New Figures, Can't Talk, Too Excited!
May 1, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the Hostage Crisis Commando Droid, which is blue and continues to use the same great mold. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Let's take a look at the very hairy LEGO Minifigures Series 5 Evil Dwarf! It's evil, and the decoration is mighty impressive! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
More Outer Space Men Updates
 Lots of news! Outer Space Men Waves 1 & 2 2.0 Revealed gives you a look at what are arguably the first "just different enough to make you mad" repaints of this line! But here's the thing that's sick-- they still look awesome! So check those out.
But wait, there's more! Cosmic Creators Fully Revealed - Four Horsemen Edition will show you more of the awesome pink-and-green figures revealed first last February. They're really nice!
New Callgrim Drop You Missed
 New from Rawshark Studios, find New Callgrim Figures, Vinyl, Shirt at the Callgrim store. The cheapest items are swell new t-shirts, while the most expensive is a $200 vinyl behemoth. Check 'em out!
SDCC MOTUC: Comic-Con Exclusive Vykron Video
 Demo time! YouTube has a Masters of the Universe Classics Vykron video showing how the figure uses each of the three outfits, how they click into place, and the first look at the packaging! Check it out, it's 3 minutes and you're not working anyway.
I'll Still Be Here
May 2, 2012 |
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New! Newer, even. The Diamond Select Battle Beasts Minimates C2E2 2012 Red Vorin kicks off the style of Diamond's new line, and it seems cybernetics are out and improved detailing is in. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at Aly San San, a new-ish figure from the new Star Tours ride. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
MOTUC Teela Commentary
 It's time for another one! TG Blog 14 Teela - more tooling means more females is up and you can read up on why she has a little less articulation but is still pretty dang fantastic.
New Fall of Cybertron Transformers on Facebook
 Arguably more interesting than Hasbro's showings at BotCon last week, a Facebook post called TRANSFORMERS GENERATIONS DELUXE CLASS gives up 29 images of characters from the game in toy form. Notable: Ultra Magnus, a remold of Optimus Prime which is actually pretty imaginative. Sideswipe, a remold of Jazz which is really intensive for a remold. Starscream, I think, with some Thrust-oleum paint on him. Fireflight, an Autobot redeco of Shockwave with a new head. 13 figures are shown, and if memory serves Hasbro indicated about 40 would be released in Transformers Generations in 2013. So I'm wagering some of these are 2013 figures.
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to download this week: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Disney Universe. They are between $19.99 and $29.99 each.
New PSN games include Awesomenauts and Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich Of Time for between $7.49 and $9.99.
Also new and old is the PS2 port of Max Payne and Rayman 2 Revolution for $9.99 a pop. PS1 fans can download Legend of Dragoon for $5.99.
PSP: PSN Updates This Week
 New to the PS Vita front this week: Mortal Kombat. It runs $39.99.
New PSP games include: Floating Cloud God Saves The Pilgrims for $2.99.
New Outer Space Men Repaints Coming Tonight
May 3, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at Boba Fett, a 2012 release which is the first completely new Boba Fett sculpt in several years-- I just got it, so this is really just a big long first-impression. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Smile for the camera! The Hasbro Battle Beasts Anarchy isn't a new, super-posable figure, but it is pretty slick. It's also not as cheap as this year's new beasts, but if you're in to retro toys you might want to check this one out. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
More Outer Space Men Preorders Tonight
 Lots of news! New Outer Space Men Pre-Orders Thursday, Pricing pretty much says it all.
Read the blog for full details, but the skinny is this: 2.0 figures are $50 per set, the Four Horsemen Cosmic Creators are $65 per set. Cards will be charged immediately, orders will ship in late July.
New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download Awesomenauts, a $10/800-point robot fighter. Microsoft says:
"It's the year 3587; conflict spans the stars. Huge robot armies are locked in an enduring stalemate. In their bid for galactic conquest they call upon the most powerful group of mercenaries in the universe: the Awesomenauts! Play as one of several Awesomenauts and storm the online arenas alone or with friends. Each Awesomenaut can be upgraded with their own unique items to suit different strategies. Expect new items and Awesomenauts to be added regularly! You like Awesomenauts? Also check out TNT Racers and Crazy Machines Elements."
Also new is Fable Heroes, a $10/800-point spin-off of the Fable series but this time, it's a co-op hack-and-slash adventure game. Neat!
I Get To Do This Thing
May 4, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the 2011 Han Solo, the best (and only) ceremonial version of the figure in this size. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
It's Starcraft! The Blizzard StarCraft Zerg Hydralisk is an old figure, but it was good then and it's good now. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Rise of the Beasts Factory Sample
 Progress: Rise of the Beasts Lion Painted Factory Sample which is an interesting progress report combined with some commentary-- the company's representative actually points out this early sample's shortcomings, which is unusual and quite refreshing. Registration may be required to see the pictures, but go check it out!
Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week
 The Virtual Console has Super Hang-On, a $9 arcade port. With motorcycles.
Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch on the DSi Ware Shop: Amoebattle at $4.99. Which is a clever name and it looks really nifty.
Also up for the Nintendo 3DS: Bird Mania 3D, a 3D $1.99 game which isn't Angry Birds.
Way To Go, Leonard Mothball
May 7, 2012 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at another Qui-Gon Jinn from 2008. This one is the basis for most of the Qui-Gon figures you've seen in stores over the last few years, and today. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Blue! The Callgrim The Order Triton Action Figure is another nifty RawShark Studios release, and has two swell heads. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
More Beast Saga Reveals from Japan, TCG Too
 News! More Beast Saga Reveals from Japan, TCG Too! A new figure is shown painted, there's shots of the mechanism to launch a dice out of a figure's chest, and there's confirmation that like many Japanese kiddie properties, there will be a trading card game.
Kickstarter: Official Bootleg Release from Skafish
 A primer: Skafish is a dude/band who was around Chicago in the 1970s and 1980s, released a couple of LPs and some other projects, and (if you liked the punk/new wave/Urgh! A Music War music from that era) a fairly entertaining fellow. While it seems his major studio releases are in some sort of limbo, I WANT MY SKAFISH BOOTLEG! is a new Kickstarter project basically aiming to do what the name says-- distribute a live show from 1977 which was initially put out as a bootleg. If you like this kind of thing, and you should, it's worth checking out.
Ad: New Entertainment Earth Avengers Sale Ends Tuesday
Ad: Avengers, Assemble! Tons of exciting Avengers items are on sale at at Entertainment Earth today! Check out dozens of awesome items, all buy 1, get a 2nd for 20% off! Also, be sure to take advantage of our Pop! Vinyl sale which ends Tuesday as well. There are also numerous new Prop Replica and Action Figure pre-orders, too! Click through for pricing and availability.
Just follow a link, and enjoy!
We Talk About It a Lot
May 8, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the recent exclusive C-3PO, which is a repaint of a mold from 1999. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Let's take a look at the Toy Fair package variant of the Transformers Bot Shots Optimus Prime Figure! It's the same as the regular one, but with stickers! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Review: Xbox 360 Live Arcade Walking Dead
 If you watched The Walking Dead on AMC or read the comic book it is based off of, then you know that it excels at turning a zombie apocalypse into a character-driven drama. That's pretty much what you get in this episodic Telltale adventure game - character driven drama with zombies in which you play a part. [ MORE ]
--Shaun Clayton
MOTUC: 4 New Bios Revealed
 Story time! Check out four new Masters of the Universe Classics bios for Vykron, the Griffin, Horde Prime, and Snake Man-At-Arms at He-Man.org! Horde Prime's face art is ?ed-out, but you can read up on these new characters and how they fit in the story. And if anyone dies. (Spoilers? Whatevs.)
Another "Justin Bailey" Metroid Code Discovered (Years Ago)
 Because I've been living under a rock: everybody knows the Metroid "Justin Bailey" code, but I totally missed "Narpas Sword0," which is "NARPAS SWORD0" (with a zero at the end) followed by a row of 0s. The intriguing thing about it, it's basically a debug/god mode code. You have unlimited missiles, your energy is more or less stuck in a range that's not going to let you die, and you have a weird hybrid ice/wave beam weapon. Give it a spin! It's neat!
Transformers Voyager Fall of Cybertron Soundblaster, Soundwave
 New from Hasbro, find Transformers Generations Voyager Soundwave and Soundblaster at Facebook. Because why update that awesome official site when you can post it on Facebook?
My Little Pony Show has Mark Mothersbaugh Custom
 Over at BoingBoing, find a Trip report: My Little Pony Project with customized ponies by Mark Mothersbaugh and others which pretty much says it all. We don't usually cover this stuff here, but there are some really nifty designs!
What It Feels Like To Do That
May 9, 2012 |
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
New! Grey! The Diamond Select Battle Beasts Minimates C2E2 2012 Grey Vorin is the second version of this new mold, and it really looks great. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at Exar Kun, a figure which went from hot-ish to insane in the last couple of years. If you missed it, you're out of luck. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
MOTUC 2012 Schedule Update
 It's time for an update! The Current 2012 MOTUC Release Schedule is a thing you can read to confirm Beast Man is coming back in June. The Weapons Pak #3 is also pretty notable, although its contents remain a mystery.
New G.I. Joe Convention Figures Revealed
 Next up: a G.I. Joe Convention exlcusive Iron Grenadier has been revealed, four of which will appear in the convention boxed set. The convention is in New Orleans on June 28, so start saving your pennies. Or better still, send some pennies back to yourself in 1793 and let the compound interest pay for the trip.
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to download this week: Need for Speed The Run and Saints Row: The Third. They are between $39.99 and $59.99, respectively.
New PSN games include Datura for $9.99. Just one, really.
Also new and old is the PS2 port of Max Payne and Rayman 2 Revolution for $9.99 a pop. PS1 fans can download Legend of Dragoon for $5.99.
PSP: PSN Updates This Week
 New PSP Minis include: Knight Fortix 2 for $4.99.
Some People Do My Job For Me
May 10, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at a Clone Trooper, a 2005 battle-damage version which I got to chime in on. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
It ain't flipper! The Panosh Place D.I.N.O. Mites Ichthyosaurus is another toy from my childhood, a tiny, blue, virtually unpainted aquatic dinosaur. He's a favorite. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
My Little Pony Getting Old Lady Pony with Walker, Tennis Balls
 Thanks to my pal Daniel, find My Little Pony Miniature Collection pictures on Facebook. These are actual Hasbro products, and as I'm ignorant as to who is who I will say it's delightful and bizarre to see an old lady pony with a walker, a seemingly male pony, and what appears to be a griffin. I see why the pony folks are so excited.
Ghostbusters Hiatus at Mattel
 From Facebook: a post from Ghosbusters Fans about the future of the Mattel line. It says: "ToyGuru announced today that the Ghostbusters toy line will be coming to an end after the 4th (to be announced) figure that will be available later this year. "We don't have enough customers for the 6" GB line right now." The line may come back in a year if Ghostbusters 3 is officially announced but for now the GB line is on hold."
The comments below it are the usual amusing post of the astute (fans are sick of re-buying the same character) with the oblivious (they aren't sold at retail because, we're told, retailers don't want to support this kind of line in a big enough way).
Two Guys SpaceVenture: Kickstarter Game from Space Quest Devs
 From the creators of Space Quest comes Yet Another Adventure Game on Kickstarter! Two Guys SpaceVenture - by the creators of Space Quest pretty much says it all.
The rewards, particularly the physical ones, may be at somewhat high levels of support, but the game itself is priced at $15. Like most adventure games, they want $500,000. Unlike other adventure games, they have the original voices of Space Ghost and Raphael, plus the voice of GLaDOS lined up.
New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download Minecraft, a $20/1,600-point game. Microsoft says:
"Imagine it, build it! Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition lets you create worlds from the comfort of your sofa. Play alone or play with your friends. Explore, build and conquer! At night monsters come out, so make sure to build a shelter before that happens. After that, your world is your imagination. Turn your hours into minutes with Minecraft!"
I Was There in '89
May 11, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at a 2007 AT-ST Driver, which is OK and works well as a vehicle driver. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
It's green! The Kenner ALIENS Mantis Alien is a revised Gorilla Alien, and it's pretty swell for being so gosh darned freaky. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
New Glyos Drop Incoming, Start Skipping Lunch
 New drop: Onell Design Teases New Drop, Start Saving for Late May. Check out some fascinating production notes and gorgeous pictures of a couple of new items, all due around late May.
More G.I. Joe Convention Figures Revealed
 Next up: a G.I. Joe Convention exlcusive Iron Grenadier Heavy Weapons Specialist has been revealed, and the convention boxed set has two of them. Also check out the Elite Guard Iron Grenadiers, which also comes two in the set. 3 figures to go!
Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week
 The Virtual Console has Wonder Boy in Monster Land, a $9 arcade port. plus Monster World IV, a $9 Mega Drive port previously unreleased on the Sega Genesis.
Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch on the DSi Ware Shop: Paul's Shooting Adventure 2 at $1.99. Which resolves all the loose ends from the first one.
Also up for the Nintendo 3DS: Sudoku by Nikoli, a 3D $4.99 collection of 50 Sudoku puzzles.
RIP Donald "Duck" Dunn
May 14, 2012 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at a Anakin Skywalker from 2011. It's super-articulated and has a nice cloth poncho, but lacks the fun toy features of the 2002 release. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
A big villain! The Kenner Batman: The Animated Series Clayface really filled up his original packaging, plus he has a great sculpt. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Battle Beasts: Stealth Vorin Incoming, New Q&A with DST's Zach Oat
 Another promo figure? Stealth Black Vorin Minimates Figure Coming? looks at some news of how to get what seems to be a comic incentive figure. It looks like if a store orders 25 of the new comic book, they'll get 1 Vorin figure in black.
Also, enjoy TONS of news! New Battle Beasts Minimates Interview with Zach Oat which tells us, well, more than anything we've heard anywhere so far. Be sure to read it!
New Glyos Drop Incoming, Smokey
 New drop news: Clear Smoke Figures Returning to Glyos. Check out Sarvos in a cool smokey clear black color!
Another G.I. Joe Convention Figures Revealed
 Next up: a G.I. Joe Convention exlcusive General Voltar has been revealed, and he sports a removable helmet!
What's more, the "Dollar Store" Joes are showing up at Dollar General for about $6. (Remember, these are "Dollar Stores" and not "$1 Stores." Good hunting!
Ad: New Entertainment Earth T-Shirt Sale Ends Tuesday
Ad: Shirt happens! Tons of exciting T-Shirts are on sale at at Entertainment Earth today! Check out hundreds of awesome garments, all buy 4, get a 5th for free! There are also numerous new Prop Replica and Action Figure pre-orders, too! Click through for pricing and availability.
Just follow a link, and enjoy!
Hello From Another Coast
May 15, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the hard-to-find ARC Trooper, which is one of several really great figures based on this mold. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Let's take a look at the nifty Tyco Looney Tunes Marvin the Martian! It came out of the insane merchandise onslaught that Warner Bros. put out in the 1990s which, compared to what we get today for other brands, may not seem quite so insane. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
MOTUC: It's Matty Day
 It's a sale day! Masters of the Universe Classics Mighty Spector, Snake Mountain Stands, Stinkor, and Slushhead are up at MattyCollector.com! They should go on sale at 12:00 Eastern/9:00 AM Pacific.
More Battle Beasts Concept Art, Comic News
 It seems Diamond Select has a bunch of good ideas up its collective sleeve! Battle Beasts: Sumo Blowfish, Egyptian Aligator shows off a bunch of new concepts including the Maori Hammerhead, which shows that the Minimates are the line to beat as beastly creativity goes.
Why Thank You Lightning Boy
May 16, 2012 |
16bit.com Figure of the Day
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
The first wacky outfit for Raphael! The Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raph, the Space Cadet takes the basic turtle and flings him into a space suit, kicking off an ongoing legacy of distinctive and bizarre outfits for the green teens. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at Clone Commander Wolffe, a figure which was redone recently but this is the first one. It's pretty cool. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
Matty Masters of the Universe May Sell-Outs
 It's pretty amazing! The May 2012 Matty Sale is an astonishing example of Mattel proving they know what they're doing. Stinkor, despite the forearm kerfuffle, sold out. The Mighty Spector and Slush Head are now both "almost gone" and Golden Age Flash sold out. What a day!
New G.I. Joe Convention Figures Revealed
 Next up: a G.I. Joe Convention exlcusive Horror Show has been revealed, meaning that if you love the Oktober Guard you've probably just soiled yourself. Along with General Iron Bear it seems that the whole set has been revealed.
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to download this week: Jam Live Music Arcade, Prototype 2 With Radnet Access Pack, Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode II, Rock Of Ages, and Goldeneye 007 Reloaded. They are between $9.99 and $59.99, respectively.
New PSN games include PixelJunk 4am Full Game for $9.99. Make music, or something.
Also new and old is the PS2 port of Red Faction 2 for $9.99. PS1 fans can download Myst for $5.99.
Trusty Dusty was Art from Supernova
May 17, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at Kaink, an exclusive from Star Tours which looks vaguely like the character from The Ewok Adventure. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
He has the power! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Thunder Punch He-Man finally gives us an awesome fist and some really cool accessories. Plus the first new He-Man comic book in several years. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
MOTUC Scareglow Commentary
 It's time for another one! MOTUC Director's Commentary #15: Scareglow - Ghost with the most is, as always, worth the read. (It's also a good figure.) Do check it out.
Also, The Mighty Spectre has sold out! Until all the people complaining about it sell theirs on eBay, which, while looking at the reviews, I'm guessing they won't.
Outer Space Men: 2012 Alphas Revealed
 Oh yes! New molds! Check out First Look: Comic-Con 2012 Alpha Phase Outer Space Men to see this year's three new molds. This brings us up to 11 of the original 13, meaning we're probably going to see Colossus Rex, Gamma-X, and Terra Firma next year. And then... hopefully something.
The clear green weapons look good and the sculpts, as always, are pretty dang gorgeous.
New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download SONIC 4 Episode II, a $15/1,200-point game. Press right. You know the drill. Microsoft says:
"The Sonic 4 Saga continues in Episode II with the return of a beloved side kick and fan-favorite villains! Following the events of Episode I, Metal Sonic has returned to form an alliance with Dr. Eggman! To face this new evil, Sonic will have to call upon an old friend to help him save the day! Now joined by Tails, race across four new Zones and take down fearsome new badniks with deadly combination moves in order to put an end to this dastardly duo's plans! Experience the Sonic 4 saga as never before with the addition of a brand new engine; bringing you gameplay with updated physics and zones in stunning HD graphics! Also new to Episode II is the addition of online/local collaborative play where players can team up with a friend to take control of Sonic and Tails as they battle against Dr. Eggman! BONUS! Owners of both Episode I & Episode II will unlock Episode Metal! Play as Sonic's greatest rival in this exclusive zone and experience the untold story behind Metal Sonic's revival!"
Put Daddy's Apron Down
May 18, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at a cold gear Kit Fisto, which is pretty cool and comes from the comics. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
It's mad! The LEGO Minifigures Series 4 Crazy Scientist is the kind of figure you pretty much are going to want to buy just to keep around. You'll need it later if you don't already. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Pixel Dan Posts Horde Prime Review
 New video: Pixel Dan posted a Horde Prime review. Of course, it's missing the "surprise" head (of which test shots have leaked) so from what you can see it looks pretty neat.
New Transformers Bot Shots Revealed
 New stuff at Hasbro.com: Transformers Bot Shots Shockwave, Blue Brawl, and Chase Ironhide has been revealed, and is pretty sweet! Also check out the Ironhide Launcher and Skyquake, Jetfire, and Powerglide 3-pack.
Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch on the DSi Ware Shop: Chronicles of Vampires: The Awakening at $4.99. Love puzzles? You're in for a treat.
Also up for the Nintendo 3DS: Kirby's Block Ball, a $2.99 virtual console game from the original GameBoy. So black and white.
Thou Shalt Not Horn in on Thy Husband's Racket
May 21, 2012 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at a Republic Commando Sev from 2011. It's super-articulated and has a great paint job, but where's that dongle for his ankle? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
A mysterious hero! Not really. The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Preternia Disguise He-Man may as well tell the people of Preternia his name was He-Man N. Disguise. But it's still nice and goofy, plus based on a classic minicomic from the original line-- so what's not to like? It's fun! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Masters of the Universe Classics Mekanech Revealed
 While a big character in the 2002 revival, he's been away ever since. Last Friday, MattyCollector.com sent out an email to some subscribers showing Mekaneck would debut in October 2012 provided we don't get hit with delays. The neck mechanism has been replaced by 2- and 5-inch "neck" pieces you can pop in to make him as tall as you're so inclined. Wonderful idea, I've been looking forward to this one for quite some time!
Outer Space Men 2012 Alpha Wave Preorders Tonight
 Reportedly at 9:00 EST (the last few preorders have been delayed by one or more hours), the next alien invasion should take place on Monday, May 21! Click here for full details and get ready for the martians!
Matty King Kong Bundy Available Today
 Continuing its line of WWE legends, MattyCollector.com will be selling King Kong Bundy today for $20. Other figures still available include Andre the Giant, Diamond Dallas Page, and a 2-pack of The Rockers. (Oh, and some superb "riser" stands.)
Walmart Has 3 3/4-inch Avengers Exclusive Gift Sets
 New at Walmart: Comic Collection #1 and Comic Collection #2 are hitting stores now with a decent mix of existing Marvel Universe molds bringing you many of the heavy-hitters (and lesser characters) from the film.
While I didn't scan them to verify the price, you can see they're appearing on eBay at the above links. Happy hunting! I checked several Walmarts over the weekend and saw them only once so far. Set #1 has Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and Black Widow while #2 has Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Loki.
Ad: New Entertainment Earth Cufflinks Sale Sale Ends Tuesday
Ad: Shirt happens! Tons of exciting Cufflinks and Tie Bars are on sale at at Entertainment Earth today! Check out dozens of awesome accessories, all of which have free shipping! There are also numerous new Gentle Giant items and Star Trek prop and model pre-orders, too! Click through for pricing and availability.
Just follow a link, and enjoy!
Wave To The People
May 22, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the first Jedi Mickey Mouse, which has tanner robes. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Let's take a look at the nifty Fisher-Price Imaginext Dinosaur Ankylosaurus! It might be on clearance at a store near you right now. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
LEGO Lord of the Rings Hitting Now
 It's new! The Lord of the Rings Orc Forge is one of several sets hitting stores right now! I've personally seen them at Toys R Us, but you can also order them at our fine sponsor and we get a little something. Good hunting!
High-End R-Type R-9A Arrowhead Fighter Incoming
 Coming soon from Plum, a swell R-Type Final: R-9A (Arrow Head) 1/100 Scale Model Kit is coming later this year for about US$100. I have no idea if it's a prepainted kit or not.
It Makes Perfect Sense
May 23, 2012 |
16bit.com Figure of the Day
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Theme park! The Transformers Prime Cyberverse Evac Figure brings the character from the ride to normal retail stores, which is nice considering theme park figures usually remain theme park exclusives. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at a Stealth Ops Clone Trooper, a figure which would be great to army-build if you could find it. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
New G.I. Joe 12-Inch Convention Figures Revealed
 Next up: a G.I. Joe Convention exlcusive 12-Inch Adventure Team vs. M.A.R.S. stuff has been revealed, so you'll want to check that out. M.A.R.S. is essentially proto Cobra and looks pretty slick!
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to download this week: Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock, Alex Kidd Miracle World, Alex Kidd Miracle World, Super Hang-On, and Wonder Boy In Monster Land. Plus others. They are $4.99 and up.
New PSN games include PixelJunk 4am Full Game for $9.99. Make music, or something.
Also new and old is the PS2 port of Need for Speed Most Wanted and Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain for $9.99 each. PS1 fans can download Alone In The Dark The New Nightmare for $5.99.
PSP: PSN Updates This Week
 New to the PS Vita front this week: Table Top Tanks. It runs $1.99.
G.I. Joe Movie Delayed, Toys Out
May 24, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at Shaak Ti, an animated version of the Jedi Master that's totally worth getting. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Charge! The Tomy Zoids Twinhorn Action Figure is a great wind-up kit I've had for years, and has oddly never been sold in the USA. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
G.I. Joe Retaliation Pushed to March 2013 for 3D Conversion
 Hasbro confirmed it. G.I. JOE: RETALIATION Film to Be Released in 3D is a headline which buries the actual news, which is that the release date, originally scheduled for June 2012, is now March 2013. The nine-month delay is to convert the film to 3D for enhanced overseas box office business. Seeing as how the promotion has been in high gear for weeks (I saw a trailer with The Dictator over the weekend) this seems like rotten timing and people may be confused and assume March will be a re-release of the film instead.
The toys are not being recalled. That is absurd. It is extremely expensive to recall toys, and they're already out there. Walmarts have been putting them out for days and some grocery chains have had them out for weeks. You can even order some at Entertainment Earth if they're still in stock. They look great in person and the line will probably do just as well without the movie to back it up.
MOTUC Griffin Demo (plus Ghostbusters Zuul)
 It's time for another one! Video Preview: Ghostbusters Zuul & MOTUC Griffin shows off the two new toys and how they work. There's nothing in here you probably didn't already know, but it's still nice to see. It's about 3 minutes.
The Next Glyos Drop: Stealth Dimension Division
 The new drop is here! Stealth Dimension Division shows off the next batch of Glyos figures and vinyl, all dropping this Friday, May 25. Lots of clear, lots of green, and lots of variety. Be sure to check it out.
New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co., a $10/800-point collection of vintage Sega titles. Microsoft says:
"Experience a blast from past with this collection of classic Sega titles! Save kingdoms, shatter time trials, and destroy evil in Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Super Hang-on, and The Revenge of Shinobi! Now available on Xbox LIVE, Alex Kidd & Company have been updated with all new achievements, challenging new trial modes, and other goodies like recordable and downloadable game sessions, 3D mode in Super Hang-on, in game juke boxes, and the original Japanese dialogue!"
Also new: Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World, a $10/800-point collection of three Wonder Boy games. Microsoft says:
"Bring peace back to Monster World in these three classic action RPG titles: Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World, and for the first time outside of Japan, Monster World IV! Now available for download on Xbox LIVE, the Monster World saga features all new achievements, challenging new trial modes, Xbox LIVE Leaderboards, and recordable and downloadable game sessions!"
Rounding out the week at $10/800 points are two more games: Dragon's Lair Kinect and Joy Ride Turbo.
Not a Fan
May 25, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at R4-F5, which is Plo Koon's astromech droid. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
It's the devil! The Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Infinity Edition Mystron is actually quite amazing. As paint jobs go, I don't think I've been quite as wowed at this scale. Everything "pops" nicely. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Previously Unknown Vintage Battle Beasts Toy Box Art
 Battle Beasts News: Vintage Battle Beasts Find: Beast Eaters Box Art! A previously unseen toy concept is being shown with a 1980s-style painting for the box art of a Battle Beasts Beast Eaters Swamp Smasher. Wow! Go check it out.
Matty June 15 Sale Details
 New listings: 6/15 Sale: Horde Prime, Atrocitus, Metron & More kinda says it all. A Griffin, Beast Man reissue, and Snake Man-at-Arms will be included so it's time to get excited! And spend money. Oh, Green Lion too, Voltron fans.
New Transformers Asia Exclusive Packaging Shots
 New stuff: Images of Asia Market Transformers Card Backs, Loose Hot Spot has been revealed, and are mirrored at TheAllSpark.com! These are pretty neat, but the images are blurry so some of that neatness is in your imagination. Check out Wheelie-- he has a slingshot, and is based on the Jazz mold. And at this time there are no known plans to bring these to the USA, because Hasbro shareholders have decided that profits are no longer important.
Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week
 This week's batch on the DSi Ware Shop: Snakenoid at $4.99. It's said to be a combination of Arkanoid and Snake which actually sounds pretty dang good to me.
Also up for the Nintendo 3DS: Game & Watch Gallery 2, a $3.99 virtual console game from the GameBoy Color. While simple, the Game & Watch collections are quite fun and great diversions for trips.
Have We Learned Nothing Since 1995?
May 28, 2012 |
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!
Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update!
Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at a R2-D2 from 1995. It's old! Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
From the future! Not really. Kenner Legends of Batman Future Batman is pretty old, but it looks quite cool even 15 years later! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Matty Preview: SDCC Bruce Wayne, Snake Men 2-Pack, Horde Prime
 Last Sunday, MattyCollector.com posted a video showcasing Video Preview: TDKR Batman, Snake Men & Horde Prime which will be distributed over the next few months. See the quick-change bat suit, the new Snake Men weapons (but not up close), and don't see Horde Prime's head because they're not going to show it to you.
Dark Knight Rises Batman Toys Hitting Now
 Unless someone decided to tell you these were recalled too, Target's Dark Knight Rises Battle for Gotham City figure 5-pack is in stores now! Toys R Us has a 3 3/4-inch comic pack assortment (2 figures, launcher, comic book) and if Walmart has anything, I haven't seen it yet. Numerous vehicles, roleplay items, action figures, and yes Movie Masters are all showing up now. Good hunting!
Amazing Spider-Man Toys Also Hitting Now, LEGO En Route?
 Also on shelves now-- unless your store is holding to the street date (today) and some goon told you it was recalled too-- Amazing Spider-Man movie toys! Dozens of figures, vehicles, and toys are showing up including new Superhero Squad. It's good stuff, with a return to old-school classic Kenner-style hip joints. THESE ARE THE GLORY DAYYYYYSSSS...
Also my pal Seth pointed me out to a new LEGO set as well, Doc Ock Ambush is coming with Doctor Octopus, Iron Fist, and Spider-Man! I totally missed the note on this one, nobody knows when it's coming just yet but hey, it's cool!
G.I. Joe Retaliation Everywhere, Too
 Thanks for nothing, Variety. On Sunday I saw tons of new toys form G.I. Joe Retaliation which you can order through our sponsors (linky) !
In the interest of all fairness, there are stories being posted that Hasbro is recalling these items, including one in Variety. None of the subsequent reports seem to be direct ("a guy told me he heard that a guy said...") so I'm going to tell you to take any recall report with a mondo grain of salt unless someone shows you the memo from Hasbro or whatever corporate overlords run the toy store(s) in question. I may be full of crap. I don't think I am but that's the problem, someone here is naive and for all I know it's me! Stay tuned, kids, and while you wait you can probably go to some stores near you to find something.
Transformers Bot Shots 3 Out (We Found 'Em)
 Could this be the best toy run weekend in years? I submit that it was. Bot Shots Wave 3 Are Out Now and we found 'em at a Walmart. Lockdown, Thundercracker, Jetfire, Topspin, and Chase Megatron are all out now and there's my stash in the picture. I haven't had time to open them yet (I have to write this update) but they're out there! Happy hunting!
Update: Opened Lockdown and Topspin shortly after posting this update. Both are quite impressive, Lockdown has a bunch of paint applications so his windows are actually decorated red and he shares parts with Topspin. Topspin lacks the rally marks, but his head seems similar to the IDW comic art rather than the movie. At four bucks a pop, you should get one if not both. They're delightful. More in FOTD soon!
Glyos Drop Last Friday, See the Menu, Order Some
 New at the Glyos News Dump: Glyos May 25, 2012 Drop Menu has the entire selection of figures from last week's new release. It's worth noting many of these figures are still available, so you can actually go order them right now.
Ad: Entertainment Earth Play Visions Sale Sale Ends Tuesday
Ad: Shed some light on your desk! Tons of exciting flashlights, bandages, and more from Play Visions are on sale at at Entertainment Earth today! Check out dozens of awesome items and get $5 off your $25 order! There are also numerous new G.I. Joe Retaliation items and Marvel shirts, too! Click through for pricing and availability.
Just follow a link, and enjoy!
Holidays Are Boring
May 29, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the only R2-T7, a droid so obscure I'm pretty sure it didn't even have a name before it had a figure. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Let's take a look at the nifty Onell Design Glyos Comrado Sarvos Action Figure! It's out of production, but it looks great. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Matty SDCC Preorder Information: May 30
 It's time! The 5/30 SDCC Voucher Pre-Sale is how you can pre-order stuff to pick up in San Diego! Actual online sales to ship to your house are later, but you can go there and see the full suite of items. Dark Knight Rises Bruce Wayne, Masters of the Universe Classics Vykron, DC Universe Death, and Ghostbusters Zuul should be at the top of your shopping lists.
The Same Thing in Monopoly
May 30, 2012 |
16bit.com Figure of the Day
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
He's old! The Mattel Masters of the Universe 200X Ram Man came out about 10 years ago, and today fans are begging for an update. It's worth mentioning that this is still a pretty great figure, though. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at the second Dack Ralter, a great update of the pilot. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
McFarlane Toys to make Dark Knight Rises Figure
 Sort of: McFarlane honors Ward's 'Dark Knight Rises' role in toy form at The USA Today shows the new figure which is, obviously, not Batman. Worth the read, though!
PS3: PSN Updates
 New to download this week: Assassinšs Creed Revelations, and Rayman Origins. They are $29.99 and up.
New PSN games include Mad Riders and Pure Chess for $7.99 and up.
Also new and old is the PS2 port of Rayman Arena for $9.99. PS1 fans can download Alone In The Dark The New Nightmare for $5.99.
PSP: PSN Updates This Week
 New to the PS Vita front this week: Pure Chess and Resistance: Burning Skies. They are $7.99 and $39.99 respectively.
Spastic, Meet Derpy
May 31, 2012 |
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated
 Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!
Today we look at Queen Amidala, a new for 2012 Vintage releases. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!
16bit.com Figure of the Day Updated
 Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!
Old! The Hasbro Transformers Universe Autobot Ratchet Action Figure is arguably now a classic, although an unlicensed-but-similar toy may eclipse it if you're in to that sort of thing. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!
My Little Pony SDCC "Special" Edition Derpy
 Over at The USA Today, Exclusive: Preview the 2012 Special Edition My Little Pony brings the popular fan-dubbed "Derpy" to plastic. While not explicitly named on the packaging or in the article, the pony has the wonky eyes of the character which holds, if you'll forgive the pun, a special place in fan hearts. It should run around $19.99. I assume fans of all ages will have some interest in this piece but I have to assume this is mostly made to satisfy the adult collector base.
MOTUC Zodak Blog Entry
 It's time for another one! TG Blog #16: Zodak - the great experiment brings us the tale of how Zodak from the 2002 series made it into the "classics" line. Which we kind of already knew, but read it anyway, it's fun.
UK to get LEGO Olympics Trading Figures
 They're coming! Just not to the USA. 8909 Team GB LEGO Minifigures show off what is sure to be the UK's hottest export to US collectors this July. There are nine figures and dang if they aren't pretty great!
New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released
 Xbox fans, it's time to download Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe, a $10/800-point collection of vintage Sega titles. Microsoft says:
"Grab your axe, swords, and mythic steeds to fight against evil in all three classic Golden Axe entries! Originally released for the Sega Genesis, the classic fantasy brawler series has now been updated for release on Xbox LIVE Arcade! Earn all new achievements, take on challenging new game trials, compete with others players across Xbox LIVE Leaderboards, and take on the forces of evil with a friend in two player local and online co-op!"
Rounding out the week at $10/800 points are Mad Riders in which you ride your ATV like a mad person and the far more exciting Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage which brings you three of the classic brawlers.
Ad: Entertainment Earth New Star Wars, Transformers, Marvel
Ad: New Hasbro items plus a Model Kit Sale! Tons of exciting Model Kits are on sale at at Entertainment Earth today! Check out dozens of awesome items, and get one for 50% off when you buy two! There are also numerous new Vintage Star Wars Wave 6 Action Figures and Marvel Universe items from Hasbro, too! Click through for pricing and availability.
Just follow a link, and enjoy!
Click Here For News From April!