Jumbo Turtle Lobster
December 1, 2014 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!
Review: Bif Bang Pow! The Twilight Zone Talky Tina
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Retro! Bif Bang Pow! The Twilight Zone Talky Tina is short, but fits in nicely with a lot of new old and old old 3 3/4-inch action figures. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Glyos Onell Design November 30 2014 Drop Menu
 Via the Glyos News Dump: Onell Design has a Volkriun Space Force drop live now, with lots of green, no more purple, and some other goodies.
28 items went on sale, four of which are gone as of my writing this.
New Hot Wheels Batmobile
 Hot Wheels Collectors added a Batman Live! Batmobile in black and yellow as one of several peeks into the 2015 line (which is, unsurprisingly, showing up early).
Other new cars have been added as well, so be sure to check those out - and remember you probably aren't going to be seeing them easily at your local stores.
Ad: Pre-Order Metal Mix Spider-Man Hikari at Entertainment Earth
 Ad: Entertainment Earth has posted a new pre-order: Spider-Man Metal Mix Premium Hikari Sofubi Vinyl Figure! Pre-order yours today!
January, $49.99, limited to a paltry 500 pieces.
NES Remix, Captain Toad Week
December 2, 2014 |
Review: Onell Design Glyos Super Crayboth Mordireus Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figureof the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Pink! The Onell Design Glyos Super Crayboth Mordireus Action Figure is a big figure that sold out quickly, but Onell Design has a different deco of this figure in stock as of when I type this out. So read on, and come back soon for more!
Maxx Zero Ultimate, Less-Ultimate Previews
 Via the Glyos News Dump: Instagram Preview of Maxx Zeros are there for you. Pictured is the "ultimate" version, you can also click here to see the standard one.
28 items went on sale, four of which are gone as of my writing this.
Combat Creatures - Unlikeable Unicorn
 Via Battle Beasts News: Unlikeable Unicorn, Chaotic Ceratopsian, and Feckless Fruitfly Join Combat Creatures.
Chaotic Ceratopsian, and Feckless Fruitfly are also up. They're altered versions of previous designs, and quite nice.
Revenge of SUCKLE: 3 Stretch Goal Figures
 Via Kickstarter: Stretch Goals Almost funded, the set has $500 to go at press time. If it hits $28,000, they'll add three more figures including Glyos Sucklord, Blowpeg, and Dumny.
The stretch figures come in at the $45 (or above) pledges and come in glow and clear only - flesh ones will be sold at a later date.
Ad: Cheap Blu-Rays at Amazon
Amazon has the a bunch of new stuff and cheap stuff, with prices changing quickly from hour to hour. As such, these may not be good deals by the time you see this - but if they are, go nuts!
Go grab something - here were a few neat items I saw.
Buy them, or don't!
Kmarts Have Half Price 3DS, Wii U Games
December 3, 2014 |
Review: Tim Mee Toys Green Galaxy Laser Team Star Patrol Jumbo Figure Set
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Extra large! The Tim Mee Toys Green Galaxy Laser Team Star Patrol Jumbo Figure Set is closer to being in scale with your 1990s Star Trek and 2010s Outer Space Men than they are in fitting in with your army men buckets - which makes them pretty fantastic. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Ad: New Star Wars Exclusive, Slog Price Drop at Amazon
Amazon's prices on toys and games and movies change all the time this season, which is good! If you wait a few hours, an item might be several dollars cheaper or twice as expensive. It's a fun gamble!
Go grab something - the Jedi Force set just went live yesterday, and Slog keeps creeping down a few more cents each time I look.
Buy them, or don't!
PS4: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 4 this week: Monopoly Deal, The Crew, Game of Thrones: S1E1 Iron From Ice, Secret Ponchos, Final Horizon, Monopoly Plus, Madden NFL 15 Holiday Edition, Rabbids Invasion Gold Edition, and Grand Theft Auto V & Free Bull Shark Cash Card.
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 3 this week: Syberia and Madden NFL 15 Holiday Edition.
New PSOne games this week: Chess is for $5.99.
PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week
 New to the PSP Vita this week: Final Horizon and Fantasy Hero Unsigned Legacy.
New PSOne games this week: Chess is for $5.99.
Gothitropolis Ravens Hit USA, Please Wait
December 4, 2014 |
Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Glimmer
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Not bad! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Glimmer figure turned out particularly well which is important, since while you could say any one of the Princess of Power characters is "fan-demanded" but this one was particularly loudly requested. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!
More Glyos - New Kabuto Mushi
 Not too late! New Kabuto Mushi - More Figures December 14.
Kamen Rider and Insecticon-inspired figures are shown with a third mystery figure as of yet unrevealed. The heavily-painted figures are $16 each and are looking quite sharp.
Revenge of SUCKLE: 2 More Stretch Goal Figures
 Via Kickstarter: More Stretch Goals = MORE FIGURES!!! Now funded, two additional stretch goal figures have been added to the mix.
Reality TV Star Sucklord is the $30,000 goal and Karate Chump Galactic Jerkbag is at $29,000. At press time, the support has passed $27,500.
Ad: Clear Invisible Man ReAction Figure In Stock
 In stock now! The Exclusive Clear Invisible Man ReAction Figure is here and ready to be bought, until it runs out in the next few days.
It's $12.99, so don't wait.
Ad: New Transformers Amazon
Ad: Some prices are high and some prices are low, but Amazon's got Arcee, Chromia, and Brainstorm!
At press time Chromia is cheapest at about $17, which isn't bad if you can't find her locally right now or can't wait for a cheaper pre-order elsewhere. Get yours today!
Buy them, or don't!
New Games for the Xbox One Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download Pinball Arcade, a $10 game. Microsoft says:
"Boom Ball is a lighthearted, full-body Kinect game that mixes tennis, breakout and gratuitous explosions. Throw and bounce balls to smash all the cubes and blow up all the bombs in 55 different levels. Guest starring: Explosions! Portals! Multiballs! Explosions! Ducks! Join the fun and go ballistic with Boom Ball for Kinect!"
All Millennials Are Only Children
December 5, 2014 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Roadbuster
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
The new Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Roadbuster is a bit of a mess - some of the joints are weird and there are a ton of nasty stickers. The transformation is a breeze, and I love the guns. I don't know if this means it's good or not, but it's more or less enjoyable. Read on and come back Monday for more!
Walmart Has Exclusive Toy Story That Time Forgot Toys
 I was at Walmart last night and was surprised to see a clearly under promoted Toy Story That Time Forgot action figure line [Amazon link] in a big, in-store dump. Trixie was far and few between, but everything else was packing the giant cardboard display quite nicely.
You can see a shot of what I picked up on Tumblr and they'll start appearing here in Figure of the Day next week. I should note I found them at a giant Walmart - not the little crappy neighborhood one by my house - and individual figures cost $8.96, 3-pack was $19.96, and I didn't check the Goliathon price. In hindsight I don't know why I skipped it given how much I like buying toys that can eat other toys, but there you go.
Revenge of SUCKLE: Fully Funded
 Via Kickstarter: Revenge of SUCKLE mini figures created by The Super Sucklord has been fully funded - that includes all stretch goals.
If you pledged $45, you get 42 figures. It's a pretty great deal, actually, if you like this sort of thing.
Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week
 This week's Wii U offerings: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. It and NES Remix Pack are both also available as retail discs.
The Wii U Virtual Console has Lode Runner from the NES. It is $4.99. Fire Emblem from the GameBoy Advance is $7.99.
Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch of titles on the 3DS eShop: 3DS games include Disney Violetta Rhythm & Music, Christmas Wonderland 4, and Ultimate NES Remix. THe 3DS NES Remix is said to be missing a lot of content when compared to the Wii U retail disc, which is the same price. So all things being equal, get the Wii U one.
$250 Wii U at Target This Sunday
December 9, 2014 |
Review: Funko Planet of the Apes Pop! Movies Dr. Zaius Vinyl Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figureof the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Dr. Zaius! The Funko Planet of the Apes Pop! Movies Dr. Zaius Vinyl Figure is totes worth having. So read on, and come back soon for more!
We Missed It - Sega Space Harrier Mammoth Sofubi Figure
 If you heard screaming last night around 10:14 PM, that was me because I found out about (and missed the pre-order window on) SEGA RETROGAME SOFUBI COLLECTION: Space Harrier Mammoth.
It's not cheap - about $90ish before shipping - but it is a mammoth, and a cyclops, and from a classic video game, and I can't have it. A pox upon your houses for not giving me this news when I could use it, cruel universe. On the bright side, some toy importers have it, there's always eBay, and of course we can also go on living without it, I guess, whatever.
Also newsworthy is a Sega Genesis Megatron - not Mega Drive - that's exclusive to an online store from the look of things, so here's hoping they either ship to the USA or speculators buy a bunch to flip at hopefully modest mark-ups.
Gallery: Transformers Robots in Disguise Warriors (Deluxe) Wave 1
 Via TFND (via The Allspark): Robots in Disguise Warriors Wave 1 short review.
If you're like me and only planning to buy 1 or 2 of these guys, you should skip this link. I was planning on getting Strongarm and after seeing these in action it looks like Grimlock, Bumblebee, and Steeljaw are actually all pretty good. They also look pretty meaty and sizable compared to the Deluxe toys of Prime, or at least bigger than Kup/Ironhide. Coincidentally, my place of employment put them up for pre-order last night and you can buy a set at the link below. Which, apparently, I will now be doing.
Ad: Pre-Order Transformers Combiner Wars, Robots in Disguise at Entertainment Earth
 Ad: Entertainment Earth has many new items to pre-order: Transformers Combiner Wars and Robots in Disguise Waves 1! Pre-order yours today!
toys of multiple size classes, including Bisk in a new blind bag series, are up for grabs. Don't miss these!
Ad: Cheap Clone Wars Blu-Ray Set at Amazon
Amazon has the first 5 seasons of The Clone Wars in a set for just over $60, cheep! This is the entire series save for the "lost missions," which is still pretty expensive.
Buy it, or don't!
Expert with Parks
December 10, 2014 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Arcee
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Many years in the making! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Arcee is one of those figures that we never thought we'd see, and here she is, and she's pretty OK. Not perfect - there are a few oddities that knock her down a peg or two - but she's here and she looks pretty decent. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Ad: Transformers Price Drop Again at Amazon
Amazon's prices on toys go on a rollercoaster this time of year - if Amazon proper has them in stop, a lot of them dip to crazy levels. And if they run out? Third-party sellers raise the prices to equally crazy levels.
I'm monitoring Transformers prices as that's where the most action seems to be these days.
Slog in particular has been going down about 40 to 60 cents per day.
PS4: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 4 this week: Tennis in the Face, Rock Boshers DX: Directorıs Cut, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams: Directorıs Cut.
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 3 this week: Game of Thrones: Season 1, Ep. 1 Iron From Ice, Scourge Outbreak, The Grip Games PS3 Collection, and JUJU.
New PSOne games this week: Suikoden II is for $5.99.
PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week
 New to the PSP Vita this week: Boss!, MyNBA2K15, Rock Boshers DX: Directorıs Cut, The Grip Games Minis Collection, and Flyhunter Origins.
New PSOne games this week: Suikoden II is for $5.99.
Gothitropolis Ravens Shipping Now
December 11, 2014 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Crosscut
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Silver! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Crosscut figure ain't bad, and is a Japan Ehobby release character brought to a US nostalgia line. To say he's an unlikely choice is something of an understatement. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!
New Power Lords Soon
 Via the Glyos News Dump: Unknown Power Lords Pre-Order Starting Soon.
There's nothing specific other than to say there will be new figures which will allow you to part with some money in the coming one or two weeks. The last new release was shipped quite some time ago, and all figures in this line have been variations on releases from September and October of 2013 so far - so some newness is both expected and welcome.
Maxx Zero - January ETA
 Via the Glyos News Dump: Maxx and Mordle Update at ToyFinity.
Not only are reasons for the delay given, they explain a lot - including the problems the now-shipping Gothitropolis Ravens are going to have/may have with their joints - plus some other goodies. It's worth reading what John Kent has to say over at ToyFinity.
New Banimon Figures, Tanks Soon
 Via the Glyos News Dump: New Banimon Tank, Figure Coming Soon.
Red Army Men MKII and a vinyl tank T-011 are coming soon, but "soon" is the unknown variable.
Ad: Cheap Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends at Amazon
Ad: Prices are dropping as low as $8 per figure!
The very good Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends have been run again, and stocks are surprisingly cheap for many of the figures. Normally about $20 each, figures start at $8. If you're looking to build Groot, at press time it's a mere $97 for all 6 characters (with the pieces to build Groot.)
Buy them, or don't! At least get the cheap ones.
New Games for the Xbox One Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download Pinball Arcade, a $7 game. Microsoft says:
"Threes is tiny puzzle that grows on you. Pocket Tactics Explore our little gameıs deep challenge and grow your mind beyond imagination. Endless challenge from one simple game mode An endearing cast of characters A heart-warming soundtrack Threes! is also one of the first games that can be played in Snap Mode!"
Also available is Limbo and Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series.
Stupid Short Deadlines
December 12, 2014 |
Review: Mattel Toy Story That Time Forgot Battle Armor Trixie Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
The new Mattel Toy Story That Time Forgot Battle Armor Trixie Action Figure is a decent toy figure. Exclusive to Walmart (as far as I can tell, and not marked as such except on in-store displays) the figure is the first individually packaged Trixie figure ever since her debut in 2010. Is she worth it? Well, without question, she's the best Trixie action figure. Read on and come back Monday for more!
Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week
 This week's Wii U offerings: Lucadian Chronicles, Angry Birds Star Wars, and Angry Birds Trilogy.
The Wii U Virtual Console has Crash 'n the Boys Street Challenge from the NES. It is $4.99.
Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch of titles on the 3DS eShop: 3DS games include Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Xeodrifter, Hazumi, Wipeout 2, Transformers: Dark of the Moon Stealth Force Edition, Angry Birds Star Wars, and Angry Birds Trilogy.
Up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Harvest Moon 3 GBC from the GameBoy Color. It is $4.99.
No Amiibo Little Macs for Me?
December 15, 2014 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!
Review: Louis Marx Toys Dinosaurs Stegosaurus Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Brown! A Louis Marx Toys Dinosaurs Stegosaurus Figure is a classic and may have even been in your toy box as a kid. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
481 Universe Ni Stuff Drop Coming
 Via the Glyos News Dump: December 19: New NiStuff 481 Universe Drop.
The full menu has yet to be revealed, but last night's Kabuto Mushi drop disappeared quickly - so you might want to set up camp for this one.
Four Horsemen Ravens Arriving
 While mine aren't here yet, others are getting lucky. The Source Horsemen forums have a thread am i first? showing off Minotaur the Duck in his packaging after a successful delivery.
It is assumed these are near the point of distribution, as the shipping method used - if memory serves - takes 3-10 business days. And it will take all 10 business days if you're on the other end of the country. Over 700 orders have shipped so far, so it's possible you will get yours before Christmas. For those keeping track, you paid for these on Kickstarter back in August 2013 and the original target date was March 2014. The industry standard for an action figure being conceived until its release is about 18 months, and they took about 16 after starting the campaign. It's not terrible, although I do hope future Kickstarter projects take the delays into account just to manage expectations going into it.
Ad: Pre-Order Planet X Groot Hikari at Entertainment Earth
 Ad: Entertainment Earth has posted a new exclusive pre-order: Guardians of the Galaxy Planet X Groot Premium Hikari Sofubi Vinyl Figure - Entertainment Earth Exclusive! Pre-order yours today!
February, $79.99, limited to 1,000 pieces. A Deadpool figure also went up, but has since sold out.
$250 Wii U at Target Right Now
December 16, 2014 |
Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Eldor
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figureof the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Decades in the making! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Eldor is based on an expansion from the late 1980s that never materialized. So read on, and come back soon for more!
December Club Nintendo + Amiibo One Piece
 Via 4Gamer: One Piece Amiibo Interactivity. In Japanese, but you can see a shot of the main character in a Mario D. Luffy costume complete with giant fake nose.
Also very attractive is December's Club Nintendo Downloads. Kirby's Dream Land 3, Metroid, Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters? Great picks.
Shapeways: Transformers Rung Figure
 Via Shapeways: Transformers Comics Tribute - MTMTE Rung.
The non-transforming, undecorated figure is $45.99 and appears to be part of Super Fan Art or is at least tagged as such. If nothing else it's interesting to see, and probably implies strongly that Hasbro will not be making you an official transforming "ornament" Rung any time soon.
Massively Important
December 17, 2014 |
Review: Onell Design Glyos Redlaw Phanost Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Purple! The Onell Design Glyos Redlaw Phanost Action Figure is a pretty swell clear purple figure with excellent silver highlights. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Transformers MMO -> MMBO -> MMNO
 The long-gestating, in public beta game has shut down - more surprisingly, this means that it was open. A rare press release announcing a product's end of life has been issued: The Future of Transformers Universe Announcement.
Jagex confirms refunds for the Founder's Pack ($400ish, with a statue) are being issued and the game will go totally dark in January. You should have your refund by January 16, the game will be down by January 31. While word hasn't gotten out yet as to the why, licensing expirations would be my first guess.
Ad: Transformers Price Drop Again at Amazon
Amazon's prices on toys go on a rollercoaster this time of year - if Amazon proper has them in stop, a lot of them dip to crazy levels. And if they run out? Third-party sellers raise the prices to equally crazy levels.
I'm monitoring Transformers prices as that's where the most action seems to be these days.
Slog in particular has been going down about 40 to 60 cents per day.
PS4: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 4 this week: Tetris Ultimate, Loadout, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, and Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition Upgrade.
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 3 this week: Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Super Mega Baseball, and Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition Upgrade.
PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week
 New to the PSP Vita this week: Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee.
Gothitropolis Ravens Arrived Here Yesterday
December 18, 2014 |
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Chromia
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Blue! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Chromia figure is hitting stores now, but the holiday shopping season means more parents, aunts, and fans are out buying these things so you may want to set your sights online too. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!
OMFG 5 - Voting Starts Now
 Via Kickstarter (for backers only): OMFG Series 5 Voting.
If you pledged for series 4, you can vote in series 5. If not? Well, you can pledge next time. You have until January 5 to vote but let's be honest, you're going to forget so just do it now.
Ad: Amazon Prices Dropped Again on Star Wars
Ad: It doesn't get any cheaper than this, unless it does!
Getting more than half off Jabba is incredible - and the other items are no slouch.
Buy them, or don't! At least get the cheap ones.
New Game for the Xbox One Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download Tetris Ultimate, a $10 download. Microsoft says:
"The world's most-loved puzzle game arrives on next-gen consoles, and is better than ever in Tetris Ultimate. With six modes, new features, and unique visuals, the evolution of this iconic game is the ultimate must-have on next-gen consoles. You can take on the puzzle game solo, battle a friend, partner up with friends, or make battle teams. Up to four players can get in on the action. Leaderboards make it easy to post your scores and see how you measure up against your friends."
Also available is Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut and RISK was listed but appears to be down or at least removed from the web site store.
Next Week Is Christmas?
December 19, 2014 |
Review: BMOG Toys Action Hunter Bearium vs. Gamma-Ray
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
The indie BMOG Toys Action Hunter Bearium vs. Gamma-Ray is a great batch of accessories for your Transformers. Read on and come back Monday for more!
Ad: Amazon Prices Dropped Again on Transformers
Ad: It doesn't get any cheaper than this, unless it does!
The Protectobots are a fantastic value. These are a shared item and
Buy them, or don't! At least get the cheap ones.
Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week
 This week's Wii U offerings: 99Moves, BLOK DROP X TWISTED FUSION, Plenty of Fishies, Meme Run, Cake Ninja 3: The Legend Continues, and TOSS N GO.
The Wii U Virtual Console has Mega Man Zero from the GameBoy Advance. It is $7.99. For the same price you can also grab the Super NES game Natsume Championship Wrestling.
Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch of titles on the 3DS eShop: 3DS games include Toys vs. Monsters, Fairune, League of Heroes, and Mes Comptines.
Up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Mega Man Zero from the GameBoy Color. It is $4.99.
Yes Amiibo Little Mac for Me
December 22, 2014 |
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!
Review: Funko Back to the Future Biff Tannen ReAction Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Retro! A Funko Back to the Future Biff Tannen ReAction Figure can be had, by you, now. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Ad: Toy Price Drops at Amazon
Amazon's prices on toys go on a rollercoaster this time of year - things go up or down a few bucks every 24 hours. As such, these may or may not be excellent deals when you read this.
I'm monitoring Transformers prices as that's where the most action seems to be these days.
This has been going on for years this time of the holiday season, so keep an eye out and get yourself something nice!
Walmart Star Wars Hot Wheels Exclusives Arriving
 Via the Galactic Hunter: Walmart Exclusive Star Wars Hot Wheels In Stores Now.
I spotted all 8 at 2 different Super Walmarts over the weekend. Big in-aisle dumps filled with them - or in the second store's case, not filled with them - were being picked over by eager holiday shoppers and/or dealer bottom-feeders. Get yours if you can, retail is about 96 cents a pop.
Ad: Scarce Transformers In Stock Now at Entertainment Earth
Ad: Entertainment Earth has tons of awesome stuff in stock that you may not be able to find at your local stores! New arrivals include Chromia and Brainstorm - and if you pre-ordered Arcee, there's a good chance she's already on the way.
Get yours today!
Only One Stone
December 24, 2014 |
Review: Four Horsemen Gothitropolis Cardinus Action Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New! The Four Horsemen Gothitropolis Cardinus Action Figure is a new arrival, and seemingly sold out already. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Club Nintendo Freebies: NES Remix Shirt, 3DS Game Cases
 Via Club Nintendo: NES Remix 2 T-Shirt (Large). In sizes far too large to be useful to me, you can get Samus shooting bricks from Super Mario Bros. I wish it fit me, I'd totally buy it. It's 700 coins, or "way too much fake money."
Also new: Nintendo 3DS Game Card Case - The Legend of Zelda and Nintendo 3DS Game Card Case - Pikmin / Super Mario Bros. Each is 400 coins.
Ad: Toy Price Drops at Amazon
Amazon's toy pricing is crazy - great toys are jumping up and down, and it's your time to pick up some great items before someone realizes that there's nor eason to mark these down.
Buy yourself something nice!
PS4: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 4 this week: Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition, Outlast: Bundle of Terror, Switch Galaxy Ultra, Trine Enchanted Edition, and Alien: Isolation + Season Pass Bundle.
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to the Playstation 3 this week: RESOGUN, Transformers Franchise Pack, Grand Theft Auto V & Free Great White Shark Cash Card, Grip Games Anthology, The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise Pack, Shake Spears!, Alien: Isolation + Season Pass Bundle, and Atomic Ninjas: Complete Edition.
PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week
 New to the PSP Vita this week: Aqua Kitty DX Soundtrack, Broken Sword 5 The Serpentıs Curse: Episode 2, Fieldrunners 2, RESOGUN, Switch Galaxy Ultra, Grip Games Anthology, and The Grip Games PS Vita Collection.
The World's Address
December 25, 2014 |
Review: Plastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Scorpion - Flesh
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Pink! The Plastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Scorpion - Flesh figure is colored similarly to your old MUSCLE men, but it inspired by your Battle Beasts. It's a weird combination, but it works nicely. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!
OMFG 3 Glow, December OTMFG
 If you missed the 12/15 drop like I did, you'll be happy to know that December OTMFG Available Now! is true once more as the October Toys shop is open.
You can also get glow-in-the-dark OMFG Series 3, Brocotol, and Pheyden Zombie. So do so.
Ad: Year End Clearance Sale at Entertainment Earth
Ad: Entertainment Earth has over 600 items on sale at crazy prices! Star Wars Han Solo Hoth Jumbo Kenner Figure for $37.20! Order Action Figure Stands 25-Pack - Clear for $5.20! Save 40% on a Star Wars Sy Snootles Max Rebo Band Mini-Bust!

Get yours today!
New Game for the Xbox One Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download The Telltale Games Collection, a $109.99 download. Microsoft says:
"This bundle available for the Xbox One includes five critically acclaimed series by Telltale Games including The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season, The Walking Dead: Season Two, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands (Episode 1 available now, Episodes 2-5 to be released periodically) and Game of Thrones A Telltale Games Series (Episode 1 available now, Episodes 2-6 to be released periodically)."
Happy Boxing Day
December 26, 2014 |
Review: Funko T800 Endoskeleton (Chrome) ReAction Figure
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
It's... OK you can skip this one. The Funko T800 Endoskeleton (Chrome) ReAction Figure is skinny, warped, and feels brittle. You can do without. Read on and come back Monday for more!
Green Rise of the Beasts Coming
 Via the Battle Beasts News blog: Green Rise of the Beasts Figures Coming
A wave of green plastic figures should hit around March, plus 4 new figures are coming - that sounds good!
Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week
 This week's Wii U offerings: Shantae And The Pirate's Curse, Spy Chameleon, and Toon Tanks.
The Wii U Virtual Console has Duck Hunt from the NES from $4.99. For $7.99 you can also grab the GameBoy Advance game Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World and for $6.99, it's Mario Party Advance.
Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch of titles on the 3DS eShop: 3DS games include PUZZLEBOX Setup.
Up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Super Mario Bros. Deluxe from the GameBoy Color. It is $5.99 and is a fascinating curiosity. It's basically the NES game, but cropped and with maps, and also loaded with various bonuses.
Combiner Wars Hitting Stores
December 29, 2014 |
Review: Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Amiibo Samus Aran
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Available now! A Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Amiibo Samus Aran should be findable in a store near you, although the line is one of the hottest things for collectors since the 1990s. Additional hunting may be required. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Onell Design Glyos Database Launched
 Via the Glyos News Dump: In Case You Missed It - Onell Design Database Launched.
You'll find almost everything - promo figures, figures sold through other Glyos partners, and Custom Corps figures aren't totally completely represented but it's a very navigable resource. Also a great way to find out how you'll be spending money on eBay for figures that you may have missed.
A Weird Little Bit
December 30, 2014 |
Review: Hasbro Battle Beasts Sir Sire Horse
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our 16bit.com Figureof the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Blue! The Hasbro Battle Beasts Sir Sire Horse is just like a real horse, but bluer with redder eyes. So read on, and come back soon for more!
Star Wars Yoda Reviewed at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: Yoda (Star Wars Black Series 6-Inch 2014)! It's a new sculpt, but the 6-inch scale figure is smaller than a 3 3/4-inch figure, so $20 is pretty pricey.
More tomorrow!
Ad: Transformers Combiner Wars In Stock, Free Shipping at Entertainment Earth
Ad: Entertainment Earth has Transformers Combiner Wars In Stock Now. Spend $79 and you'll get free shipping - so get Deluxes, Legends, and Voyagers to start building big bots immediately.
Also in stock are Robots In Disguise toys from the new TV show. And while you're at it, pick up Brainstorm too!
Get yours today!
Lie to Her
December 31, 2014 |
Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Gwildor
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Short! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Gwildor is a spectacular sculpt, plus he has a staff and two Cosmic Keys. You should probably get this one. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!
Star Wars TIE Pilot Reviewed at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted Figure of the Day! Today: TIE Pilot (Star Wars Black Series 6-Inch 2014)! It's a new sculpt, and is pretty dang gorgeous. I hope you bought one.
More tomorrow!
Ad: Transformers, Star Wars Command Price Drops at Amazon
Amazon's toy pricing continues to be interesting. One-step toys are pennies above $5, and the army men of Star Wars Command are dipping a little more each time I look. So if you've been in the market for something cheap, keep hitting reload, you might see something great.
Buy yourself something nice!
Click Here For News From November!