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Oh, Hasbro
August 1, 2013
Review: Four Horsemen Outer Space Men White Star Astro-Nautilus Action Figure

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Outer Space Men White Star Astro-Nautilus Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Bright - not just white! The Four Horsemen Outer Space Men White Star Astro-Nautilus Action Figure gives you less paint for a higher-than-usual price for this mold. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Hasbro Gets New Licenses: Trolls, Dreamworks

HasbroDJ Pon 3New! DreamWorks Animation Teams with Hasbro for Two Tentpole Franchise Properties. In 2015, it's about ghosts and in 2016, it's about trolls. Click through for the full release.


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeAction Packed BundleXbox fans, it's time to download Action Packed Bundle, a $10/800 point game with a retired superhero. Microsoft says:

"Unhappily ever after. Thatıs how it starts. The Orb resurfaces and the classic characters return. Kobbler with his mania, Princess with her endless boredom. Itıs only a matter of time before Bob, our hero, shows up to restore order back to madness. Three powers struggle for victory and the fate of Cloudberry Kingdom hangs in the balance. What will become of the retired hero, Bob? Will saving Princess one last time win her love? Could true love ever stop Kobbler and the power of the Orb?"

Also new is Narco Terror, a $10/800 point twin stick shooter.


Ad: Doctor Who Mr. Potato Head & New Walking Dead Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthOrder Mr. Potato Head Doctor Who from Entertainment Earth! The pre-orders are open for this new release, and brand-new Walking Dead figures are expected any day now - it's not too late to order your set! Check out these new arrivals.

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor Mr. Potato Head The Walking Dead Comic Series 2 Action Figure Set Aliens Genocide Xenomorph Warriors Action Figure 2-Pack Predator Trophy Wall Limited Edition Diorama

Get yours today, and collect them all!


Black Series Is The New Black (Series)
August 2, 2013
Review: Hasbro Ultimate Spider-Man Crime Fightin' Spider-Man

Figure of the DayHasbro Ultimate Spider-Man Crime Fightin' Spider-ManSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Anybody call for a cheap Web-Slinger? The Hasbro Ultimate Spider-Man Crime Fightin' Spider-Man is under five bucks at Kmart through Saturday. It's pretty cool! So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


SDCC Mattel Items - August 5 for Stonedar, Rokkon, Batusi TV

GhostbustersSDCCDid you miss Comic-Con? The Matty Collector SDCC's "Most-Wanted" Sale Is Monday. Shag Batman, mini Masters of the Universe, Stonedar, Rokkon, Monster High Webarella, and leftover Orkos too!

This is a good one, America.


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiHarvest Moon This week's Wii U offerings: Cloudberry Kingdom for $9.99.

The Wii U Virtual Console has Super NES classic Harvest Moon, and this is a Super NES classic that kicked off a franchise.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSKirby's Dream Land 2This week's batch on the 3DS Shop: 3DS games include Bike Rider DX, My Farm 3D, and Family Kart 3D.

Also up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Kirby's Dream Land 2, a $3.99 release. It was originally a Super GameBoy title, and it is quite good. You'll get your $4 worth. (But it probably will look better on a Super GameBoy.)


Target Reset Week
August 5, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.

Also, take a look at this review - R2-D2 from The Black Series!


Review: Mattel Hot Wheels T-Rextroyer

Figure of the DayMattel Hot Wheels T-RextroyerSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Wheeled dinosaurs? The Mattel Hot Wheels T-Rextroyer is more fun than it looks, and it looks rather silly. The wheels spin freely, and the thing fires out of a launcher nicely. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


TMNT 1980s Figures Reissued at Toys R Us

Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesShredderIn stores now! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Retro Collection are hitting Toys R Us stores as of last week for $12.99 each! Currently the line has Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Splinter, Shredder, and a Party Wagon vehicle which I have not personally seen yet.

Figures were about $4.99 in 1988, and adjusted for inflation that would put them at $9.85 today - so $12.99 is about right on the money for a limited exclusive reissue.


New Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators Action Figures Shipped

Outer Space MenTerra FirmaVia the Outer Space Men News Blog: See Shipping: 2013 Edition Cosmic Creators Outer Space Men! Mel Birnkrant's nifty redecoes of four 2011 characters are here, or rather they will be here early next week as they've all shipped out. Reviews will likely start popping up here next week.


SDCC OMFG Up for Grabs, Deadbeets Sold Out

OMFGYellowIt's late, but not too late! The SDCC Exclusive Yellow OMFG Figures and SDCC Exclusive Blue OMFG Figures are up for grabs at the low-low price of $10 per pack. The matching Baby Deadbeets are already sold out, but the colors are the same - and they look really cool. Be sure to snag yours.


Ad: The Clone Wars Season 5 at Amazon

AmazonAd: Coming Soon! Amazon has all the Clone Wars Season 5 and Complete Series Boxed Sets you could want. The 5-season boxed set is $105, and season 5 by itself is $42. Fair? No.

Pre-order yours now!


Apparently It's Glyos Week
August 6, 2013
Review: Onell Design Glyos Traveler Urballim Pheyden Action Figure

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Traveler Urballim Pheyden Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Shiny! The Onell Design Glyos Traveler Urballim Pheyden Action Figure is like C-3PO but not. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


New Star Wars Review Galactic Hunter

Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsTake a look at this new review - Sandtrooper from The Black Series!


Tomy Posts Classic Zoids Animation/Ad Video - Awesome

ZoidsCheck out this 1989 Zoids Vido from Tomy! Thank you Monzo for sharing the link on the Tweeter!

I had a few of these when I was a kid and hopelessly pined for the rest - after all, they're Japanese toys from 25 years ago, before eBay and HobbyLink Japan. Check out the Wardick, Mad Thunder, Megatropos, and a ton of other items with explosions, smoke effects, and terrible anime sound effects. It's glorious.


Glyos: 481 Drop, Green Crayboth

GlyosCraybothVia the Glyos News Dump: Onell Design Boxes Arriving: Freebie Green Crayboth. Check out the unpainted green wonder, it's pretty swell! The Noboto figures are nifty too, plus they're still in stock if you wish to order some.

Ni StuffAlso, a Ni Stuff drop! The store got slammed. 481 Universe Sale: Quick Sell Through Imminent basically says it all - the figures sold very quickly, and I didn't get to see his small run of painted customs with the red Styre head. Since there was no price list, this information may be lost to the mists of time already. That didn't take long.


Cosmic Creators Outer Space Men 2013 - Arriving

Outer Space MenCraybothVia the Outer Space Men News Blog: Cosmic Creators Outer Space Men 2013 - Arriving . My set is here, and they're great. Do take a look, and come back next week for a review or two.


August 7, 2013
Review: Diamond Select Battle Beasts Minimates Shadow Merk

Figure of the DayDiamond Select Battle Beasts Minimates Shadow MerkSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Free! The Diamond Select Battle Beasts Minimates Shadow Merk was this year's at-booth freebie for Comic-Con, and it really looks wonderful. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


New Star Wars Review Galactic Hunter

Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsTake a look at this new review - Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot Action Figure from The Black Series!


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3The Red StarNew to download on the Playstation 3 this week: Dragon's Crown at $49.99 and Tales of Xillia at $54.99.

New PSN games include ibb & obb and Superfrog HD at $9.99 each.

New PS2 classic games this week: The Red Star for $9.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPSuperfrog HD New to the PSP Vita this week: Superfrog HD for $9.99 and Dragon's Crown for $39.99.


Mordle Boxing
August 8, 2013
Review: LEGO Minifigures Series 5 Egyptian Queen

Figure of the DayLEGO Minifigures Series 5 Egyptian QueenSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

The queen! The LEGO Minifigures Series 5 Egyptian Queen has an awesome haircut, nice face paint, and a decent dress. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Mordles Header Cards - Because You Missed It

MordlesHeaderSince they weren't ready for the last round, ToyFinity posted The header cards from the last round of Mordles! It gives a little more backstory to these little guys, more of which are due in the very near future.


NES-Style A Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Figure

MoviesFreddy's ReadyBased on the NES "classic," NECA announced a Nightmare on Elm St ­ 7" Classic Video Game Appearance Freddy Krueger! It comes in an LJN NES-style box, and comes in nice bright colors.

Order yours at Entertainment Earth. It's due around November.


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeBrothersXbox fans, it's time to download Brothers, a $15/1,200 point co-op adventure. Microsoft says:

"Guide two brothers on an epic fairy tale journey from visionary Swedish film director, Josef Fares and top-tier developer Starbreeze Studios. Control both brothers at once as you experience co-op play in single player mode, like never before. Solve puzzles, explore the varied locations and fight boss battles, controlling one brother with each thumb stick. This is one journey you will never forget."


Ad: Doctor Who Mr. Potato Head & New Walking Dead Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthOrder Star Trek Dog Toys from Entertainment Earth! Crowded Coop is doing dog bowls, collars, leashes, and more. Also check out New Futurama Figures, a pretty nifty Wizard of Oz Leg Lamp, and of course Anime Statues.

Star Trek The Original Series Red Uniform Dog Bowl Futurama Tineez Series 2 Stylized Mini-Figure 3-Pack Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch of the East 20-Inch Leg Lamp Pieces 2 by Shirow Masamune Cyril Statue

Get yours today, and collect them all!


It's a Thing
August 9, 2013
Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Orion Pax

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Orion PaxSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Baby Prime! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Orion Pax is a pretty swell figure with a great robot, awesome accessories, and a frustrating transformation with a so-so truck. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiDuckTales: Remastered This week's Wii U offerings: DuckTales: Remastered will be up early next week for $14.99. Up now is Spin The Bottle: Bumpie's Party for $7.99.

The Wii U Virtual Console has Super NES classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire. If you're into that.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSSteamWorld DigThis week's batch on the 3DS Shop: 3DS games include SteamWorld Dig, Smash Bowling 3D, and Tangram Style.


Too Much New Stuff? Close.
August 12, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.

Also, take a look at this review - Darth Maul from The Black Series!


Review: Hasbro Battle Beasts Pillager Pig

Figure of the DayHasbro Battle Beasts Pillager PigSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

I wanna be your hog! The Hasbro Battle Beasts Pillager Pig was the last original rubsign-enabled figure from this line I had to track down last year, which took a surprisingly long time. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Club Mordle Reveals Contest, More Colors

Rocks and Bugs and ThingsMore-dlesComing soon! A Club Mordle email went out revealing New Mordles and a Mordle Contest. Sonesidar (pictured) and a very sharp Purple are on deck for the next releases. August 18 will be the date for Club Mordle members to buy these, with the regular people slightly later.

The other big news for Club members - there's a fan's choice color contest! Club members can submit a color, which will be voted on and (according to the email) produced this year.


Ravens Kickstarter Ends Tonight

ToysThe FalconVia Kickstarter: Gothitropolis Raven Action Figure by Four Horsemen Studios ends tonight! The long-gestating action figure line has expanded over the last 30 days with added Flamingo and Screaming Eagle figures, wings, bone wings, display stands, and even webbed feet somehow.


Adam West Batmobile, Batman Figures Hitting Stores Now

BatmanYellowThey're here! Toys R Us has started to receive the first wave of Classic TV Batman action figures, 2-packs, and yes, their exclusive Batmobile which debuted at Comic-Con. Classic TV Batman can also be ordered at Entertainment Earth for what appears to be slightly cheaper - but the Batmobile remains exclusive to Toys R Us. I spotted these myself over the weekend - good hunting, all!

At this time we don't know how widespread distribution will be on these - but hey, there's a couple of places right there!


Apparently It's Glyos Week
August 13, 2013
Review: LEGO Minifigures Series 10 Sad Clown

Figure of the DayLEGO Minifigures Series 10 Sad ClownSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Shiny! The LEGO Minifigures Series 10 Sad Clown is like C-3PO but not. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Amazon's Exclusive Star Wars Slave I Arriving

Galactic Hunter Star Wars NewsAs seen at Galactic Hunter, Amazon Slave I Arriving - How's Your Box?!

Some people are getting theirs with a white mailer box, while others have the toy box with shipping labels slapped on the side. Also, there's a small assembly issue that may need fixing with the wing mechanism. Mine is, by and large, quite good after I figured out how to fix it.


Ravens Kickstarter Ended Last Night

ToysThe FalconIt's over! One of the highest-profile toy lines on Kickstarter yet, the Gothitropolis Raven Action Figure by Four Horsemen Studios ended yesterday with a pretty hefty take - just passing $300,000!

The takeaway here is that fans can subsidize a small line - 1,500 people made this happen.


DuckTales Week
August 14, 2013
Review: Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators Mel Birnkrant Edition Blue Angel Commander Comet Action Figure

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators Mel Birnkrant Edition Blue Angel Commander Comet Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Impressive! The Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Cosmic Creators Mel Birnkrant Edition Blue Angel Commander Comet Action Figure was shown at Comic-Con 2012 in less than optimal lighting conditions, but under the right lights at home it turns into an extremely impressive specimen. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


OMFG Series 3 Cardback Preview

ToysOMFGIt's almost time! Another Kickstarter post, the OMFG Series 3 Packaging will be green with line art from Scott "Baby Deadbeet" Tolleson!

These items are still slated for an October delivery, so you know I'm crazy excited.


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3DuckTales RemasteredNew to download on the Playstation 3 this week: PayDay 2 at $39.99.

New PSN games include DuckTales Remastered and Mars: War Logs at $14.99 each plus Thunder Wolves at $9.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPFruit Ninja New to the PSP Vita this week: A-Men and Open Me! for $9.99, Fruit Ninja for $7.99 and BreakQuest: Extra Evolution for free.


$ale of the Week
August 15, 2013
Ad: Star Wars Black Series Back at Amazon

AmazonOrder Star Wars Black Series 6-Inch Figures from Amazon!

They're great. They're big. And they go out of stock fast! I haven't seen these in stores yet, so consider this a) a public service, or b) a chance for you to buy something through these links, which gives me a couple of dollars. It helps keep the lights on over here. (We don't get a lot of ad money, so if you're going to buy them, kindly use these links.)

Get yours now!


Review: Onell Design Glyos MVR Standard Gobon Action Figure

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos MVR Standard Gobon Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's important to have standards! The sold-out Onell Design Glyos MVR Standard Gobon Action Figure is mostly yellow with some white and a couple of tiny eyes. It's great. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Mordles Sneak Peek - Early On-Sale at NJCC

MordlesHeaderToyFinity posted In NJ? Come see me at New Jersey Collector Con this Sunday! This means you can get your Mordles early and not pay shipping - new colors include Nebular (pictured) and the orangey Sonesidar flavors. Nice!


August Baby Deadbeets Revealed

OMFGFreddy's ReadyOctober Toys announced its August Baby Deadbeets! New colors include a color-changing shade and a military green.

They go on sale tomorrow and will sell out in about ten minutes, most likely.


More Filmation Bonus Accessories - He-Man's Power Sword

He-ManSwordCheck this out at - Filmation Power Sword Coming In 2014--But With Who? Do you need another Power Sword? Probably not. Are you going to get one? Looks like it! Check it out.


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeCharlie MurderXbox fans, it's time to download Charlie Murder, a $10/800 point RPG. Microsoft says:

"It's a punk rock apocalypse! Team up with your friends to lead embattled punk rock band Charlie Murder in their epic quest to save the world from rival death metalers Gore Quaffer and their legions of evil. RPG it up as you hoard insane loot to buff your character (and look excellent), earn fans to unlock powerful finishers and teamup moves, get tattoos to channel your "Anar-Chi," and uncover mysterious relics of modern myth!"


Ad: Blowout Sale at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthOrder from the Blowout Sale at Entertainment Earth! Over 1,000 Action Figures, Prop Replicas, Bobble Heads, and Anime Statues.

Blowout Sale

Star Wars Luke Skywalker Ceremonial Jacket w/ Medal of Yavin Doctor Who Exclusive Third Doctor Sonic Screwdriver Star Wars Clone Wars R2-D2 Maquette Just-Us-League Stupid Heroes Series 2 Green Lantern Figure

Get yours today, and collect them all!


Green Is Out (Of Stock)
August 16, 2013
Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Ratmobile (White)

Figure of the DayMattel Hot Wheels Ratmobile (White)Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Vermin on wheels! The Mattel Hot Wheels Ratmobile (White) is a newish recolor, but it looks similar to a few previous releases of this weird but superbly fun little car. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Cheap Four Horsemen Seventh Kingdom Still Buyable

Four HorsemenShieldy, RaaviaIf you like the just-closed Raven figures and are wanting to get some of the Four Horsemen's previous work, check out RavingToyManiac on eCrater. A limited number of the hard-to-find Seventh Kingdom figures are still there, including Shield of Draumm (Hippo) and Raavia (tiger) for $20 or less each. I asked the store's proprietor and found out that the $18 "loose armor" hippo figures have excellent packaging and paint jobs, it's just that a removable piece of the figure had fallen off in the package. I suspect they'll go pretty fast, but if they didn't you can snag one now on the cheap.

The guys at OAFE speak highly of the hippo and the cat lady, but warn of accessory breakage on the latter. So hey, go nuts!


Matty Stuff - Get It If You Forgot It

Masters of the UniverseShipoopieEvil! MattyCollector's August Drop is, by and large, still available at press time with Shokoti, Castaspella, DC Comics' Fire, Ecto Goggles, and other goodies still in stock. Get 'em while you can!


You Still Have a Chance - Glyos Lymerran Crayboth

GlyosGreenShort! Lymerran Crayboth In Stock at Onell Design. It was teased Wednesday, in stock Thursday afternoon, and seems to be back at just $3.00. Get it while you can!


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiGalaga This week's Wii U offerings: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist will be up early next week for $49.99.

The Wii U Virtual Console has Arcade classic (NES port) 0816wii.jpg . It's $4.99.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSDonkey KongThis week's batch on the 3DS Shop: 3DS games include 10-in-1: Arcade Collection and Heavy Fire: Black Arms 3D.

Also up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Donkey Kong, a $4.99 release. This is the NES port, as Nintendo seems committed to never, ever releasing the full arcade game anywhere ever.


Comedy Talk Talk
August 19, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.


Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Octavia

Figure of the DayMattel Masters of the Universe Classics OctaviaSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Eight arms! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Octavia figure is based on a Filmation She-Ra cartoon design, and this is her first toy. And it's pretty cool! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Club Mordle: New Drop On Now

Rocks and Bugs and ThingsMore-dlesThe Club Mordle email went out revealing Sonesidar and Nebular Mordles are on sale now. Purple! Orange! And that's it. $12 per set, and the previous waves are also still in stock if you're so inclined.


Imaginext Blind Bags Making the Rounds

ImaginextThe FalconVia Toyriffic: Imaginext Mystery Figures Series 1 :: Luchador is one of 10 new blind-bagged figures, and that post has a way to cheat and get the ones you want! Not only is there also a Mummy/Anubis, but there's a robot, an alien, a diver, and what basically has to be James Bond - plus a Royal Guard/Beefeater, meaning Imaginext must be pretty hot in England right now. I picked up one of these at Target last night for $2.99.


No Oblivious Benefit
August 20, 2013
Review: Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Terra Firma Action Figure

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Terra Firma Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Orange! The Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Terra Firma Action Figure is quite orange, and quite shapely. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Amazon: Cheap Star Trek Blu-Ray (Price in Flux)

AmazonThe price has been changing, but Star Trek: The Complete Original Series on Blu-Ray has been around $80 all day!

I bought the sets individually and it cost me a bit more than this - for about a buck an episode, you really can't go wrong.


Japan Gets Bruticus: Transformers Candy Toy from Kabaya

TransformersBruticusIt's here! TFW2005 has mirrored Kabaya Bruticus which is an interesting mix of G1 and G2 colored figures.

I am not seeing any of these on eBay just yet, so keep your eyes open.


News to Me
August 21, 2013
Review: LEGO Minifigures Series 10 Librarian

Figure of the DayLEGO Minifigures Series 10 LibrarianSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Shhh! The LEGO Minifigures Series 10 Librarian includes a mug and a book, so there you go. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Matty Conclusion: 2 No, 1 Yes

Matty CollectorMatty MeterIt's over! At, read Update: Final Count for 2014 Subscriptions for an update on what is or maybe isn't happening with the Ecto-1, DCUC, and MOTUC clubs. It's not all good news, but it's not all bad news either.

Club Eternia made it with 115% - you do indeed have the power! Mattel confirmed other bonus items may be sold in 2014, and won't be announced prior to Toy Fair 2014 in February. Also noteworthy: subscriptions will re-open should anyone else want to jump in now that it's a done deal.

The Ecto-1 Vehicle hit 36%, which isn't probably bad considering it's a $215 vehicle - it is not likely to go forward. Club Infinite Earths for DC Universe Classics hit 63%, also making it unlikely to continue in its current form. Rumors of a mini-subscription for the revealed figures persist, as does the possibility that remaining figures could be sold as SDCC exclusives next year or in the future.


New to Me: Mini-Con Airlift at Family Dollar

TransformersStolen from TFWikiIt's newish! At Family Dollar, I found a Single-Carded Mini-Con Airlift for $3.75, which is a lot cheaper than the current asking price on eBay. It was surrounded by older figures like Pan-Handler, and it may not be news to you, but it was certainly different enough for me to take note to share with you guys. Good hunting!


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Tom Clancyıs Splinter Cell BlacklistNew to download on the Playstation 3 this week: Saints Row IV, Tom Clancyıs Splinter Cell Blacklist, and The Bureau: XCOM Declassified at $59.99 plus Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers at $19.99.

New PSN games include DuckTales Remastered and Mars: War Logs at $14.99 each plus Thunder Wolves at $9.99.

New PS2 classic games this week: Kessen III and Naval Ops Commander, each for $9.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPThe Walking Dead: The Complete First Season New to the PSP Vita this week: Ms. Germinator and Divekick for $9.99, and The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season for $19.99.


Movies and Stuff
August 22, 2013
Review: Playmates Star Trek: The Next Generation Counselor Deanna Troi Action Figure

Figure of the DayPlaymates Star Trek: The Next Generation Counselor Deanna Troi Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

This used to be one of the hottest action figures in terms of rarity and newness. But now? The Playmates Star Trek: The Next Generation Counselor Deanna Troi Action Figure is one or two dollars on eBay. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeFlashbackXbox fans, it's time to download Flashback, a $10/800 point remake of a 16-bit classic. Microsoft says:

"Take on the role of Conrad B. Hart of the G.B.I. and uncover a vast and deadly alien conspiracy that threatens everything it means to be human. But before you can save the human race you must rediscover who you are, as you desperately search for the missing data files containing your memory to piece the puzzle together. 20 years after the original gameıs launch, Conrad is enlisted back to active service for the triumphant return of one of the best adventure-action games ever created. Itıs Flashback re-imagined by its creators."


Ad: Cheap Blu-Ray Goonies, More at Amazon

AmazonOrder The Goonies on Blu-Ray at Amazon!

$7.99, cheap. Get some other stuff, too! Just click a link, and then buy absolutely anything at Amazon - I get a cut, and it keeps the site running.

Get yours now!


August 23, 2013
Review: Bif Bang Pow! Venture Bros. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Action Figure

Figure of the DayBif Bang Pow! Venture Bros. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Get yours now! The Bif Bang Pow! Venture Bros. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Action Figure is a pretty nifty figure, and she has wings. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Robo Force Name Reveal - Maxx Zero

GlyosPepsiVia the Glyos News Dump: Revealed: ToyFinity Robo Force Maxx' Last Name. Also notable: lots of tidbits on upcoming releases, single Mordles, and a lot more Glyos stuff from the archives and the future. Worth a look!


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiStreet Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting This week's Wii U offerings: The Wii U Virtual Console has fighting classics (Super NES ports) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting, and Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers. Each is $7.99.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSDonkey KongThis week's batch on the 3DS Shop: 3DS games include Wakedas, Fish On 3D, and Funfair Party Games.

Also up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos, a $4.99 release. It's pretty tough.


August 26, 2013
New Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column! It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! Or don't.


Review: ToyFinity Mordles Solar Storm (Hot Pink) Mini-Figures

Figure of the DayToyFinity Mordles Solar Storm (Hot Pink) Mini-FiguresSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

So pink! The ToyFinity Mordles Solar Storm (Hot Pink) Mini-Figures are still available and are astonishingly bright in person. Seriously, just grab a set to melt your eyeballs. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Glyos: Power Lords Preview, Glyos Drop in September

GlyosNew!September should be a big Glyos month. At the Glyos News Dump: New Glyos Drop Coming - September! Word on the street has it that Power-Con in September should also have the first on-sale of Power Lords, so start saving now. The Outer Space Men of 2013 command an average of $17.38 (not including shipping) this year so far, so expect Power Lords to be $20 or more.


Star Trek Blu-Ray Watch: Unification, Season 5, TV Best-Of

Star TrekAmazon has some new Star Trek releases you may be interested in skipping, or buying. Star Trek: The Next Generations Season 5 on Blu-Ray is obvious. It's joined by Unification on Blu-Ray, which breaks tradition from the feature-length combinations of season finales and premieres. (It would have been "Time's Arrow.") Lastly there's Star Trek: The Original Series Origins which features 5 significant episodes of the original show, minus "City on the Edge of Forever."

The two Next Generation titles are due in November, with no date given on the classic best-of.


Choose One
August 27, 2013
Amazon: Adam West Batman Toys In Stock, Black Series 2

AmazonAmazon has some new Classic TV Batman Action Figures in stock - and we're going to start looking at these in Figure of the Day starting tomorrow. If you want to help the site, click the link below to order one - or anything on Amazon after you click - and we get a small cut. Thank you!

Riddler & Penguin each come with display stands and oversized 3x5 collector cards that look like old Topps cards. Batman and Robin come with wire capes, a batarang, and a building display base that can be hung on a wall if you're so inclined. If you watched this show as a kid, I strongly suggest you buy them. They're fun.

Also, grab new Star Wars: The Black Series pre-orders!


Review: Hasbro Transformers Generations Trailcutter

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations TrailcutterSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Black! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Trailcutter is striped, fun, and awesome - plus comes with a great comic book. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


Club Mordle Boxes Hitting

MordlesMordlesThey're Here! ToyFinity Club Mordle Membership Kits Are Arriving and we've been asked to keep the contents secret. I can say they're quite cool, the bonuses are thoughtful and a surprised unadvertised component makes the whole deal arguably worth it.

The components are similar to the 1980s and 1990s mailings from Hasbro, and we'll show you more in the very near future.


Transformers Parking Disruptions in Chicago

TransformersTransformersThe Decepticons strike again! This charming letter from Paramount about Transfomrers 4 informs Chicago's taxpayers that they can't park near their homes because of a large billion-dollar movie franchise.



Ad: Blowout Sale at Entertainment Earth Ends Tonight

Entertainment EarthSave up to 90% off at the Blowout Sale at Entertainment Earth! Over 1,000 Action Figures, Prop Replicas, Bobble Heads, and Anime Statues are on sale until tonight! Click through the links below and we earn a few cents on each of 'em - and you can save money, too!

Blowout Sale

Rock Iconz Jimi Hendrix Nostalgia Figure Statue Doctor Who TARDIS Safe Bank DC Universe Classics Wave 18 Action Figure Case The Flintstones 6-Inch Bowling Fred Flintstone Action Figure Yo Gabba Gabba Brobee Pop! Vinyl Figure Star Wars Tedn Dahai Cantina Band Mini-Bust Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina Jumbo Kenner Playset Star Wars C-3PO Holiday Waterball Ornament Star Wars Battle Droid Mini Bust Star Wars Jedi Force Single Mini-Figures Wave 1 Star Wars Omnibus Droids and Ewoks Graphic Novel Star Wars Luke Skywalker Ceremonial Jacket w/ Medal of Yavin Star Wars Commander Cody Order 66 Cold Cast Statue Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago Volume 5 Graphic Novel Star Wars Blue Clone Trooper Celebration VI Exclusive Statue

Get yours today, and collect them all!


Holy 50 Years Late, Batman
August 28, 2013
Review: Mattel Batman Classic TV Series Batman & Robin Action Figure Set

Figure of the DayMattel Batman Classic TV Series Batman & Robin Action Figure SetSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

It's here! The Mattel Batman Classic TV Series Batman & Robin Action Figure Set is what a lot of people have been wishing to own for quite some time now, and they're pretty good. I won't say they're great - let's leave it at good enough. So read on, and come back tomorrow for more!


PS3: PSN Updates

PS3Hatsune Miku Project Diva FNew to download on the Playstation 3 this week: Madden NFL 25, Killer is Dead, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Hatsune Miku Project Diva F, and Lost Planet 3.

New PSN games include Spelunky at $14.99.

New PS2 classic games this week: Crimson Sea 2 for $9.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPSpelunky New to the PSP Vita this week: Spelunky for $14.99, Floating Cloud God Saves The Pilgrims in HD! for $3.49, and The HD Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character for $2.49.

New PSP games include: Sweet Fuse: At Your Side for $24.99. Yes, it also plays on the Vita.


2D Is the New 3D
August 29, 2013
Review: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man Action Figure

Figure of the DayMattel Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Long-requested, and worth the wait! The Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man Action Figure makes your other He-Man figures look bad - there's more articulation, great deco, and more gear - plus a second head. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Nintendo Announces Non-Folding 2DS

Nintendo DSNintendo 2DSIf you're like me, you bought the original Nintendo DS in November of 2004, said "this is pretty good," shelved it, and are now considering buying a 3DS for the new Zelda game. Well, don't! The new Nintendo 2DS is a baffling un-update of the hardware removing the folding joint we've had since the GameBoy Advance SP in favor of a decidedly more 1989 aesthetic - like the GameBoy Color and its ancestors. The new system is due October 12 and does include an AC adapter. A now-essential carry case is sold separately.

The price at $129 falls under "ain't bad" - it's a cheaper way to play that new Zelda game, and as much as I hate to admit it, I really am the customer Nintendo is aiming to reach here.


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the ShadowsXbox fans, it's time to download Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, a $14.99 arcadey game. Microsoft says:

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows takes you back to how it all began. Be the four Turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael in the fight to save New York City from mutants, the Foot and Shredder. With seamless drop-in, drop-out co-op, along with team combo moves and relentless combat, this is the game fans have been waiting for."


Ad: Cheap 3rd Rock Complete, Sliders Seasons at Amazon

AmazonOrder Old TV Shows You Won't Admit Having Watched at Amazon!

$7.99, cheap. Get some other stuff, too! Just click a link, and then buy absolutely anything at Amazon - I get a cut, and it keeps the site running.

Sliders seasons are about $11-$12 and the complete Third Rock from the Sun has been hovering around $20 +/- a buck. Get while the getting is gettable!


Cleaning Woman!
August 30, 2013
Review: Onell Design Glyos Armorvor Engineer Mimic Action Figure

Figure of the DayOnell Design Glyos Armorvor Engineer Mimic Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Nice! The Onell Design Glyos Armorvor Engineer Mimic Action Figure is a worthwhile and totally sold out figure. So read on and come back tomorrow for more!


Hot Wheels Basic Cars Get Skate Punk Figure

Hot WheelsSkate PunkVia Hot Wheels Collectors: Sneak Peek: Hot Wheels Skate Punk. This is a basic car, sort of like how Hot Wheels extended what a "car" can be with helicopters and the U.S.S. Enterprise. A new Ducati and several other new castings are up to be seen - no licensed characters, but this one looks like a fun toy!


ToyFinity Orange, Purple Mordles Up

Rocks and Bugs and ThingsMoreI got mine, now you can get yours. ToyFinity Sonesidar and Nebular Mordles Are Up Now. Each pack of 10 is $12, and if you've been dragging your feet all 6 colors are still in stock as well as the Manglors eggs.

While I am not the biggest fan of collecting all colors and repaints, I have, and I like them. Worthwhile if you like this kind of thing, and if you read this, I think that you do.


Ad: Alien Faux Kenner ReAction Figures at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAlien 3 3/4-Inch ReAction Figures Set Ad: They're up! The long-awaited Alien 3 3/4-Inch ReAction Figures Set developed by Super7 are now up at Entertainment Earth. The set of 5 is at $64.99. Click here to pre-order yours now!


Nintendo Wii and Wii U Downloads This Week

WiiThe Legend of Zelda This week's Wii U offerings: PokŽmon Rumble U will be up early next week for $17.99.

The Wii U Virtual Console has The Legend of Zelda. The NES classic is $4.99 and odds are you have it on a few consoles by now.


Nintendo DSi & 3DS Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSWario Land This week's batch on the 3DS Shop:

Also up for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console: Wario Land , a $4.99 release from the GameBoy Color. It's a classic that had zombie modes before they were in vogue, but after the band En Vogue.


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