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CBS Hates Late Night
March 28, 2025
Star Wars Review: R2-BNE (Bunny, Holiday Droid Factory)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: R2-BNE (Bunny, Holiday Droid Factory). After selling out online, an announcement for this figure fast became one of my most-reblogged and liked Tumblr posts. I'm not sure if the theme parks still have it in stock - it's a Disney Parks exclusive - but you should probably grab it soon if you see it. It has new rabbit ears on the same mold Disney has been using, but do you have another blue and pink droid? Probably not. So get this one! Your friends will love it, so buy an extra for them, too. Read the whole review.


Taylor Tomlinson Quits After Midnight, CBS Quits Time Slot

TVBut Not After JuneVia The Hollywood Reporter: 'After Midnight' Ending After Two Seasons on CBS While not every episode is amazing, host Tomlinson has been doing a great job enjoying the show or throwing it shade here and there, with a cavalcade of great guests (and also regular guests) from night to night. If it wasn't for this show I might not know about Vinny Thomas, or Atusko Okatsuka, or the concept of a "zaddy."

According to the article, the final episode is in June. I hope we get a return of tiny couch. The host will be going back to stand-up, and if you've seen her specials, you'll get it. If you haven't, go watch them, they're good.

While I'll miss the show, late night shows are either forever, or very brief shining jewels in the sky. This one is ending too soon. Adding to the tragedy, CBS is ceding the time slot back to the local affiliates - this means there won't be a new show, which is a pity. The time slot has been home to some great hosts, and also not.


Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchBubble Ghost Remake This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Dark Receipt, Arcade Archives Senkyu, Bubble Ghost Remake, and over a dozen more.


RIP Clive Revill
March 27, 2025
Review: Super7 Godzilla Monster Island Mystery Box Mechagodzilla '74 Action Figure

Figure of the DaySuper7 Godzilla Monster Island Mystery Box Mechagodzilla '74 Action Figures ReAction FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

New! The Super7 Godzilla Monster Island Mystery Box Mechagodzilla '74 Action Figure is showing up in stores now, and I found it marked down at a Walmart near my house almost instantly. Well, OK, I can take it at a discount - it has fancy weathering and looks really cool. Even at full price, it would be pretty neat! Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Banana Bash Demo ROM for NES, Lost Populous ROM

NESSPACEPORT MUG Via Work3 Studio: The free demo ROM [for Banana Bash] is here! This one has been in development for years - it's really colorful and reminds me a lot of the graphics in Kirby's Adventure. You play a little monkey, and you jump from block to block, and through portals, to get a bunch of blocks in a level. You have to dodge various creatures including a Baron von Beluga-esque bat cat if you take too long - it's worth trying!

Also exciting, Games That Weren't found Populous for NES. It looks like it's fully completed, and running about as well as that game can on that kind of hardware. Also worth a look!


Ad: New Star Wars Landspeeder, SM-33, Carson Teva, Asajj Ventress, and More at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: More newness! New Hasbro Star Wars: The Vintage Collection and The Black Series toys are up for order today at Entertainment Earth! One new vehicle (with figure) joins several new action figures across the two major collector scales. Grab Star Wars The Vintage Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figures 2 Wave 7 Case of 8 and Star Wars The Black Series 3 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 3 Case of 6 to cover your bases.

Star Wars The Vintage Collection 3 3/4-Inch Scale Landspeeder & Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) Vehicle Star Wars The Vintage Collection Carson Teva 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Night Trooper 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series SM-33 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Vintage Collection Alexsandr Kallus 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Ezra Bridger (Peridea) 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Vintage Collection Asajj Ventress 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Vintage Collection Dengar 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series 3 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 3 Case of 6 Star Wars The Vintage Collection 3 3/4-Inch Star Wars: A New Hope Stormtrooper Action Figure Scream Ghost Face Black Light Funko Pop! Vinyl Figure #1607 - Entertainment Earth Exclusive DC Direct Collector Vinyl Wave 2 Todd's Mods Limited Edition 4 1/2-Inch Scale Posed Figure Case of 3

Body Bow, Body Blow, Right, Right
March 26, 2025
Star Wars Review: General Grievous (The Retro Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: General Grievous (The Retro Collection). This one feels old-school, but more like a figure from the mid-2000s - his lateral arm movement is unique, but the head deco feels a lot like something from the actual Revenge of the Sith toy line. I think they did a nice job making stompier and more stable feet, though.. Read the whole review.


Review: Mattel Matchbox Big Banana Car

Figure of the DayMattel Matchbox Big Banana CarSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Just look at it! The Mattel Matchbox Big Banana Car is a car I never noticed in an actual store, but I did find it in a second-hand shop a couple of months ago. As the name indicates, it is a car, and it is a big banana. The paint is good, it has four seats, and is the kind of thing you want to own as a toy. I hope they rerelease it. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


Congrats, Liokaiser
March 25, 2024
Review: Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Armada Universe Wheeljack Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Armada Universe Wheeljack Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

A long way to go from Sideswipe. Hasbro Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Armada Universe Wheeljack Action Figure is a repaint of a retool of a retool - he doesn't have a Mini-Con sidekick, but he does have a number of accessories and is painted to look like the cartoon (and/or Japanese version of the toy.) You could do a lot worse than this guy, and it seems most stores are leapfrogging over his wave - get him if you can find him, assuming you're not satisfied with your 2002 original. Read on!


Nintendo World Championships: Week 37

Nintendo SwitchFightVia Nintendo: Competition #37 is on now in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. It's a decent mix of stuff, many of which have been here before. I really hope someone is working on an expansion.

This week:
Lookie, Tanooki! (Super Mario Bros. 3) - in which you get dressed.

Fairy Finder (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link) - in which you jump to the left.

Harp on It (Kid Icarus) - in which you pull the strings.

Take Heart (The Legend of Zelda) - in which you step to the right.

Eye in the Sky (Kirby's Adventure) - in which you say no to Kracko.

I'm still working on the gold trophy.


RIP George Foreman
March 24, 2025
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Vader-ism, Star Wars Subscription Plans. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.


Classic Review: Plastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Cerula - Green Scorpion with Grey Paint

Figure of the DayPlastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Cerula - Green Scorpion with Grey PaintSomething new every day-- but this was posted 24 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Posted 10 years ago! The Plastic Imagination Rise of the Beasts Cerula - Green Scorpion with Grey Paint is a nifty line that sadly went away too soon - but they looked cool, and were cheap, and I wish there were more things like this. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!


Funded! Giant Mythic Legions Dragon Crowdfund

ToysBEYITHIRR, THE PILLAR OF THE WESTVia Store-Horsemen: PRE-ORDER - BEYITHIRR, THE PILLAR OF THE WEST - Dragon Action Figure funded! This crowdfund figure starts at $550, with add-on wings, fire breathing elements, and stretch goals - a fully-loaded one is about $2400. The giant dragon sold over 2,000 units, so if you order it, you're going to get one. The funding period closes April 6, so you've got some time to decide.


Last Day: HasLab Transformers Liokaiser

TransformersFightVia Hasbro Pulse: Transformers Legacy HasLab Liokaiser Combiner ends Monday night! With roughly 22 1/2 hours to go, it sold at least 21,674 units as of my writing this.


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


Cheaper than New York, Less Stuck-Up than Massachusetts?
March 21, 2025
Star Wars Review: Tessek (The Vintage Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Tessek (The Vintage Collection). It's a pretty good figure - the arms are mostly from Bib Fortuna, the head is new, the colors are pretty good, but I still like my Power of the Jedi Tessek just fine. If you need more articulation and cloth bits? Get this one. If you're happy with the one you've got? You're all set. Read the whole review.


Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchXenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Atelier Yuma: The Alchemist of Memories and the Envisioned Land, Assault Suit Leynos 2: Saturn Tribute, Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, and over a dozen more.


RIP Forever 21
March 20, 2025
Review: Super7 Universal Monsters The Invisible Man ReAction Figure

Figure of the DaySuper7 Universal Monsters The Invisible Man ReAction Figures ReAction FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Shared! The Super7 Universal Monsters The Invisible Man ReAction Figure plays with the premise and makes the bandages and gloves clear/invisible. It looks good, even if it's not quite how it worked in the movie. (It's a great movie, you should watch it. It's too long.) Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


5 Days to Go and Fully Funded: HasLab Transformers Liokaiser

TransformersFightVia Hasbro Pulse: Transformers Legacy HasLab Liokaiser Combiner. It closes in 5 days, but as of my writing this it has exceeded its final stretch goal with 18,252 backers. That's $5,475,417.48 so far, which is not a bad deal for Hasbro.

Hasbro's Evan Brooks confirmed it will include thigh articulation but may or may not have a spear and stand, so there's that. The set is $299.99 plus shipping and taxes.


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