November 1 2005 |
Transformers Reissue: Laser Prime
 Takara started soliciting for their next reissue-- and what a shock, it's another version of Convoy/Optimus Prime. Battle Convoy (aka Laser Optimus Prime) was one of the finest molds from Generation 2 with a great trailer battle base and a light-up sword, plus-- for its day-- the best articulation on an Optimus toy you could expect. (We even tracked down a MISB G2 version to crack open because we liked it so much.) While special changes to the deco are as of yet unknown, it's a great toy. Even if it is one you can get fairly cheap as it is. As one of Hasbro and Takara's high points of the 1990's, we're happy to hear it's coming back.
Cobra Commander Gun Replica, DTC HISS Impressions
 The dudes over at Action-Figure posted shots and pricing info of the upcoming Cobra Commander gun prop replica. It ain't pretty, and it ain't cheap.
We also got a Corba HISS (from the direct to consumer line in the nice black boxes) last week and man, is it great. The figure it comes with is merely OK, but the vehicle itself is loads of fun, we're sorry to say as we're 26. Full review is coming in an upcoming Podcast. Which you should really listen to because we work hard on this crap. You think it's easy to sound like NPR?
Exclusive Tan Massive Microman
 The guys over at Microman Forever posted a lot of neat stuff, including a tan body "Massive Type" Material Force body for Microman. This extra beefy blank figure could probably make a really awesome He-Man or wrestler of some sort. If you're a fan of such things, don't miss it.
Don't forget: Sith Today
 Numerous stores are offering deals with Revenge of the Sith today. Target has an exclusive coin. Wal-Mart has a bonus disc with R2-D2 and C-3PO doing wacky stuff. And in case you missed it, we reviewed it last month-- click here for the full review at Galactic Hunter.
You Got Your Baby Back
November 2 2005 |
Transformers Cybertron: Red Alert; G1 Reissue Sideswipe
 First up: guess who came out? At Entertainment Earth, we saw that we got in the new Ultra assortment with Red Alert, aka Vanguard Team First/Fast Aid. He's neat, has Mini-Con hardpoints, and is big enough that you won't be too worried he'll cost $30ish, but still, like most Ultras... yeah. We'll probably buy one though. The bio on the box was as follows: RED ALERT is, first and foremost, a healer. As AUTOBOT medic, he has never hesitated to rush onto a battlefield under heavy fire to assist an injured comrade. Indeed, there are many AUTOBOTS (and even one or two DECEPTICONS) who owe their lives to him. It is because of his skills as a healer that OPTIMUS PRIME handpicks him to be part of the team-- along with HOT SHOT and SCATTORSHOT-- to return to CYBERTRON and cleanse his home world of the TERRORCONS infestation. Though he is uncomfortable with the new armor and heavy weapons with which he has been upgraded, he recognizes their necessity, and will not hesitate to engage in battle if his hand is forced.
Last we checked, the item was not LISTED as in stock but is, in fact, IN STOCK. We're not sure how many units remain, so feel free to put in a preorder to get it as it comes "off the truck," as it were.
Also, numerous reports from around the web indicate that G1 Sideswipe (the reissue from Hasbro) got dumped at Kay-Bee for $14.99. With other reissues at Tuesday Morning, it's an interesting trend-- and one we're happy to see, given Sideswipe was never sold at US Toys "R" Us stores. We'll let you know more if there's more to let you know.
Marvel Legends 14, 15 Line-Ups
 The dudes over at Action-Figure strike again! Toy Biz' tentative lineups for Marvel Legends 2006 are up, variants included! Talk about happy fun surprise time!
Confirmed: Serentiy Date
 Quoth the Universal Executive: SCREW THEATRICAL RELEASE WINDOWS! The Digital Bits is reporting Joss Whedon's Serenity, based on Firefly, will be on DVD December 20 with a small smattering of extras. Click through for more.
So we got like two emails about the podcast, which is slightly better than anticipated. As such, we started working on the second installment, which is already at 7 minutes and is just two stories (unedited) and totally without intros/outros. So we think this could quickly evolve into a 20-30 minute thing unless people start complaining about length. (Our ride to work is 30-40 minutes, so we need entertainment and we figure there are people on subways and in cars that share our desires.)
We're also considering answering 1 or 2 Star Wars Q&A questions-- probably old ones from Galactic Hunter-- as part of the "show" to see if anyone in this fancy new audience cares for such things. We're on a roll.
Phone-it-in Friday
November 4 2005 |
G.I. Joe DTC Cobra Trooper, 25% off coupon
 Many have been speculating about the look of the G.I. Joe Cobra Trooper coming in the next Internet-only series of individually carded figures. Well, lookee what we got. Go ahead and click on that sucker for a larger image. It shows the carded figure and the loose figure, so there ya go. Who loves ya, baby? More later. As you can see, we're phoning it in today after taking yesterday off.
Numerous sites are reporting on a Hasbro Toy Shop online coupon good through November 6. Enter "HASBRO25" and you get 25% off your order. Order $50 or more, get free shipping. Doesn't sound like a bad deal if you're a Joe fan.
In-Box Hi-Res Transformers Alternators
 We also got shots of the in-package Alternators for 2006, which really means later in 2005. Check 'em out, as these are some nifty clear images of Prowl, Sunstreaker, Tracks, and Skids. Click to enlarge, etc. etc.
In case you care: Xevoz Article
 At work, we do lots of writing, and one article caused a bit of hubbub over at the Xevoz forums. In the most recent Entertainment Earth catalog (Holiday '05), there's a two-page spread with all the Xevoz product we had in stock, as well as some "custom" figures. This was something we did to show that these figures had swappable parts because, well, we didn't think people necessarily got it that the point of these were that they would have interchangeable limbs and heads and stuff. So anyway, that's why there's a big article in there.
There was speculation that this meant more figures were on the way. While we do know (from various reports) that additional figures were in the works, we have no confirmation that these made it far enough along to even be considered for production. But the ones in the article are quite nice. Uhhh... they make a great gift.
New Super Mario Bros. Images
 One thing we just couldn't ignore was the update at The Magic Box with New Super Mario Bros. for Nintendo DS. This seemingly side-scrolling adventure looks pretty cool, and as it looks old-timey, we love it so far. We can't wait to get our hands on it, but for now, we'll have to settle for these two pages of previews.
| Podcast
November 6 2005
| Podcast: November 6, 2005
 Well, we decided to try it again, with less scripting and more rambling. This week we focus on a lot of specific stuff which, if you've been paying attention, you may already know. But if not? It's new to you!
This week, we have five (technically three) segments again. They are:
0:00 - Introduction
0:33 - News
5:06 - Toy of the Week: G.I. Joe DTC Cobra HISS (2005)
9:19 - Retail Round-Up: Pointless Wal-Mart Story
10:32 - Star Wars Q&A from Galactic Hunter
15:52 - Goodbye
How to sign up
For starters: You do not need an iPod to hear a Podcast. Podcasting is just a fancy word for "hack job internet radio show," which is exactly what we're aiming to produce here.
If you have iTunes 4.9 or above: You can subscribe to it for free. Just go to "Subscribe to Podcast" and paste in "". And you should be all hooked up.
If you're using an RSS reader: Subscribe to this feed: "".
If you are using Safari: click here.
A Podcast Archive page is in the works so you can just download it directly. But we advise you try out iTunes as it's a fairly efficient and useful free program. We also love Apple.
November 7 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. We do look at playsets, storage, the "final 12" ROTS figures, and oh so much more. Read on, you lucky readers you!
Final Fantasy IV Advance Images
 Return of the Red Wings! Images from Baron and more are up at The Magic Box, with two jam-packed pages of the English translation of the upcoming GameBoy Advance Final Fantasy IV. Therre's no mention on if a bard is spoony or not, but you do get to see that it looks like little was lost in translation to the portable.
Transformers Lucky Draw & More at Fan2Fan
 Over at Fan2Fan, there's a ton of new information from Japan. There's spoilers on Galaxy Force-- hidden, of course-- as well as lots of magazine prize figures, Lucky Draw items, and tons and tons of other neat stuff you should go see. (We were especially happy to hear some interesting info on Planet X.)
Serenity DVD "Art" Revealed
 The gents at The Digital Bits added the artwork for the upcoming Serenity disc, which looks like a bad novel-based-in-the-sci-fi-world book cover. The DVD is still due December 20.
November 8 2005 |
Zathura's Out
 A movie's coming out soon called Zathura, which, like Jumanji, is from a book about a board game. Same author of the book. Same creative folks on the movie. And it appears the board game was designed just like the one in the movie, and was just released this year. We've seen it at Kay-Bee toys so far for $24.99 and are quite enamored with it. We're trying to see if we can't find it for slightly cheaper elsewhere, because, well, we're curious and it looks too much like a box of awesomeness. (Sure, it'll probably be dull. But such is the nature of non-video games in the 21st century.)
Transformers Alternators "Red Alert"
 A lot of hubbub is going on over a link to a page at Hasbro (seen here) for "Red Alert." It's fun to note that the product ID number-- which we have access to at work, along with hundreds of other Hasbro product ID numbers-- is that of the red-boxed Prowl from Alternators, in finer stores now. As such, it's likely a placeholder page and nothing to get your panties in a bunch over, despite what you're reading elsewhere. Although if the Red Alert from Japan shows up in the USA, we'll be in line to buy it.
In other news, Kay-Bee's exclusives are starting to show up more here in LA-- over the past few weeks, we've seen close to 100 or more of the Railbots, which, as said earlier, are great. The Universe releases of Downshift and the mostly unpainted Snowcat are showing up too, but we're still not seeing the G1 Sideswipe in our own backyards just yet. We expect plenty, though, so we'll keep looking-- and you should too, because those trains are fine little toys for the price.
TMNT DVD Bonus Redux
 The cats at added images and info of three (to us) unseen previously action figures from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for six bucks a pop from Wal-Mart. Nifty! Read on for the full scoop with images.
Ninja Magic
November 9 2005 |
Square-Enix to bring you... Mario Basket 3-On-3
 We can't make this stuff up-- and apparently, neither can the reporters at The Magic Box. Square-Enix is making a Nintendo DS basketball game featuring Mario and friends. It looks... interesting. Click through for screenshots.
MST3K Vol. 8 Out, In Theory
 The eighth volume of Mystery Science Theater 3000 came out yesterday, we think. No local Best Buys seem to have them in stock and we're going to do some research to see if anyone else actually got it-- the same thing happens with most of these sets, though, so it's about par for the course.
Xevoz featured in Shortpacked
 The resident genius of the Internets and Cyberweb, David Willis, posted a new amusing installment of his Shortpacked strip to his web site, this time featuring Xevoz. It also correctly points the finger for the decline of this line where it belongs-- squarely on you, the unwashed toy buying masses. (Xevoz are awesome.)
Sigma 6 Impressions
 We picked up a G.I. Joe Sigma 6 Storm Shadow-- after some hunting, as a few stores were out-- and we must say we're impressed. He has all the armaments of the entire Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles team-- swords, sais, a bo, and nunchucks. But HIS nunchucks have flip-out knives which are not at all obtrusive, and he's got a grappling hook, climbing gear, and a giant box to store the weapons-- that's part of the packaging. And he's got a friggin' sword rack with a Cobra logo on it. Awesome. We'll be covering him more in the weekend podcast, but in short, um, wow?
And for the curious, Wave 2 is up at Entertainment Earth, complete with pictures. The main reason you may care is Cobra Commander, who has a hooded head AND a helmet that can go over it. Funky. We're sold.
Star Wars Blowout
 We marked down several cases of Star Wars figures at work at EE today, and we were surprised to see that by the time we came home to post, 4 of the 5 were sold out. (Granted, those ones were $19.90.) All that's left at this point is Episode II Collection 1 Wave 1, for $39.90. (Or $3.33 a figure-ish.) It'll probably be sold out shortly, but hey, it's not a bad deal if you need to buy gifts-- it has Kit Fisto and Super Battle Droids, and R2-D2, Jango Fett, and other stuff. Oh, and this is, of course, an ad.
Toy news again?
November 10 2005 |
Box Art: The Simpsons Season 7 DVD
 Over at they added both the box and Marge head box art to their site for your viewing. Do check it out.
Cybertron Evac sighted some more, Beast Wars Episodes, In-Package, etc.
 Want to see all the first wave Beast Wars rereleases in package? How about the DVD episodes they include? And opened shots in both modes? Well, we can accommodate. Just don't freaking link directly to our images. Kthxbye.
Notable: Waspinator now has the smaller Predacon logo and what appears to be remolded missiles. And Rhinox' knees appear to be backward in this shot.
The set is available for preorder now at Entertainment Earth, and as they've been lucky getting Transformers early as of late, hey, might as well, right?
Also, we found Evac at two separate Los Angeles Target stores. So he's out there, for sure. (Still looking for Wreckloose, who, to date, has only been seen at Entertainment Earth. And they're out.)
Sarah Silverman & Maureen Dowd on Fresh Air
 Interviewer first-class and NPR host first-class Terry Gross had both Maureen Dowd and Sarah Silverman on her program, Fresh Air, yesterday. They were promoting "Are Men Necessary?" and "Jesus is Magic" respectively, and if you have no idea what either of those are, odds are you should just scroll to the next item. The show is available by streaming audio, so go nuts and listen to it if you have the Internet-- which, I think, you probably do.
Nintendo DS Wireless Test & Dead or Alive Blue Kasumi
 Since we work there, and since we started this as a game site, we only thought it fair to inform you Entertainment Earth is taking preorders on this fancy blue Kasumi Statue from Max Factory. Limited run, due in early 2006, blah blah blah. They presold out of the white one, but since the blue one is better, well, may as well get those orders in early.
Also, got a Nintendo DS? Turns out Nintendo has a page up to test your wireless capabilities. has the full rundown of... well, pretty much all things Nintendo Wi-Fi at this point. Take a look.
More New Star Wars & Other Crap at EE
 Advertising. If you like to order stuff online, we added a bunch of new items for sale at Entertainment Earth today. Here's a partial list. Buy something, and we get like a full quarter!
Star Wars Saga Collection: Battle of Geonosis Wave with more new Clones, Sun Fac, Sora Bulq, and more.
Star Wars Transformers Wave 1.5 with Luke, Grievous, and Obi-Wan.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Series 1 Set with Mooninites and more.
Zathura Board Game
Neato, yes? More coming, we're sure.
It's New!
November 11 2005 |
New Microman News at
 The guys over at Microforever posted a great news update with images of the super-cool looking Microsisters figures and much more. Do check it out, if you like such things, and we assume you likely do.
Cybertron Brimstone, Crosswise, Thunderblast In-Package
 Today, we've got in-box shots of Crosswise, Brimstone, and Thunderblast if you have yet to see them. As always, thanks for not linking directly to our images and linking to our front page instead.
The case with these guys is available for preorder now at Entertainment Earth, and it's due in early 2006. Of course, you can get the Galaxy Force versions immediately, if you're an import kinda guy. (We got Crosswise [Autovolt] and Brimstone [Terrashaver] and are more or less pleased with them.)
Sideshow Not Quite Done with LOTR
 Over at Sideshow's site, they posted a new press release saying they're going to be producing their trademark 1:4 scale collector figures for Lord of the Rings, which is notable because they announced the end of the polystone line not too long ago. So now there appears to be at least 1 licensee for Lord of the Rings goodies going forward.
XP Grind: New MMO Site from the people behind
 If massive multiplayer online games are your thing, the guys from hope to have a site for you. It's called XPGrind and there seems to be quite a bit of content for a new site-- plus forums and all that stuff. Check it out, and best wishes to the fine folk behind these two sites!
| Podcast
November 13 2005
| Podcast: November 13, 2005
 Last week we tried mostly no scripting with lots of planning. This week, our aim was to basically see what could be pulled out of our butts. We're largely happy with the results.
This week, we have five (technically three) segments again. They are:
0:00 - Introduction
0:29 - News
6:07 - Toy of the Week: G.I. Joe Sigma 6 Storm Shadow (2005)
9:19 - Star Wars Q&A from Galactic Hunter
14:50 - Fast Food Toys This Week
16:21 - Stuff from TV
17:36 - Goodbye
How to sign up
For starters: You do not need an iPod to hear a Podcast. Podcasting is just a fancy word for "hack job internet radio show," which is exactly what we're aiming to produce here.
If you have iTunes 4.9 or above: You can subscribe to it for free. Just go to "Subscribe to Podcast" and paste in "". And you should be all hooked up.
If you're using an RSS reader: Subscribe to this feed: "".
If you are using Safari: click here.
A Podcast Archive page is in the works so you can just download it directly. But we advise you try out iTunes as it's a fairly efficient and useful free program. We also love Apple.
El Mathematico
November 14 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. We look at Commander Cody-- again-- ewoks, and tons of other stuff. Read on, or listen to me read some of the answers in yesterday's podcast.
Cybertron Downshift In-Package
 Over at TFW2005, you can see in-package images of Downshift from Cybertron. He's basically a one-off of the classic 'Cuda muscle car (and their ilk), so it's extra cool. We may be wrong but this is probably the first "retro" vehicle Transformer toy in a modern toy line.
As of yet we have no information on the case assortment of Downshift, nor do we have an official release date which we can pad by a month and claim is the real one. We will, however, keep you posted.
We're also hearing the Star Wars Transformers are out in New Zealand, as are the Mini-Cons two-packs. Odds are they're due in the USA any week now.
Sigma 6 Show Impressions
 On our handy dandy DVR device today, we watched a couple of episodes of the new G.I. Joe animated show, Sigma 6. We're obviously not the target market, as we miss that mark by probably a good 13 years. Still, it was interesting to see the classic 1980s characters (and some more recent ones) reimagined as anime designs, to an extent. Some really worked, others... not. While your mileage may vary, we found the show kinda dull. The ninja stuff was fantastic, as we are fans of ninja things. The fighting, on the whole, was very Star Trek-esque, with characters giving facts, figures, technical info, and numbers in some attempt to make things seem exciting without showing explosions or anything neat. We did get a big kick out of seeing the majority of the direct to consumer Joe toys represented on some level, and some of the designs have us hopeful for future releases. (We'll be first in line for Sigma 6 Baroness, thank you.)
Because we care: Mario Kart DS Pricing
 We're quite excited about Mario Kart coming to the Nintendo DS this week, because you can play it online for no extra charge. We're not overly excited about dropping seven Abe Lincolns or more to get one, so we did a little price comparison shopping.
Best Buy: $34.99.
Circuit City: $34.99
Kmart: $34.99
Target: $34.00
Toys "R" Us: $34.99
Wal-Mart: $34.82
Wow. How uneventful. So, go buy it where ever we guess.
Cthulhu: The Hat
 Some things defy reason. This is one of those things. At work last week we received the monthly Toy Vault solicitations, and this one is, well, shall we say "special." We guess the basic idea is that the Lovecraftian dark demon beast can suck your brains as it keeps your head warm. It'll get you the ladies, we're sure.
Man from the Sea
November 15 2005 |
Cybertron Scout Wave 4 Sighted (By Us)
 Yesterday at Target, we spotted this new wave of figures. We're in LA and found Brushguard, the Speed Mini-Cons, Wreckloose, and Backstop. (Bought Brushguard and Wreckloose as we had the Japanese versions of the rest.) They're all shipping at one-per-case and just hitting now, so keep your eyes peeled and be first on your block with these new releases.
(See, hitting two Targets on the way home paid off. Even if one we hit for three consecutive days. But we digress...)
Wreckloose is pretty cool.
These are being found all over the USA, so happy hunting!
Kingdom Heats 2: Now with TRON!
 So Kingdom Hearts II is trying to be everything you could ever want. First, you can meet Captain Jack Sparrow. Now, The Magic Box reports you can meet with the cast of TRON! Wow! Well, we're happy, and you should be too.
Also, Mario Kart DS is supposedly in US stores today-- see the November 14 update for our sale price chart as last we checked it.
 We've seen these a while ago-- don't ask how-- and we now know it's legit. In 2006, NECA is going to be selling a single Devo action figure. What it is, is a basic body in the yellow suit with 5 interchangeable heads and accessories. (David, Mark, Bob 1, Bob 2, and Alan are all about the same height and build. So it's not a stretch.) It looks like they'll have whips, energy domes, and no instruments. We're not overly keen on the shortcuts being taken, especially as they didn't wear the yellow suits in the Whip It video, but well, iffy Devo beats no Devo at all. We'll share pics and pricing as soon as humanly possible.
And you can bet your sweet asses we're going to review these.
Say Hello To Your New Landlord
November 16 2005 |
Review: Revenge of the Sith Shocktrooper
 Better late than never. Today at Galactic Hunter, we look at the Shock Trooper repaint of the Quick-Drawn Clone Trooper. Sure, it's the same package-- but the toy is new-ish! Is paint enough to make this figure attractive? (Well, yeah.) Read on to see pictures and why you should drop some cash on one!
Sponsor Stuff: Gentle Giant Boba Fett Statue & More
 Oh, it's panhandle o'clock. If you preorder through these links, you support the site as they give us a quarter and all that jazz. At Entertainment Earth yesterday, we added several new items from Gentle Giant Studios. The most interesting two are the Boba Fett 1/6-scale statue and the Cantina Bust-Ups (Series 6). Also added were a Corpse Bride Victor Bust, a Corpse Bride Victoria Bust, and a Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail Dragon Statue.
Edition sizes on all are TBD, so if you get your order in NOW, they'll likely guarantee you one. If you wait, not so much. (Order it from someone else if you like, but they're ready to order at EE immediately.)
Say Hello to Mario Kart DS
 Anyone thinking Nintendo was old hat or out of touch is insane. We got Mario Kart DS yesterday and we can say without hyperbole that it is THE BEST THING EVAR since the last BEST THING EVAR.
We had some issues with one router, but the other worked fine-- Linksys, I hear, works best from some people. Our Belkin one, not so much. The setup is easy and the gameplay is awesome and seemingly lag-free. We're astonished how good the experience is so far with two rounds with our buds *d503* and TheSwami. We spent the better part of our evening with it and so far we feel the $35 is totally worth it just to play a few levels with our college buddies. If that sounds appealing to you-- AND YOU KNOW IT DOES-- go get it. Some stores have a red DS and Mario Kart in a bundle for $150, which is about as good a deal as you can hope to get.
Beast Wars 10th Anniversary from Japan
 If you like Beast Wars, this is damned appealing. You can see pictures of revised 10th Anniversary Beast Convoy (Optimus Primal) and Megatron (...Megatron) at The Allspark. These are the 1996 leader-size ($20) molds with new paint jobs and new, non-crappy heads. Well, maybe not non-crappy, but the mutant heads are gone.
If So, That's Terrible
November 17 2005 |
Transformers Cybertron Mini-Cons, Wave 2 In-Package
 Kobushi. Landslide. Scattorbrain. Monocle. All these and more, in and out of the package, for your viewing pleasure. As always, thanks for linking to our front page and not the images, and we appreciate your support. And at this time, we do not have bios or anything.
For the curious, the set of Wave 1 and Wave 2 can be preordered from Entertainment Earth. $32.99, 6 packs of 2 Mini-Cons each. Offer expires while you wait.
At this time we do not know when we can expect images of Wave 3 and beyond. So, stay tuned.
Teen Titans DVD Box Set
 While we wouldn't call ourselves fans, Teen Titans Season 1 is coming to DVD soon! Take note, start saving your pennies, and enjoy your pseudo-anime adventures with Robin, Cyborg, uh, the Fonz, and Ralph Malph.
We <3 Mario Kart DS
 In case we haven't made it perfectly clear, if you have the means, you should get this. Heck, if we know you, email us your "friend code." We'll play ya. And we'll force you to hear us gush on this weekend's Podcast. (See above to sign up, and please send us your feedback or we'll make it longer and talk faster.)
November 18 2005 |
Marvel Legends 12-- New-Ish Images
 The guys over at Raving Toy Maniac have new (we think) images of Marvel Legends 12. Maestro, Wolverine, all that stuff. Even Sasquatch. They look great, so check 'em out.
UPDATE: Reader Chris (wow, we have readers now!) chimes in to say that even more and better images can be found at, so go check those out too.
We Don't Know Who This Is
 This is a new Action Man villain. That's all we know about it. Amusing, no? Anyway, we'll do some podcast stuff and get back to you over the weekend.
UPDATE: Reader Brian (wow, TWO readers!) is an astute individual who has identified this character as Professor Gangrene, and he isn't new-- apparently he's from the UK about three years ago. We're not sure why Hasbro just posted his image to their image area, but hey, there ya go. He continues, "When you move the arm, the head rotates and a more monstrous face is shown."
Saturday Morning Special
November 19 2005 |
Twincast, Cybertron Downshift, Cybertron Defense Hot Shot
 Over at E-Hobby, the recolor of Blaster, Twincast, has been revealed. Click through for images and more info... in Japanese.
New images for your amusement: Downshift and Hot Shot. Be sure to take special note of Downshift, his specially sculpted roof has some nice detail work which we highlighted in the images below.
PLEASE do not link directly to these or other images on this site. Please DO link to the front page. As these are the only images we have, no bio information or additional details are available.
New G.I. Joe Comic Packs
 Just revealed: the next wave of G.I. Joe comic packs. Of note, #24 features Snake Eyes, Stormshadow, and Stalker as they appeared in Vietnam. #16 is a Fan's Choice pack based on Devil's Due's more recent series instead of the Marvel run.
Again, PLEASE do not link directly to these or other images on this site. Please DO link to the front page. As these are the only images we have, no bio information or additional details are available.
| Podcast
November 20 2005
| Podcast: November 20, 2005
 Mario Kart DS. This may be the single most important game we've ever discussed in the podcast. This week, we look at our first-ever game overview with Mario Kart DS, and examine other new happenings.
Star Wars Q&A will return in the next installment.
Mario Kart Extra
 Pictures are a necessary beast, and as such, we wanted to show you images of the avatar system in Mario Kart DS. As you can see here, Mario Kart DS gives you a 32 by 32 pixel grid pattern which you can use to create pretty much anything you can draw, or in our case, steal. In our case, we decided to go with Simon Belmont as seen in Castlevania as our efforts in making a Cobra logo proved inept. Our pal TheSwami has made one of Scrooge McDuck of DuckTales fame, and we've seen many other great ones too, including Walky of It's Walky fame. (Used by, of course, "Walky.") On the right, our friend Dan's icon.
If you were one of the many Mac brats of the 1980s, it's a lot like Fat Bits on MacPaint, but you get color and annoying music. And no lasso tool, which would be quite useful. You do get a bucket, at least. And now we're going to need to look for G.I. Joe NES sprites to use. We're slightly disappointed that there isn't more in the way of options to save multiple graphics, but hey, we'll take this as a nice start.
This week, we have five (technically three) segments again. They are:
0:00 - Introduction
0:23 - News [Arrested Development article]
6:34 - Mario Kart DS
9:09 - Nightmare Before Christmas Giveaway
10:14 - Goodbye
How to sign up
For starters: You do not need an iPod to hear a Podcast. Podcasting is just a fancy word for "hack job internet radio show," which is exactly what we're aiming to produce here.
If you have iTunes 4.9 or above: You can subscribe to it for free. Just go to "Subscribe to Podcast" and paste in "". And you should be all hooked up.
If you're using an RSS reader: Subscribe to this feed: "".
If you are using Safari: click here.
A Podcast Archive page is in the works so you can just download it directly. But we advise you try out iTunes as it's a fairly efficient and useful free program. We also love Apple.
November 21 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. This week we look at "Tado" and a number of mysteries which were, until just now, mysterious.
We also tell you how we found our Utapau Shadow Troopers in the wastelands of LA, which should give you hope if you live elsewhere and still want this black and grey trooper.
Transformers Trademark Article, Wal-Mart Exclusives
 Over at The Allspark is a thread highlighting old timey Generation 1 names and Hasbro's efforts to keep the names from being lost to another company. We're not too knowledgeable of such things, but it looks like it may be pretty much right on the mark-- if nothing else, it's well worth a read if you have some time to kill.
Wal-Mart's upcoming exclusive sets (price TBD) contain Cybertron vehicles with bonus Tiny Tin Mini-Cons. And here they are for your amusement.
There's some copy available as well, and we do not know this to be from the back of the packaging, but it's tied with the images. So, read and go nuts. As always, thank you for linking to the front page and not directly to the content. We appreciate it.
Delivered to the Speed Planet by the same space-time anomaly that transported and nearly destroyed his friend MIRAGE, DOWNSHIFT was almost immediately captured by DIRT BOSS and his gang of harriers and outlaws. Using information given to him by MEGATRON*, DIRT BOSS was able to force DOWNSHIFT to link with him, granting him unheard of power and speed. Lacking the imagination for a true power play, DIRT BOSS used his newfound might to pillage his way through the Speed Planet's equatorial cities until OVERRIDE and MIRAGE appeared to challenge him to a final showdown in an attempt to rescue his MINI-CON slave.
HOT SHOT always thought he was the fastest, most skilled racer in the Universe, until he got to the Speed Planet. But he never even suspected the blistering speed of which he was capable until OPTIMUS PRIME teamed up with MIRAGE. Brought to the Speed Planet under the protection of HOT SHOT, MIRAGE was originally badly homesick for his compatriots DOWNSHIFT and DIRT BOSS, until he saw the perfect raceways of this new planet. Now, the two have formed a fast friendship, and a nearly unbeatable racing team.
DIRT BOSS crash-landed on Earth at the same time as his Race Team teammates landed on the Speed Planet. Lost in an alien dimension and separated from his friends by thousands of light years, DIRT BOSS wandered the Earth in search of help. Luckily, LANDMINE detected his MINI-CON distress beacon before the DECEPTICONS. Recognizing the importance of one more MINI-CON that could be used by MEGATRON to create the dangerous SKYBOOM Shield, LANDMINE took DIRT BOSS under his protection. He will stop at nothing to protect his MINI-CON friend, help him find his lost comrades, and return him to his own dimension.
MIRAGE, leader of the MINI-CON Race Team, was blasted during a battle into a rip in space-time in his own dimension created by the long-range effects of the black hole near CYBERTRON. He was found by OVERRIDE some time later, injured and close to stasis lock. Recognizing the potential of the diminutive speedster, the Speed Planet leader took him in and repaired him. MIRAGE soon became a willing partner to OVERRIDE, helping her win race after race. Now, the pair has discovered that DOWNSHIFT, a teammate of MIRAGE, has been captured and enslaved by DIRT BOSS. They will stop at nothing to bring the cruel outlaw down and rescue DOWNSHIFT.
A specialty of THUNDERCRACKER is creating fear among the enemy, and the chance to snatch DOWNSHIFT from the AUTOBOTS offered him a rare opportunity. Kidnapping the MINI-CON was a piece of cake, but he never counted on the speed of the tiny robot, or his willingness to help THUNDERCRACKER create chaos. The two have formed an uneasy partnership, dedicated to causing as much havoc as they can among the AUTOBOT forces on Earth.
The first duty of RED ALERT has always been to defend and heal the sick and injured. It is for this reason that OPTIMUS PRIME sent DIRT BOSS to the Speed Planet under his protection (though the way DIRT BOSS sees it, he's the one doing the protecting). DIRT BOSS has been separated from the other team members of the Road Assault Team DOWNSHIFT and MIRAGE - to prevent MEGATRON from once again capturing all three of them and acquiring the powerful SKYBOOM Shield. His distance from his counterparts, however, does not diminish his desire to protect the weak, and he happily works side by side with RED ALERT to ensure that all those who need protection are made safe.
In addition, a damn fine comic on the issue of convention exclusive prices can be found at Shortpacked! and as always, it's worth a look.
If you still need more to read, Ben Yee posted his review of Galaxy Force Roadstorm, which will be sold as "Lugnutz" in the USA.
Aeon Flux Collection
 The Aeon Flux: Complete Animated Collection DVD hits stores tomorrow, and has an SRP of $39.99. As readers of the site have expressed interest in a decent price, we've done some poking around. is about $27.29, making it the best overall deal online. Best Buy is asking $26.99, and Circuit City is $27.99.
As far as we know, there are still no plans to release The Maxx, and this saddens us greatly.
New Game Images Galore
 The guys over at The Magic Box posted reams of updates today with new images and new information, including showing Vivi in Kingdom Hearts II, more shots of Final Fantasy XII: Lame Character Design Redux, Dirge of Cerebus, and there's news of a Capcom Collection for the PSP with Strider and more. Well worth checking out, so click through and consider yourself informed.
November 22 2005 |
Transformers Energon: New Features?
 So while sitting on the couch watching "The Soup" on E!, we discovered a new feature on one of our favorite toys, or rather, two of them-- Transformers Energon Inferno and Roadblock. There's a little tab on the weapon that plugs into the back of their shoulders. Neat! The graphic we made in four seconds looks awful but we really didn't see any reason to make it look like we put any effort into it as we'd rather spend the time basking in this new way to mount a gun. It's isn't the most sturdy thing in the world, but as it seems like an obvious design now that we see it, well, maybe it wasn't meant to be. Who knows. Just pull out some toys and try it.
(That and we're recording more Podcast stuff today. And that kind of top-notch content doesn't crap itself out.)
Mario Kart DS Avatar Maker, GameBoy Micro Pokemon, New DS Images of Note
 If you aren't visiting The Magic Box every day, you should start. Last night, we saw images of Seiken Densetsu DS: Children of Mana and Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS that we had not yet seen previously. Four pages of Mana and three of Animal Crossing await those who dare click through. (And no, we don't see anything that makes Animal Crossing as compelling as the GameCube version looked with all those NES games in it.)
Also, NCS has the GameBoy Micro, Pokemon edition. And tons of images to see it. We must say it looks cool.

Finally, reader Jesse was awesome enough to send us this link, which converts your 32x32 pixel graphic files and makes them into easy-to-draw images on the Nintendo DS for Mario Kart. We are indeed pleased.
Johnny Cash & DEVO!
 Yesterday at work we got in a shipment of the new Johnny Cash figure. While we dig the style of the Man in Black, and the prototype looked pretty great, the final production item isn't exactly what we would call awesome. Well, if you're a huge fan, obviously, you can do no wrong. But this one didn't wow us, and we are fans of the SOTA Toys.
We feel the same way about Devo, from NECA, from the prototype shots. (Entertainment Earth is selling them individually or in packs of 5.) The close-up shots of the heads look in between OK and adequate. Each figure has all five heads-- Jerry, Mark, Bob1, Bob2, and Alan-- at least we think it's supposed to be Alan-- and we're quite glad that these exist as this is the second time someone tried to do Devo toys in recent memory. Here's hoping the final product turns out awesome, as NECA is quite capable of doing top notch work.
November 23 2005 |
Transformers Cybertron: New Key Code Info, Hybrid Convoy
 Apparently Hasbro added a bunch of new key info to their web site-- and of course, the lazy can find it all in this amazing thread over at The Allspark. Brushguard, Buzzsaw, Blurr, and more-- do check it out.
Also, Fan2Fan posted images of the prototype of the Hybrid style Convoy, a tiny Optimus Prime made of rubber, metal, and plastic and loaded with articulation, accessories, and unusual new transformation stylings. It's well worth checking out. The Takara/Tomy toy is not presently known to be planned for a US release.
Finally, the Entertainment Earth warehouses have received the first batch of Mini-Cons from Cybertron, as well as deluxe wave 3.5 revision 2, which has absolutely nothing new in it.
50 Cent: "Buy My Game for Kids"
 An article with the above name was posted to Gamespot. We see no need to editorialize, the article pretty much says it all.
| Podcast
November 23 2005
| Podcast: November 23, 2005
 Studio Tan. This time, we were invited into a recording studio-- like, a real recording studio-- to record the Podcast. (We're not sure why, either.) As this was mostly an experiment on what a studio can do for the Podcast that a corner in my apartment can't, there's not as much stuff going on, but hey, it's news to you if you're not a big reader.
NOTE: If you had a problem downloading this podcast via RSS previously, please try again. We've had some reports of problems but it works fine now. (It's always worked fine with iTunes.)
This is a short show with few segments. They are:
0:00 - Introduction
0:35 - News
6:05 - Star Wars Q&A
8:33 - Goodbye
How to sign up
For starters: You do not need an iPod to hear a Podcast. Podcasting is just a fancy word for "hack job internet radio show," which is exactly what we're aiming to produce here.
If you have iTunes 4.9 or above: You can subscribe to it for free. Just go to "Subscribe to Podcast" and paste in "". And you should be all hooked up.
If you're using an RSS reader: Subscribe to this feed: "".
If you are using Safari: click here.
A Podcast Archive page is in the works so you can just download it directly. But we advise you try out iTunes as it's a fairly efficient and useful free program. We also love Apple.
November 24 2005 |
Transformers Cybertron: Both Red Alerts Still Shipping
 Last night, our futile toy run resulted in us discovering Wal-mart indeed is receiving the Cybertron Defense Red Alert in the box just labeled "Red Alert." So variant hunters, get hunting.
Also, for the two of you who may care, Entertainment Earth received their shipments of the "dollar store" wave of Transformers Universe basics. If you get the full case, there's a shelf display integrated into the case for some sort of point-of-sale shelftop display. The figures are identical to previous releases, so anyone hoping for a variant, you're out of luck. The set of six is a pretty spiffy deal, though, but odds are you already have these toys. If not, the price is right for what you get, though.
Final Fantasy IV Bonuses
 The Magic Box never disappoints, and in the November 23 update, they detail the extras going into the upcoming GameBoy Advance reissue of Final Fantasy IV. Sound tests, beastiaries, and more can be yours-- if you buy it. We plan to.
Need a mousepad? Free?
 Entertainment Earth is now giving away a free mousepad with every order while supplies last. So order anything, and they throw a mousepad in the box-- there's enough on hand so this should last through early next year if not slightly longer. Do you need another mousepad? Probably not. But it's good for re-gifting or using as something to line a small animal cage, too. It's got Clone Troopers on it, though, and it's a pretty nifty image. So if you're wanting to order something somewhere with a freebie, Entertainment Earth's got this. And it is indeed free. (We have one here, and it's rather pretty.)
$5 off $25 at Toys "R" Us
 Reader Monzo directed us to this Allspark thread concerning Toys "R" Us coupons, and there's one for $5 off $25 at real-world TRU locations. Thanks, Monzo! Happy printing. (Also note we had some difficulty getting it to work in the past when a similar offer was given but hey, $5 is $5, give it a shot.)
30 Days Left
November 25 2005 |
Transformers Cybertron: Dark Crumplezone In-Packaging
 Guess what just showed up in China? Cybertron's own redeco of Crumplezone, the aptly named Dark Crumplezone! The fine folks at Seibertorn added the image and it sure looks purty.
Famicom GameBoy Micro: US, December 4
 The release date for this US release of the Japanese fan wank will now be December 4, and the unit costs the same as any other GameBoy Micro. We were a little disappointed there wasn't an NES edition, frankly.
Information Access
November 28 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. This week we look at stuff. Just read it, or don't.
New Previews has Beast Wars Cover!
 While odds are you've seen it, Diamond Comics (aka Previews) posted a big huge graphic of their next cover of their big catalog. And Beast Wars has the cover, with the legendary Injector there for the viewing alongside Magmatron, Retrax, and a whole smattering of characters that never got an ounce of attention since their toys were released are front and center, so to take a look-- it's a nice piece of art.
Namco Mario Kart Arcade, PSP Collection II
 The guys over at The Magic Box have news of a new classic Namco collection for the PSP, and there's images too! That's the good news. The bad news is pretty much everything has been made available on a previous Namco collection, but the selection of games is pretty diverse, with the likes of Elevator Action, Dragon Spirit, Rolling Thunder, and a new Pac-Man remix.
Also, over thanksgiving around Long Beach, CA, we spotted Namco/Nintendo's Mario Kart arcade game in GameWorks. News to us, we didn't realize it was out in the wild. In addition to Nintendo mascots, you could also play as Pac-Man and at least one of the ghosts. We're crossing our fingers for a home conversion, but we aren't holding our breath.
Podcast Update, We're #5 (not related)
 Just so you know, in case you care, the Podcast is now, in theory, going to be recorded on Tuesdays and posted on Tuesday overnight to Wednesday. (Hence why we didn't update over the weekend.) We spent some time fidgeting with the whole AAC and embedded slideshow thing, and we're still working on it. The good news is if we offer it as an AAC file, the file size shrinks considerably. The bad news is it's proprietary to iTunes, so odds are we'll continue to offer MP3s until we find a more elegant solution. We're also getting some interesting hate mail as of late which doesn't seem to be directed to any specific thing we've done, just the idea of our existing. As such, thanks to them for greasing the wheels of our vast publicity machine. It runs on the frustration of others.
Our pal Shaun pointed out to us that Google likes us. If you search on the word "Yakov," (clicky for results), image #5 is a poster we whipped up in 2002 for our comedy group, Mechanically Separated Chicken. If you search on "Yakov Smirnoff," we're #12. We're astonished. Score one for copyright violations and the low-fi aesthetic.
Finally, a very happy birthday to EP. Who we're fairly sure isn't reading.
Sponsor Stuff: Black Friday Deals End Today!
 As we work there and know of such things, Entertainment Earth has three items on super-special through, we think, just today. And they are:
Simpsons Lionel Hutz & Brad Goodman Bundle, $1.90
18-Inch RoboSapien, $49.90
Star Wars TV Games, $8.90
Hurry hurry, offer expires while you wait. The prices are supposed to go back on within 24 hours.
So... Joe & Jane?
November 29 2005 |
Revealed: G.I. Joe Viper Lockdown
 With no story details yet, odds are a simple glimpse at this Viper Lockdown set will grab your attention. Two Joe team members and four new Cobra troopers enter the mix for a battle waiting to happen-- as always, please, don't link directly to the image if you're so inclined to linking to the image. Seriously. We don't ask for a lot from anyone.
2006 LEGO Arriving
 We hit the LEGO store in Ontario Mills (Ontario, Californee) yesterday and were shocked to see lots of 2006 product. New Bionicle Matorans for $4, a new Knights Kingdom-themed LEGO Chess set for $49.99, and lots and lots of other goodies. (No, no new Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Batman yet.) If you have a LEGO store in your town, gas up the car and make a trip. (So despite the backorder dates on, you can actually buy a lot of this stuff at a LEGO store.)
Freak: Armada at Big Lots
 We went to a few stores and found some Big Lots stores still have old Transformers Armada Mini-Cons sets, marked down for a mere $1.50 per 3-pack. We saw Road Wreckers and Space teams, and we can only assume more are out there in the system. Go check those Big Lots! Word on the street has it Wave 4 Xevoz are popping up as well.
Here Comes My Bullet
November 30 2005 |
J.C. Penny Hates You
 So. How does $799 for an Xbox 360 with virtually no extras sound? Good deal, eh? According to this GameSpot article, that's exactly what J.C. Penny is counting on. The system tends to go for about that, give or take, on eBay as of late. As such it isn't too outlandish for retailers to feel they're getting the short end of the stick as the markup on console hardware is low, and in some game eras, said to have been in the single digits of dollars. As collectors of small plastic men and robots, we don't like to point fingers and call people stupid too much, but we do believe this is one of the times where we just don't get it.
Transformers News-A-Plenty
 Pepsi Convoy in package. Over at TFans, you can get a first glimpse at this nifty figure in the box-- we must say, the box art is actually quite good and the packaged toy makes this look far better than we would have expected. The basic concept, to the new folk, is they took the original Optimus Prime toy and gave it a new trailer that can actually carry a 500 mL Pepsi bottle.
Over at Transformers @ The Moon, there's a new claim of the latest BinalTech release, Skids, making mention that the Vauxhalls may be up for consideration for an upcoming release. Which is news to us on many levels, as we cannot pronounce, let alone identify, what a Vauxhalls automobile may look like. We're recording a podcast in a few hours and damned if we know how you say it. Also new, online shop Amenbo has a solicitation for a new Binaltech Asterisk toy-- Black Convoy, featuring "Melissa." Fans are speculating it's actually Marissa Fairborne of the Earth Defense Command, which is a sensible jump. Amenbo also refers to the Dodge Ram Pickup as "Ginrai," an Optimus-like character who is in fact not Optimus/Convoy.
Plug: Entertainment Earth has Wingsaber from Energon for $19.99 if you still need one. (They also have, for the same price, Six Shot, Overcast, and Alpha Quintesson. The latter of which you may be able to find on deep clearance elsewhere as it's kind of a turkey and doesn't exactly transform.
Finally, there's a painted shot of the 10th Anniversary Beast Wars Dinobot making the rounds, and you can see it over at TFW2005. The toy is significantly different from previous releases, even Takara's own "show accurate" version is quite different. We must say we approve of this new release as unlike many of the previous 10th Anniversary items, you can tell an immediate and obvious difference. Especially nice are the painted leg bones. (It isn't show-perfect but it is quite nice.)
Mirrormask DVD Dated
 February 7, so says The Digital Bits, is the day you'll see this movie hit DVD. As you most likely never saw it in theaters. SRP and extras are to be determined, but hey, for anyone not living near one of the four or so screens it played on, it's good news-- it's a unique film well worth seeing if you enjoy fantasy flicks or things involving the movie's creators. Which, we assume, is a lot of you.
Battle of Carkoon: 2006 Star Wars Set (handy)
 All of the figures you need, none of the figures you don't. Entertainment Earth (by way of us, as it's our job) added a new remixed case of Star Wars: The Saga Collection to the web which may interest fans who really hate getting extra figures.
For $44.99, the Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figures Wave 1 Rev. 1 Set includes one of each of the first wave of the Battle of Carkoon set-- so you get Boushh Leia, Carbonite Han, a new-ish Boba Fett, the Barada repaint, Bib Fortuna, and a height-appropriate Chewbacca. For $79.99, you get two sets in Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figures Wave 1 Rev. 1. We're not too clear on the date. One solicitation said these ship any day now and another said January-ish. So February is just an estimate, likely slightly delayed. Either way, if you're an international collector looking to get these figures on the (sorta) cheap, this may be the way to go.
Click Here For News From October!
