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Just Your Average ThunderCats Ho
December 1, 2015
Review: Diamond Select Toys Aliens vs. Colonial Marines Figure Set

Figure of the DayDiamond Select Toys Aliens vs. Colonial Marines Figure SetSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

A bag of bugs! The Diamond Select Toys Aliens vs. Colonial Marines Figure Set is packed with green army men and black bugs. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper Officer Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

First Order Stormtrooper Officer (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: First Order Stormtrooper Officer (The Force Awakens 2015)! This 6-inch figure has a unique pauldron, and is exclusive to Amazon.

More tomorrow!


Mystery Science Theater 3000 Adds Patton Oswalt

PattonKickstarterVia Kickstarter: Patton Oswalt has agreed to join MST3K as the Forrester's newest Evil Henchman... TV's Son of TV's Frank!. ...that's pretty much it as far as that goes. It was another rumor-that's-not-a-rumor that got people talking and continues the dream casting set out with Felicia Day, Jonah Ray, Baron Vaughn, and (I admit I didn't know him previously) Hampton Yount. But everybody else is awesome, so I'm sure he is too.

This Kickstarter project is at $3.3 million, handily surpassing the $2 million goal with 11 days to go. New episodes are expected around July, which seems pretty doable if they keep up the level of quality seen in the original sets.


Ad: Entertainment Earth Cyber Monday Now!

Entertainment EarthAd: The Entertainment Earth Cyber Monday Sale is on now! Save up to 95% on nearly 200 items including action figures, exclusives, display stands, model kits, vinyl figures, and a bunch more. Also get free shipping with in-stock orders of $49+ right now!

Twilight Zone Henry Bemis Book Replica -Convention Exclusive Batman 1966 TV Series 8-Inch Action Figure Set EE Exclusive Action Figure Stands 25-Pack - Black G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Action Figures 2-Packs Wave 2 Set Firefly Malcolm Reynolds Master Series 1:6 Scale Statue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Michelangelo James Jean Statue Predator Masked Predator ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Ghostbusters Titans Ecto-1 4 1/2-Inch Vinyl Vehicle

Order yours today!


Glyos Callgrim Drop - Bounty Hunters

GlyosBobaVia the Glyos News Dump: New Callgrim - Inspired by Classic Star Wars Action Figures! Figures range $12-$20, and the bike is $25.

Bobaran, the Kenner-inspired figure, seems to be about ready to sell out if he hasn't alreayd. Get yours!


A Good Year for Robots
December 2, 2015
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Brawl

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars BrawlSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

A new tank! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Brawl has a weak waist but a bulky build. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Star Wars Crimson Stormtrooper Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

Crimson Stormtrooper (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: Crimson Stormtrooper (The Force Awakens 2015)! This one comes from an Entertainment Earth exclusive boxed set.

More tomorrow!


Trypticon - Your Next Transformers Titan

Vote!TransformersVia Facebook: The Winner!. Trypticon trounced Scorponok and Omega Supreme.

They write: "There truly is nothing that can stand in the way of Trypticon. With your votes, he smashed his way to becoming the next Generations Titans Return Titan Class toy. Mark your calendars, and look for him to hit shelves late 2017."


Ad - John Oliver, Durotan, and Star Wars at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Star Wars The Black Series Imperial Forces 6-Inch Action Figures - Entertainment Earth Exclusive is coming to Entertainment Earth. You can really buy a cybernetic version of the King, and why wouldn't you? Your life will finally be complete.

Last Week Tonight John Oliver Pop! Vinyl Figure Warcraft Durotan 18-Inch Action Figure - Blizzcon Exclusive Star Wars Black Series 6-Inch Action Figures- EE Exclusive

The Star Wars set is in stock now - the others are coming soon.


BMOG Splatterpus Delayed

Vote!BMOGVia BMOG: Splatterpus Production Delayed. A shame, I was looking forward to more of these.

They write: "Unfortunate news regarding Splatterpus. After a year of preproduction Nonnef has declined to go further with the project, citing the destruction of the molds in the recent flooding of the Carolinas. We are currently looking for an alternative facility and are altering our development plans accordingly. Unfortunately, we cannot at this time say when production will begin."


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4 Arcade Archives The Legend of Kage New to the Playstation 4 this week: Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours, Handball 16, Just Cause 3, Tom ClancyÕs Rainbow Six Siege, and Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends.

New arcade classic games this week: Arcade Archives The Legend of Kage.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3 Handball 16 New to the Playstation 3 this week: Handball 16, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week

PS VitaDariusburst: Chronicle Saviours New to the PSP Vita this week: Handball 16, Bigfest, and Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours.


Meow or Never
December 3, 2015
Review: Takara-Tomy Beast Saga Buffam Action Figure

Figure of the DayTakara-Tomy Beast Saga Buffam Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Have some bull! The Takara-Tomy Beast Saga Buffam Action Figure is a Japanese figure you ignored a couple of years back. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Star Wars Lt. Oxixo Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

Lt. Oxixo (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: Lt. Oxixo (The Black Series 2015)! He's a 6-inch Entertainment Earth exclusive that you can get in the sexiest boxed set of the season. I am in no way biased.

More tomorrow!


Ad - New Star Wars, Transformers Pre-Orders Galore at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Pre-Order New Star Wars The Black Series Waves Now at Entertainment Earth. Hux, Atsy, and more are joined by reruns of Phasma and other favorites!

Also, be sure to check out new Transformers - you'll be glad you did. Some new stuff here!

Star Wars VII Black Series 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 4 Case Star Wars VII Black Series 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 3 Case Star Wars VII Black Series 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 2 R1 Transformers Robots in Disguise Battle Packs Wave 2 Set Transformers Rescue Bots Mini-Cons Wave 1 Set Transformers Rescue Bots Rescue Rigs Wave 1 Case Transformers Rescue Bots Megabots Wave 1 Case Transformers Generations Alt Modes Blind Box Figures Case


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneChivalry: Medieval WarfareXbox fans, it's time to try Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Microsoft says:

"Besiege castles and raid villages in this 24 player online experience. Trade in your guns and grenades to test your mettle against cold hard steel on the medieval battlefield. Includes over 25 battlefields, up to 24 player online multiplayer, and an all new Horde Mode. Deep melee combat system allows you to wield an arsenal of 60+ brutal weapons ranging from broad swords to longbows. Switch between the intense combat of first-person to the tactical view of third-person anytime during battle."

Also available: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing, Kung Fu Panda Showdown Of Legendary Legends, and Just Cause 3.


Hover Around the Monitor
December 4, 2015
Review: Super7 x Funko Alien ReAction Nostromo Crew (Dallas, Kane, Lambert)

Figure of the DaySuper7 x Funko Alien ReAction Nostromo Crew (Dallas, Kane, Lambert)Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Finally, a more expensive black repaint! The Super7 x Funko Alien ReAction Nostromo Crew (Dallas, Kane, Lambert) looks great on that playset you hopefully bought last year. Read on and come back Monday for more!


Star Wars First Order TIE Fighter Pilot Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

 First Order TIE Fighter Pilot (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: First Order TIE Fighter Pilot (The Force Awakens 2015)! He's exclusive to the giant TIE Fighter!

More Monday!


Ad - New Pop! Vinyl Figure Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Funko Pop! Vinyl Figures from WWE, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Adventure Time, and more have been added to Entertainment Earth. Amazing!

Adventure Time Marceline with Guitar Pop! Vinyl Figure Adventure Time Flame Princess Pop! Vinyl Figure Adventure Time The Lich Pop! Vinyl Figure Adventure Time Jake Car Pop! Vinyl Vehicle with Finn Figure PPZ Elizabeth Bennet Pop! Vinyl Figure PPZ Parson Collins Pop! Vinyl Figure PPZ Jane Bennet Pop! Vinyl Figure Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Mr. Darcy Pop! Vinyl Figure PPZ Mrs. Featherstone Pop! Vinyl Figure PPZ Lady Catherine Pop! Vinyl Figure WWE Total Divas Paige Pop! Vinyl Figure WWE Ultimate Warrior Pop! Vinyl Figure WWE John Cena Version 2 Pop! Vinyl Figure

Pre-order yours now!


Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo 3DSPokemon Picross This week's 3DS offerings: Pokemon Picross, Dementium Remastered, and Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UXenoblade Chronicles X This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Xenoblade Chronicles X, Trauma Team , and Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Konami Krazy Racers from the GameBoy Advance for $6.99.


Tonight's Special Ghost
December 7, 2015
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Takara-Tomy Transformers Adventure Override

Figure of the DayTakara-Tomy Transformers Adventure OverrideSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Red, blue, and silver! The Takara-Tomy Transformers Adventure Override is the Groove repaint you kinda wanted, so get it if it's cheap. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Star Wars R2-Q2 Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

R2-Q2 (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: R2-Q2 (The Black Series 2015)! This black redeco is exclusive to Entertainment Earth.

More tomorrow!


Closing Out Masters of the Universe

Laster PowerMOTUThe original line is, basically, done! 12/15 Releases Announced: He-Ro II, Prahvus, Laser Power He-Man & Laser Light Skeletor . Those He-Man and Skeletor figures basically bring the updates to an end - the original Masters of the Universe line of humanoid figures has now been updated. Many creatures like the Meteorbs are left untouched, but if you wanted updates of all of the original figures, it's now doable.

Accessory packs, Son of He-Man, and Prahvus are also up for grabs next week.


Hot Doctor Pepper
December 8, 2015
Review: Funko Gremlins Christmas Gizmo ReAction Figure

Figure of the DayFunko Gremlins Christmas Gizmo ReAction FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

A bag of bugs! The Funko Gremlins Christmas Gizmo ReAction Figure is cute, but the joints aren't exactly great - but your mileage may vary. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Star Wars Sandtrooper Sergeant Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

Sandtrooper Sergeant (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: Sandtrooper Sergeant (The Force Awakens 2015)! This 6-inch figure has a unique pauldron, and is exclusive to Entertainment Earth.

More tomorrow!


Takara-Tomy Makes Official Transformers Flight Stands, Galvatronus Revealed

Stands DeliveredTransformersVia TFW2005: Official Transformers Flight Stands are coming! These are like other clear stands on the market, but are cheaper and feature Transformers branding.

The TFW2005 article shows the stands are about five bucks each - here's hoping Hasbro brings some over here.

Tactician CyclonusAnd via The Allspark: Unite Warriors Transformers Grand Galvatron Revealed! The toys are Cyclonus Tactician (pictured), Ghost Starscream, Curse Armada Thrust, Wandering Roller, and Zombie War Breakdown.

The set is a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive - shoot - so I will need to figure out where to get one of these. Retail is 16,200 yen, or US $132. Expect importers to ask $160 or so. I'm into it.


Ad: Entertainment Earth Contra Figures!

Entertainment EarthAd: The Entertainment Earth Video Game Shop is loaded with figures, plush toys, art, and more from new and old interactive adventures - including this amazing classic.

Contra Bill and Lance Video Game Action Figure 2-Pack

Order yours today! Due in June 2016.

--AP Space/Metroid/Star Wars Box Delayed

NintendoNintendoDelayed! I got an email notice showing that the #8 with Jakks Nintendo Metallic Samus Aran figure didn't ship yet (which I could tell). Here's what they said:

"The Sith have used the darkside of the force and taken control of our warehouse. We are fighting alongside the Jedi Order to regain control. While we take on this epic battle of good vs. evil unfortunately your Comic Con Box 8 shipment will be delayed. You should have your box in time for the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

Well, shoot. I'll keep you posted.


Kermit the Frog Doing Sagan
December 9, 2015
Review: Tim Mee Toys Shadow Ops Black Helicopter Strikeforce Figure and Vehicle Set

Figure of the DayTim Mee Toys Shadow Ops Black Helicopter Strikeforce Figure and Vehicle SetSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Choppers and black ops! The Tim Mee Toys Shadow Ops Black Helicopter Strikeforce Figure and Vehicle Set is your cultural paranoia made (plastic) flesh - 6 figures and 2 choppers are some of the sturdiest, shiniest army men toys I've seen. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Star Wars Captain Phasma Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

Captain Phasma (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: Captain Phasma (The Force Awakens 2015)! This one is the one. You want this one if you don't have it.

More tomorrow!


Transformers Legends - Next Wave Hitting Now

Vote!TransformersVia TFND: In-hand pictures of 2016 Combiner Wars Legend Class Wave 1 (actually wave 5, but let's not argue here). Online toy sellers have received these in the USA, so if you ordered from Entertainment Earth or Hasbro Toy Shop, odds are you have some en route.

The gallery shows Buzzsaw, Shockwave, Chop Shop, and Pipes - a rare Decepticon-heavy wave! It's worth noting Buzzsaw looks a lot better than earlier renderings - but he's still a brick bird.

The toys of the next wave have yet to be confirmed as to when they're hitting or going on sale - Sky Lynx, Hound, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, and Trailbreaker are expected for the Sky Reign build, and there's a Wreck-Gar in the Legends class due sooner or later too.


Ad - New Arrivals at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Order New Arrivals at Entertainment Earth. Thousands of items are in stock with new arrivals every day - from exclusives to plush toys to books to vinyl figures, it's the season to order something. This week, in-stock orders of $49 or more get free shipping!

Ghostbusters Slimer Glow-in-the-Dark Bank He-Man & MOTU Minicomic Collection Hardcover Book Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Metal Earth Model Kit Emoji Poop Funky Chunky Magnet Godzilla 1964 Emergence SH MonsterArts Action Figure MOTU 24K Skeletor Premium Hikari Sofubi Vinyl Figure G.I. Joe Cobra Commander Pop! Vinyl Figure Peanuts Scout Snoopy and Woodstock Ultra Detail Figure

Order some great stuff today!


It Sinks
December 10, 2015
Review: Playmates Star Trek: The Next Generation Captain Scott Action Figure

Figure of the DayPlaymates Star Trek: The Next Generation Captain Scott Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Great Scott! The Playmates Star Trek: The Next Generation Captain Scott Action Figure is a genuine classic from a pretty good episode, and while he didn't appear a lot on that particular show it's memorable - so here's a toy. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Star Wars Constable Zuvio Reviewed at Galactic Hunter

Constable Zuvio (The Force Awakens 2015)Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: Constable Zuvio (The Black Series 2015)! He's a 6-inch alien and our mid-season finale because I can't keep churning out two per day without having seen the movie yet.

More soon!


Ad - New Gift Rush Sale at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Gift Rush Sale - Up to 95% Off action figures, statues, barware, Kre-O, and more at Entertainment Earth. Some of these deals are bonkers - be sure to take a look!

Click here to see all items. Don't forget, get free shipping on all in-stock orders $49+ in the USA!

Star Wars Landspeeder Bottle Opener - EE Exclusive Star Wars Clone Trooper Utapau Premium Hikari Figure EE Exc. Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Legends Figures Wave 3 Rev. 1 Batman Returns Penguin Commando Life-Size Statue Kre-O G.I. Joe Arashikage Dojo Set Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends - EE Exclusive Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Figure & Motorcycle Deluxe Box Set Action Figure Stands 25-Pack - Black Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Legends Figures Wave 4 The Venture Bros. Shore Leave and Alchemist Action Figures Ant-Man and Ant 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure and Creature Set G.I. Joe Desert Duel Vehicles with Action Figures Exclusive Godzilla Vinyl Wars Bullmark Mothra Vinyl Figure EE Ex. Star Trek: TNG Sherlock Holmes Bobble Heads-Set of 2 Excl.


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneBaseball RiotXbox fans, it's time to try Baseball Riot. Microsoft says:

"Baseball Riot is a fun physics based puzzle game packed with slapstick comedy and mayhem! Take control of retired star batter Gabe Carpaccio as he goes on a crusade to free his former team from the grasp of Explodz Inc. Smash baseballs at various Explodz fueled goons such as obnoxious fans, biased umpires, leery catchers and more. Bounce the ball of walls and platforms to knock out many targets with one hit."

Also available: Law And Order Bundle, GG Bundle 2015, Starwhal, and Resident Evil 0.


Bag Full of Twizzlers
December 11, 2015
Review: Takara-Tomy Beast Saga Bunikis Action Figure

Figure of the DayTakara-Tomy Beast Saga Bunikis Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Rabbit season! The Takara-Tomy Beast Saga Bunikis Action Figure shoots dice out of its gut and has an adorable little bunny nose, while coming to you dressed in heavy armor. Read on and come back Monday for more!


Ad - New Funko and Pop! Vinyl Figure Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Funko Pop! Vinyl Figures from Fast & Furious, Deadpool, and more have been added to Entertainment Earth. And lots of other Deadpool stuff!

Fast and Furious Dom Toretto Pop! Vinyl Figure Fast and Furious Luke Hobbs Pop! Vinyl Figure Fast and Furious Brian O' Connor Pop! Vinyl Figure Fast & Furious 1970 Charger Dom Toretto Pop! Vinyl Vehicle Deadpool with Two Swords Pop! Vinyl Figure Deadpool Thumbs Up Pop! Vinyl Figure Deadpool Super Deluxe Vinyl Figure Deadpool Pirate Dorbz Vinyl Figure Deadpool Black Suit Pocket Pop! Vinyl Figure Key Chain Deadpool Mopeez Plush Display Case Deadpool Pop! Home 12 oz. Mug

Pre-order yours now!


Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo 3DSSteamWorld Heist This week's 3DS offerings: SteamWorld Heist, Rytmik Ultimate, Radiohammer, and Petit Novel Series - Harvest December.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UMedabots: Metabee & Rokusho This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Sketch Wars, FAST Racing NEO, Jones on Fire, and Dinox.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Medabots: Metabee & Rokusho from the GameBoy Advance for $6.99.


Brighter in Person
December 14, 2015
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Funko Gremlins Cinema Gremlin ReAction Figure

Figure of the DayFunko Gremlins Cinema Gremlin ReAction FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Gremlins in 3-D! The Funko Gremlins Cinema Gremlin ReAction Figure is pretty cool, but has joints that were stuck as all get out. Get a pot of boiling water handy. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad: Amazon's Trypticon On Sale for $101.99

Sky ReignEntertainment EarthAd: It's on sale! Save $68 on the Transformers Platinum Edition Trypticon Figure. The reissue brings back classic electronic features in a special $101.99 box - until the price changes.

Order yours now!


Ad: Combiner Wars Transformers Wave 6 Limbs Pre-Order

Sky ReignEntertainment EarthAd: It's time to order the Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Deluxe Wave 6 Set. Hound, Trailbreaker, Smokescreen, and Wheeljack are up for grabs in this exciting set - coming in February 2016 to form Sky Reign with Sky Lynx (coming soon).

Pre-Order yours now!


Get Better, Art
December 15, 2015
Review: Hasbro Transformers Timelines Depth Charge

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Timelines Depth ChargeSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

My manta ray's all right! The Hasbro Transformers Timelines Depth Charge has an assembly error, but I'm assuming it's just mine - otherwise he's pretty neat (and cheap). So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Glow Glyos - New Figures Tonight

Vote!GlyosVia the Glyos News Dump: New Glyos on Tuesday - Glow in the Dark Drop. 9:30 PM EST.

Sarvos, the Crayboth, and Hades are coming - and presumably more, but there's no menu at press time.


Ad - Transformers Combiner Wars IN STOCK at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Transformers Combiner Wars Onslaught and Scattershot are in stock at Entertainment Earth. $49.99, and they ship free (for a limited time)! Also check out other fine robots with disguises.

Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Voyager Wave 5 Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Skywarp, Not Mint Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Leader Starscream Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Legends Groove Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Deluxe Sunstreaker Transformers Combiner Wars Streetwise figure , Not Mint Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Deluxe Wave 4 Set Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Voyager Wave 2 Set

Spend $49 on in-stock toys and they ship for free in the USA!


It Can Always Get Worse
December 16, 2015
Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Nintendo Cool-One (Super Mario)

Figure of the DayMattel Hot Wheels Nintendo Cool-One (Super Mario)Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

A red car! The Mattel Hot Wheels Nintendo Cool-One (Super Mario) a logo on an old car, which is pretty much the entire strategy of shirts for nerds. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


New Glyos - Drop Last Night

Menu!GlyosVia the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Onell Design December 15 2015 Drop Menu. The Varteryx sold out.

There's some really amazingly cool stuff in here, so be sure to check out the menu.


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4 PaRappa The Rapper 2 New to the Playstation 4 this week: PaRappa The Rapper 2 and Blazerush.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions New to the Playstation 3 this week: Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions and Tony HawkÕs Pro Skater 5.


PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week

PS Vita Towerfall Ascension New to the PSP Vita this week: Towerfall Ascension.


Richie Hated Me
December 17, 2015
Review: Jakks Pacific World of Nintendo 8-Bit Luigi Action Figure

Figure of the DayJakks Pacific World of Nintendo 8-Bit Luigi Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Blocky but good! The Jakks Pacific World of Nintendo 8-Bit Luigi Action Figure is a tough find, but they're out there. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad - New Funko, Ghostbusters, and Transformers Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Pre-Order New Funko Sesame Street Pop! Vinyl Figures at Entertainment Earth. Snuffy, Grover, The Count, Big Bird, and more can be yours - if you pre-order now!

Also, be sure to check out new Transformers - Sky Reign comes together next year! And the Transformers Robots in Disguise Battle Packs Wave 1 Set is in stock now!

Ghostbusters Select Series 2 Action Figure Set Sesame Street Big Bird 6-Inch Pop! Vinyl Figure Sesame Street The Count Pop! Vinyl Figure Sesame Street Snuffleupagus 6-Inch Pop! Vinyl Figure Sesame Street Elmo Pop! Vinyl Figure Sesame Street Grover Pop! Vinyl Figure Sesame Street Oscar Grouch Orange Debut Pop! Vinyl EE Exc. Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Deluxe Wave 6 Set Transformers Robots in Disguise Battle Packs Wave 1 Set


Transformers Combiner Wars G2 Superion - Samples

Vote!TransformersVia TFND: In-hand pictures of 2016 Combiner Wars G2 Superion. This also includes a swell G2 Powerglide, plus all the parts and pieces you need to get Superion in his least popular (but most desirable) colors. I can't wait to get this one.

If you're Canadian, has it for $149.92 now - but it's not due to go on sale until next month, so this is probably a fluke.


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneKing's Quest - Chapter 2: Rubble Without A CauseXbox fans, it's time to try King's Quest - Chapter 2: Rubble Without A Cause. Microsoft says:

"King's Quest Ð Rubble Without A Cause is the second of five chapters in the new, critically acclaimed reimagining of the classic King's Quest game series. In this latest adventure, King Graham takes players back to his first test as ruler of Daventry. When a mischievous horde of goblins takes his kingdom hostage, a newly crowned & woefully unprepared Graham must rise up to free his people & prove himself the leader he was destined to become."

Also available: Unravel, 6180 the moon, Starpoint Gemini 2, and Line Of Defense Tactics.


Night Sun That Steals Your Dreams
December 18, 2015
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Hot Spot

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Hot SpotSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

He's blue! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Hot Spot has been pretty easy to find, but tends to sell before his case mate Cyclonus - get him if you can. He makes for a great Defensor. Read on and come back Monday for more!


Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo 3DSThe Legend of Dark Witch 2 This week's 3DS offerings: The Legend of Dark Witch 2, and Petit Novel Series - Harvest December.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UMega Man Zero 4 This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Minecraft: Wii U Edition, Temple of Yog, and Island Flight Simulator.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Mega Man Zero 4 and Megaman Battle Network 5 Team: Colonel & Protoman from the GameBoy Advance for $6.99.


The Force Awakens, He Never Died Were Good
December 21, 2015
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Buzzsaw

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars BuzzsawSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Pre-Titans! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Buzzsaw is the Titans Return toys you don't have yet. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad: Amazon's Avengers Movie Legends On Sale for 50% Off

Sky ReignAmazonAd: It's on sale! Save $40 on the Avengers 6" Movie Legends Action Figure (Pack of 4) featuring Bruce Banner, Hawkeye, Thor, and Black Widow. The set should help finish out some of your movie sets with four newish figures for $39.99 - cheap.

Order yours now! It may ship free - so give it a look!


Ad: Mickey Mouse Vintage Hikari Vinyl Figure

Sky ReignEntertainment EarthAd: It's time to order the Mickey Mouse Vintage Premium Hikari Sofubi Vinyl Figure - an Entertainment Earth Exclusive. With a premium paint job, this new toy looks very old - and there are only 500 of them.

Pre-Order yours now!


I Can't Remember the Name
December 22, 2015
Review: Takara-Tomy Beast Saga Aljaylo Burst Action Figure

Figure of the DayTakara-Tomy Beast Saga Aljaylo Burst Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Clearly the best! The Takara-Tomy Beast Saga Aljaylo Burst Action Figure is clear plastic, but pretty great. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


OTMFG - New Figures from October Toys

Vote!GlyosVia October Toys: December Releases Now Available!.

Black Brainwaves, an OMFG Pin, and a Skeleton Warriors Zipper Pull are all up for grabs.


Vinyl Titan Mushi - Jumbo Figure

Titan MushiGlyosVia the Glyos News Dump: Titan Mushi Pre-Orders Live - Figures Due in January. Currently the figures run $33-$75, quite the range depending on which one you prefer.

Even better, there's a link to Onell Design anecdotes on its creation. Check 'em out!


Ad - New 2016 Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Batman, Space Invaders, Zelda, and More Pre-Orders are up for grabs at Entertainment Earth. $49.99, and they ship free (for a limited time)! Also check out other fine robots with disguises.

The Legend of Zelda Ganon's Puppet Zelda 1:4 Scale Statue Hellboy Baby Hellboy 1:6 Scale Collectible Figure Space Invader Zipper Pull 5-Pack DC Comics Bombshells Batgirl Statue

Pre-order items that are $79 or more and they ship for free in the USA!


Almost Break Time
December 23, 2015
Review: Funko Pop! Sesame Street Season 1 Oscar the Grouch Vinyl Figure

Figure of the DayFunko Pop! Sesame Street Season 1 Oscar the Grouch Vinyl FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Orange you glad you know someone who loves trivia? The Funko Pop! Sesame Street Season 1 Oscar the Grouch Vinyl Figure is possibly the only officially-licensed piece of season one Oscar merchandise available today. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Rumor: Joe and Transformers Clubs Expiring in 2016?

Vote!TransformersVia The Allspark: BotCon and the TF Club to End at the End of 2016?! That was just one of the stories to pop up yesterday, along with TFormers' Transformers Collectors Club New Membership Expiration Date - What Does It Mean?

If you go to sign up for a new membership, each level features this notation: "All memberships will terminate with the December 2016 issue." The first club toy shipped in 2005, so depending on how long the various contract terms are it could be up and it could be nothing. We really don't know.

The fan community - and I include myself in this - tend to be very "the sky is falling!" when we have a little information about things. We know another company has signed a license to do some sort of exhibition, and we know the Joe and Transformers club mailers now say that the memberships expire in December 2016. Is it a fluke? Is it a warning sign? Does it have anything to do with the early promise of a Transformers Subscription Service 5.0 art early and very early reveals of the BotCon 2016 toys? Heck if I know. I'm just being irresponsible posting this, but mostly I like the idea of it being here so I can look back in a year and see if we were right or wrong.

It's also worth noting a similar note appears on the G.I. Joe subscriptions: "Please note that at this time we are only accepting memberships and renewals for the 2016 calendar year. All memberships will end with the December 2016 issue. For example: if your membership renewal has a February start date, you will receive the FREE membership figure in the late spring along with 11 monthly issues. If your membership renewal has a March start date, you will receive the FREE membership figure in the late spring and 10 monthly issues."


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4Fantavision New to the Playstation 4 this week: The Treasures Of Montezuma 4, Trine 3: The Artifacts Of Power, Infinifactory, and Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star.

New PS2 classic games this week: Fantavision.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3 Handball 16 New to the Playstation 3 this week: The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel, Never Alone, and The Treasures Of Montezuma 4.


PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week

PS VitaHatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star New to the PSP Vita this week: The Treasures Of Montezuma 4, The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel, and Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star.


Let's Get Ready for Sloth
December 24, 2015
Review: Jakks Pacific World of Nintendo 8-Bit Donkey Kong Action Figure

Figure of the DayJakks Pacific World of Nintendo 8-Bit Donkey Kong Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Go ape! The Jakks Pacific World of Nintendo 8-Bit Donkey Kong Action Figure based on the NES version of the character in his barrel-dropping pose. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad - Year-End Clearance Sale at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Year-End Clearance Sale - Up to 95% Off action figures, statues, barware, and more at Entertainment Earth. Some of these deals are bonkers - be sure to take a look!

Click here to see all items. Don't forget, get free shipping on all in-stock orders $79+ in the USA!

Star Wars Greedo Pop! Vinyl Bobble Head Star Wars Black Imperial Navy Commander 3 3/4-Inch Figure Star Wars Black Series 6-Inch Deluxe Action Figures Wave 2 Star Wars Black Series Mosep Binneed Action Figure Star Wars Boba Fett Hooded Costume Fleece Zip-Up Hoodie Star Wars X-Wing Game A-Wing Expansion Pack Star Wars Greedo Premium Hikari Sofubi Vinyl Figure Star Wars Boba Fett Helmet 3-D Pendant Necklace Transformers Generations Deluxe Tankor Transformers Age of Extinction Generations Deluxe Wave 2 Set Transformers Generations Voyager Sky-Byte and Roadbuster Set Avengers Marvel Legends Action Figures Wave 1 Case G.I. Joe Retaliation Premiere Pack Action Figures Marvel Infinite Series Rocket Raccoon Action Figure X-Men Beast Marvel Series 1 Dorbz Vinyl Figure The Goonies Mouth ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Retro Action Figure Masters of the Universe He-Man Kookycraft Papercraft Predator Masked Predator ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Guardians of the Galaxy Planet X Groot Hikari Figure Excl. Transformers Battle Ready Optimus Prime Hikari Premium Exc. Fifth Element Diva Plavalaguna ReAction Action Figure Gremlins Bandit Gremlin ReAction Action Figure Pulp Fiction Jimmie Dimmick ReAction 4-Inch Retro Figure


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneFrizzyXbox fans, it's time to try Frizzy. Microsoft says:

"Frizzy is a tiny ball of dirt and fur. Within this late 90's retro art style setting, the player must solve puzzles while simultaneously moving in an intense platforming environment utilizing gravity and sandbox mechanics. Frizzy can static cling to special objects called balloons, which fling Frizzy around each level."

Also available: Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 4: A Block And A Hard Place and The Escapists Holiday Bundle.


Happy Chinese Food and No Toy Runs Day
December 25, 2015
Review: Funko Gremlins Gremlin Stripe ReAction Figure

Figure of the DayFunko Gremlins Gremlin Stripe ReAction FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

A Christmas creature, stirring! The Funko Gremlins Gremlin Stripe ReAction Figure comes with a chainsaw, making it the best Christmas action figure ever. Read on and come back Monday for more!


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii USuper Mario Galaxy This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Super Mario Galaxy from the Wii for $19.99.


Rudolph Has Cancer
December 28, 2015
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Funko Pop! Animation Bob's Burgers Gene Belcher Vinyl Figure

Figure of the DayFunko Pop! Animation Bob's Burgers Gene Belcher Vinyl FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Gene, Gene, the keyboard machine! The Funko Pop! Animation Bob's Burgers Gene Belcher Vinyl Figure has a stand, keyboard, and distinctive nose. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad: Amazon's Got Cheap Transformers Again

SalesAmazonAd: It's on sale! Numerous Transformers Are On Sale. Some are over 60% off, others are just a few bucks off. It's worth a look - here are a few of the bigger deals.

Some highlights:
Age of Extinction Exclusive G1 Slog $9.12
Age of Extinction Slog $8.56
Generations Legends Blackjack $4.75
Generations Legends Groove $3.30
Generations Legends Rodimus $4.94
Platinum Trypticon $101.99
Platinum Blaster & Perceptor $89.99
Platinum Astrotrain & Blitzwing $48.90


R.I.P. Lemmy
December 29, 2015
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Blast Off

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Blast OffSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Formerly a shuttle, now a jet! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Blast Off is a redeco of the Quickslinger you hopefully bought earlier this year. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Transformers Club Mayhem Squad Vehicles

Vote!TransformersVia the Transformers Collectors Club Twitter: New Transformers 2016 TFSS 4.0 Vehicle Preview.

This may be the first almost-done in-hand look at the team, and it ain't bad. You can see a bit of the Thunderwing head, and the vehicles (plus their Targetmaster buddies) all look pretty fantastic. As a not-club-member I'll be keeping an eye on the secondary market next year.


Ad - Yo-Kai Watch at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Yo-Kai Watch toys, medlas, and more are available to order at Entertainment Earth. Hasbro's latest collectible collaboration with a Nintendo game is en route, and if you're game these can be yours.

Yo-Kai Watch Electronic Watch Yo-Kai Watch Medals Blind Bag Series 1 Case Yo-Kai Watch Series 1 Medal Moments Wave 2 Case Yo-Kai Watch Mood Reveal Figures Wave 1 Set Yo-Kai Watch Converting Characters Wave 1 Set Yo-Kai Watch Series 1 Medal Moments Wave 1 Case

Spend $79 on in-stock toys and they ship for free in the USA!


I'm Not a Hostage
December 30, 2015
Review: Nintendo Super Smash Bros. R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, and Duck Hunt Amiibo

Figure of the DayNintendo Super Smash Bros. R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, and Duck Hunt AmiiboSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Three classics! The Nintendo Super Smash Bros. R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, and Duck Hunt Amiibo set is loaded with the 1980s, meaning some people will love it and a lot of you are already sick of hearing about it. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


A Frames Vinyl Reissues Up for Grabs

Menu!MusicLong threatened but now available! Ss Records' reissues of A Frames and A Frames 2 are up for order now. $18 per, or $50 for a bundle with the triple LP A Frames 333, which is filled with demos, rarities, 7-inch tracks, and everything else you might want.

If you've got "Black Forest" and the aforementioned bundle, you'll be in pretty good shape. RIYL the usual stuff I talk about here. Only 500 copies of each were pressed for this edition, and it's been a few years, so don't dawdle.


Good Riddance, 2015
December 31, 2015
Review: Onell Design Glyos Glyarmor Hades Trooper Action Figure

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Glyarmor Hades Trooper Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Meet the new beast! The Onell Design Glyos Glyarmor Hades Trooper Action Figure brings another "animal" head to the Glyos stable, with a cyborg bird head on an armored body. Sure, the head may remind you of the Chozo and the body may remind you of Samus, but you can read a lot in these designs. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Stegoforest Over, Finished?

Vote!ToysVia Jesse Narens provides Stegoforest / Ghost & Flower update. Sadly the news isn't all good - it looks like someone took the money and ran, halting production of his super-cool (and item-I'm-mad-I-skipped) Stegoforest as well as the upcoming kappa figure.

An Indiegogo campaign didn't get funded and sadly we may have seen the last of these designs - I hope not, because I really still want a Stegoforest. If you got one, treasure it forever - or send it to me.

--AP, thanks Seth!

New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneBeatsplosion For KinectXbox fans, it's time to try Beatsplosion For Kinect. Microsoft says:

"Step through Kinect into the crazy world of subatomic particles. Move to the beat of the music, punch your way through quarks and neutrinos, and smash everything into smithereens! Daily use may result in getting seriously fit! Earn higher skill belts to unlock new levels that challenge your rhythm and coordination. Get your sweat on as the tempo increases, and pit yourself against the epic black belt challenge at a blazing speed of 200 bpm!"


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We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.