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Toys A Go-Go
 June 3 2002

Mr. Show DVD This Week?, UHF Pricing

Mr. Show, the popular HBO comedy series, was shown this week in Best Buy's weekly circular for $24.99. Previous information hinted that this would not be available until July... so we'll be going to Best Buy on Tuesday (assuming the Automobile has returned from the shop) and let you know.

Also, Best lists this as having a Tuesday release. UHF is listed for a Tuesday release as well-- for only $9.99.

Muppet Show Figures, Series II Images

The Raving Toy Maniac posted shots of the second batch of Muppet Show figures. See painted and unpainted shots of Gonzo, Crazy Harry, Fozzie Bear, Sgt. Floyd Pepper, and the Electric Mayhem Playset with Animal!

Scooby Doo Movie Toys

More Scooby merchandise and toys continue to show up at more and more stores. Despite the 4" "Creepy Series" and "Scary Series" figures selling for $7 or so at most stores, comparable individual figures in film packaging are selling for $4.99 at Target Stores. While Shaggy and Scooby are basically the existing cartoon figures with modified expressions on their faces and/or new accessories, the villains are all new.

Simpsons News Galore

In addition to a Moe's playset being announced, as well as word of upcoming mail-away Be Sharps figures, a horde of news has been posted about the toy line over at the Simpsons Collector Sector. Be sure to check it out!

TransFormers: Reviews & News has posted a review of the Robots in Disguise Toys "R" Us exclusive, Scourge. Check it out.

Also, the site is reporting that KBToys is now offering Megabolt Megatron, one of the final Beast Machines molds to see release within the Robots in Disguise range.

-- AP

Slow News Week
 June 6 2002

CastleVania Sequel for GameBoy Advance Delayed

While CastleVania: Harmony of Dissonance came out in Japan on time, the US release has been pushed back until September. (Boo, hiss.)


Well, both the Mr. Show DVD set and UHF showed up this week, with both selling quite well. Around Phoenix, we've checked several stores in the past two days and have only seen one DVD copy of UHF left on the shelves-- which we bought. While did not originally intend to review any DVDs, reviews of both will appear in the Toy Box soon.

(In short, at $9.99 [Best Buy stores] UHF is probably one of the best deals on DVD you can snag.)

GI Joe Cartoon Returns

Yo Joe! and other Joe-related sites are reporting that Cartoon Network will be "testing" the show out in July.

Stikfas coming to the USA

Stikfas, and oddball (yet oh so nifty) action figure kit, has been picked up by Hasbro for US distribution. The expected retail price is around $10.

TransFormers: Armada Info has been updated with an Armada facelift. Armada, for those who haven't heard, is the new iteration of everybody's favorite warring robots, and they're due to start showing up in the coming months. There's a lot to see here, including some nice pictures, so this is probably one of the most informative things you can read today.

The site doesn't seem to like either Mac browser, but then again, neither does Hasbro's Star Wars page.

TransFormers: Supreme Optimus Primal review has posted a review of the Robots in Disguise Toys "R" Us exclusive, Supreme Optimus Primal. Originally a leftover Beast Machines toy, it seems to have taken on new life and from the sound of things, will be a must-have addition to any TransFan's collection.

-- AP

Stuff, Things
 June 10 2002

GI Joe Cartoon Letter Writing Campaign

Yo Joe posted the email and ground addresses for Cartoon Network, so you can ask them for a longer run of the 'toon if you're so inclined.

Harry Potter DVD: $10

A real surprise this week: CompUSA stores are selling both the Pan & Scan and Widescreen versions of Harry Potter & the Sorceror's Stone for $9.97-- which is about $5-$8 cheaper than most places. Surely a good deal given how a rental will cost around $3.50 these days.

Masters of the Universe Cartoon Trailer, GameBoy Advance posted a trailer for the upcoming animated series based around the new adventures of He-Man and Skeletor. It's very different in feel and animation (i.e., things are actually moving) when compared to the original, and the voices are a little different.

-- DS2

Continuing Shipments
 June 12 2002

Nerf Herder: New Album in August

On their official site, the band has announced their next album "American Cheese" will be out August 13. A dozen new songs and a tour have been announced, along with yet another disc of b-sides due out in early 2003! Hooray!

Simpsons Treehouse of Horror 3 Toy Revealed

The Simpsons Collector Sector posted a shot of the new set, which looks like a real winner. A playset and four figures can be yours this Fall! The Donut Head Homer, Bart's twin Hugo, Witch Marge, and Willie as Freddy all look pretty good-- we will be reviewing this upon its release.

Soul Calibur 2: Link Cameo

Gameforms is reporting that the Nintendo character of Link will be appearing in Namco's upcoming Soul Calibur 2. For more on this tantalizing tidbit, visit Gameforms!

They Might Be Giants: New Release Today

Fantastic band They Might Be Giants saw the release of their oft-delayed "No!" today, an album of children's songs. We did not obtain a sample to review yet, and we did notice record stores selling it for $16-$18. If we see it cheaper, we'll pick it up and give you the info on it.

-- DS2

The Monkey Has Landed
 June 14 2002

Air Attack Optimus Primal at Amazon added their exclusive Robots in Disguise Air Attack Optimus Primal to their website for $29.99. This particular toy was a leftover Supreme-sized Beast Machines robot primate that is only now just seeing release.

Cheech & Chong Figures still coming

The Raving Toy Maniac is reporting Neca is releasing the Cheech & Chong figures that have been delayed for quite some time. Is there still hope for the unreleased Devo figures? We can only hope.

GI Joe: A Real American Hero Repaint Figure Images

YoJoe! posted images of the recently released repaint figures.

He-Man Cartoon Airdates

The Masters of the Universe toon airdate has been posted to Expect to see a 90-minute premiere episode on Cartoon Network on Friday, August 16!

Men In Black II Toys Available

The MIB2 figure assortments were spotted at a Kay-Bee Toys in Metrocenter located in Phoenix, AZ today. In an interesting move, large blister carded toy sets were offered with one or two figures and a small vehicle or other accessory for $11.99. Also, the figures were roughly 3 inches tall-- similar in size to the old M.A.S.K. toys-- and the likenesses seem slightly improved over Galoob's horrible face sculpts from the first film. Alas, no Zed (Rip Torn) has been produced as of yet.

Politically Incorrect to End Run on June 28

Bill Maher's celeb, politician, and random schmuck filled roundtable discussion program will leave the ABC airwaves by the end of the month, so says an article on Showbizdata. As Maher is one of our favorite stand-ups around the labs, and what we frequently watch while updating the site, we'll be very sad to see him go.

Sideshow Toy Madness

Several new 12-inch figures from Sideshow Toys were spotted at a local Suncoast Motion Picture Co. today. Aside from black-and-white versions of older figures like Dracula and the Wolfman, some Outer Limits figures were spotted alongside the Ash and Evil Ash from Army of Darkness. This is an expensive week for fans of monster movies.

Simpsons: New Toy Images

The great folks at the Simpsons Collector Sector have posted images of the upcoming 9" Smithers, Be Sharps Homer, and the Schoolbus-- and others! Be sure to check it out.

Also, the site reports the Celebrity figures of Brad Goodman and Lionel Hutz have been found in stores, so happy hunting on those two.

TransFormers Armada: In-Hand Images has added a shot of an upcoming pack of Mini-Cons so you can get an idea of how big they are, and get a better look at these fairly nifty toys. Don't miss this one.

TransFormers: The Lunchbox

The Raving Toy Maniac is reporting Neca is putting out a metal lunchbox based on the classic Robots in disguise! The artwork is similar to a piece seen in many early catalogs for the toy line.

X-Men: Wolverine Set from 2000 Appears!

In a totally surprise move, Kay-Bee has picked up the Wolverine two-pack that was supposed to be offered a few years ago and was thought to be a Canadian exclusive. For $5.99, you get a nicely sculpted comic Wolvie alongside one of the better movie editions.

-- DS2

Dr. Teeth Has Landed
 June 17 2002

He-Man: More News recently posted information concerning licensing and the upcoming television show based on the relaunch of the Masters of the Universe franchise-- apparently we'll be treated to 26 episodes. If you dig things like additional artwork of the animated characters, check this site out.

Metal Gear Solid 12" Figures Due Soon

Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Meryl, and Sniper Wolf will be hitting finer high-end toy outlets everywhere soon for about $29.99. We plan to get at least a few to review, so stay tuned for news on these.

Metal Gear Solid 2 Kubricks hit US Shelves

Select Tower Records stores are stocking the Lego-like figures, randomly packed in unmarked boxes for $5.99 each.

Muppet Show Figures Available

A toy run last Friday yielded the Muppet Show figures at a Phoenix area Toys "R" Us. In addition to the surprise of the Kermit in Tuxedo-- which we thought was an exclusive-- the initial assortment of Dr. Teeth, Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Dr. Honeydew were all available for around $8. The Muppet Labs playset with Beaker was not yet available.

TransFormers Armada Overview

Altered States Magazine and posted a series of reviews and images of the brand-new TransFormers toy line. Definitely worth seeing.

-- DS2 & AP

More Goodies
 June 25 2002

He-Man: The New Figures Have Been Released

Entertainment Earth has the first figures from this line available now. So you can order a case online, or expect to see them in the coming weeks at your local stores.

Men In Black II: More New Stuff

A large, roughly 1/6 scale Agent Jay figure has shown up at Toys "R" Us. Made entirely of plastic, he includes Frank the dog and a series of weapons.

PlayStations: Cheaper, Kinda

GameStop (also Software Etc. and Babbages) have dropped prices of the PSOne and Playstation consoles to $29.99 for a used one. Surely, a fantastic deal, if for nothing other than to play through Final Fantasy IX just once.

Simpsons New Releases

Series 2 of the Celebrity assortments have been spotted at Suncoast stores.

Warcraft III Figures In Stores

The first small series of Warcraft III action figures have shown up at select EB/Electronics Boutique stores. Check yours for availability.

-- DS2 & AP

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