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RIP Morgan Lofting
December 2, 2024 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Star Wars Toy Hunting Is (Not) Dead and Filler. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.
Classic Review: Onell Design Glyos Super Crayboth Mordireus Action Figure
 Something new every day-- but this was posted 10 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Posted 10 years ago! The Onell Design Glyos Super Crayboth Mordireus Action Figure came out in an amazing bright pink color - and obviously, long sold out. There haven't been a lot of Super Crayboth figures in years, but you might find the regular ones come and go from Onell Design's store. (There are none today.) Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!
HasLab Ghostbusters Mades It, Ends Tonight
 Via HasLab: Ghostbusters Plasma Series Ectomobile (Anniversary Edition) [Base Model] (and the pricey variant) have both fully funded. You have until midnightish tonight to get yours if you want one - the base model is $324.99, but the version with a whopping four extra figures, stickers, and bonus gear is $399.99.
8BitDo Retro Xbox Edition Keyboard and Mouse
 Via 8BitDo/Amazon/yes these are sponsored links if you buy something I may get a cut: Pre-orders are opened for officially licensed 8BitDo Retro 87 Mechanical Keyboards and a 8BitDo Retro R8 Mouse. Given the original Xbox was black with clear green, I suppose it may evoke a sense of that era but doesn't seem like a literal license-able swiping of any specific style. Still, it's pretty good, and if nothing else, worth a look. I'm wondering how that mouse goes, I like the thumb buttons. They aren't cheap, but if you need something vaguely Master Chiefy, it's worth a look.
Keshi Corner Makes Video for Metroid Scans
 Via Keshi Corner on Twitter: I've 3D scanned two very rare vintage Metroid figures from 1986! You can grab the model files here: Ridley and Samus Aran. These have been linked before, but that video was really cool and you need an excuse to see them again. The Keshi Corner Stacks on Archive.org are a shining example of how to show off your toy collection and make something helpful for the rest of us - so if you have toys to scan, let the rest of us know!
It's also worth noting Keshi Corner is scanning some really cool Dragon Quest III figures like the Shell Slime, and you should check those out too.
Walmart Cuts Price of Exclusive Transformers Thundertron 3-Pack (Again)
 Via Walmart: The de-facto online exclusive Transformers Legacy United Star Raider Action Figure Collection, 7" Converting Robot Toys, Christmas Gifts for Kids, 8+. This item went up for $59.97, then shot up to $90 for a few months , was $45 a month ago and now it's a dirt-cheap $29.97. I got one at $45 and it was pretty good, for $30 it's great - you get three dudes.
The other Star Raider exclusives may be in stock for next-day shipping as well, and Transformers Legacy Voyager Class Raider Ferak is $24.46 - I paid $35 back in September. That'll learn me..
Ad: New Masterverse Skelcon, SNW Pike, and More at Entertainment Earth
Ad: New items are up to order, including the now-in-stock Masters of the Universe New Eternia Masterverse Skelcon Action Figure!
Also grab these Black Friday deals while they last - ending soon! Get them for $19.99 while you can. Also check out the 2024 Black Friday Sale at Entertainment Earth!

Support 16bit.com and Galactic Hunter via Patreon
We're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!
 Become a Patron!
If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!
Fantastic In Some Way
December 3, 2024 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Star Raider Road Pig
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
First showing up in September (and selling out), Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Star Raider Road Pig is finally getting a second shipment in Walmarts near me. He's an exclusive, so you'll need to hit the shops or order online. Read on!
Ad: Cyber Monday Deal on Retro Star Wars at Entertainment Earth
Ad: In stock now - unless it runs out again - it's the Star Wars The Retro Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figures Set of 6! Get yours today for $29.99, which is peanuts for six amazing figures from 46 years ago.
Other deals may still be available - check the links while supplies last!
Nintendo World Championships: Week 21
 Via Nintendo: Competition #21 is on now in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. All killer, no filler this week.
This week:
Sub-Space Exploration (Super Mario Bros. 2) - in which you throw a jar and get a mushroom.
Step It Up (Super Mario Bros) - in which you jump up some stairs.
No Bones About It (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link) - in which you kill a stalfos.
Elevator Blitz (Metroid) - in which you zoom through a corridor and blast some statues.
World 1 Wizard (Super Mario Bros. 3) - in which you can actually play some of the game for a couple of minutes.
I had a real easy time with these due the lack of balloons or bikes! World 1 Wizard, I need to try again, but it's all still pretty fun despite adding no new content after a few months.
Skeleton Crew Is On Now
December 4, 2024 |
Star Wars Review: X-Wing Pilot (Human Woman, The Vintage Collection)
 Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: X-Wing Pilot (Human Woman, The Vintage Collection) . If you wondered if slapping a new human head of nobody in particular on a Luke body works, it turns out that it does! Hasbro did a nice job making a decent human head, but it's not of any specific performer (as far as I know) and could well be a Hasbro or Lucasfilm employee. But it's a new pilot, and that's what you probably want here. Read the whole review.
Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Racer Verse Gizmo
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New! I haven't even seen the Mattel Hot Wheels Racer Verse Gizmo in stores - I got mine in a case from Entertainment Earth as I play catch-up with some of these guys. It's a sturdy toy that's a little stylized, with printed eyes and a surprisingly good amount of detail on the car. I'd strongly recommend picking it up if you're a Gremlins fan, and who isn't? Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!
eBay Sellers Have G2 Legacy Optimus Prime Upgrades
 Via eBay: 3D DIY Upgrade Kit G2 Backpack Weapon For Legacy United G1 OP Prime Earthrise OP. I haven't yet bought this and can't vouch for the seller or the item, but it was interesting - the guy made a "talk box" and a couple of blasters similar to the 1990s Generation 2 Optimus Prime toy for your 2024 Transformers Legacy United G1 Universe Optimus Prime... which is an excellent toy and one of my favorites this year.
There are 3 sellers as I write this for $21.55, $21.56, and $21.57. Is there a difference? I honestly don't know. But it's a neat idea.
Imaginary Hero of the Current Depression
December 9, 2024 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Star Wars Classic 4-Packs and Big Hope for Small Vehicles (and Creatures). It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.
But most exciting, Star Wars: The Retro Collection Pipeline Reveals More from 1978 Time Warp. 6 new - OK 5 new, and 1 old - figures are coming for Kenner fans. Walrus Man was done in 1979, but the other 5 were never touched until the 1990s POTF2 era - Yavin Luke, Stormtrooper Han, Dr. Evazan, Rebel Fleet Trooper, and Sandtrooper. And yes, this is the most exciting announcement in a weekend with many exciting announcements.
Classic Review: Funko Planet of the Apes Pop! Movies Dr. Zaius Vinyl Figure
 Something new every day-- but this was posted 10 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Posted 10 years ago! The Funko Planet of the Apes Pop! Movies Dr. Zaius Vinyl Figure came out 11 years ago and turned out really well. It's a lot more stylized and looks like a piece of 1960s commercial art, compared to the more realistic Beneath the Planet of the Apes Dr. Zaius Funko Pop! Vinyl Figure #1863 that came out recently. I prefer the old one, and maybe you will too. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!
Transformers Age of the Primes Reveals Aplenty
 Via Hasbro or me on Bsky.app: You probably saw these, but Hasbro is sending out press photos of its new Transformers reveals. Star Optimus Prime looks like a stellar remake of Star Convoy was revealed, and this slightly smaller Titan-class toy is going up for preorder real soon. (Yes, go get your credit cards for this week.) He's loaded with gear - a Micromasters Rodimus, tons of blast effects, and other weapons or weapony accessories should make this one a real treat.
Superion's first few chunks were shown, but also Animated Universe Fugitive Waspinator (so Wasp), Solus Prime of the Thirteen, and also Prima Prime. G2 fans may enjoy Blue G2 Grimlock with an Earl Norem storybook Wheelie, making this whole wave really exciting for a number of different reasons. It's worth noting there's a G2 symbol and the word "AUTOBOT" on Grimlock's tail.
Target stores will be getting an exclusive Sonic the Hedgehog x Transformers set as well, and all of this stuff goes up for order at 1:00 PM Eastern on Tuesday (tomorrow).
Keshi Corner Adds More Dragon Quest III Scans
 Via Keshi Corner on Archive.org: Zoma (Dragon Quest III) - Keshi Gomu Rubber Figure 3D Scan! Hydra and a Male Mage were also among the many added figures this week. There are a bunch of others too - Ukiki from Yoshi's Island and others - so be sure to check those out.
Support 16bit.com and Galactic Hunter via Patreon
We're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!
 Become a Patron!
If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!
Cosmic Serendipity
December 10, 2024 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Leader G1 Universe Soundwave, Rumble, Ravage, and Buzzsaw Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Hard-ish to find, because no stores seem to be stocking Leaders! Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Leader G1 Universe Soundwave, Rumble, Ravage, and Buzzsaw Action Figure is a mix of new and old stuff. Soundwave is pretty much the same as the Netflix edition. Buzzsaw is exclusive to this set. Rumble has deco closer to the toy release, and Ravage has some of his gray parts turned black. You might want to sell your old Soundwave, and keep all the tapes, when you get this set. Read on!
Nintendo World Championships: Week 21
 Via Nintendo: Competition #22 is on now in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. Excitebike and also Balloon Fight? Did I make the naughty list or something?
This week:
Updraft (Kirby's Adventure) - get your head back in the clouds.
Cool It (Excitebike) - run through the jungle race track.
Balloon Bopper (Balloon Fight) - take a guess.
Desert Dash (Super Mario Bros. 2) - fly through 2-1, you fools.
Perilous Plants (Super Mario Bros. 3) - in which you run through a pipe nightmare.
I had a real easy time with these due the lack of balloons or bikes! World 1 Wizard, I need to try again, but it's all still pretty fun despite adding no new content after a few months.
Jack Attack
December 11, 2024 |
Star Wars Review: Jedi Knight Yord Fandar (The Retro Collection)
 Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Jedi Knight Yord Fandar (The Retro Collection). As the first 3 3/4-inch Yord to hit the market, it's a fun new release. As a toy that lives at the intersection of "an action figure format for middle-aged people" and "killed early in a show you might not have watched," his appeal is going to be a very specific kind of hardcore fan. And as I watched the show and like Kenner figures, I can say it's a pretty good one if you need more prequel-era human Jedi in your life, especially if you like cloth cloaks and yellow lightsabers. I assume a lot of collectors are skipping The Acolyte 6-pack and will be angry down the road when it's sold out and got expensive when you weren't looking - but I won't be, because I bought this figure when it was cheap. Read the whole review.
Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Racer Verse Marty McFly
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New! I haven't yet seen the Mattel Hot Wheels Racer Verse Marty McFly in stores - there's a chase, too! Like Gizmo last week, I found mine in a case from Entertainment Earth because I have zero patience to wait for stores lately. (And I wanted most of the case.) Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!
Ad: Transformers Age of the Primes Pre-Orders at Entertainment Earth
Ad: Coming in 2025, get Transformers: Age of the Prime toys like Star Optimus Prime, Silverbolt, G2 Grimlock, Solus Prime, Megatron Thee Fallen, Prima Prime, and more! New orders are welcome today.
Apparently It's Tetris Time
December 12, 2024 |
Review: Super7 Sesame Street Oscar the Grouch ReAction Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New this year! The Super7 Sesame Street Oscar the Grouch ReAction Figure isn't much of a figure, but it's a neat toy. There's a lever that raises him from or lowers him down into the can, with a jointed lid and a tiny figure of Slimey that can fit in the lip around the top. It's an impressive piece, and the kind of thing you'll want to set up around any playsets you may have. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!
Impulse Buy
December 13, 2024 |
Star Wars Review: BB-8 (Holiday Droid Factory)
 Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: BB-8 (Holiday Droid Factory). This Advent Calendar figure is a snowman, and we've had other snowdroids before - but this one has a teeny hat that I am sure is going to be a selling point. Read the whole review.
Ad: Transformers Missing Link Sunstreaker and Cordon at Entertainment Earth
Ad: Tons of new pre-orders are up at Entertainment Earth, including Transformers Missing Link C-05 Sunstreaker and Transformers Missing Link C-06 Cordon! They're coming in 2025.
If that weren't enough, Spider-Man Retro Marvel Legends 6-Inch Action Figures 2025 Wave 1 are coming with Spider-Boy, Kaine, Chameleon, Electro, and many more. Well, two more. Order yours now!
Nintendo Switch This Week
 This week's batch of titles on the eShop: RIKI 8Bit GAME Collection, EGGCONSOLE Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II PC-8801mkIISR, Arcade Archives City Bomber, and over a dozen more.
Power to the Mountains
December 16, 2024 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Star Wars Newness and Characters and Line Graphs, Oh My. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.
Classic Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Eldor
 Something new every day-- but this was posted 10 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Posted 10 years ago! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Eldor brought a legendary "lost" figure back to life - and he's since had a release from Super7 and should be getting one in Origins some day soon, too. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!
Keshi Corner Adds More Ice Climber Scans
 Via Keshi Corner on Archive.org Nana (Ice Climber) - Keshi Gomu Rubber Figure 3D Scan! It's amazing that so much of this great stuff is out there and now you can see it for yourself, with hi-res 3D scans. I'm hoping this happens with all toys before the plastic breaks down or they break and get lost. (There are some great Droids Keshi, for example. Yes, including a Vlix.)
Walmart Cuts Price of Exclusive Transformers Thundertron 3-Pack and Ferak
 Via Walmart: The de-facto online exclusive Transformers Legacy United Star Raider Action Figure Collection, 7" Converting Robot Toys, Christmas Gifts for Kids, 8+. This item went up for $59.97, then shot up to $90 for a few months , was $45 a month ago and $29.97 and now it's $22.48. For three figures, that's a steal - a lot of other figures are on sale too.
For example, Ferak is $10.08, down from about $35 which is what I paid in September. Oh well. Those that wait get a deal, so go grab one and be sure to look at other recent releases, as I'm seeing a lot of other markdowns too
Support 16bit.com and Galactic Hunter via Patreon
We're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!
 Become a Patron!
If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!
Frank Hated the Song
December 17, 2024 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Cyberverse Universe Slipstream Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Good luck finding her, she's newish! Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Cyberverse Universe Slipstream Action Figure is a very good figure based on the Windblade from earlier this year. She may not be a Voyager-class, but she's still a solid figure and I love the colors. Read on!
Nintendo World Championships: Week 21
 Via Nintendo: Competition #23 is on now in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. This is a great set.
This week:
Veggie Plucking (Super Mario Bros. 2) - in which you go pluck yourself.
Coin Collector (Super Mario Bros. 3) - in which you pick up some loose change.
New Heights (Kirby's Adventure) - in which you help Kirby get high.
Power Grab: Missile (Metroid) - in which you break through a barrier to get a Varia.
Destroyer of Dreams (Super Mario Bros. 2) - in which Mario builds a better Mouser trap.
This was a relative cakewalk, and a lot of fun.
At Something Else
December 18, 2024 |
Star Wars Review: Mandalorian Warrior (Amazon Exclusive 3-Pack, Epic Hero Series)
 Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Mandalorian Warrior (Amazon Exclusive 3-Pack, Epic Hero Series) . This Amazon exclusive seems to be in stock and $1 off through that handy affiliate link, and while she's not completely perfect to the costume seen in The Mandalorian I haven't seen any other action figure toys of this character. I think she's great, and one of very few figures exclusive to Epic Hero Series. For that reason, you'll want this set. Read the whole review.
Review: Mattel Matchbox Indiana Jones Ducati Scrambler
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Newish! I found the Mattel Matchbox Indiana Jones Ducati Scrambler in a Dollar Tree, and they had several of it. (I haven't seen any since I got mine, though.) The Tuk Tuk is out too... and is the better of the two. This bike is fine, but you should probably leave it in the packaging if you find one. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!
Adventures in 3D Printing
 Via me on Bluesky: Further adventures in 3D Printing - here's Samus. The supports were printed on the back - might try feet supports next time.. After a lot of back and forth with my friend Seth I got a Bambu Lab A1 mini 3D Printer on sale for $180 ($20 off) and printed this digital model using 4g of the 20g including sample filament. (The other filament was shipped later, which is why I haven't printed out big, ridiculous things like The White Witch from Droids just yet.
It's not hard to do - but the quality is, so far, a little rough and this is only my first print. You have to unscrew some elements from shipping, screw in a couple of others, run a few calibration tests, and in like 20 minutes you'll have a Samus Aran about the size of a board game token.
Some things I wish I knew before I started: 1. Put it on a super-heavy piece of furniture or something bolted to the ground. If you put it on a TV tray, the tray will wobble. 2. The filament feeder may need some help to get going - and it will go through the literal motions and not spit out any material if it's not fed just perfectly (or heated up more, I'm not sure which.)
I have other material on order and am tempted to move little articles to 16bit.com from social media so they don't necessarily disappear. It's fun but kind of impractical in the sense that I don't know that many of the items I'm seeing and want to print are specifically catered for the strength of this particular medium. (Or I'm missing them.) It's way better than what cost a ton of money just a few years ago, and I still need to try stuff at a higher resolution if such a thing is even possible. It's certainly magical and I'm all ears if people have fun tips or tricks or recommendations for cool stuff to try.
Nobody Cares, Man
December 20, 2024 |
Star Wars Review: R1 (Holiday Droid Factory)
 Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: R1 (Holiday Droid Factory). This Advent Calendar figure is very tall, and mashes up a bell with a candy cane. It's not a bad idea, but it is a little on the weird side and may not have a home outside of a holiday set-up. Read the whole review.
New Onell Design Glyos Drop Now
 Via the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Onell Design December 19 2024 Drop Menu. New versions of Pheyden join some nifty builds made of Hubs and Swing Joints plus cool Sincroborgs. And, of course, more. Check 'em out!
The Sincromillian and Sentinel Drone 2-Pack seems like the big winner - $33 for two chunky dudes.
Keshi Corner Adds Mario (Riding Marine Pop) Scans
 Via Keshi Corner on Archive.org Mario (Riding Marine Pop) (Super Mario Land) - Keshi Gomu Rubber Figure 3D Scan! How do you print crystal-clear plastic at home? I have zero idea. (If you know how to do it on a low-end Bambu printer or can recommend a service, I'm all ears.)
Masters of the Universe Origins Rio Blast - January 6
 Via Mattel Creations: Masters of the Universe Origins: Rio Blast. He's one of few un-remade figures from the 1980s, and will probably be around $20.
Mark your calendars.
Big Lots Shutting Down All Locations Everywhere?
 Via Yahoo and Bloomberg and elsewhere: Big Lots Sale to Nexus Falls Apart, Plans Going Out of Business. This is not necessarily news - most locations near me have been closed for months, with the final closing and this article now saying that it won't sell to private equity but "will commence the sale of its stores in coming days to protect the value of its real estate."
A lot of deep discounters vanished in the last few years, which is surprising given the glut of product to be liquidated. Tuesday Morning and 99 Cents Only are both long gone, with Five Below and Dollar Tree growing. I hear Ollie's is also opening new stores, but not in my area yet.
It would be nice if this wasn't inevitable - I'm kind of surprised it had a glimpse of a chance given how many stores closed in the last quarter - but there it is. If one's open near you, stop in and enjoy what may be your last visit. Last time I went to one, they had some surprising Hasbro Walmart exclusives.
Nintendo Switch This Week
 This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Winter Games Collection, EGGCONSOLE AQUA POLIS SOS MSX, Star Trek: Legends, and over a dozen more.
They Put Leto in SkeLETOr?
December 23, 2024 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Star Wars Skywalkers, Retro Stuff, Here We Are In The Future (And It's Bright). It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.
Classic Review: Onell Design Glyos Crayboth Disruptor MK II Action Figure
 Something new every day-- but this was posted 10 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Posted 10 years ago! The Onell Design Glyos Crayboth Disruptor MK II Action Figure came out just over 10 years ago, and the molds are still in production. New colorways just came out last week, and some may still be available for about $6.00. The old one was good, but is sold out - so get the new ones. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!
Party City Shutting Down Operations
 Via Yahoo and Bloomberg and elsewhere: Party City is going out of business . Last week Big Lots confirmed they were also ending their business, and Party City "told corporate employees Friday in a meeting viewed by CNN that Party City is Òwinding downÓ operations immediately and that today will be their last day of employment. Staff were told they will not receive severance pay, and they were told their benefits would end as the company goes out of business." So let that be a lesson to us all.
The web site also posted a letter about the store closure and the sales to follow.
In the wake of the 2018 collapse of Toys R Us, Party City made some noise about "Toy City" being a thing - a great name, and a great idea, but it didn't really go anywhere. The company was famous for a fantastic all-year Halloween section in the back of most if not all locations, and it would seem Spirit Halloween's seasonal stores have taken a lot of that business. You might want to drop in your local store before the massive clearances begin, and pour one out for another specialty retailer felled by another buyout. My friend Steve worked there in high school while I was doing the toy journo online thing, and it seemed like a good place to earn a few bucks.
Support 16bit.com and Galactic Hunter via Patreon
We're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!
 Become a Patron!
If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!
This Could Kill You
December 24, 2024 |
Review: Blokees Transformers Galaxy Version 01 Roll Out Bluestreak Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Cheap thrill! Blokees Transformers Galaxy Version 01 Roll Out Bluestreak Action Figure is $4.96 at Walmart. Check the store locator for in-store pickup if you want to try one of these blind boxed 4-inch figures out - it's worth the asking price. Read on!
Nintendo World Championships: Week 24
 Via Nintendo: Competition #24 is on now in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. Ice Climber and also Mario should make for a merry week.
This week:
? Block Party (Super Mario Bros) - in which you pick up some change.
Octorok Onslaught (The Legend of Zelda) - In which you swat four land-roving creatures.
Curtain Call: Wendy (Super Mario Bros. 3) - in which you contemplate the end of the Plasmatics.
Peak Performance (Ice Climber) - in which you get to the top.
Mario Master (Super Mario Bros.) - in which you speed through a game in 5 minutes that you used to play for months.
How are you faring against the ghosts of Christmas past? This was an easy trophy run, but it might be because the best players haven't logged in yet.
Gotta Satisfy the Masses
December 25, 2024 |
Star Wars Review: R2 (Gingerbread, Holiday Droid Factory)
 Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: R2 (Gingerbread, Holiday Droid Factory). I like this one - it came from the 2024 Advent Calendar, and it has a ton of paint on it. Lots of icing, lots of candy bits, and a tray of milk and cookies. I'd say you should get this one, even if you don't like holiday figures it's pretty good. Read the whole review.
Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Track Fleet Transformers Optimus Prime
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New! Good luck finding the Mattel Hot Wheels Track Fleet Transformers Optimus Prime in stores. A $1 version without the trailer is coming in 2025, but I think you'll want the full packagge. It's pretty good. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!
The White Lotus Planet
December 26, 2024 |
Review: Mattel Turtles of Grayskull Masters of the Universe x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New this year! The Mattel Turtles of Grayskull Masters of the Universe x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael Action Figure was popular and now he's expensive - hopefully Mattel makes more. The sarcastic green teen puts on a Ram-Man costume, and looks pretty great - the colors are sharp and the accessories are abundant for the price. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!
Super Star Wars Holiday Special for Sega Genesis
 Via Master Linkuei on itch.io: Super Star Wars Holiday Special. It's a fan-made game for Sega Genesis (Mega Drive to non-United Statesians) that took inspiration from the infamous TV special as well as the Super Nintendo games releases just over 30 years ago. It's a free download, so give it a shot for your file-running-systems.
Etsy 1:18 Scale Game Show Sets
 Via Etsy seller AandM3DPrintsandMore: The "Barker Era" Price is Right Stage, Showcase, and Turntable Playset. It's nifty, and one of dozens of items from the seller. Sadly there's no "Match Game" set, nor "Hollywood Squares," but there are several items up for grabs. If you like "Wheel of Fortune" or "The Price Is Right," you really ought to see these.
Revenge of Krentist
December 27, 2024 |
Star Wars Review: Jango Fett (The Retro Collection)
 Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Jango Fett (The Retro Collection). While a little too nice for a Kenner-style figure, it's not an unlikable toy. The jet pack is similar (but different) from what we got on Boba, bis blasters are cool, and the paint is more or less as good as any modern Jango toy. You should give it a look! Read the whole review.
Roll Your Own New Battle Bones
 Via Angelic Omen on Cuts3d.com: BATTLE BONES- MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE - ORIGINS - VINTAGE. It's a fan-made .stl file that, if you have a 3D printer, you can actually make a new Masters of the Universe Battle Bones toy. He's done a lot of really good stuff, so be sure to take a look at his various makes and models. The model is "pay what you want," and if you've got a big enough printer to pull it off you should probably kick in a few nickels to keep designs coming - he makes a lot of very good (and free) stuff. And some paid tuff, including stuff to make Eternos Palace, which is beyond my current capabilities.
Nintendo Switch This Week
 This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Prison Escape Simulator: Breakout Master, Sudoku Classic 2, Eggconsole Babylon PC-8801mkIISR, and over a dozen more.
RIP Jimmy Carter, Morrison Hotel
December 30, 2024 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Star Wars Competition and Skeleton Crew Figures (or Lack Thereof). It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.
Classic Review: Hasbro Battle Beasts Sir Sire Horse
 Something new every day-- but this was posted 10 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Posted 10 years ago! The Hasbro Battle Beasts Sir Sire Horse is from 1987, an era where toys tended to get smaller, cheaper, and had more vehicles and accessories than they do today. Were they more fun? Well, I think so - this one had a fire/wood/water riff on paper/rock/scissors thanks to a sticker in his chest, and a big axe. His arms could swivel, and he could stand - but it was a pretty fun figure. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!
Keshi Corner Adds a Full Set of Yoshi Scans
 Via Keshi Corner on Archive.org Yoshi (NES) Keshi Gomu Figures by Nagasakiya, Complete Set! The NES and Game Boy classic matching game from 1990 wasn't exactly widely beloved, but I liked it - and had no idea there were toys. There are now 3D scans of the whole set, so give 'em a look or print out your own!
Support 16bit.com and Galactic Hunter via Patreon
We're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!
 Become a Patron!
If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!
Goodbye, 2024
December 31, 2024 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Cyberverse Universe Chromia Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
She might still be in stock at a store near you! Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Cyberverse Universe Chromia Action Figure is decent, colorful, and pretty sturdy. Chromia has been getting a lot of love in the past decade, but there's probably still room for a Sunbow-specific release as a space truck too. I got this one because of the extremely bright coloring. Read on!
Nintendo World Championships: Week 25
 Via Nintendo: Competition #25 is on now in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. This is a really fun set.
This week:
Taking Flight (Kirby's Adventure) - in which you get over the hump.
Half-Pipe (Super Mario Bros. 3) - in which you jump twice quickly.
Water Divination (Kid Icarus) - in which you go for drinks.
Cliff Jumping (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link) - in which you must avoid the bubbles of death.
Kraid Raid (Metroid) - in which you blast the mini-boss.
I had an easy time with this one, which I assume most of us who had these games as kids might say.

Click Here For News From November!