People Like To Put My Television Down
June 1, 2009 |
Review: Trivial Pursuit for Xbox 360
 While we haven't had the best luck with the EA Hasbro board games made so far, we had a pretty fantastic time with Trivial Pursuit.
The good: Multiple choice answers make it playable, a crawl gives you stats, multiple gaming modes allow the game to go more quickly or more slowly.
The bad: No online multiplayer, only two DLC packs released thus far (three if you count GameStop exclusive pack.)
We played multiple games in all modes, and had a reasonably good time as these kinds of game go. Read on to see what we had to say!
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Holographic Emperor Palaptine, exclusive 2008 edition. Modeled after the DVD release form 2004, this features the revised dialogue from the famous scene in The Empire Strikes Back in its entirety. It also doesn't have any articulation to speak of. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
Also, we wrote an article for Entertainment Earth's new blog concerning vintage figures which haven't yet been modernized.
New Bootleg DC Super Powers Line Exposed
 A peculiar line of bootleg figures has appeared! But you maybe knew that. If not, get a gander at this great article at the Action Figure Insider regarding such oddities as Bruce Lee, Zan, Captain Atom, a unique Riddler, and many others. If nothing else, it's worth checking out for the package artwork.
Sony "accidentally" Leaks new PSP Go
 Apparently Sony "leaked" news of its PSP Go, a new portable with 16 gigs of storage, a flip-out screen, and other bells and whistles. you can read about it elsewhere. No price or release, but packaging shots got out too so we have to assume anyone calling this a "rumor" has their head in the sand at this stage.
Madballs to get Video Game! Yes, We Know It's 2009!
 We were shocked when we got the news, but it seems Canadian developer Playbrains is mining the 1980s toy line Madballs for a game release! Madballs in Babo: Invasion is an upcoming Xbox 360 and PC title featuring the freaky spheres, due this Summer. Depending on the mode you select, it supports 1-16 players, has tons of maps, and avatar support. The developer posted a video trailer, which you may as well go look at. We're not sure what to make of it other than that it looks like we have to try it.
There was a brief attempt by Art Asylum to relaunch the Madballs toy franchise a few years ago which, obviously, did not exactly turn into anything big-- as such, we'll be keeping an eye on this one.
Transformers Botcon 2009 News Round-Up
 This weekend in Pasadena, there were many panels, announcement, and apparently, things vaguely resembling apologies. What did you miss? Well, we'll link you to some highlights via The Allspark.
- New Classic-themed or "Universe" toys won't be out until 2010 (unless you count some movieverse or G1 exclusives)
- The fan club will have an exclusive Punch/Counterpunch based on the Universe Sideswipe/Sunstreaker mold (pictured)
- A movieverse "Lockdown" is coming, based on the cartoon character
- At least two movieverse "Bludgeons" are coming, one apparently very much in line with the spirit of the original Pretenders toy
- Numerous Animated toys (Arcee, Rodimus, Cybertron Ratchet, Ironhide, many others) are coming "in the future" but where and when remains to be seen
- Masterpiece Grimlock may be released in the next 18 months in the USA
- Wal-Mart will be carrying a repainted Masterpiece Skywarp
- Wal-Mart will be getting nifty movie repaints of Universe Powerglide in red, others in the movie line
- Target and Toys "R" Us will be getting transformable and non-transformable Titanium Series exclusives, respectively
- Toys "R" Us will be getting G1 reissues of the Insecticons (boxed set), Perceptor
- Target will be getting an exclusive "Burning" Fallen, like so many Star Wars exclusives from 2005 and 2006
Our pick of the litter is Punch/Counterpunch. We want that. Badly. Almost as bad as the dialogue the character had in "The Rebirth" episodes of the original cartoon.
Calling Sister Midnight
June 2, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 1997 Endor Princess Leia, the first one of the modern era. Also, she's one of the best. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
E3 Is On, There Is Much News
 Sweet merciful crap, we got a lot of press announcements and such today. We're going to do our best to summarize what we feel the most important bits of news are for our loyal audience, according to our expert demographics software which we call "letting the editor pick."
Franchise News
- Monkey Island: Original Secret of Monkey Island game being remade, rereleased for Xbox Live Arcade/PC. It will allow you to swap between "classic" and "remade" modes, presumably like R-Type Dimensions. New 5-part Tales of Monkey Island coming from Telltale Games for PC/Xbox 360. The PC release (a season of episodes) starts July 7. It appears Telltale Games is on its way to being our new best friends.
- Metal Gear Solid: From Konami, "Raiden Stars in the First Metal Gear Solid Game to Hit the Xbox 360." No release date.
- Halo: Halo 3 ODST coming this Fall, $60 SRP, includes access to beta for online Halo: Reach game. A really spiffy controller is coming in a Halo 3 ODST bundle for $100.
- Crackdown, Left 4 Dead sequels coming to Xbox 360
- TMNT: Smash Up to do for the turtles what Smash Bros. did for Nintendo's mascots this September
- Final Fantasy XIII: Xbox 360 release Spring 2010, PS3 release presumably near that
- Castlevania: Kojima may be working on a new game. Yes, Kojima, and not IGA.
- LEGO: A LEGO Harry Potter game focusing on years 1 through 4 will be released in 2010 by Traveler's Tale Games; LEGO Indiana Jones 2 has been apparently un-cancelled and is coming complete with a new level editor and a mix of old and new stages. Meaning you'll probably get some stuff from the previous game in this one.
Hardware News
- Natal: Xbox 360 input device recognizes voice, movement, object recognition. Apparently allows you to buzz in on game show games, communicate with on-screen characters.
- The Xbox 360 wiimote thing still coming, still with "Squeeball"
- Xbox 360: Getting Facebook, Twitter, Last.FM integration. Why, we don't know.
- Epic to release interesting 2D Contra/Metroid hybrid Shadow Complex
- Xbox 360 Summer of Arcade 2009 to include: Trials HD, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-shelled, Splosion Man, Shadow Complex, Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Releases start July 22, 2009... but the order is unknown.
Sony and Nintendo still have announcements to make, and presumably there will be more Microsoft news in the coming days as well. There's a lot more news, this is just what we found the most interesting.
Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week
 Holy moley. There are two WiiWare games this week for you to enjoy. One is Texas Hold'em Tournament, which is pretty much what it sounds like-- card fun, $5/500 points. It boasts multiplayer, too!
Meanwhile from Square-Enix is the kind of game we've been dying to play, and for a mere 800 points. To start with, additional episodes will be extra. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, is a sequel to the Super NES game from 1991, and we are giddy as schoolgirls to try it out. We're not sure how much game you get for the $8, but the entire package plus all the episodes will likely set you back around $32 when all is said and done.
Virtual Console fans, it's the C64 game Boulder Dash. This is an awesome classic computer title, and it's $5/500 points. You run around and try not to get crushed by rocks and diamonds, but we can't really oversell you on how much fun we had with it as wee ones. It's totally worth getting.
Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week
 Got a DSi? You can download Mighty Flip Champs this week for $8 (800 points). From Nintendo: "Take control of Alta, and Page Flip through a series of action packed mazes!" It's a puzzle/platformer which looks like it might be decent, but having not played it, we don't know.
Ad: New Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Toys At Entertainment Earth
Ad: Tons of new Transformers have been added to Entertainment Earth, including Soundwave, a killer huge new Optimus Prime, and a ton of otherworldly additions like The Fallen himself, a new Megatron that turns into a tank, and much more.
Thanks for your repeated purchases! (We get a chunk of the sale, you see.)
June 3, 2009 |
Review: Space Invaders Extreme for Xbox 360
 When asked, our staffers have fond memories of this series. Space Invaders Extreme feels like a video game in the sense of what pop culture wants you to think of one-- blocky graphics, crazy blippy sounds, and simple gameplay involving skills and dexterity. It doesn't hurt that it's also based on the world's earliest arguably character-driven franchise, if you think the Invaders count, and we do.
The good: Only two buttons and the stick needed to play, simple rules would make this ideal for the kiddies, combos and techniques make it more than just "point and shoot" for the older folks
The bad: Nobody playing online for multiplayer most days, single player game is short, Llamasoft's backgrounds may drive you insane.
Spoiler alert: we liked this game far more than expected. But as you know, we love big, blocky graphics in modern-era HD gaming. It really makes a statement to those of us who played the original before it was considered retro. Read on to see what we had to say!
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the Cantina Showdown Ponda Baba, the second one of the modern era. It's basically the same as the first, except the pose is more awkward and the coat isn't as nice looking. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
E3 News Today
 Today, Nintendo and Sony had their big spiels. Sony's was dull. Nintendo's, shockingly, was not. We're going to do our best to summarize what we feel the most important bits of news are for our loyal audience, according to our expert demographics software which we call "letting the editor pick."
Franchise News
- Capcom: Tatsunoko vs Capcom for Wii to include online fighting, 5 more fighters for US release
- Dead Space: Dead Space: Extraction coming to Wii
- Final Fantasy: FF14 to be PS3/PC exclusive. Also, MMO. FF7 was released to PSN today for your PSP, PS3 consumption at a reasonable $9.99.
- Golden Sun: DS game coming, basically 3D, 2010.
- Gran Tursimo: Coming to PSP in October, so they claim
- ICO: Developers new game called The Last Guardian, sports cat dragons (PS3)
- Kingdom Hearts: KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (that's how it comes on the press release) for Nintendo DS to be $34.99, released September 29
- Mario: New Super Mario Bros. Wii has 2D gameplay and supports up to 4 players. Super Mario Galaxy 2 comes out in 2010. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again comes out next week, June 8, for the DS.
- Metal Gear Solid: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker coming to PSP, takes place 10 years after MGS3, coming 2010
- Metroid: Team Ninja (Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden) is making Wii Metroid Other M, which boasts 2D and 3D gameplay. We're listening. 2010.
- Monkey Island: Preorders live for Tales of Monkey Island, includes bonus DVD with Steve Purcell artwork, reduced price, first episode available in 4 weeks (no idea for the Xbox 360 just yet)
- Perfect Dark: Original game to XBLA this winter
- Resident Evil: Resident Evil Portable PSP coming in the future. Wii Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.
- Sin & Punishment: Sequel on the Wii, 2010
- WarioWare: WarioWare DIY coming to DSi, lets you make your own minigames
- Zelda: New game to be previewed in 2010 at the earliest
Hardware News
- PS3 Motion Controller: "closer to real life." As we frequently interact with people through a screen and waggling. Release 2010.
- PSP Go: Officially announced, October 1 2010, $250
Not Entirely E3 But Still News
Sony's stuff was probably the dullest. Who'd have guessed Nintendo had some good news?
Hasbro Announces G.I. Joe Merchandising Licensees
 This is indeed the kind of week we live for. Today, Hasbro sent us a big ol' list of who's making new G.I. Joe stuff outside of Hasbro. Here's the list as we were sent it, we giggle over all the international "domestics."
- Apparel/Accessories/Footwear: Brown Shoe (U.S., Canada, Latin America), C-Life Corporation (U.S.); Falcon Trading (Philippines); La Polar S.A.* (Mexico); TDP/Aykroyd (U.K.); and Wilson Imports (U.K., Ireland)
- Video Games: Electronic Arts (Worldwide)
- Domestics: Franco Manufacturing (U.S., Canada); Zap Ltd. (U.K., Ireland); and Up Sky (Hong Kong)
- Electronics: KIDdesigns* (U.S., Canada, Europe)
- Publishing: IDW (U.S., Canada); Panini Publishing* (U.K. Ireland); Random House* (U.S., Canada); and Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing (U.S., Canada)
- Social Expressions/Paper Goods/School Supplies: American Greetings* (U.S., Canada, Mexico); ATM Accessories (Belgium, France); MeadWestvaco (U.S., Canada); and Plenitude Commercio (Brazil)
Also: "Editors' Note: Deals noted with an asterisk are agreements reached in principle, with formal written agreements to be negotiated." Well then.
So that covers the important stuff-- games and comics. It's notable and telling that trading cards no longer make the cut for these things. Apparently the licensed card segment may finally be dying once and for all?
Hasbro Announces Transformers Merchandising Licensees, Too
 What's good for our military is also good for our giant alien robots. So what companies will Hasbro be raking royalties in from when you buy hats, backpacks, and socks?
- Apparel/Accessories/Footwear: Casco Blu* (Australia); CIE DND, S.A. (France); Cooneen Textiles* (U.K.); Li & Fung USA (U.S.); Marks Manufacturing (Philippines); Mercury Brands (Australia); Onlen Star (China); Shanghai Metersbonwe (China); Smith & Brooks (U.K.); and Supervalu (China)
- Video Games: Activision (Worldwide) and Glu Mobile (Worldwide)
- Domestics: Caprice (Australia, New Zealand); Franco Manufacturing (U.S., Canada); Guangzhou ACG* (China); J-Tez (China); Zap Ltd. (U.K.); and Zak Designs (Europe)
- Electronics: KIDdesigns* (U.S., Canada)
- Food/Beverage: Frito-Lay* (Turkey); Grupo Bimbo* (Mexico, Colombia); Kellogg Company* (Mexico, Latin America, Asia); M&M's (Asia); and The Creative Cake Company (U.K.)
- Publishing: Editions Hemma (France, Belgium, China); HarperCollins (U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland); Ice Water Press (Australia, New Zealand); Panini Publishing (Europe); Pelican Publishing* (Singapore, Malaysia, China); Random House (U.S., Canada); and Reader's Digest (U.S., Canada)
- Social Expressions/Paper Goods/School Supplies: American Greetings (U.S., Canada, Mexico); Danilo Promotions (U.K.); GB Eye (Europe); Hallmark (Australia, New Zealand); and Huizhou Fit Colour (China)
- Sporting Goods: Street Flyers (U.S.); Stamp (Europe); H. Grossman (U.K., Scandinavia); Hunter Leisure (Australia, New Zealand); MV Sports (U.K., Ireland); and Sambro (U.K., Ireland)
Also: "Editors' Note: Deals noted with an asterisk are agreements reached in principle, with formal written agreements to be negotiated." Same as with Joe. We'll keep you posted if anything specific and weird comes up that we have to show you. We're particularly interested in seeing how the Frito-Lay company is going to handle Transformers in Turkey.
Nu Trak
June 4, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the animated Destroyer Droid, a chunky and action-stuffed toy. Just how does it make use of its springs? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
Wolfenstein 3D for Xbox 360 Released
 After weeks of multiple games being dropped, this week it's just one-- but it's a classic, and it's cheap. Wolfenstein 3D is now available for a mere $5/400 points. Ported to nearly every possible platform since being released over 230 years ago, this game was really the first significant first-persion shooter and now can be played with achievements.
Transformers Bludgeon & Whirl Set Released
 While supposedly a whole mess of exclusives are hitting for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, we sure as heck aren't seeing most of them. We did, however, spot Whirl vs. Bludgeon today, which are repaints of Blackout and Wreckage.
Transformers Q&A with Hasbro
 We totally forgot about these, but Hasbro answered some of our questions we sent along a couple of months back. The good news: we have answers. The bad news: at least one answer is factually incorrect, particularly after seeing the Botcon reveals over the weekend. Here's what we asked and what they sent.
With Revenge of the Fallen toys hitting stores any day now, are there any
planned exclusives based on Universe molds for us to look forward to in
2009? Those exclusive AllSpark figures for Wal-Mart a couple of years back
were pretty awesome, we'd love to see more of that.
The Universe line has provided us with many great molds that we will continue to look to use throughout 2009 and beyond. There will be a few hitting shelves within the year and we look forward to previewing these at Botcon at the end of the month.
Forgive us if this has been asked and we missed it, but we noticed that
Takaratomy's Henkei line has both a "Legends"-scale Cliffjumper and a
deluxe-sized Red Alert, which was a really cool revised version of
Sideswipe. Are these going to be exclusive to Japan or is there a chance
of them showing up in the US?
We certainly appreciate your feedback and thoughts on this. We continually engage in discussions with Takara about their needs and offerings within their own domestic market and where it makes sense we look to bring their concepts in line with our own. At this time we do not have any plans to bring the Henkei line into the U.S., but where certain redecos make sense we will try to incorporate into future lines.
Given the interest in die-cast metal, are there any plans to do any metal
versions of Revenge of the Fallen characters, be it Titanium, Masterpiece,
or something else entirely?
Currently, we do not have any plans to use any die-cast or metal versions of these figures anytime in the near future.
[Editor's note: Hasbro revealed numerous Titanium Series die-cast metal items as exclusives at Botcon last weekend in addition to Generation One rereleases. So there are actually quite a few die-cast metal toys, with Revenge of the Fallen/movie-themed items showing up as Toys "R" Us exclusives.
Look Out, Lucky Monkeys
June 5, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 2008 re-repaint of the Weequay, a Target exclusive. It's the third unique repaint of a 1997 release. So why get this one? It's pretty good. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
LEGO to Produce Ben 10 Toys; New 2009 Sets Out Too
 In 1998 it was a huge freaking deal when LEGO announced its first-ever licensed kits with Star Wars. Since then, they've got into bed with Disney, Nickelodeon, and others, and now it's Cartoon Network with Ben 10. The sets are due in 2010, but as to what they are? No idea.
Also newsworthy, we're seeing Space Police sets showing up. They look awesome. Other new sets are hitting as well, like the 2009 LEGO Agents range. Happy hunting, brick fans!
Transformers Universe Clearance at Target, Maybe
 Your mileage will vary: we spotted Voyager-class toys on the clearance rack for a hair over $5 a pop. As we were not interested in these molds again, we left them for you, the fans. Check your stores for availability, we saw mostly Dropshots.
Ad: New Marvel Hasbro Toys At Entertainment Earth
Ad: Tons of new Hasbro items have been added to Entertainment Earth, including Secret Wars Comic 2-Packs, awesome new Super Hero Squad mini-figures, a new wave of 3 3/4-inch action figures, and much more.
Thanks for your repeated purchases! (We get a chunk of the sale, you see.)
Made Fresh For You!
June 8, 2009 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Prince Xizor, 2008 edition. This one looks a little more like the early maquettes used to design the character in the 1990s in that he's thinner and looks slightly more regal and less like a common thug. So how did the revision of the alien who tries to get into Leia's pants turn out? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!
Marvel Offering Exclusive Hasbro Nick Fury
 What's the best way to convince someone to buy a digital product? Offer them something physical, of course!
Hasbro has decided to make its Nick Fury figure from the popular 3 3/4-inch action figure Marvel Universe line exclusive to Marvel Comics. Specifically, their Digital Comics line. It's "free" with the purchase of a digital subscription, plus shipping. This means if all you want is the figure, your lowest price is going to be about $29.98 US. Well, there you go. We were wondering when we'd see some mail-away exclusives for this line!
Licensed Evangelion Boxer Shorts
 If there's one thing you always need, it's probably underwear. A company called "Movic" is selling some licensed Neon Genesis Evangelion boxers in Japan, and NCS is importing them to the USA at $50.90 for the collection of six. Little NERV and SEELE logos may now rest comfortably next to your little nerve seal. We assume that you otaku folk impress your ladies this way, and as such, happy getting whatever it is you're getting.
Futurama Renewed, It Seems
 Since being iced a few years ago, the cult following of Futurama has grown to the point where the powers-that-be decided some more episodes would be nice. That's what Collider is saying anyway.
Part of the whole fandom subculture is pining for something great cut down in its prime-- the original Star Trek, the fact that Star Wars was originally frozen for years at just three films, Arrested Development, and so on. We were fine letting this one go into the darkness (provided we get our repeats when we feel like it), and we weren't huge fans of the DVD-originals. But hey, if you want more sci-fi references, here you go.
Bongo Fury Boogie
June 9, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 2001 Slave Princess Leia with Sail Barge Cannon, which is currently the most recent figure based on the costume. This will change shortly. So how does this release hold up today? Is it really time for a new one? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
Playmobil 2010: Schools, Dragons, Puppets
 Via Playmoblog: A while back, Playmobil Germany updated with a huge Flash file presentation of its 2009 German line. It's sorted by month, so you can get a good look at what we'll be getting in the USA next year. All of the sets, save for the individually packaged Specials figures, trail Deutschland by a year. So what's in store? [ Click here to read the full article! ]
Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week
 WiiWare: Fish 'Em All and Swords & Soldiers, neither of which we're too familiar with.
Virtual Console fans, it's the Super NES game Ghengis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf. It's $8, and we've never heard of it. Or at least, we forgot about it.
Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week
 Got a DSi? You can download Mario vs Donkey Kong: Minis March Again this week for $8 (800 points). We're surprised, we assumed it was going to be a retail release. Oh well, at least it's cheap!
We Are The One
June 10, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the Legacy Collection Ugnaught #1, the third one of the modern era. It's actually a very different figure from the 1998 release, which was, if you recall, 2 Ugnaughts at a lower price. But hey, different! Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
PC Round-Up: Wallace & Gromit #3 (PC) Next Week, Monkey Island Weeks Away
 We're covering PC stuff now?
From Telltale Games, the next Wallace & Gromit game is coming next week. Starting June 16, you can grab "Muzzled," the third episode in the series, for PC. (Release dates for the second and third Xbox 360 episodes are not yet available.) The publisher says this of "Muzzled": Monty Muzzle, a newcomer in town, is holding a grand fundraiser to rebuild the local dog shelter. Gromit soon realizes that Muzzle's intentions aren't exactly charitable and he must foil the huckster's plot to save the town's investment and rescue his canine friends. While not explicitly stated, we expect there to be numerous references to cheese and food.
Tales of Monkey Island starts on the PC this July 7. We assume this means Xbox 360 as well, but we don't have confirmation of this.
Thirty-Five Dollars and a Six Pack to my Name
June 11, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the Evolutions >Boba Fett, a pretty good update of the Empire Strikes Back armor. Just how does it work now that he has a removable helmet? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
Six Classic Genesis Games for Xbox 360 Released
| of which you should download, the rest you should just get on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection due to the pricing structure.
Gunstar Heroes is currently only available on the Xbox 360 arcade service for 400 points-- there is no retail disc available with this game on it in the USA. For the same price, Microsoft also posted Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Shinobi, Phantasy Star II, Comix Zone, and Altered Beast.
The Live versions of these games include leaderboards and extra achievements. The Sonic's Genesis Collection Versions do not, but you also get a hair shy of 50 games for $20-$30-- it's clearly the better value, unless you positively absolutely must have online play. We suggest you try (and buy) Gunstar Heroes and get the rest on the disc.
Comedy Is Dead reviews SuperNews!
 We're rebooting a side project. Comedy Is Dead has updated with SuperNews!, a flash-based comedy show you watch on the teevee and not the internet. Well, clips are available online. How is it? Read on!
A Dog Of Wealth and Taste
June 12, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 2008 comic pack version of Durge, now with spiffy helmet and giant claw hand. It's basically the same design as the 2003 releases, but rejiggered enough to make you want to look at this new one. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
PS3: PSN Updates This Week
 After many delays, or so we think, Bomberman Ultra (a port of the Xbox 360 Bomberman Live) hits PSN. The original was great, so we assume this is too. Also available are Heavy Weapon and Gunstar Heroes, the latter of which is a port of the Genesis game and was also released on the 360 a couple days ago.
The PSOne game Medal of Honor Underground was also added as a downloadable title.
PSP: PSN Updates This Week
 This week, it's Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 2. Suck on that, fanboy.
...and the PSOne game Medal of Honor Underground was also added as a downloadable title.
Best Week Ever with Paul F. Tompkins: Final Episode Tonight
 According to numerous contributors to the VH-1 weekly pop culture clip show via Twitter, Best Week Ever with Paul F. Tompkins is ending its short run tonight with the final new episode. The show is officially on hiatus until 2010, but Mr. Tompkins mentioned that he has not yet been asked to return. A pity, as he's a truly great comic. On Comedy Is Dead, we posted the feature Postmortem: Best Week Ever. In a sea of clip shows, unfortunately, there can be only one. Or four.
We'll miss you Paul, Doug, Rob, other Paul, but Chuck Nice? We're not sure about you yet.
Ad: New Marvel Hasbro Toys At Entertainment Earth
Ad: Tons of new Hasbro items have arrived Entertainment Earth, including Clone Wars Vehicles galore, awesome new Mighty Muggs restock, a giant ARC 170 repaint, and much more.
Thanks for your repeated purchases! (We get a chunk of the sale, you see.)
Nobody Likes You but We Adore You
June 15, 2009 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Ki-Adi-Mundi from the Outlander comic arc. The figure is mostly new parts, with enhanced articulation and more accessories than any previously released Ki-Adi. How great is it? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!
Wal-Mart Movie Skywarp, Ramjet Exclusives Hit
 Clocking in at just under $30 a pop, these new Skywarp and Ramjet toys are repaints of two original movie toys you may recognize. Each one is packaged out in robot mode, and costs a hair under $30 before taxes. We spotted them here in Los Angeles. Happy hunting!
Kmart to get G.I. Joe Movie Exclusive
 It isn't every day Hasbro gives Kmart an exclusive-- particularly interesting ones. An eBay seller in Hong Kong has the evidence of the first-to-be-announced Kmart movie exclusive pack, which includes Heavy Duty, Duke, a MARS Trooper, and a Neo-Viper. Odds are you'll start seeing these at retail in the next two or three months.
Ghostbusters This Week, $20 Off at TRU
 Toys "R" Us stores are offering a $20 gift card with the purchase of the game Ghostbusters this week. If you missed the memo, this game is a multi-platform team-based shooter which has a story that'll last you under 10 hours and has been getting heavily consistent reviews-- pretty much an "80/100" on every single media outlet. While we have not yet had the chance to preview the game it appears the reviews are being largely political, and the game's sales will probably come from the appeal of having the main voice actors appearing to advance the story.
A Recent German Playmobil Exclusive... that we missed
 From Playmoblog: We discovered that something called "Maggi" has an exclusive branded figure featuring an apron and some sort of food packaging. If my German serves me, and it usually doesn't, the figure is a mail-in premium wherein you can choose the toy or some sort of kitchen scissors. The bad news? The mail-in offer expired in March 2009. So we're basically out of luck here. But if anyone knows where one can find a supply of these, do let us know. [ MORE... ]
Comedy Is Dead: Tosh.0 vs. Web Soup
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with CLIP SHOWDOWN: tosh.0 vs. Web Soup, a look at two basic cable clip shows which all launched in the past week. One rips off a time-honored E! show's format, and the other rips off the rip-off. Who wins? Read on!
No-Go for Co Co
June 16, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 2009 Obi-Wan Kenobi, which I just got late last week. Odds are you haven't seen one in the wild yet. So how did it turn out? And was there any surprise articulation? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!
Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week
 WiiWare: Eduardo the Samurai Toaster and Rainbow Islands: Towering Adventure are each $8/800 points and Let's Catch is $10/1,000 points.
Virtual Console fans, it's the arcade game Space Harrier. It's $8, and the second version of the game to appear on the console-- the Master System version was released a while back.
Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week
 Got a DSi? You can download Mario Calculator or Mario Clock this week for $2 (200 points). Reall? We're still doing clocks and calculators here, Nintendo? At least they got back to 8-bit.
Comedy Is Dead: We See Conan, New Tap Album
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with Live Audience Diaries: The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, a look at what you see at a live taping that doesn't make it on the air. Oh, and the digital swag you get? Adequate. Read on!
Also new today: Spinal Tap's new album + DVD + cardboard playset thing Back from the Dead has been released.
It's a Crappy Ride
June 17, 2009 |
Review: Trivial Pursuit for Xbox 360
 The past few weeks have been loaded in adventure game news-- relatively speaking-- so we're happy to look at Wallace & Gromit Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees.
The good: Fantastic graphics, great sound, reasonably charming characters.
The bad: Not particularly funny, short, some puzzles just a little too freaking hard.
So we look at this like an interactive movie. With that in mind, was it good? Read on to see what we had to say!
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the Clone Pilot Odd Ball animated figure. It's pretty swell as pilots go, as it has a lot more articulation than you're used to. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
RiffTrax DVDs Cheap, Include Free MP3 Downloads
 Fans of MST3K, take note: there are now actual phyiscal retail DVDs of Mike Nelson's RiffTrax project, and they're pretty cheap. Some public domain movies are now on sale at Best Buy and some other stores, and we've seen them as low as $6.99. The only one we've been able to find so far is The Night of the Living Dead with a free downloadable MP3 of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. (We think, we didn't pick it up yet.) It's not like you haven't had a chance to get public domain DVDs before, but at this low price it's about as cheap a facsimile of the robot puppet show as you can get.
Comedy Is Dead: This Week in Potentially Funny Media
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with This Week in Potentially Funny Media, a look at this week's new CDs, DVDs, and other funny items. Well, we won't guarantee the funny. Read on!
Metal Gear Solid 4 Price Drop/Greatest Hits
 Konami wrote in today to let us know two things about Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, both of which you have determined from the headline. One, a repackaged "Greatest Hits" version is on the way to stores, and two, the SRP has been dropped to $29.99 in the USA. Which is pretty good news given early speculation wasn't so hot on the game returning the investment. So hey, if you didn't buy it yet, this ain't bad.
Spy Market
June 18, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the very first >Queen Amidala (Naboo), which is now about 10 years old. How did the past decade treat this young lady? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
Sam & Max & Magic for the Xbox 360 Released
 If you could take a guess as to which paid online service is once again riddles with outages, what might you assume it to be? If you guessed Xbox Live, you'd be right.
Sam and Max Save the World Episode I is the first of six installments, clocking in at 800 MS points, or roughly $10 in actual money. It's an adventure title from Telltale Games, of which we've been covering a lot of their product. Which is generally pretty good. Given that this game was released on the PC a couple years back and the Wii a while ago, we're looking forward to seeing how this compares to the fairly impressive Wallace & Gromit episode from earlier this month.
Also new is Magic: The Gathering ‹ Duels of the Planeswalkers, bringing you the card game with all of the fun you might have enjoyed in 1998 with none of the cards. Aren't you fortunate? It's also 800 points/$10.
Comedy Is Dead: Comedy Quarantine and More
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with Comedy Quarantine , the first installment reminding you that you are a bad person for forwarding on stuff that everyone you know has already seen.
And in other news, there's also the Extremely Useful Gif of the Week, which you should use. Repeatedly. It involves the Fonz and Tom Cruise, how can you go wrong?
Ad: New Marvel Hasbro Toys At Entertainment Earth
Ad: Tons of new Hasbro items have arrived Entertainment Earth, including DC Universe shared exclusives from Mattel, awesome new Hasbro FX Lightsabers just announced, a ton of new comics and books, plus much more.
Thanks for your repeated purchases! (We get a chunk of the sale, you see.)
Old Toothless
June 19, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 2002 sneak peek version of Zam Wesell, with the masked face. The second one had more articulation and features, but the first looked a little less wonky. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
PS3: PSN Updates This Week
 This week's big news is Metal Gear Solid for $9.99. If you never played the game, it was a pretty marvelous thing in 1998 in terms of narrative and style, however the graphics didn't quite age so well. Still, it's a must-play game so if you've already beaten Super Mario Bros. and Tetris, this one should be next on your short list.
You may also download a free demo for NCAA Football 10.
PSP: PSN Updates This Week
 This week, it's Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, added for $19.99.
...and the PSOne game Metal Gear Solid was also added as a downloadable title.
Space Invaders Extreme DLC on Xbox 360 Released
 Some new downloadable stuff for one of our favoritest recent games, Space Invaders Extreme, can be yours.
For $1/80 points, there's an icon pack. For $2/160 points, there's a new theme. Whatever. What's exciting is the $3/240 points release, which is the "Extreme Expansion Pack." This includes the two original Space Invaders arcade games! Swell. We dig it and now really wish we had a freaking spinner dial controller that worked with the game.
Movies: New In Theaters
 So what's new this week?
Wide Release
- Dead Snow
- The Proposal
- Year One
Limited Release
- $9.99
- The End of the Line
- Whatever Works
Comedy Is Dead: Road Trip Album Picks: Jen Kirkman's "Self Help"
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with Road Trip Album Picks: Jen Kirkman's "Self Help" , her first-- and as far as we can tell only-- commercially released recorded work. She's a very funny person and if you enjoy the kind of stuff we cover and are a bit of a snot about what you laugh at, we think you'll enjoy this.
It Doesn't Belong To You
June 22, 2009 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Obi-Wan Kenobi from 2000 Power of the Jedi line. While he didn't have as much articulation as previous releases, he does come with a slick cloak and Qui-Gon's lightsaber. Want to know if you need one of your own? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!
Zoids: Kotobukiya to do Swell Gun Sniper Kit
 Holy cow, a new Zoids post? Yes! It turns out Kotobukiya is making a really big and detailed Gun Sniper kit. This is based on one of the first new molds from the late 1990s reintroduction of the line, and the new version is non-motorized and a hair under $40. It's purty.
Custom Playmobil Whiskey Distillers from German eBay
 From Playmoblog: German eBay sellers are making total conversions of older sets into some pretty amazing sets. Pictured is a Whiskey Distillery, which is made using some custom signs which have been circulating and a number of off-the-shelf kegs, barrels, and other parts and pieces. [ MORE... ]
Sold from 1994-2003, give or take a week. This set was taken in my back yard because the power went out and I didn't really have a better idea of what to do as I had some writing to do that couldn't be done. [ MORE... ]
Comedy Is Dead: Prison Sluts, Year One
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with Things To Spend Your Money On that are not Year One, a good look at things to do other than see this movie's #4 highest-grossing film.
There's also a look at Co-Ed Prison Sluts: The Musical, which, apparently, is something to do if you're in Chicago.
Dale Cooper to Return to Twin Peaks?
 Will you ever see Twin Peaks without David Lynch? According to Kyle MacLachlan by way of Cinematical, possibly. Some 5-minute shorts could be on the way for the web. Interested? Check it out.
--AP via Bonniegrrl
Cane Fu
June 23, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 1997 Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard), which would be a classic had there not been a new one made in 2003. For its time, though, this was a superb release. How does it hold up 12 years later? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!
Burger King Revenge of the Fallen Toys Available
 The first round of Revenge of the Fallen toys are at Burger King! Today, our local store had The Fallen and Devastator. The Fallen is a horrifically crappy toy, transforming from flat Decepticon logo into a flat The Fallen made out of thin panels and stickers. Truly, the finest awful toy you will get this week. There are 8 toys in total and they're probably going to provide minutes of fun.
Burger King G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra Toys Revealed
 The first round of Revenge of the Fallen toys are at Burger King! Today, our local store had The Fallen and Devastator. The Fallen is a horrifically crappy toy, transforming from flat Decepticon logo into a flat The Fallen made out of thin panels and stickers. Truly, the finest awful toy you will get this week. There are 8 toys in total and they're probably going to provide minutes of fun.
Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week
 WiiWare: Family Mini Golf and Drill Sergeant Mindstrong, and NEVES Plus are available, all at varying prices. NEVES Plus looks like the Tangoes games we had in elementary school, but now with a sassy ancient Egyptian theme. Or the public domainiest characters you'll ever love. Pick one of those.
Virtual Console fans, it's the TurboGrafx-16 game SimEarth: The Living Planet. It's $8, and we honestly had no idea an English language port of the game existed on that console. Shows what we know.
Retail fans, Resident Evil Archives and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen are both hitting this week, so hit the stores if you're so inclined.
Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week
 Got a DSi? You can download Art Style: BOXLIFE this week for $5 (500 points). So what is this? Nintendo says Cut paper into various shapes and create as many boxes as possible within the time limit to earn rewards! Sounds vaguely like a conspiracy to return us to kindergarten.
Retail fans, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is hitting this week, in both "Autobot" and "Decepticon" flavors.
Ad: New Statues At Entertainment Earth
Ad: Tons of new Hasbro items have arrived Entertainment Earth, including Revenge of the Fallen Constructicon Devastator which is the most expensive US Transformers toy, uh, ever, plus the refugee from heavy metal videos Fantasy Figure Gallery Felicia Statue and some recently arrived Mighty Muggs restock.
Thanks for your repeated purchases! (We get a chunk of the sale, you see.)
Too Soon?
June 24, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the Darth Tyranus figure from the swoop bike from 2003. It's ... not great. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
Comedy Is Dead: Comedy Death Ray
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with Comedy Death Ray, a live show that happens pretty much every week with a different roster of genuinely talented comics. And one guy we didn't much care for. We saw Todd Glass, Nick Kroll, Tig Nataro, Azis Ansari, David Feldman, and, yes, more. Read on!
Also added, A Slow Week for Funny, which tells you about key talk show appearances and comedy retail releases. There's also a funny Pink Panther poster.
Movies: New In Theaters
 So what's new this week?
Wide Release
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
- My Sister's Keeper
Limited Release
- Afghan Star
- The Hurt Locker
- The Stoning of Soraya M.
Retro Gamer Note: Capcom Pad Soldier Warehouse Find
 Back in high school we located a stash of cheap sealed Capcom Pad Soldier controllers (compatible with Super NES and Super Famicom systems) and, of course, bought one. Today, NCS has located another cache of this nifty fighting controller, which we should add is also really fantastic for RPGs. It has a grip and a unique layout that works both for one-handed RPG map crawling as well as two-fisted street fighting. If you like weird game hardware, you owe it to yourself to see it. (As to buying it, that's your call, we enjoy it a lot.)
With a DJ
June 25, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the only >Orn Free Taa figure, which first hit stores in 2002. How did the blue fatty age? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
G.I. Joe Movie Eel, Pit Trooper Revealed
 Those eBay sellers are on top of things. Check out the Cobra Eel, a new evil diver, and the Pit Trooper, a generic hero trooper. And if you missed it, here's Zartan.
Droplitz, Garou for the Xbox 360 Released
 Two new games are up this week for $10/800 points, and a third is on sale!
Garou: Mark Of The Wolves is an SNK NeoGeo fighter, a follow-up to the fun and fist-filled Fatal Fury. Online play is now available for this title, which should keep you busy until the next fighter comes out-- it looks like good times.
Also new is Droplitz, which we had to look at a couple of times before figuring out what the word was. This puzzler is developed by Blitz Arcade and distributed by Atlus, and is meant for one player. Puzzle fun can be found here if you're so inclined.
This week's sale for Gold subscribers is Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD, 33% off. It's only $10/800 points through Sunday.
Comedy Is Dead: Road Trip Album Picks: Pennsylvania Macaroni Company (Comedians of Comedy)
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with Road Trip Album Picks: Pennsylvania Macaroni Company (Comedians of Comedy) , the second installment. This EP from Chunklet Records features Brian Posehn, Patton Oswalt, Maria Bamford, and Eugene Mirman explaining life on the road, food, and fighting. They also sing-- well, Patton does.
Ad: New Junko Mizanu At Entertainment Earth
Ad: While Hasbro has cranked out a bunch of designer ponies, this is one of the first with the name of the designer attached to it. The Junko Mizuno Designer My Little Pony sports a fuzzy hood and numerous tentacles, flowers, and other elements which really make it stand out on a shelf. If you've ever wanted to combine the style of urban vinyl with the My Little Pony toys you enjoyed as a kid, this may be it.
Thanks for your repeated purchases! (We get a chunk of the sale, you see.)
Crushing Skulls
June 26, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the brand new Jedi Padawan, the girl specifically, from the new Star Tours set. This is the first female human Padawan figure! How is it? Well, read on. And go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
PS3: PSN Updates This Week
 After hitting the Xbox 360, Atlus published Droplits for the PS3, too. It's $9.99, effectively the same price on both consoles. You may also grab the PSOne game Mobile Light Force.
You may also download a free demo for The BIGS 2.
PSP: PSN Updates This Week
 A large number of games dropped this week. The downloadables are: Brothers in Arms D-Day ($14.99), Chessmaster: The Art of Learning ($19.99), Driver 76 ($19.99), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ($19.99).
LOST Figure, Bobble License Awarded to Bif Bang Pow!
 Bif Bang Pow!, best known for its Flash Gordon and Big Lebowski product line, will be producing action figures and bobble heads for Lost, the ABC TV show. The first product produced will be a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive Linus Benjamin, limited to 1,008 pieces. Pre-orders will not be available.
The first wave of action figures has been announced by and is selling at Entertainment Earth. Unlike the McFarlane Toys figures, these will have actual articulation and be packaged in two-packs. The first wave has two such sets, one with Jack Shephard and Kate Austen plus another with James "Sawyer" Ford and Juliet Burke. These 7-inch figures are scheduled to ship this November, and they should be on display first at the Entertainment Earth booth at Comic-Con International 2009. Approvals permitting, we will bring you pictures here.
--AP, full disclosure: the 16bit team consults on Bif Bang Pow! products
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with BREAKING CELEBRITY NEWS. Someone is fine-- but who? Click and find out!
It Doesn't Belong To You
June 22, 2009 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: R2-D2 from last year's battle pack, with exciting blast damage. It's a figure you already have 12 times over, but now he's like broken and stuff. Go to Figure of the Day to find out!
G-Force Toys Out, From Company You've Never Heard Of
 For our guinea pig fans out there-- both of you-- you might be interested in knowing a fairly extensive selection of toys based on the upcoming sure-to-entertain-young-children film have just hit stores. Action figures are available in large and tiny 2.5-inch scale, as are plush, animatronic toys, and a playset. So far these have only been spotted at Toys "R" Us, and we're pretty sure this will end up a de-facto exclusive. These are manufactured by "Smart Christmas Solutions." We've never heard of them either.
G.I. Joe Convention Exclusive Figure Pics, Crimson Strike Team Redux
 Sorry we forgot to show you pictures, but the G.I. Joe club has its first exclusive boxed convention set based on the 25th Anniversary-style molds! But here's where it gets weird-- the 2009 set is an update of the 2002 set, which used the 1980s molds. If you're still with us, check out a preview of the Crimson Baroness and Viper as well as a glimpse at Crimson Tomax and Xamot. These look way, way better than we expected for red repaints, little details like the Baroness' glasses plus silver boot highlights, and the chrome face of the Viper really make these look wonderful. Which is good, because the set is friggin' expensive. No word yet on what add-ons will be at the show, or when we will see images of the 12-inch figure exclusives.
Comedy Is Dead: Times Are Tough, It's Bad For Ya
 Comedy Is Dead has updated with Times are Tough: Timmy Williams of Whitest Kids U Know, a hard-hitting look at the jobs talented comedians are taking in a down economy.
There's also a look at It's bad For Ya, George Carlin's final and arguably most Carlin-esque comedy album.
The Duke Leaving Freezepop, Staff Ensaddened
 While apparently announced a month back, we just got an email from the band confirming that fabeled hero of myth and legend, The Duke (of whatever) is leaving the under appreciated but delightful synth pop outfit Freezepop, best known for not being known. He'll be doing a few more shows with the group, which has been around for about ten years, before going back to work on Rock Band Frequency Whatever. We assume the band's output will not slow down... as they don't exactly release a lot of new stuff anyway.
Recent Playmobil Headlines from Playmoblog
 have you been reading our side project, Playmoblog? It's the only English-language Playmobil blog updated with any sense of regularity or, quite possibly, at all. We've added some new content for you to enjoy and/or ignore.
New Transformers Sequel Makes More Money Than You Can Count
 Apparently "revenge: is a dish best served on piles of money. Michael Bay's scorn has been heaped upon the world to the tune of $112 million-- for the weekend. This brings its domestic take since last week to $201 million and its overseas cash grab to $186 million, making the grand total a million kajillion dollars.
It seems the toys are in ready supply, which means either kids aren't jumping on the new releases or that Hasbro actually realized how much money it probably lost by not having a buttload of stuff on the shelves in 2009. Either way, Revenge of the Fallen can be enjoyed at a toy store near you, or merely tolerated at the local cineplex.
Too Much Information
June 30, 2009 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 2005 Grievous' Bodyguard, the first incarnation of this pretty nifty robot. It hasn't been improved upon too much since its release, and no super articulated version exists yet. But is it good enough to buy a few of? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!
More G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra Pre-Orders
 Can't wait for this weekend? A number of stores are now accepting pre-orders for a number of items from the movie line, including the Pit playset, the Night Raven jet, and the Accelerator Suit Duke Figure. Warning/guarantee, those are sponsor links, but you can find these at pretty much any online seller.
Also take note, Target stores are clearancing out their 25th anniversary stock-- exclusives included. And Mighty Muggs. You might want to keep an eye out there for army builders, comic packs, or goodies you may have initially skipped.
Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week
 WiiWare Triplets this week! First up is Water Warfare from Hudson, an 800-point game where you can soak your friends in an online multiplayer shooter. Reel Fishing Challenge is 500 points, and involves free play and missions, apparently. We didn't see much official info on this one. Rounding out the three releases is Silver Star Reversi from Agetec, which you pretty much know what it is from the name, or won't be too interested. It's also 500 points.
Virtual Console fans, it's the Sega Master Systen game Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa . It's $5, and for you shooter fans out there.
Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week
 Got a DSi? You can fake an interest in this week's new title, the downloadable Sudoku Master, for a mere $5 (500 points). It's great if you don't have access to pencils or those free puzzle sites.
Video Game Clearing House: Ancient Super GameBoy Controller Discovered
 There is little we find more exciting than nifty finds from the 16-bit era, particularly if they are related to Nintendo in any way. (Note the picture.) There were other new items too, so here's a big list. The controller, though, is the coolest of them. And Ron Gilbert is pretty awesome too.
- The Super GameBoy Commander kicks our collective asses. An online store we frequent just found a bunch. The Hori controller was released in Japan for the Super Famicom (and is compatible with the Super NES) specifically to go as a companion to the awesome Super GameBoy adapter which let you play GameBoy stuff on your TV. We've never seen it before and we assume you may be new to it, too. If you need to be told more, you will never understand, you miserable ingrates. This is a beautiful piece of lost hardware.
- Creator of LucasFilm Games' SCUMM engine, Ron Gilbert, will be the keynote speaker at PAX in Seattle this Labor Day. (That's the one in September.)
- SupaRobo Gakuen is God's gift to toy robot junkies. This Japanese Nintendo DS game, coming later this Summer, includes the robots we ugly Americans know as Voltron, Gundam, Zoids, Mazinger Z, and tons more. Short of Optimus Prime, C-3PO, or Wall-E we're not sure what else could be crammed in here.
- Papercraft Arcade Cabinets can be yours of Donkey Kong, Galaga, Dragon's Lair, etc. Assuming you have a good printer.
- Sony may have a patent that proves it can emulate PS2 on the PS3. has a report.
Click Here For News From May!
