics Moss ManSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Green, and maybe at Big Lots! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man is cool, but don't get it wet and make sure he's in a well-ventilated area. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Power Lords Club: Details, Pricing, Ordering

Power LordsTrilevelVia the Power Lords Are Back: Power Lords Fan Club Details, Pricing, Ordering Revealed. There are $20, $60, and $100 levels but each carry shipping charges - $12.00 within the USA for each.

The $60 level is arguably the most compelling, with an exclusive figure named Ggrabbtargg (a modified Ggripptogg with a new head) as the jewel of the package. Still, it's really a $72 package, but hey - figure and a t-shirt.


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released, Xbox One Dated

Xbox Live ArcadeDuckTales: RemasteredXbox fans, it's time to download DuckTales: Remastered, a remake of the NES classic with, oddly, no demo. Microsoft says:

"DuckTales: Remastered is a hand-crafted, beautiful reimagining of one of the most cherished 8-bit titles of all time. Go back to one of the golden ages of gaming, but now refined with a level of detail that will please the most hardened devoted Disney or retro Capcom fan, alike. Featuring hand-drawn animated sprites, authentic Disney character voices talent and richly painted level backgrounds from the classic cartoon TV series, Scrooge McDuck and family come to life like never before. The gameplay retains the authenticity of its 8-bit predecessor, simple and fun, with slight modifications to improve gameplay flow and design. Embark on an authentic DuckTales adventure, as Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews; Huey, Dewey and Louie travel to exotic locations throughout the world in their quest to retrieve the five Legendary Treasures."

Also new is Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, a $14.99 platformer inspired by the Genesis classic.

The Xbox One now has a release date - November 22, 2013. The Playstation 4 is November 15.


Ad: Amazon Star Wars TIE Interceptor In Stock Now

Entertainment EarthOrder Amazon Exclusive Star Wars: The Vintage Collection TIE Interceptor Vehicle now - it's in stock today!

Order any item at all through these links, and we get a cut! It's simple, it costs you nothing, and it helps us out. Thanks for your support!


Superstitious Hocus Pocus
September 13, 2013
Review: Hasbro Iron Man 3 Assemblers Crosscut Iron Man

Figure of the DayHasbro Iron Man 3 Assemblers Crosscut Iron ManSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Newish! The Hasbro Iron Man 3 Assemblers Crosscut Iron Man is part of wave 2, and my guess may be one of the last new entries in this nifty kid-driven line. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


GameStick Release Date: October 29

Rocks and Bugs and ThingsGameStickIn addition to the Ouya, another Android-based game system is about to hit the market with a dull thud most likely. GameStick will be available October 29, 2013. It's very similar to the Vita TV dongle released earlier this week, except it's coming out to the USA for certain and it'll be here quite soon. There hasn't been a lot of chatter regarding software yet.

I did not pledge to their successful Kickstarter campaign, but I did find a harsh quote from Wikipedia when I was looking for a list of software launch games.

Also, it's on Amazon.

And there you go! Here's hoping it takes off - I like the idea of a game system I can bring in my suitcase.


Reminder: New Baby and Giant Deadbeets 9/15

OMFGPinkFrom October Toys: September Deadbeets!. Two small figures are joined by a jumbo (or regular sized) vinyl release in OMFG-esque flesh for $60. It's big - 7 1/2-inches tall!

Don't forget - it's Sunday!


Ad: RetroN 5 Game Console Plays Old Games on October 31

AmazonEarthOrder Hyperkin RetroN 5 Retro Gaming System if you're so inclined! This box plays NES, Famicom, Genesis, Mega Drive, Super NES, Super Famicom, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and GameBoy Advance games.

Not a bad mix!


Transformers Collectors Club: Meet "Thrustinator"

ThrustinatorThrustinatorBased on the Beast Wars II toy "Dirgegun" is Transformers Collector Club Thrustinator, which is is a naked appeal at a specific group of fans that may not be crazy about it. It's certainly creative.

The character is revealed within some new comic art pages. Hey, at least Heinrad is there.


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiZelda II: The Adventure of Link This week's Wii U offerings: The Wii U Virtual Console has Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. The NES game is $4.99 and is way better than you remember it. Trust me, I just played through it again this year.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSTecmo BowlThis week's batch on the 3DS Shop: 3DS games include Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl in demo form.

Other DSiWare eShop games include Letter Challenge, Tales to Enjoy! Puss in Boots, and Tales to Enjoy! Little Red Riding Hood.

Also up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Tecmo Bowl, a $4.99 release from the NES. It's football.


His Boy Elroy
September 16, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.

Also, check out this article I wrote: Quick Rundown: Amazon Vintage Hasbro Star Wars TIE Interceptor Vehicle! It looks at the new-enough-for-jazz release.


Review: Funko Land of the Lost SDCC Exclusive Glow in the Dark Sleestak Bobble Head

Figure of the DayFunko Land of the Lost SDCC Exclusive Glow in the Dark Sleestak Bobble HeadSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Green! The Funko Land of the Lost SDCC Exclusive Glow in the Dark Sleestak Bobble Head kicks off an all-glow-in-the-dark week here in Figure of the Day, so come back for more green, red, and even blue figures. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Jetsons Coming to Hot Wheels

Hot Wheels2014Coming in 2014! The Jetsons Capsule Car is coming in 2014. It's a new casting in Mix A, whenever that hits. Notable for the floating car are clear wheels, so it can scoot around.

A bunch of other cars and trucks are shown as well, but this being the licensed darling I figured you would want to see it the most. Check it out!


Power-Con: 3 new MOTUC Announcements

Masters of the UniverseBattle LionVia the Twitter: Battle Lion, Blade, and Scorpia. Find more and better pictures at The Fwoosh.

Blade is based on a movie character. Scorpia is a member of the Horde from the Princess of Power cartoon. Battle Lion is King Grayskull's steed, and it appears he has an all-new head with mane, a new tail, and armor that would make for a great MOTU2K Battle Cat.

Also revealed was the shield for Extendar, which probably means he'll be here next year.


Ad: New Star Trek and More at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthIt's coming soon - check out the New Star Trek at Entertainment Earth. Die-cast Deep Space Nine and Defiant replicas are on the way, as is a battle-damaged Enterprise B.

Star Trek Battle-Damaged Enterprise-B Vehicle Star Trek Starships Deep Space Nine Space Station & Magazine Star Trek Starships U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 Vehicle & Mag. Marvlel Select Classic Hawkeye Action Figure Batman DC Hero Sofubi Batman Soft Vinyl Action Figure Batman DC Hero Sofubi Joker Soft Vinyl Action Figure Superman The Man of Steel Statue Iron Man 3 Marvel Legends Ultron Action Figure

Check out all the new stuff, and order yours now! Or don't!


It's Gonna Be OK
September 17, 2013
Review: Onell Design Glyos Crayboth Pack 5 Red and Green Aura Action Figure

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Crayboth Pack 5 Red and Green Aura Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Glow crazy! The Onell Design Glyos Crayboth Pack 5 Red and Green Aura Action Figure shows red and green figures, both of which you need. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Outer Space Men - More White Star Coming

Outer Space MenOuter Space Men WhiteVia the Outer Space Men News: More White Star Outer Space Men Figures Coming!, as shown at Power-Con.

Seen here for the first time are White Star Gamma X, Colossus Rex, Terra Firma, Jack Asteroid, Horroscope, and Ohprometam in white.


New Ravens - Flamingo, Owl All-In Bonus Buddy

ToysFlamingo The Four Horsemen updated Ravens on Kickstarter - Flamingo and Bonus Owl figures can be seen now.

Check 'em out!


Glyos: Multiple Bonuses Arriving

GlyosDark TravelerVia the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Enigma Source Drop Bonuses - Dark Traveler Bonus Parts, Purple Torso Parts Too , with two different "extras" packets.

I received the bluegreen heads and new belt as seen in the picture - the belt sculpt is, at this time, unique to this particular packet of bonuses. My Twitter pal Stan got a purple Traveler torso with a Scar Pheyden and Phanost head. What did you get?


Power Lords: You Missed The Exclusives

Power LordsPower SoldiersVia the Power Lords Are Back: Power Lords Power-Con Exclusives Up, Sell Out Immediately, or in about ten minutes.

The black soldier went first, the white followed in short order.


Yvonne Craig Inks Batman Classic TV Deal

BatmanBatgirl Word on the street was that the Batman 1966 deals had all of the talent - it turns out this may not have been true! Last week, Yvonne Craig confirmed she just inked a deal with Warner to do classic Batgirl stuff based on the old Adam West TV show.

I assume this may mean Comic-Con exclusives in 2014, or perhaps Matty. See more at The Fwoosh.


Glow with the Flow
September 18, 2013
Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Arachnorod

Figure of the DayMattel Hot Wheels ArachnorodSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Glows! Glow in the Dark Week continues with the Mattel Hot Wheels Arachnorod, in stores now and pretty cheap. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Rerun: Power Lords Power Soldiers

Power LordsPower SoliderAt the Power Lords News Blog: Power Soldier Re-Run - Get the Missing Power-Con Figures, so be ready to pre-order on Thursday.

The new batch is due in November, so I would anticipate them in-home in early December if history is any indication.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Hot Wheels World¹s Best Driver New to the PSP Vita this week: Grand Theft Auto V for $59.99 and Hot Wheels World¹s Best Driver for $39.99.

New PS2 classic games this week: Capcom Fighting Evolution for $9.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPReal Boxing New to the PSP Vita this week: Real Boxing for $9.99.


Glow Crazy
September 19, 2013
Review: October Toys Zillions of Mutated Bodies Infecting Everyone (ZOMBIE) Series 1 Blue Glow in the Dark Minifigures

Figure of the DayOctober Toys Zillions of Mutated Bodies Infecting Everyone (ZOMBIE) Series 1 Blue Glow in the Dark MinifiguresSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It glows blue! Especially under black light. October Toys Zillions of Mutated Bodies Infecting Everyone (ZOMBIE) Series 1 Blue Glow in the Dark Minifigures are cheap on eBay, and are some of the few newish blue glowing figures you'll find on the market today. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeFoul PlayXbox fans, it's time to download Foul Play, a brawler set entirely on a stage of a play. Microsoft says:

"Foul Play is a hand-crafted, beautiful reimagining of one of the most cherished 8-bit titles of all time. Go back to one of the golden ages of gaming, but now refined with a level of detail that will please the most hardened devoted Disney or retro Capcom fan, alike. Featuring hand-drawn animated sprites, authentic Disney character voices talent and richly painted level backgrounds from the classic cartoon TV series, Scrooge McDuck and family come to life like never before. The gameplay retains the authenticity of its 8-bit predecessor, simple and fun, with slight modifications to improve gameplay flow and design. Embark on an authentic DuckTales adventure, as Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews; Huey, Dewey and Louie travel to exotic locations throughout the world in their quest to retrieve the five Legendary Treasures."

Capcom also emailed us to confirm that DuckTales Remastered will get a retail box edition for Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U on November 12. Which if I knew, I'd have waited to buy the game - it's great, it's short, and you can probably beat it on Normal in about a day or two.


Ad: Pop! Vinyl Wreck-It Ralph Coming

Entertainment EarthOrder Wreck-It Ralph Pop! Vinyl Figures now - and you'll get them as soon as they arrive in just a couple of months!

Wreck-It Ralph Vaneloppe Disney Pop! Vinyl Figure Wreck-It Ralph Disney Pop! Vinyl Figure Wreck-It Ralph Fix-It Felix Jr. Disney Pop! Vinyl Figure Wreck-It Ralph King Candy Disney Pop! Vinyl Figure

They're due in November for $9.99 each!


Neighborhood Threat
September 20, 2013
Review: Hasbro My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic SDCC Exclusive Zecora Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic SDCC Exclusive Zecora FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Glow horse! The Hasbro My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic SDCC Exclusive Zecora Figure is a zebra, so naturally she glows in the dark just like the real thing. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Power Lords Second Chance: Power Soldier Pre-Orders

Power LordsPower LordYou have until Sunday at 3:00 PM Eastern to snag Store Horsemen Power Lords Power Soldier Action Figures, which sold out really quickly the first time around due to the newness of the 250-piece run. The subsequent run is expected to be much larger.

Each figure is $10 and more are coming, so go ahead and order them for a November delivery.


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiThe Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD This week's Wii U offerings: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD for $49.99.

The Wii U Virtual Console has Super Mario Bros.. The NES classic-to-end-all-classics is $4.99 and in all honesty, you may as well play Super Mario Crossover instead.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSStar Wars PinballThis week's batch on the 3DS Shop: 3DS games include Star Wars Pinball plus AiRace Speed, Rage of the Gladiator, and Mahjong 3D - Essentials.

Other DSiWare eShop games include Tales to Enjoy! The Ugly Duckling, and Tales to Enjoy! Three Little Pigs.

Also up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Solomon's Key, a $3.99 release from the NES.


Let's Get Some Lunch
September 23, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.

Also, check out this article I wrote: Quick Rundown: Amazon Vintage Hasbro Star Wars TIE Interceptor Vehicle! It looks at the new-enough-for-jazz release.


Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Shokoti

Figure of the DayMattel Masters of the Universe Classics ShokotiSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Blue! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Shokoti was probably the reason to subscribe to Mattel's Club Filmation, as she was one of the more memorable villains to come from the series who did not already exist in toy form. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


New DeLorean Coming to Hot Wheels

Hot Wheels2014Coming in September? I'm not all that hopeful myself, but puts this DeLorean at September. It's a new deco in Mix A, which is supposedly the same case with the Jetsons car we're all going to want.

A bunch of other cars were shown, but this is the keeper of this batch.


OMFG 3 Update: October ETA Still On

OMFGBattle LionVia the Kickstarter: OMFG Series 3: Coming along as planned! Art of the new t-shirt (shown, awesome) is up as well as a notice of the figures still expecting to ship in October! This series has the added bonus Zombie Pheyden figure for supporters, which is plenty exciting.

The survey for your shipping address - assuming you pledged - will be going out this week.


Ad: Walking Dead Season 1 Blu-Ray, $13

AmazonAmazon has The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season for $13.00 even, free shipping with Prime. Cheap!

Not a bad deal!


Ad: New 10-Doh! Vinyl Figures and More at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthIt's coming soon - check out the New Squid Kids Ink 10-Doh Vinyl Fgiures at Entertainment Earth. New figures are made to resemble The Legend of Zelda and Tetris cartridges. Great stuff!

Also check out a new Evel Knievel figure and because we love you, an anime girl statue sitting on a toilet.

10-Doh! Dawn of the Dead Technology Vinyl Figure 10-Doh! Legend of 10-Doh! Gold Edition Vinyl Figure 10-Doh! 10-Tris Video Game Cartridge Vinyl Figure
Daydream Collection Neighbor's Private Time Statue Evel Knievel in White Jumpsuit 8-Inch Action Figure E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Stunt Puppet 12-Inch Foam Replica

Check out all the new stuff, and order yours now! Or don't!


Delay: RetroN 5 Game Console December 10

Video GamesWe have received word that Hyperkin RetroN 5 Retro Gaming System is not due on October 31 as previously mentioned on Amazon, but rather December 10. This box plays NES, Famicom, Genesis, Mega Drive, Super NES, Super Famicom, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and GameBoy Advance games.

It is being retooled to allow for the Power Base Converter to be plugged in to the Genesis slot, which adds Sega Master System compatibility. Pre-orders have been removed from Amazon.


Ants? Termites? Die You Fiends
September 24, 2013
Review: Four Horsemen Seventh Kingdom Raavia Action Figure

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Seventh Kingdom Raavia Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Still available! The Four Horsemen Seventh Kingdom Raavia Action Figure is a great companion to your Mattel Matty figure collection. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Glyos - 481 Universe New Ni Stuff

GlyosNew NiVia the Glyos News Dump: New 481 Universe Toys on Friday, so be ready with that credit card.

But wait, there's more!

Also via the Glyos News Dump: New Armorvor Preview: Blue? The cool thing is you get to see paint masks in action - the added bonus is that it's showing what appears to be a sneak preview of a new Armorvor head painted silver, with blue plastic. Could we finally be getting a blue Armorvor? I hope so!


Confirmed: Outer Space Men More White Star Coming to NYCC

Outer Space MenOuter Space Men WhiteVia the Outer Space Men News: New White Star Outer Space Men for NYCC, Great Price were previewed at Power-Con.

They will debut at NYCC and be sold online after the show, in about two and a half weeks. The price per figure is significantly lower than either of the San Diego Comic-Con offerings, which were about $15 per White Star Figure or $20 per Alpha Phase figure. The new NYCC White Stars are a mere $11.67 each if you buy a set - or you can buy individuals for once!


Once You Have Their Money, You Never Give It Back
September 25, 2013
Review: Playmates Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Quark Action Figure

Figure of the DayPlaymates Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Quark Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

He runs the bar! Playmates Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Quark Action Figure is one of those reasons of why you got excited to buy toys in the 1990s, despite his dubious authenticity. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3The Mark of Kri New to the Playstation 3 this week: FIFA Soccer 14 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 Launch Edition for $59.99 and Armored Core: Verdict Day for $49.99.

New PSN games include Lone Survivor: The Director¹s Cut and Girl Fight. It looks like Dead or Alive minus the subtlety and nuance.

New PS2 classic games this week: The Mark of Kri and Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri for $9.99 each. I don't remember them, either.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPFIFA 14 New to the PSP Vita this week: Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut for $12.99 and FIFA 14 for $39.99.

New PSP games include: FIFA 14 for $39.99. Yes, it comes out for everything.


Send In The Clowns
September 26, 2013
Review: Mattel Batman Classic TV Series The Joker Action Figure

Figure of the DayMattel Batman Classic TV Series The Joker Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Good, but reeks of communication errors! The Mattel Batman Classic TV Series The Joker Action Figure brings one of the first famous takes on the Joker to life, and it's clearly Caesar Romero, but it seems like the designers or the factory missed a few key points. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Glyos - New "Stealth Iron Man" Armorvor Revealed

GlyosNew NiVia the Glyos News Dump: New Armorvor Teased, Blue, Awesome. You can see the new blue Armorvor, a dismembered Crayboth, Power Lords, and other things I can't quite identify.

Do check these out.


Ad: New Hasbro Pre-Orders for Transformers, Star Wars, plus Walking Dead

Entertainment EarthOrder New Hasbro Toys now at Entertainment Earth - including Saga Legends Star Wars, Transformers Generations Deluxe, and many more! Like the Saturday Night Live Schweddy Balls Christmas Ornaments and Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Figure & Motorcycle Deluxe Box Set.

Star Wars Saga Legends Action Figures Wave 2 Case Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Figure & Motorcycle Deluxe Box Set Walking Dead TV Merle and Daryl Dixon Action Figure 2-Pack The Walking Dead TV Series 5 Action Figure Set Transformers Generations Deluxe Figures Wave 7 Set Saturday Night Live Schweddy Balls Ornaments - Set of 2 Avengers Assemble Iron Man Flip & Fire Gauntlet Kre-O Transformers Custom Kreon Mini-Figures Wave 1 Avengers Assemble Action Figures Wave 2 Case Ultimate Spider-Man Action Figures Wave 3 Case Easy-Bake Ultimate Oven (Black) Nerf Vortex Revonix360 Blaster Teen Titans DC Retro Series 1 Action Figure Set

Also coming:
Kre-O Cityville Invasion Mini-Figure 2-Pack Wave 2
Ultimate Spider-Man All-Stars Action Figures Wave 3 Case
Avengers Assemble Mighty Battlers Action Figures Wave 3
Transformers Generations Voyager Wave 5
Kre-O Transformers 2013 Mini-Figures Series 4 Case


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeGirl FightXbox fans, it's time to download Girl Fight, a $10 fighter that brings the sensibility of Dead or Alive without the nuance or refinement. Microsoft says:

"Follow the journey of eight fierce females with psychic powers who battle each other within a secret government research facility! Fight using both hand-to-hand combat and supernatural psychic attacks in a wide variety of doomsday scenarios! Perform awesome moves in battle to earn virtual currency to unlock extra content, such as new psychic abilities, alternate costumes, in-depth backstory, and sexy illustrations of the girls! Psychic warfare starts here!"

Also new is Ascend: Hand of Kul, a free-to-play RPG.


Ad: The Legend of Zelda Box Set: Prima Official Game Guide in Treasure Chest

AmazonOrder The Legend of Zelda Box Set: Prima Official Game Guide in Treasure Chest now - get six strategy guides in a treasure chest box!

Some of the guides aren't terribly easy to find, plus there's a treasure chest storage box and a bookmark. It's a nice set. If you order it (or anything from Amazon) through the above link, we get a small kickback and it helps continue to fund this site. Thank you for your support!


Margin Alert
September 27, 2013
Review: Hasbro Avengers Assemble Captain America

Figure of the DayHasbro Avengers Assemble Captain AmericaSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Cheap! The Hasbro Avengers Assemble Captain America is a nifty figure, one of four new Avengers for about six bucks each. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


New Ni Stuff Figures Friday Night

GlyosNew StuffFriday at 9:00 PM Eastern! New Ni Stuff: 481 Universe Drop Friday, September 27, with new heads, cheap Anomaly figures, and of course some figures.

The runs are low and the sell-throughs are fast, so be prepared.


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiDonkey Kong 3 This week's Wii U offerings: The Wii U Virtual Console has Donkey Kong 3. The NES arcade port is $4.99.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSCarps & DragonsThis week's batch on the 3DS Shop: 3DS games include Carps & Dragons plus Family Table Tennis 3D, Mystery Murders: The Sleeping Palace, and a few retail games.

Other DSiWare eShop games include Astro.


Pow-Pow-Power Lords
September 30, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.

Also, check out this article I wrote: Quick Rundown: Amazon Vintage Hasbro Star Wars TIE Interceptor Vehicle! It looks at the new-enough-for-jazz release.


Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Castaspella

Figure of the DayMattel Masters of the Universe Classics CastaspellaSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Bright! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Castaspella is yet another red-headed fantasy girl from the 1980s, which probably in some small part explains the growing number of artificial redheads to some extent. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


New Mordles Coming Very Soon

MordlesNOVia Club Mordle, we found out that Two New Mordle Colors Will Debut at NYCC. We even got a peek at them, and because of the angles I'm really only sure of one of the two colors.

To see the colors, consult your email or wait a week or so.


Glyos - Power Lords Compatibility Preview

GlyosNew GlyosVia the Glyos News Dump: Power Lords + Glyos = Compatibility. This shows off how the Power Lords new "Glybrid" system works - and in some cases, doesn't work - with some of the existing Glyos figures.

I'll have a much more in-depth look at the Power Soldier on Wednesday, so consider this a nice sneak peek.


New Yellow Hot Wheels Fig Rig Hitting

Hot WheelsNONow in yellow! The LEGO-compatible Hot Wheels Fig Rig truck has a variant, and of course I had to buy it when I found it over the weekend. Click here to read my review of the red one, as it's a really fun toy that lets you play with your existing LEGO figures.

I saw a bunch in a bin for under a buck each, as well as new Bump Arounds, chrome Croc Rods, the new Skate Punk, and a bunch of other interesting not-licensed designs. Good hunting!


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We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.