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Old Toys Are New Again
November 1, 2019
Star Wars Review: D-O (Galaxy of Adventures 5-Inch)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: D-O (Galaxy of Adventures 5-Inch). It's a new robot about which we do not know much - but it has articulated hair. Read the whole review.


Happy Meal 40th Anniversary Toy Reissues

ToysNothing can Beat the GrimaceVia the USA Today: McDonald's celebrates Happy Meal's 40th anniversary by bringing back retro toys. You may be familiar with many of these if you have ever been in a thrift store or flea market. In addition to McDonaldland characters, you'll also see a reissue of the Changeables, Power Rangers, Space Jam, Tamagotchi, Power Rangers, and a smattering of other toys.

What, no LEGO, no Batman, no Popoids? In all seriousness it's a pretty decent mix.


Onell Design Drop Next Week

GlyosHalkenn's GraveVia the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Drop - November 7, it's Halkenn's Grave.

There are no specifics yet, but mark your calendars. The Armorvor Dragon should be back!


Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchLuigi's Mansion 3 This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Xeno Crisis, Spaceland, Resident Evil 5, and several dozen others.

At retail: Luigi's Mansion 3 and Disgaea 4 Complete+ and some more.


Ad: Pre-Order Super7's TMNT Ultimates Action Figures at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New and exclusive, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates Action Figures from Super7 are still up for pre-order! These are coming in 2020. Also, new Transformers Siege toys are in stock!

Transformers Generations Siege Deluxe Refraktor Transformers Generations Siege Micromasters Wave 5 Set TMNT Ultimates Raphael 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Foot Soldier 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Baxter Stockman 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Splinter 7-Inch Action Figure

Order yours now!


Check Your Aliens!
November 4, 2019
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars New Old Figures, The Mandalorian, and Missing Stuff! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Glow Chakan at The Yetee

Toy PizzaGlow ChakanVia the Glyos News Dump: The Yetee Has Glow in the Dark Chakan! It's $22, if you want it. I ordered one.


8-Bit Holiday Xmas 2019 for NES

NintendoNintendo Lynx 30th Birthday Programming CompetitionVia RetroUSB, makers of the AVS: 8 BIT XMAS 2019. This $46 transparent cartridge has blinking LEDs, like Christmas lights.

While I do not have this game, I have ordered the AVS through their site and it works great.


Ad: New TMNT and Japanese Wrestling at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Action Figures at Entertainment Earth! The New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates join more Power Rangers, Star Wars, Dragon Ball, and so much more.

TMNT Ultimates Raphael 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Foot Soldier 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Baxter Stockman 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Splinter 7-Inch Action Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Kazuchika Okada Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Tomohiro Ishii Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Will Ospreay Action Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Hiroshi Tanahashi Figure Star Wars Black Series Luke Skywalker Strikes Action Figure Marvel Legends 6-Inch Grey Hulk Action Figure - Exclusive X-Men Retro Marvel Legends 6-Inch Deadpool Figure

Pre-order yours now!


Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe ROM Up for Free

GameBoyTobu Tobu Girl DeluxeVia Tangram Games: Tobu Tobu Girl.

My cartridge has supposedly shipped, and I'm waiting for it - it's compatible with Super GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and so on. It's sounding pretty sharp - and you can download the ROM from them for free. Which means you should probably consider buying a cartridge, too.


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 26:01 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research for you - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


Donut Mule
November 5, 2019
Review: Hasbro Transformers Titan Guardians Optimus Prime Vinyl Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Titan Guardians Optimus Prime Vinyl FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Available! The Hasbro Transformers Titan Guardians Optimus Prime Vinyl Figure may be at a Walmart near you, right now. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


New Updated Crayboth Checklist

GlyosApocalypse WowVia the Glyos News Dump: Crayboth Checklist at Cappy Space. This has you covered through the Bubblegum release - which is super swell! - as of September 2019.

There are hundreds. I gave up my completism a while ago, but there's a gorgeous array of colors to fawn over in a handy format. Good on you, Cappy.


Ad: Pre-Order More Star Wars at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Get new Hasbro Star Wars Action Figures at Entertainment Earth! New 3 3/4-inch and 6-inch figures are up for pre-order right now.

Star Wars The Black Series Plo Koon 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Count Dooku 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Kit Fisto 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Vintage Collection Stormtrooper Figure Star Wars Vintage Collection The Mandalorian Action Figure Star Wars Black Series Knight of Ren 6-Inch Action Figure

Order yours now! Coming in 2020.


Guerilla Toss Still Does a Great Live Show
November 6, 2019
Star Wars Review: Rey (Galaxy of Adventures 5-Inch)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Rey (Galaxy of Adventures 5-Inch). It's a new scale, but surprisingly good. Read the whole review.


T.I.K.I. Tiki Melee Keshi Handmade Figures

ToysTiki MeleeVia Terrible Tiki: Tiki Melee T.I.K.I. figures.

The handmade, rubbery figures are 3 for $19.99 - I missed the news of these. They currently come in flesh, gold, green, red, or blue.


Onell Design Drop Tonight
November 7, 2019
Review: Onell Design Glyos Armorvor Kugarrec

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Armorvor KugarrecSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Sold out! The Onell Design Glyos Armorvor Kugarrec is a new head debut for Glyos, and a new colorway will probably be up at Onell Design at 9:30 PM EST tonight. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Kickstarter: 3 3/4-Inch Accessories from COMPLEX

KickstarterCOMPLEX Base Building Systems Series TwoVia Kickstarter: COMPLEX Base Building Systems Series Two.

Having previously released playsets and accessories, this campaign is for Raginspoon Toys' G.I. Joe/Star Wars-sized robot arms, concrete columns, laser systems, and accessory packs. Stretch goals include catwalks, rails, stairs, missile systems, and other stuff. It's nifty - take a look!


Sears/Kmart Closing 96 More Stores, Walgreens Going Private?
November 8, 2019
Star Wars Review: Kylo Ren (Galaxy of Adventures 5-Inch)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Kylo Ren (Galaxy of Adventures 5-Inch). It's also showing up in a 2-pack at Target, unmasked, with Rey - you should probably get that version. Read the whole review.


Beasts of the Mesozoic Ceratopsians Backer Kit Open

ToysNothing can Beat the GrimaceVia the creator: Beasts of the Mesozoic: Ceratopsian Series Action Figures at Backer Kit. More stretch goal toys are still being unlocked, with a few more to go - but you missed the Monoclonius exclusive, and so did I.

You've got plenty of awesome options in varying sizes, most of which are 3 3/4-inch friendly.


New Glyos Drop From Last Night

GlyosNew StuffVia the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Onell Design November 8 2019 Drop Menu.

2 new full Armorvor figures joined some parts packs, mix-and-match crossovers, and Monstery tributes you're going to love/be mad you missed. Count Dracuden and Pheydenstein are absolute winners.


Glasses Are Forbidden
November 11, 2019
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars Gets Small - Small Screens, Small Figures! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Gradius and Konami Stuff at The Yetee

Video GamesGradius ShirtVia the Yetee: The Yetee Has Konami Stuff! Snatcher stuff. Gradius LPs, pins, t-shirts. Bayou Billy and Kid Dracula records.


Final Days - Kickstarter NES Project Blue

NintendoProject BlueVia Kickstarter: Project Blue, a new NES game, has added stretch goals for pins, original tech demos, and other extras. The demo ROM is already up for grabs and pretty good - you might want to look into this one, even if you saw the previous updates.


Project Neon for Neo Geo on Kickstarter

Neo GeoTobu Tobu Girl DeluxeVia Kickstarter: Project Neon: A brand new Shoot 'Em Up for the Neo Geo.

The cheapest pledge that gets you the game is about $300. It's a limited interest project - a nifty vertical shooting game for a very expensive game system which you probably don't have. At press time it's about 25% funded with 24 days to go.


Ad: New TMNT and Japanese Wrestling at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New Action Figures at Entertainment Earth! The New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates join more Power Rangers, Star Wars, Dragon Ball, and so much more.

TMNT Ultimates Raphael 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Foot Soldier 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Baxter Stockman 7-Inch Action Figure TMNT Ultimates Splinter 7-Inch Action Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Kazuchika Okada Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Tomohiro Ishii Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Will Ospreay Action Figure New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates Hiroshi Tanahashi Figure Star Wars Black Series Luke Skywalker Strikes Action Figure Marvel Legends 6-Inch Grey Hulk Action Figure - Exclusive X-Men Retro Marvel Legends 6-Inch Deadpool Figure

Pre-order yours now!


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 26:01 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research for you - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


E! Rebooting The Soup with Jade Catta-Preta
November 12, 2019
Review: Plastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Rhino and Scorpion - Blue and Green Glow

Figure of the DayPlastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Rhino and Scorpion - Blue and Green GlowSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Available! The Plastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Rhino and Scorpion - Blue and Green Glow are a shining example of why you should be looking at Glyos. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


More Toy Pizza Up for Crowdfunding

Toy PizzaApocalypse WowVia the Glyos News Dump: AFOTM and Crowdfunding New Toy Pizza Figures - Sub City Supply Drop. If you like Metroid, Micronauts, and Miami Vice, you'll want to check these out.

These figures should be coming at some point in 2020, if fully supported.


Altered Beast-Inspired Keshi from Alien Robot Monster

ToysPumpkinVia AlienRobotMonster on Instagram: Rise from your grave! Altered Beast relief sculpture test cast pull in M.U.S.C.L.E. flesh hard rubber. Four interlocking pieces with supports are included and it looks incredible. Why aren't these being mass produced?

It's not yet on sale but will be soon.


Of Course The Mandalorian Was Great
November 13, 2019
Star Wars Review: The Mandalorian (The Black Series 6-Inch)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: The Mandalorian (The Black Series 6-Inch). It's a figure you will undoubtedly buy as soon as you can. Read the whole review.


New Cappy Space Glyos on Thursday

GlyosTiki MeleeVia Terrible Tiki: Cappy Space Drop Thursday - B~R~I~C Characters.

The new drop includes some familiar molds, but won't be revealed to the public until 12:00 PM PST on Thursday, November 14. Cappy will also be at D-Con with some new additions.


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order New to the Playstation 4 this week: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Bee Simulator, and Doctor Who: The Edge of Time.


Nike Doesn't Love Amazon Anymore
November 14, 2019
Review: Onell Design Glyos Armorvor Kugarrec

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Armorvor KugarrecSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Sold out! The Onell Design Glyos Armorvor Kugarrec is a new head debut for Glyos, but it might remind you of an older toy. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Spaced Out Design, more Glyos at D-Con

GlyosFrostyVia the Glyos News Dump: Spaced Out Design at D-Con... and More. It's a pretty good group in the shadow of Disneyland.

If you're there November 22-24, you can see Onell Design, Double G Toys, The GodBeast, Spy Monkey Creations, Toy Pizza, Cappy Space, and now also Spaced Out Design.


Fresh from Aquabania
November 15, 2019
Star Wars Review: Wedge Antilles (The Black Series 6-Inch)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Wedge Antilles (The Black Series 6-Inch). It's a 2013 body with a 2019 head. Read the whole review.


Callgrim Returns! Grimpool Is Here

GlyosHalkenn's GraveVia the Glyos News Dump: New Callgrim? Meet Grimpool!

He's up right now, and he's $20.


Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchGarfield Kart: Furious Racing This week's batch of titles on the eShop: T.N.K. III, Galactic Defense Squadron, Bouncy Bob 2, and several dozen others.

At retail: Pokemon Sword/Shield and Garfield Kart: Furious Racing and some more.


The Egg! The Egg! The Egg!
November 18, 2019
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars Grails, The Mandalorian, and Completism! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Five Below Warms to Ten Below

ToysFive BelowVia Five Below: We owe you an explanation.

The chain finally expanded into more states this year, and it was a travel destination when I went to cities that had them - it's a mix of low-cost items, closeouts, and generally unwanted goodies. Hasbro dumps stuff there, as does Mattel - and they're adding a $6-$10 arena. Not coincidentally, market conditions connected to manufacturing in China have been resulting in conversations in lots of price increases, this is the first time we're seeing a store mention it as a focus.


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 26:01 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research for you - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


Pocky + Capcom = Sensible
November 19, 2019
Review: The Coop Handmade by Robots Ghostbusters Slimer

Figure of the DayThe Coop Handmade by Robots Ghostbusters SlimerSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Not plush! The The Coop Handmade by Robots Ghostbusters Slimer may be not be a plush, but the vinyl figure looks like a knit plush. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Retronauts Interviews Limited Run Games on Retro Cartridges

Video GamesOldVia Retronauts: A look into Limited Run's retro revival projects in Episode 259. If you've been wondering what their deal is reissuing old NES Star Wars games, as I have, Jeremy Parish talks to them and finds out.

One of the great things - especially for you toy collectors - is that they talk about the reality of paying for nice packaging. Specifically, that boxes aren't free and that they (and then, you) have to pay for packaging on your collector products. Now where is my GameBoy Color Shantae reissue?


Toys R Us Allegedly Still Opening Within the Week
November 20, 2019
Star Wars Review: CZ Protocol Droid (Color-Changing Droids, Droid Factory, Galaxy's Edge)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: CZ Protocol Droid (Color-Changing Droids, Droid Factory, Galaxy's Edge). The color change is dramatic and the sensitivity has proven to be impressive during the summer and fall in my basement. Read the whole review.


Ad: Funko Pop! Vinyl Does Faux Wood at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New and exclusive, the Captain America Wood Deco Pop! Vinyl Figure - EE Exclusive are coming in January! These are plastic figures with a new all-over paint job that looks like wood.

Captain America Wood Deco Pop! Vinyl Figure - EE Exclusive

Pre-order yours now!


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4Shenmue III New to the Playstation 4 this week: Shenmue III, Sid Meier's Civilization VI, and Debris. Plus a bunch more.


Assert Dominance like Jane Goodall
November 21, 2019
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Selects Powerdasher Zetar Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Selects Powerdasher Zetar Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Conehead! The Hasbro Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Selects Powerdasher Zetar Action Figure is a nifty retool and an update of a toy that hadn't been touched for decades. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad: Pre-Black Friday Doorbusters at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: For $9.99, you can get the Doorbuster 11/20/19 - Transformers Studio Series 24 and 25 Deluxe Class Bumblebee 2-Pack - Exclusive while supplies last! This is the former Target exclusive with the unique dirty rusty deco VW Bumblebee - if you're collecting them all, this is the set for you.

Doorbuster - Transformers Studio Series Deluxe Class 2-Pack

Order yours while you can - and check back for the next doorbuster!


Howie Mandel's Sleazy Brother
November 22, 2019
Star Wars Review: R4 Astromech (Color-Changing Droids, Droid Factory, Galaxy's Edge)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: R4 Astromech (Color-Changing Droids, Droid Factory, Galaxy's Edge). The color change is, to say the least, remarkable - check this one out. Read the whole review.


Lanard Toys Gets Alien License

AlienMore Kenner Than KennerVia Toyark: Lanard Toys Producing 4-Inch Scale Aliens Figures. Mostly famous for its plays-with-Hasbro lines including The Corps and countless ponies, Lanard has made a name for itself with Kong: Skull Island, Rampage, Jumanji... and now Alien toys. More Kenner than kenner, the aliens are red and yellow, with strange space marines and space bikes. These may be the most 1990s things you'll see all week.

There's also a massive purple Alien Queen set at a UK toy shop.

No word yet on a US release, but Lanard toys are typically exclusive to Walmart as of late. Of course, we'll pick up a pack for review on sight. Lanard has been doing a surprisingly good job slowly getting the licenses and kind of toys you would expect out of Kenner in the 1980s and 1990s, so it would seem they are the company to watch these days. Lanard's toys are significantly cheaper in every sense of the word, but given the need of kids with toys, that may be a benefit.

For those going "ha ha Disney," it's worth noting action figure lines take 12-18 months from conception to market - with approvals at an early stage to green light the products. These were most likely approved last year under Fox, not the new Mouse era.


New Super Mario Land for Super NES (Fan Game)

GlyosNew StuffVia the Internet Archive and elsewhere until Nintendo C&Ds it: New Super Mario Land - SNES Homebrew.

The ROM plays like a somewhat floaty port of Super Mario Land, the 1989 GameBoy game. For its 30th anniversary, a group of fans gave it a makeover that can be played on any hardware you have that can run a Super NES ROM - like a computer, a smart device, and possibly certain specially enhanced Super NES clones. I played through it last night, and it's annoyingly slippery in spots but generally pretty nice. It looks a bit like Donkey Kong Country in spots. Give it a whirl, but be aware you may find glitchy floors suddenly no longer supporting your weight, mushrooms not moving, or blocks magically vanishing.

If you were seeing this in an EGM from 1993 you'd be losing your mind right now. I'd suggest enjoying it but tempering your expectations - I look forward to seeing what version 2.0 might look like. Also remember that this is a fan game, which means someone is going to bootleg it on Etsy by Christmas.


March of the Dribcots
November 25, 2019
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A: Star Wars Packaging Rumors and Bases are Basic! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


New from Nonnef - Nightbird Ninja Gear

TransformersEnter the Nightbird GearVia Nonnef Productions: Nightbird Set : Siege! Some adapters join nunchucks and other ninja weapons to augment this year's collector figure. And it's eight bucks, which isn't bad.


Kickstarter Macro Figures - Diener Space Creatures XL

KickstarterDiener Space Creatures XLVia Kickstarter: Diener Space Creatures XL, licensed upsized collector figures based on 1980s rubbery eraser figures that briefly showed up in Happy Meals. Many are based on vintage sci-fi movie creatures, like the Winged Amphibian Creature. It's 8 3/4-inches tall and about $80.

These are from Last Resort Toys, who made - and just last week, delivered - the Run-A-Mucks keshi-ish figures.


Ad: Big Savings All Week at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Why Wait for Black Friday? Save Now! Don't wait for that fourth Friday in November - take advantage of the best Early Bird 2019 deals right now. Check out all the very cool stuff below at the equally cool prices!

Star Wars The Black Series 6-Inch Action Figure Wave 18 Case Star Wars TFA Kylo Ren Force FX Lightsaber Prop Replica The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman SH Figuarts Action Figure Star Wars Dengar Bounty Hunter 1:10 Scale ARTFX+ Statue Predator 2018 Ultimate Fugitive Predator Action Figure Batman Joker 16 Oz. Geeki Tikis Mug Batman TV Series The Joker Pin Mate Wooden Figure Batman DC Hero Riddler Sofubi Vinyl Figure - Exclusive

Order yours now!


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 26:01 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research for you - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


D-Con Was a Show
November 26, 2019
Review: Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Refraktor Reconnaissance Team Action Figure 3-Pack Set

Figure of the DayTransformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Refraktor Reconnaissance Team Action Figure 3-Pack SetSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Threecolor! The Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Refraktor Reconnaissance Team Action Figure 3-Pack Set has toy-colored items with new accessories. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


New Glyosynth Glyninja Available Now

GlyosNinja, Ninja RapVia the Glyos News Dump: New from 1000Glyos and Onell Design, Glyosynth Glyninja Dark Is Live! . This high-end figure isn't a normal Glyos-compatible release, but rather a high-end figure. It's cool.

It's for sale while supplies last as part of a surprise drop.


November 27, 2019
Star Wars Review: Luke Skywalker (Yavin, The Vintage Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Luke Skywalker (Yavin, The Vintage Collection). It's a Walmart exclusive. Read the whole review.


They Might Be Giants' First Album Gets Vinyl Reissue

MusicDon't Let's StartVia They May Be Giants: First Album Re-Issue Vinyl + Download.

There hasn't been a new vinyl pressing of this album anywhere in the world for at least 22 years, so more recent fans of They Must Be Giants should want to get this one either directly from the band (15% off this weekend) or through local record shops or other retail behemoths. We suggest going direct or to your local record shop.


Ad: Iron Studios Jurassic Park Figures at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: New and exclusive, the Iron Studios Jurassic Park Figures are up for grabs! These are coming in 2020, but pre-orders are open today!

Jurassic Park Tyranossauros Rex Mini Co. Vinyl Figure Jurassic Park Dr. Ian Malcolm Mini Co. Vinyl Figure Jurassic Park Velociraptor Mini Co. Vinyl Figure

Pre-order yours now!


Geoffrey's Revenge
November 28, 2019
Review: Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Phantomstrike Squadron Skywarp, Shrute, Fracas, and Terror-Daxtyl Action Figures

Figure of the DayTransformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Phantomstrike Squadron Skywarp, Shrute, Fracas, and Terror-Daxtyl Action FiguresSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Still dwelling! The Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Phantomstrike Squadron Skywarp, Shrute, Fracas, and Terror-Daxtyl Action Figures is an Amazon exclusive you can probably still get. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Toys R Us Reopens in Paramus, NJ Mall

Toys R UsFrostyVia the Toys 'R' Us reopens in N.J. Here's a first look inside the Paramus store.. There are plenty of LEGO sets but no pictures of Hot Wheels, Barbie, or any action figures - this may have something to do with this being a new store, and existing distribution deals are no longer in place with the previous regime.

If you're there, let us know what you find.


May Your Discounts Be Free of Injury
November 29, 2019
Star Wars Review: Darth Vader (The Retro Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Darth Vader (The Retro Collection). It's a remake, with a few minor tweaks. Read the whole review.


Ad: Black Friday Deals at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: It's time for the Black Friday Sale - Up to 80% Off! 70 items were on sale and some are already gone - check out the awesome figures and toys still available!

Highlights include items from Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Jurassic World, Rick and Morty, and others - while supplies last.

Hurry - many items are gone forever and others are selling fast!

Star Wars The Black Series Dewback and Sandtrooper Star Wars TFA Kylo Ren Force FX Lightsaber Prop Replica Marvel Legends 12-Inch Wolverine Action Figure Star Trek: TNG Horga'hn 1:1 Scale Prop Replica Star Wars The Vintage Collection Skiff Vehicle - Exclusive Star Wars Bossk Bounty Hunter 1:10 Scale ARTFX+ Statue Marvel Avengers Vision Animated Statue DC Premier Collection Batman: TAS Harley Quinn Statue

Order yours now!


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We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.