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Happy Hoax Day
April 1, 2016
Review: Suckadelic S.U.C.K.L.E. Series 1.5 Flesh Mini-Figures

Figure of the DaySuckadelic S.U.C.K.L.E. Series 1.5 Flesh Mini-FiguresSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Small and nifty. The Suckadelic S.U.C.K.L.E. Series 1.5 Flesh Mini-Figures bring you bootleg figures that are originals, if that makes any sense. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


New Glyos - Drop Last Night

Menu!GlyosVia the Glyos News Dump: Glyos Onell Design March 31 2016 Drop Menu.

Several items sold out in the first 30 minutes, so be sure to check the menu - and shop - to see what's available.


More Computicon - Official TakaraTomy Afterburner, Scattershot

Fresh KicksTransformersVia the TFYuki Twitter's slow-drip reveal of news: Transformers Unite Warriors Computicon Scattershot (gray model) is up for the viewing. He has a new chest, new knees, new guns, and goodness knows how he'll be painted. It appears to be significantly different from either Hasbro model, meaning this is the year you'll have a crack at three distinct Scattershot combiner toys.

If you need more, Unite Warriors Afterburner is there too - and since we haven't seen the US version in either mode just yet, we can only assume what will be different. I can see he has a distinctive head compared to this mold's use as Groove and has a different foot with unique blasters. And a unique windshield. So save those pennies.


Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo 3DSJustice Chronicles This week's 3DS offerings: Justice Chronicles.

Also, the Miitomo app for iOS and Android is up for grabs.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UMario Super Sluggers This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus, PixlCross, Now I know my ABCs, and 6-Hand Video Poker.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Mario Super Sluggers from the Wii, for $19.99.


That's a Fact, That's a Police Fact
April 4, 2016
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Cyber Battalion Starscream

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Cyber Battalion StarscreamSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's Cyber Battalion week! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Cyber Battalion Starscream is a big, Voyager-sized toy that's a lot of fun and largely unavailable to American fans. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


New Glyos - Battle Tribes Friday

New!GlyosVia the Glyos News Dump: New Glyos Line - Battle Tribes.

This photo was passed around last night and you can probably tell several of the scenery elements are Playmobil. These figures will likely be similar in size to Rise of the Beasts... if not a tiny bit different.


More Computicon - Official TakaraTomy Nosecone and Strafe

Fresh KicksTransformersVia the TFYuki Twitter's reveal of news: Transformers Unite Warriors Computicon Nosecone (gray model) is up for the viewing. While the (let's say) alleged Hasbro version is the Brawl mold with a new drill, Takara-Tomy's release is a heavy retooled Rook with a new head, 3 new guns, a drill, and of course the hand/foot. There are even new treads/wheels, so it's a marvelously complex redesign and fuel for the fire of your owning two different sets of Combiner Wars Technobots by this time next year.

Not to be outdone, Strafe also was previewed. It looks like the Japan-only Blast Off mold has been given a major facelift.


The Learned Gastronomer
April 5, 2015
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Optimus Prime

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Optimus PrimeSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Cyberverse embiggened! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Optimus Prime is a superbly fun upsized toy with a decent head sculpt... that is not sold in the USA except via importers. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


More Computicon - Also Machinima

Fresh KicksTransformersVia Snakas: Transformers Unite Warriors Computicon revealed with a look at some of the detailing.

All that is left to show us are the color shots, but so far it's looking like the remolding is significant and this should make it interesting for us all.

Also interesting, check out this update on the Combiner Wars Machinima which - if I'm being honest - I thought we'd never actually see. It is planned to be released on go90, which is an iOS and Android app that you don't use. There was no word on if it would be available on a desktop platform, and/or if it would be ripped and posted on YouTube like a lot of things these days. This micro-continuity and future trivia question should launch this summer.


The Greatest Adventure Ever
April 6, 2016
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Grimlock

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations GrimlockSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Which one is it! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Grimlock is a melding of colors from Age of Extinction with a design that seems to borrow from the original toy as well as Robots in Disguise. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Transformers China Exclusive Soundwave Mi Pad 2 Toy

Fresh KicksTransformersVia many: Xiaomi Creates Mi Pad 2 Soundwave For Chinese Market.

It's $20, but there's no word yet on if it can be sold in the USA or outside of China. What's more, some guy already has one and it looks like there is actually a Buzzsaw/Laserbeak-style minion. This article says pre-orders start today with shipments beginning May 13.


3D Unofficial NES Zelda Remake - In Your Browser

Fresh KicksNintendoPlayable in pretty much any browser right now: Zelda 30 Year Tribute.

It's not exact, but this more-open isometric 3D remake of the original is playable in your browser at press time. The Legend of Zelda is a bona fide classic, and most of the sounds and graphics are what you would expect - it's impressive, so be sure to play through the first dungeon at least. You know, before the copyright police show up.


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4 Dead Star New to the Playstation 4 this week: Dead Star, Dirt Rally, Bounce Rescue!, Enter The Gungeon, Lovely Planet, and Stikbold.

New classic games this week: Arcade Archives Life Force. It's $7.99 - and it includes both US and Japanese versions. I liked the US version so much I drove to San Diego to buy the arcade cabinet, which is here now.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Mega Man Legends 2 New to the Playstation 3 this week: Amplitude.

New PSOne games this week: Mega Man Legends 2 is for $5.99.


PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week

PS VitaGreen Game: Timeswapper New to the PSP Vita this week: Green Game: Timeswapper, Assassin's Creed Chronicles Trilogy, A Virus Named Tom, and Skullgirls 2nd Encore.


Pre-BotCon Jitters
April 7, 2016
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Cyber Commander Bumblebee

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Cyber Commander BumblebeeSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

He's huge! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Cyber Commander Bumblebee is more or less the new, big version of the yellow bug you never asked for. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Botcon Exclusive Ratchet Revealed, Souvenirs Too

LabTransformersVia The Allspark forums: Ratchet Ratchet Ratchet Ratchet MEDIX. If you're a completist, from Hell's heart this year's Botcon Customization Class Exclusive stabs at thee. You can make Shattered Glass, Generation 1 Cartoon, Generation 1 Comic, Generation 2 versions of Ratchet using the First Aid Combiner Wars mold with a new head. You can also make Medix by using the existing head.

While unpainted assembled figures will be made available for sale, the sticker sheets will not be - and they're limited to 2 sheets per attendee of the class, so odds are getting a complete suite of 2016 exclusives are not good. A class-only Enigma of Combination accessory is also being distributed, and will fit in the chest of your Combiner Wars Optimus Prime toys in combined mode.

On The Allspark, Botcon Golden Ticket Exclusive Reflector and Souvenirs Revealed. Plus a Few Box Set Pics! The clear Shockwave (Reflector) is a "golden ticket" figure, which may be one of the lowest-run Hasbro Transformers toy in quite some time. Its name? Flash Sentry.

And you can click here for bio card shots.


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneQuantum BreakXbox fans, it's time to try Quantum Break. Microsoft says:

"In the aftermath of a split second of destruction that fractures time itself, two people find they have changed and gained extraordinary abilities. One of them travels through time and becomes hell-bent on controlling this power. The other uses these new abilities to attempt to defeat him Š and fix time before it tears itself irreparably apart. Both face overwhelming odds and make dramatic choices that will determine the shape of the future. Quantum Break is a unique experience; one part hard-hitting video game, one part thrilling live action show, featuring a stellar cast. Your choices in-game will affect the outcome of this fast-paced fusion between game and show giving the player a completely unique entertainment experience."

Also available: Steredenn, DiRT Rally, and Battleborn.


BotCon Is On
April 8, 2016
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Optimus Prime

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Optimus PrimeSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Cyber Commander edition! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Optimus Prime is very tall - one of Hasbro's tallest Optimus toys - but he has no guns so you're probably not getting one. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


More Computicon - Official Color Image

Fresh KicksTransformersVia the many outlets but highest-res at TFW2005: Takara Unite Warriors Computron Colored Image! It's just in time to give you pause over if you want the Hasbro or the TakaraTomy version - or both.

Pre-orders are up at many of the usual spots and it should be about $100-$130, depending on if it's coming from Asia or North America.


Botcon Souvenir Galleries

LabTransformersVia The Allspark: BotCon 2016 Souvenir Photos! As reported, you can get Megatron (from Gigatron/RID Megatron), Airazor (from Legends Slipstream), Unit-3 (Under-3 from Combiner Wars Prowl/Streetwise), Tigatron (from Botcon 2016 Ravage), and Reflector (from Shockwave).

Also interesting - the convention has a set of stickers for reportedly only $5 - and they come with trading cards - to turn your Combiner Wars toys into Magnaboss. A creative use of labels can convert Silverbolt, Prowl, and Ironhide from Combiner Wars into limbs that merge with Unit-3 and Tigatron from these sets into a new and distinctive take on one of very few combiners to come out of the late 1990s.


Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo 3DSDoll Fashion Atelier This week's 3DS offerings: Doll Fashion Atelier.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UGame & Watch Gallery 4 This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Emojikara: A Clever Emoji Match Game, Epic Dumpster Bear, and SUPER ROBO MOUSE.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Game & Watch Gallery 4 from the GameBoy Advance, for $19.99.


Botcon Is Over, Finished
April 11, 2016
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Jesse Narens Stegoforest Brown Stegoforest with Acorn Warrior

Figure of the DayJesse Narens Stegoforest Brown Stegoforest with Acorn WarriorSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's Dinosaur week! The Jesse Narens Stegoforest Brown Stegoforest with Acorn Warrior is a small figure at a big figure price. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Botcon - Transformers Convention Finale

ScroungeTransformersIt's over - finished! The final-so-far Botcon has ended, and some neat stuff was announced. Click here to see press photos from Hasbro on my Tumblr - there's a bunch of good stuff.

Oh - and fan sites were invited to do Q&As. I've only seen two so far. Click here for TFW2005's transcript and click here for Tformers' video. Are there more? Let me know!

New for Robots in Disguise Mini-Cons ($5)

New for Robots in Disguise Warriors ($13-$15)

New for Generations Titan Masters (the small $5 heads)
Clobber (looks like Grimlock)
Skytread (looks like Flywheels)

No new Generations Legends ($10) were shown beyond the Ravage previewed in Australia earlier.

New for Generations Deluxe ($15-$17)
Highbrow with Zort (Gort)
Wolfwire (Weirdwolf) with Monxo (Monzo)

New for Generations Voyager ($20-$25)
Alpha Trion with Sovereign
Astrotrain with Darkmoon

New for Generations Teased

New for Generations Exclusives
Combiner Wars Computron Scattershot, Strafe, Nosecone, Lightsteed, Afterbreaker, and Scrounge (Online - retailer[s] unspecified)
Combiner Wars Groove (Online - retailer[s] unspecified)
Combiner Wars Liokaiser (stealth reveal on other toy packaging)
Platinum Series - Autobot Heroes Springer, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Sergeant Kup, and Blurr (Target exclusive)
Titans Return - Titan Force Brainstorm, Sentinel Prime, and Windblade (SDCC exclusive)

In addition to all of that, the Official Transformers Collector's Club also has some offerings.

Transformers Subscription Service 5.0
Fractyl & Scorponok
Lifeline (Paradron Medic Arcee)
Pretenders Megatron
Pretenders Optimus Prime

Club Crossover Exclusive Set - G2 Legends Megatron, Comics Masterpiece Ratbat, Dr. Biggles-Jones, Cobra Commander, and Scarlett


Billing - Transformers Titans Return

But you still haven't told me how much all of this is costing!  Nothing chum - I put it on your credit card!TransformersHasbro's Platinum boxed sets, Combiner Wars gift boxes, and FunPub's new toys are expensive - sure. But how much are all of the new Titan Returns mainline toys going to cost you? We sent our numbers expert out there to give you the total for the reveals so far. Naturally, there are more to be revealed.

Not counting the Combiner boxed sets or SDCC exclusives or Platinum toys, you're looking at a hefty sum. We've also got 4 $100 boxed sets of combiners, a few Platinum exclusives, and some other goodies - it's not like most of us aren't at least a little interested in the SDCC Titan Force set.

Why have one when you can have two at twice the price?

Of those 30 toys, 15 can be arguably considered to be new versions of toys and characters previously released in the Classics/Universe/Generations canon (which for the sake of argument we're including Fall of Cybertron and Masterpiece toys which would doubly cover the deployers.)

It would seem imprudent to say the line is peaking or done or anything like that, but Fortress Maximus was the high point of the original line. And the current line is pretty big. Enjoy it, it's a good time to be a fan of this stuff!


When Did He Turn Against Me?
April 12, 2015
Review: Playskool Definitely Dinosaurs Triceratops

Figure of the DayPlayskool Definitely Dinosaurs TriceratopsSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

From Wendy's! The Playskool Definitely Dinosaurs Triceratops has been following me around in my toy boxes for nearly 30 years. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


More Transformers from Brazil

Fresh KicksTransformersVia Brazil Toy Fair: [ABRIN/2016] - Confira as novidades da franquia na maior feira de brinquedos da Amˇrica Latina (Parte 2/2) I have no idea what that means, but it has Rise Rodimus Prime - a new Platinum Set that was rumored on a list with a bunch of other now-confirmed items.

This set includes the Titanium Series Ultra Rodimus Prime mold - not remembered or beloved - as well as the 2008 Universe Galvatron mold - also not beloved. I'd go as far as to say I detest it.

Also interesting, tons of shots of the Cyber Command and Cyber Battalion sets we looked at last week - and those suckers are hard to come by. Numerous packaged Titans Return shots were on display from the first wave, front and back, which makes me think these have to be coming really really soon.

One more thing - three, actually - from Japan. The Japanese LG26 Scourge, LG24 Shockwave and Cancer, and LG25 Blurr are all up on TakaraTomy Mall. And dagnabbit, they all look great - I normally don't do Japanese imports of toys otherwise available in the USA, but I ordered all 3 of these. And Computicon.


Shipping - Jurassic World Hybrid Velociraptor

Jurassic World Growler Dinosaur Action Figures Wave 4 Jurassic ParkI got my Jurassic World Growler Dinosaur Action Figures Wave 4 case in the mail, complete with Dino Hybrid Velociraptor! It's already being written up and shot for a future Figure of the Day. Click on that link to the left to order one from Entertainment Earth.

As far as I know it has yet to pop up in stores - so if you want one, keep hunting or order a box online.

With a strong showing at New York Toy Fair, this is only the second Dino Hybrid to see release - or a pre-order solicitation of any kind. Now here's a picture of me holding one in my basement.

Mean and Green


April 13, 2016
Review: Tootsietoy Dinosaurs Stegosaurus

Figure of the DayTootsietoy Dinosaurs StegosaurusSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Which one is it! The Tootsietoy Dinosaurs Stegosaurus is probably what this is, but it might be from Ajax. I can't find good reference. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Spotted on eBay - Jurassic World Owen and Blue

Jurassic World Growler Dinosaur Action Figures Wave 4 Jurassic ParkApparently it must be coming soon, because someone on eBay listed the Jurassic World Owen "Alpha" and Velociraptor "Blue" set. They haven't been solicited online yet, and odds are by my writing this it means you'll find this up for pre-order on your favorite online toy site.

Owen is basically a 3 3/4-inch figure, and the motorcycle is a motorcycle. There's a cool black light accessory too, which should reveal fun bone details in Blue or also on the bedspreads at less clean motels.


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4Ratchet & Clank New to the Playstation 4 this week: Dark Souls III, Ratchet & Clank, Stories: The Path Of Destinies, Samurai Warriors 4 Empires, and Risk Of Rain.

New classic games this week: Arcade Archives Life Force. It's $7.99 - and it includes both US and Japanese versions. I liked the US version so much I drove to San Diego to buy the arcade cabinet, which is here now.


PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week

PS Vita Risk Of Rain New to the PSP Vita this week: Risk Of Rain.


Kinda Shaky Right Now
April 14, 2016
Review: Imperial Dinosaurs Styracosaurus

Figure of the DayImperial Dinosaurs StyracosaurusSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

He's big! The Imperial Dinosaurs Styracosaurus is a big, spiky dinosaur. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Tech Specs Cards Return with Titans Return

LabTransformersVia Seibertron: #Botcon2016 Images of Transformers Titans Return Tech Spec Cards. Whoa!

The design is really neat - cut-off corners, plus icons replace words to avoid the whole multilingual thing. Robots are rated by handlebar mustache, porcupine man, cauliflower, and some sort of electric paint brush.


Pre-Orders - Jurassic World Vehicles Have Owen

Jurassic World Capture Vehicles Action Figures Wave 3 Entertainment EarthEntertainment Earth has added pre-orders for Jurassic World Capture Vehicles Action Figures Wave 3 as a case. It has one I-Rex/Gyrosphere and two Owen/Bike/Blue sets.

The wave is expected in May and is $69.99.


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneDark Souls IIIXbox fans, it's time to try Dark Souls III. Microsoft says:

"Dark Souls III continues to push the boundaries with the latest, ambitious chapter in the critically-acclaimed and genre-defining series. Players will be immersed into a world of epic atmosphere and darkness through faster gameplay and amplified combat intensity. Fans and newcomers alike will get lost in the game hallmark rewarding gameplay and immersive graphics."

Also available: Blues and Bullets Š Episode 2, Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered, and Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure.


Need Food Badly
April 15, 2016
Review: Tomy Zoids Gator Figure Kit

Figure of the DayTomy Zoids Gator Figure KitSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

This used to be really cheap! The Tomy Zoids Gator Figure Kit was about $6 at importers - that's a bargain in the late 1990s. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo 3DSSuper Metroid This week's 3DS offerings: Doll Fashion Atelier.

The 3DS retro library has the GameBoy games Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Super Metroid, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past from the Super NES for $7.99 a pop.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UBrain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Slots - Pharaoh's Riches, Draw 2 Survive, Paranautical Activity, Asdivine Hearts, and Dodge Club Party.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! from the Nintendo DS.


Not Ironic, Merely Crappy
April 18, 2016
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: McDonald's Changeables French Fries Robot

Figure of the DayMcDonald's Changeables French Fries RobotSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

This came with food! The McDonald's Changeables French Fries Robot is a classic, being a big deal for kids of that era. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad - Pre-Order Transformers Titans Return Leader Wave 1

Optimus Prime!GlyosVia the Entertainment Earth: Transformers Generations Titans Return Leader Wave 1 - Free Shipping.

This wave has Powermaster Optimus Prime and Blaster as triple-changing toys with headmasters. The release date is anticipated to be June.


Transformers Planet of Junk Clash - $74.99, Target

Fresh KicksTransformersVia Transformers Generations Platinum Edition Planet of Junk Clash is up for the ordering.

From the look of things, the set is $74.99 - last year's Target sets received sparse (if any) distribution in some cities, so you may wish to order online. Hot Rod has unique deco and a remolded engine block when compared to his last American release. Wreck-Gar has new deco. The Junkion has not been released in the USA prior to this, although the head sculpt was sold originally in Japan and then on Botcon/Club exclusive toys. It also appears only Wreck-Gar has a weapon - his Junkion friend does not. Is it worth $75? Well, I'm holding off for a sale or some sort of coupon to knock it down to under $60 first.


Record Store Day - New Transformers Album

Fresh KicksMusicVia Hasbro Studios/Sony Music: Transformers Roll Out is up for the ordering.

The album can best be described as a throwback to Songs in the Key of X and other property-inspired releases of the 1990s, which take cues from but are in no way taken from the franchise in question. Vinyl copies of this are being made and sold at places like FYE, Barnes & Noble, and Best Buy - at least online.

Hundreds of other limited and special edition records were distributed/sold/flipped on eBay over the weekend as part of Record Store Day, in edition sizes so low they probably sold out before the store opened. Or they may rot until clearance next year. (It happens a lot.) Check out what you've missed. Last year on Black Friday there was a particularly nice double LP Transformers: The Movie soundtrack on purple and red vinyl with etchings on the discs.


Hit the Mut
April 19, 2015
Review: Hasbro Transformers Age of Extinction Junkheap

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Age of Extinction JunkheapSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

He's good for only one thing - garbage! The Hasbro Transformers Age of Extinction Junkheap was tough to find but wound up at Ross stores for five bucks. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


A Hasbro Convention? HasCon Trademarked

Con is OnTransformersVia the TFWiki Twitter's reveal of news: HASCON trademarked by Hasbro. This is, of course, by no means a confirmation of an actual show but it does seem to show some thought has been given to such an event. They say:

"Organizing and conducting conventions, exhibitions, fan clubs and gatherings for entertainment purposes and in the fields of toys, animation, comic books, fantasy, gaming, popular culture, science fiction, television and film."


Battle Tribes - Reissue and Wave 2

Fresh KicksGlyosVia Glyos Connect (and I'm not sure where they got it): Spy Monkey Creations Release info! 2 reissues, and new guys. They write:

"Returning from Wave 1 are the DX Savage Adventurer, DX Nomadic Orc and the first four Battle Builders; Pale Flesh, Orcskin Green, Crimson and Ice Blue. Wave 2 will feature three new DX Figures as well as three new Battle Builders, to be revealed as the release date approaches!"


Ad - Amazon Transformers Combiner Wars G2 Superion Price Drop Again

AmazonAd: Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Superion Collection Pack - now $74.70! This markdown on 6 figures, a poster, and a trading card brings you a complete team of robots and all of the gear needed to assemble a larger Autobot warrior.

It's not a bad deal! Menasor's price is in flux, currently around 10% ($10) off.


BitCoin, Apple Pay, and Virginity
April 20, 2016
Review: Hasbro Jurassic World Hybrid Velociraptor Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations GrimlockSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

So green! The Hasbro Jurassic World Hybrid Velociraptor Action Figure is new and you've probably not seen one in stores yet - I got mine online. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad - Pre-Order New Clear Red Anger from Inside Out

Anger!ExclusiveVia the Entertainment Earth: Inside Out Crystal Anger Pop! Vinyl Figure - Entertainment Earth Exclusive.

This nifty new Pop! is clear and spectacular. It's $13.99 and due in June - be sure to check it out and other great exclusive figures!


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4Galaga New to the Playstation 4 this week: Blues And Bullets - Episode 1, Invisible Inc. Console Edition, Pang Adventures, Rugby Challenge 3, Shantae and The Pirate's Curse, Lichdom: Battlemage, Loud On Planet X, and Masquerade: The Baubles Of Doom.

New classic games this week: Dig Dug, Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, and Pac-Man. Each is $3.99.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Rugby Challenge 3 New to the Playstation 3 this week: Masquerade: The Baubles Of Doom and Rugby Challenge 3.


PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week

PS VitaAxion Verge New to the PSP Vita this week: Axiom Verge.


Xbox 360 to Stop Production
April 21, 2016
Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Angella

Figure of the DayMattel Masters of the Universe Classics AngellaSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

She's pink! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Angella is a surprisingly normalish-dressed angel person from a fantasy land. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Toys at Sonic

LabNintendoVia Mrs. 16bit: Sonic Drive-Ins My Wacky Pack Kid Meals have Mario. Whoa!

The figures are mostly flat or blocky, I was handed a red clear plastic block with a flat Mario on either side and a bull-back mechanism. Of course we'll be looking at it shortly.


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OnePang AdventuresXbox fans, it's time to try Pang Adventures. If it sounds or looks familiar, "Pang" is Japan's Buster Bros. Microsoft says:

"The Pang series is a beloved collection of arcade video games from the early 90s. Guide two brothers on a quest around the world to save humankind from a massive alien invasion! Use your wits and skills to overcome the attack balls pouring from the skies and rescue the worldÕs cities and landmarks from impending annihilation! Pang Adventures brings new features and gameplay to this arcade legend while keeping true to the original spirit of the series."

Also available: Skyling: Garden Defense, Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom, and Battle Ages.


RIP Chyna, Prince
April 15, 2016
Review: Burger King G.I. Joe AWE Striker with Snake Eyes Vehicle

Figure of the DayBurger King G.I. Joe AWE Striker with Snake Eyes VehicleSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Free with food! The Burger King G.I. Joe AWE Striker with Snake Eyes Vehicle came out of nowhere and I still don't get why they made it. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Kmart and Sears Announce Many Closures

Goodbye, GoodbyeExclusiveVia the Sears Holdings: Sears Holdings To Close Stores To Accelerate Its Transformation And Its Return To Profitability. That's code for "kiss another part of the American retail experience goodbye."

Sears used to be one of America's top retailers - crushingly bigger than Walmart, dominating the landscape with its massive mail-order business, department stores, and of course Wishbook toy catalog. They had exclusives when nobody had exclusives, and today maybe you go there for tools when Home Depot is too far to drive. 10 of them are closing. On the other side of the coin is Kmart, which revolutionized discount retail and dictated some changes to how toys were packaged. For years, they were one of the top five chains in the toy business along with Kay-Bee Toys, Target, Walmart, and Toys R Us - they were part of the cabal that could dictate what could or might be made. And now, there will be 68 fewer convenient locations.


The Slow Adoption of New Game Consoles

NopeVideogamesVia QZ: The golden era of video-game console sales is over. It sounds clickbaitey, but you get a look at how many of each console of any significance has sold over the past few decades. Did you know the Wii U has only barely eclipsed the total lifetime sales of the Dreamcast? That's super depressing.

The best-selling console of the current generation is the Playstation 4, clocking in at 35.9 million units. That's barely more than the Nintendo64 sold, a little less than the Sega Genesis sold, and less than half of what the Playstation 3 sold - 80 million units.

The article cites competition from smart phones, and doesn't factor in portables. Games are frequently cited as why kids no longer want toys - but apparently games are bad for games, too.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UStar Fox Guard This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Star Fox Guard, Dreamals, Pinball Arcade, and Blockara.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Mario Party DS from the Nintendo DS.


Losing My Patience
April 25, 2016
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update!


Review: Warpo Toys Legends of Cthulhu Deep One Action Figure

Figure of the DayWarpo Toys Legends of Cthulhu Deep One Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's a monster! The Warpo Toys Legends of Cthulhu Deep One Action Figure is a highlight of the seemingly ended trend of Kickstarter-based toys, arguably being one of the best figures to come out of it. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Quiet the Screeching of the Sugar Demons
April 26, 2015
Review: Takara-Tomy Transformers Legends Armada Starscream Super Mode

Figure of the DayTakara-Tomy Transformers Legends Armada Starscream Super ModeSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

From Japan! The Takara-Tomy Transformers Legends Armada Starscream Super Mode looks like a real thundercracker. Which is not an expression, I don't think. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Alien Day - Today!

LV-426AlienA ton of stores and vendors are doing Alien promotions today, starting with Super7: Alien Day 2016! shows a Kenner-style carry case with an exclusive figure, a Japanese-inspired variant of a ReAction 3-pack, a Sofubi Alien Queen, and there were rumors of more. They go up at 7:00 PM Pacific tonight, or will be at their store at 10:00 AM.

Be sure to check out other online stores and also there's a contest that it isn't quite obvious what you win. You'll see some neat stuff.


Freezepop - Next Album on Kickstarter

FreezepopMusicVia Kickstarter: Freezepop's New Album! Digital album starts at $10 and is due in January, the CD is due in February and is $20, and the vinyl is a stretch goal. In less than a day, they're already over halfway to the goal.

If you've heard the legends of how terrible streaming royalties are, this shows one of the checks - there's a reason bands thrive on selling shirts, albums, and merch on tour. I've got a pretty solid suite of Freezepop physical objects, and I'm hoping that we get an LP out of this.


Glyos - New Onell Design Drop Thursday

EsedethGlyosVia the Glyos News Dump: Return to Esedeth on Thursday.

Robo Force and other molds are on deck, and goodness knows what else. Stay tuned for more!


I'm One
April 27, 2016
Review: Sonic Drive-In Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Mario

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations GrimlockSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Free with food! The Sonic Drive-In Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Mario is in a kid meal if you live in a state with this chain. Also take joy in Sonic giving you Mario. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Ad - Pre-Order New Aliens ReAction 3 3/4-inch Retro Action Figure 3-Pack

AliensEntertainment EarthVia the Entertainment Earth: Aliens ReAction 3 3/4-inch Retro Action Figure 3-Pack. This is due in September.

For $29.99 you get Ripley, a Power Loader, and Alien Queen - all 3 3/4-inch scale, just the way you wish you had them when Aliens first came out.

This nifty gift set is due in August. Also check out new Transformers toys. These will be showing up over the summer, so get your pre-orders in now for new releases from Rescue Bots, Titans Return, and Robots in Disguise.

Transformers Robots in Disguise Power Surge Optimus Prime Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime Racing Trailer Transformers Generations Titans Return Leader Wave 1


Today - Creative Beast Studios Kickstarter

Raptor!ExclusiveVia the Facebook: And... one more photo of Tsaagan to take us into the big day tomorrow. 'Comes with everything you see here.' There are multiple flavors of Raptor, available in singles or packs, for $35 plus shipping each. It's not a bad deal.

Creative Beast Studios are responsible for some pretty cool creature toys - you've seen some in the Jurassic Park and Star Wars lines, while others you haven't seen at all. It's neat to see feathered velociraptors as they're a rarity in toys still. These should go up some time today, so keep your eyes open for that.


PS4: PSN Updates

PS4 Arcade Archives Kid's Horehore Daisakusen New to the Playstation 4 this week: Alienation, Battle Worlds: Kronos, Brick Breaker, Don Bradman Cricket, Jetpack Joyride, Party Hard, The Sun And Moon, Rocketbirds 2 Evolution Americas, and The Magic Circle: Gold Edition.

New classic games this week: Arcade Archives Kid's Horehore Daisakusen. It is $7.99.


PS Vita: PSN Updates This Week

PS Vita The Sun and Moon New to the PSP Vita this week: Stranger of Sword City, Rocketbirds 2 Evolution, Severed, and The Sun and Moon.


Nintendo NX & New Zelda - March 2017
April 28, 2016
Review: Takara Beast Wars Transformers Shadow Panther

Figure of the DayTakara Beast Wars Transformers Shadow PantherSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

He's a Japanese toy that Hasbro brought over! The Takara Beast Wars Transformers Shadow Panther is a nifty footnote in toy history. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Titans Return: The Future Is Here?

LabTransformersVia Facebook and elsewhere: Color Guides for Transformers Toys. Let's say allegedly - but these align with a number of leaked lists lately.

Highlights include Megatron (Autobot & Decepticon stickers), Getaway, Doublecross, Hot Rod, Sixshot, Triggerhappy, and Optimus Prime (G2 Laser Rods/Star Convoy). You'll also find color guides for Wolfwire and Mindwipe.


Live - Creative Beast Studios Kickstarter

Raptor!ExclusiveVia the Kickstarter: Beasts of the Mesozoic: Raptor Series Action Figures. Figures are $35 each (plus shipping) or 3 for $100.

Creative Beast Studios cranked out some pretty good toys, and their name is indicative of what they do. Get one, or don't, but do.

Also, the Freezepop Kickstarter added a vinyl stretch goal at $40,000.


Nintendo NX, Wii U Zelda Due March 2017

Wii New NintendoVia many: Nintendo NX: everything we know so far. The answer is "not much."

Nintendo confirmed that the system is coming in March 2017, along with a port of the new Wii U Zelda game. The Zelda game will launch on both platforms, which is pretty much exactly how Twilight Princess played out with its Wii and GameCube launch strategy. There's no price, no final name, or anything like that yet but this means that the Wii U will have had roughly four years and change of life before it is replaced next year. And based on how Nintendo seems to be pushing new Wii U software, it'll probably be dead on the arrival of the new generation box.


New Games for the Xbox One

Xbox OneBrick BreakerXbox fans, it's time to try Brick Breaker. Microsoft says:

"Brick Breaker, the classic arcade game, is back with a breathtaking new version. Its explosive gameplay - unique and timeless - is filled with surprises. Sharpen your reflexes and precision to overcome the hundred different levels that await you. Collect bonuses, avoid traps and shoot your way to victory. Play alone or with up to 4 players on a split screen. Brick Breaker will offer you many hours of fun and entertainment!"

Also available: King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon A Climb, Party Hard, Elite Dangerous: Arena, Battle Worlds: Kronos, and The Walking Dead: Michonne - Episode 3: What We Deserve.


Onell Drop Bumped to Tonight
April 29, 2016
Review: Hasbro Transformers Cybertron Ransack

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Cybertron RansackSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Don't blow your gasket! The Hasbro Transformers Cybertron Ransack was a cheap figure in its time, so I got one, and you should too. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Nintendo 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo 3DSMini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge This week's 3DS offerings: Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge, ASH, and SEGA 3D Classics Collection.


Nintendo Wii U Downloads This Week

Nintendo Wii UXenoblade Chronicles This week's batch of titles on the eShop: The Deer God, Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge, and Lost Reavers.

Up for the Nintendo Wii U retro library: Xenoblade Chronicles from the Nintendo Wii.


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