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These Marker Fumes Are Fantastic
May 3, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest! Also, be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update.

Sora BulqFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Sora Bulq Jedi Knight action figure, first (and only) released in 2006. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

Finally, Hasbro announced some new stuff. Here's what's up for pre-order, including new Vintage figures and the big AT-AT!

These new items are expected in or around August of this year. Most of these were shown at New York Toy Fair, so we've been waiting a while for these ones.

Star Wars Vintage Action Figures Wave 1 Star Wars Deluxe AT-AT Vehicle Star Wars Clone Wars Mandalorian with Speeder Bike
Star Wars Clone Wars Droids and Clone Troopers Battle Pack Star Wars Imperial Hoth Assault Action Figures Battle Pack Star Wars Clone Wars Anti-Hailfire Droid Squad Battle Pack
Star Wars Clone Wars Action Figures Wave 1 Star Wars Bespin Twin-Pod Cloud Car Vehicle Star Wars Hoth Rebel Snowspeeder Vehicle


Many New Transformers Announced, Pre-Orders Too

TransformersRenamedOver the weekend, a ton of new toys were revealed, announced, and put up for pre-order. The first batches of new stuff are on the way, finally! Here are some pictures from our corporate overlords at Entertainment Earth.

What's new? New Revenge of the Fallen: Pursuit of the Decepticons items, big Power Core Combiners sets as well as smaller ones, and some swell War for Cybertron and Generation 1-themed toys from the Transformers Generations toy line.

Transformers Generations Deluxe Figures Wave 1 Set Transformers Human Alliance Jazz with Captain Lennox Transformers Voyager Decepticon Payload
Transformers Leader Starscream Transformers Voyager Autobot Seaspray Transformers Voyager Autobot Night Ops Ratchet
Transformers Power Core Combiners Ultra Skyburst Transformers Power Core Combiners Ultra Bombshock Transformers Voyager Decepticon Banzai-Tron

The Bludgeon redeco is actually Banzai-Tron. We're pretty excited for a lot of this stuff.


G.I. Joe Convention Round-Up

G.I. JoeYo Joe!There was a big G.I. Joe convention in Rhode Island this past weekend. What did you miss?

A partial video of a presentation from Hasbro shows some new future releases, although it's worth noting that the items shown at last year's show still haven't been released yet.

Also, The Terror Drome seems to have some great panel coverage, with a lot of fun stuff you've heard and some nifty facts that were new to us. Worth a check.

But what about stuff you can buy around August of this year? Here are some new announcements/pre-orders/pictures.

G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Action Figures Wave 1 G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Vehicles Wave 1 Set G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Action Figures Wave 1
G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Mech Suit Vehicles Wave 1 G.I. Joe Resolute Exclusive Action Figures Set G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Wolf Hound Vehicle with Whiteout


Mutliplayer XBLA Castlevania Rumor

Xbox Live ArcadeHarmony of DespairA pretty exciting info-based Castlevania rumor is going around with multiplayer, hi-def 2D vampire killing on the horizon. We really hope this is true. We don't know that it is, but we're hopeful.


Write, Clean, Repeat
May 4, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsPit DroidFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Pit Droid figure which used to be worth a small fortune-- literally a couple hundred bucks. And then Hasbro rereleased them in a 2-pack for about seven bucks. Which, well, we're happy to see because it was pretty tough to get. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


PSP Darius Burst Coming to the USA

PSPDestroy Them AllIf you like your shooters with robotic sea life, this quasi-confirmation of a US release of Darius Burst should come as a piece of good news. The Japanese release last year seemed to do OK so we're quite pleased we don't need to spring for the import, although we're not sure when to expect this one to show up over here.


Old Playstation Controller Looks Like Wii Classic Controller, Smaller

PlaystationHoriGaming superstore NCS has a picture of a Playstation 1 controller not yet released outside Japan, and here's the thing-- it's tiny. The "pocket analog controller" is a dual-shock compatible (but about half the size) controller that can be used on either of the first two Playstations. As fans of strange controllers, this one is neat just because a) it's tiny and b) it looks almost exactly like Nintendo's Classic Controller for the Wii.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week: Funk Fu

WiiKung Fu FunkThis week's WiiWare offerings are Kung Fu Funk for $5/500 points (was "Funk Fu" taken?) and/or Zombie Panic in Wonderland $10/1,000 points.

There are no Virtual Console games this week.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: 5 Games

Nintendo DSCrazy GolfThere are five downloadable games this week. These include: BLOONS, Sokomania, 1001 Crystal Mazes Collection, Bounce & Break, and Crazy Golf. Most are $5/500 points, or less. Crazy Golf (pictured) sounds interesting, as it seems to involve things like pencils and paper airplanes. It seems like some freak Mac shareware project from the 1980s.


Everything Is Healing Nicely
May 5, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsIG-88Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the IG-88 figure from a few lines ago. At the time, it was quite the improvement-- but has been lapped a few times over by the "vintage" version. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Extensive Botcon Breakdown Gallery, First Sky-Bite Pics

TransformersBreakdownFirst up: a great gallery of Botcon G2 Breakdown got out, and boy is it gorgeous. Just look at it!

Also, auctions for what appear to be Sky-Bite and some manner of Sharkticon have surfaced on Taobao, and they look pretty neat. Check 'em out.


Pete's Japanese Travelblog

16bit.comWowOur friend Pete went to Japan! Check out this Axel Foley Be@rbrick he got with a Pepsi and various other adventures.


River City Ransom (Custom?) Figures

Video GamesSushi Is GoodThese custom (we think) River City Ransom toys were shown at a recent convention in Japan. And here they are! Click through to see some pictures of them.


Watched Golf
May 5, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsDllr NepFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Dllr Nep figure from about a month ago. It was slated to be a Wal-Mart item... and then it became an online exclusive. And here it is. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Two New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeRaystorm HDXbox 360 owners, it's time for Raystorm HD, a $15/1200 point update of a fun but rarely played shooter. It's worth a look, certainly consider giving the demo a spin.

Also available for the same price is Zeno Clash which, from its description, is a tougher nut to crack. Apparently it's another FPS. Well, there you go.


Devo New Album Release Date

DevoDevoJune 15, 2010. That's the day that, according to Prefix Magazine, the new Devo album will hit. It'll be called "Something for Everyone" and it's the one you're currently voting on as to what songs will make the cut.


The Japanese NES Max: Famicom BPS Max

Video GamesTurboIf you're anything like us, your controller of choice during the NES days was the NES Max. It's also possible you, like us, thought it was developed by Ascii like the NES Advantage. Nope! Turns out the original Famicom release of the controller was made by Bullet-Proof Software and was called BPS Max. We know this because NCS has a bunch of them for sale in the original packaging, and it's quite the nifty thing to feast one's eyes on.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild WestFull games this week include Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West for $14.99, and that's about it.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPFat Princess: Fistful Of CakeFull games this week include Fat Princess: Fistful Of Cake, Armored Core Last Raven, What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord!? 2, and Iron Man 2 The Video Game. These range $14.99 to $29.99.

PSPMinis include Sneezies, One Two Boat Racing, Ramen Heaven, and Finger Connection. Each is $1.99-$2.99.

PSOne titles include Star Wars Dark Forces. It is $5.99.


That Was a Surprise
May 7, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsLuke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise) figure from 2009, a the best one yet. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


New Godzilla Model Revealed?

GodzillaGodzilla 2010?Real or fake, some really cool new Godzilla design pictures are up and they do seem to be the next step beyond the last generation of the big green guy. Take a look! If real, they certainly seem like they would inspire some great toys.


Rise of the Apes Dated for Next Year

MoviesApes MaA bunch of outlets including Reuters say that the Planet of the Apes prequel called Rise of the Apes is coming to theaters in June 2011. Supposedly it's a total reimagining of the ape uprising, as awesomely portrayed in the classic Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. We don't expect it to be as cool, but we'll see it.


The Complete Daria Hits Next Week

DVDReally?Sure all of the music has likely been replaced, but the DVDs for Daria: The Complete Series hit May 11. 8 DVDs, so odds are it'll be a little compressed, but SRP is $70 and it seems the going rate is closer to $47. That's a lot of TV for $47, even if the Buffalo Daughter and Mothers of Invention tracks may be removed.


It's All The Same To Me
May 10, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest! Also, be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update.

SandtrooperFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Sandtrooper figure from the Evolutions line and, later, Saga Legends. It's a pretty good one-- but is it good enough? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Burger King Has Giant Iron Man Figure

MarvelPretty BigOn Friday we went to Burger King for lunch-- as is the way of our people-- and snagged a "Construct N Play Iron Man" which gives you the parts to build a 7-inch Iron Man figure. It's worth it as a kid's meal toy, if you just want a nifty Iron Man for your desk at the office this is about as good as you can hope for, but it clearly doesn't hold a candle to the likes of a Toy Biz or Hasbro figure. Basically you plug in the arms and legs, and press the triangle to make it fall to pieces. It's not much of a plaything, but as cheap display pieces go it works.


G.I. Joe Doom Cycle Packaged

G.I. JoeYo Joe!On eBay there's a (very expensive) first look at the G.I. Joe Pursuit Of Cobra 2010 DOOM Cycle in its box-- which is a nice box. The new Dreadnok looks a but more modern than we'd like, but hey, we like goofy. Check it out.


She-Ra's Sword Color Apparently a Matter of Concern

Masters of the UniverseShe-RaAfter some hubbub over how it'd look, confirmed they're changing the look of She-Ra's sword and we're not entirely clear as to what the fuss was over, but hey, there you go. New pictures of She-Ra, if nothing else.


To More Pristine Pastures
May 11, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsJar Jar BinksFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Jar Jar Binks figure which wasn't even good at the time. It's not common for a new character to come out and for fans to go "what really, already?" Plus it was a step down to boot. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Jurassic Park Gets More G.I. Joe Molds?

Jurassic ParkMaybe?Months after various Jurassic Park-branded Joe molds hit the web (with no official announcement still), Toy Ark has some shots of a new helicopter with a small dinosaur and, well, you do the math. Odds are these will make more noise later this year.


Botcon Gnaw or Sharkticon Pics: New Ones

TransformersSharkticonFirst up: a small gallery of what may be a Sharkticon repaint for Botcon got out, and these larger pictures seem to have been pulled from the auction. Other sites have mirrored them.

Also, achievements for War for Cybertron got out, and it gives you some insight into the game and its impending release.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week: At Least There's A Controller

WiiA New Controller ApproachesThis week's WiiWare offerings are Chess Challenge for $5/500 points and/or Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations $10/1,000 points.

There are no Virtual Console games this week. Again. But Japan is getting a massive Dragon Quest Arcade controller which is over a hundred bucks and pretty amazing as home hardware goes.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: 4 Games

Nintendo DSEWJThere are five downloadable games this week. These include: Chess Challenge, Photo Dojo, Flips: The Enchanted Wood, and Earthworm Jim. Most are $5/500 points, except Photo Dojo is free until June 10.


Pete's Japanese Travelblog: Samurai Colonel Sanders

16bit.comWowOur friend Pete went to Japan! Check out this Samurai Colonel Sanders and various other adventures.

Unrelated except it is also Japanese, NCS has tiny Egyptian artifact replica sets up for grabs.


I'd Rather Be Playing Dot Heroes
May 12, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsBattle Droid (Sliced Saga Legends)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Battle Droid (Sliced Saga Legends) figure which you likely have by now. The arms come off, you know the drill. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


G2 Botcon Clench Revealed, Awesome

TransformersClenchA small official gallery of Botcon G2 Clench is amazing. Look at it! Do you have anything this cool? Probably not.

A really slick ad for this year's show is up on YouTube and it's a very well-made, slick piece of quasi-1990s CG. Unlike the other ads they've done, it's kinda not funny. But hey, it's really nicely done.

Also, final color pics for the Bruticus combiner enhancement kits are on Fansproject and seem rather well done. As items this expensive should be.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3World Of Outlaws Sprint CarsFull games this week include World Of Outlaws Sprint Cars for $19.99, and it's not as neat as what you can get at retail.

More importantly: Atlus' English localization of 3D Dot Game Heroes has hit some US stores for $39.99. Yes, we bought it. Toys "R" Us put it out "early" and you may be able to find it now. We were in a rush and got to try a few minutes of it, but it is indeed swell and/or bitchin'.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPHarvest Moon: Hero Of Leaf ValleyFull games this week include Harvest Moon: Hero Of Leaf Valley, also Worms: Battle Islands. Worms is $12.99, Harvest Moon is $29.99.

PSPMinis include Quiz Animania, Busy Sweets Factory, and Love Cupid. Each is $1.99-$2.99.

PSOne titles weren't updated this week.


The Complete Daria $27.50 If You Can Find It

DVDReally?Best Buy has the complete series on DVD down to $27.50, and many stores are completely sold out of it. The web site is taking backorders, which may be worth your trouble given that this is a lot of cartoon for the money.


That Was Almost Good
May 13, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsSandtrooperFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Sandtrooper figure from Wal-Mart's Dewback last year. So far it's an exclusive, and a fairly remarkable new version of the popular trooper. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Two New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeRocket KnightXbox 360 owners, it's time for Rocket Knight, a $15/1200 point update of a classic Genesis title.

Also available for slightly cheaper is Things On Wheels which, from its description, involves remote control cars. It's $10/800 points.


Punch/Counterpunch Head Shots Revealed

TransformersReal NearbySome shots got out of the actual heads for Punch/Counterpunch, which looks pretty good. He's also technically pre-sold out, so yeah, who knows if you can expect to get one.


Blu-Ray Sci-Fi in September

Blu-RayTurboOver at The Digital Bits, they posted a big sci-fi update for catalog sci-fi Blu-Ray titles. Some highlights: a special edition of Predator is coming on June 29.

On September 7, Mars Attacks, Forbidden Planet, THX-1138, Lost in Space, and several other films will hit-- not bad! Although at $24.99 each, not great either.


Another Mistake
May 14, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsPadme Amidala (Ilum)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Padme Amidala (Ilum) figure from a few years ago, the first attempt at the Clone Wars snow costume. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


New Castlevania Puzzle Fighter Clone for iPhone

Video GamesSymphony of the PuzzleA number of sites including Joystiq have news and info for Konami's new iPhone game Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night. It's Symphony of the Night sprites in a Puzzle Fighter clone. Were it for any console or handheld that wasn't the iPhone, we'd be all over it.


Matty Update for Next Week

MoviesNEWA list of next week's May 17th sale items is up! Highlights: Optikk, Walter Peck, Tytus, and a Mer-Man reissue. In case you were curious, these items will sell out before you can get to them.


Boring Girls
May 17, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest! Also, be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update.

BARC TrooperFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the BARC Trooper figure from the 2008 Order 66 packs and, later, Saga Legends. The kids loved this one! Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Botcon Sky-Bite Officially Revealed

TransformersSky-Bite, That's Him!On Botcon's site, there are now official images of G2 Sky-Bite and he looks pretty swell. He's an Energon Sharkticon repaint with a new head, and the final of 5 figures in the set. Also interesting: he's a Predacon!

...and at press time, Botcon registration is not available. But the show is in about a month.


Orko's Bio Revealed, He's Nibbler Now

Masters of the UniverseMagical Elite, My EyeOfficial shots are making the rounds of Orko in his packaging! Poe Ghostal posted the shots and we're pleased to see Orko has a slightly more ornate backstory than "Trollan Spaz." Although it does sound a little bit like Futurama. From the package back:

After the rise of the Horde Empire, evil again outweighed the forces of good in the five dimensions. So in every generation, a Cosmic Warrior was recruited by the Overlords of Trolla to fight against evil. Each was given the Sword of He, a weapon infused with the Power of the Universe. They were also assigned a Trollan guide to watch over and advise them in their quests. On the planet of Eternia, after five centuries of being split in two, the Trollan Power Sword was at long last joined and bequeathed to an heir worthy of itıs power ­ Prince Adam of the royal household. Orko, a member of the Trollan magical elite, was assigned to watch over Adam. Although he was a powerful mage on Trolla, the hidden mystic properties of Eternia turned his magic into little more than entertaining tricks, which he uses to entertain his friends and remain undercover.

There are only five dimensions because everyone knows the ruler of the Sixth Dimension is King Fausto.


"Movie" Quick Kick on eBay

MarvelQuick KickThis auction is over but you can still see the images for the upcoming Quick Kick figure. This isn't the first "modern" one as a previous version was in the DVD packs from a couple of years back, and was pretty good if we do say so.


I'm Sick (Not Really)
May 18, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsJar Jar BinksFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the 181st Squadron TIE Pilot figure is essentially what Baron Fel should have looked like. It's a 2004 pilot with new coloring-- and it's nice. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Botcon 2010 Box Art

TransformersBoxy LadyHot damn! The Botcon 2010 Set Box Art has been revealed, and it is gorgeous. The pinks! The yellows! The explosions! Truly, this is the box of the year of the week. Check it out, and cross your fingers we get a wallpaper of this one.


Tytus and Optikk Sold Out Too Fast Again

Masters of the UniverseEvilDid you forget to order Optikk and Tytus yesterday? Well, too damn bad because Mattycollector sold through in under 20 minutes. At press time, the Mer-Man reissue is still available, as is Walter Peck from Ghostbusters. Who should be available for a while.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week: VC Returns

WiiSchlorfThis week's WiiWare offerings are Bit.Trip Runner for $8/800 points and/or Blood Beach for $10/1,000 points.

The Virtual Console is back with the Super NES title Kirby Super Star, which is, well, super. It's $8/800 Wii points.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: 4 Games

Nintendo DSBloody HorowitzesFour games this week. Choose from Looksley's Line Up for $5/500 points and/or Frogger Returns for the same price. If you're cheap, you can get A Topsy Turvy Life: Turvy Drops and/or Flips: More Bloody Horowitz for $2/200 points each.


Two New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeSecret of Monkey Island: Special EditionXbox 360 owners, the LucasArts remake of Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is on sale for Gold Live members for half price-- $5/400 points. Arguably, well worth it.


Thudnercats Toy License Squandered

ToysLateThundercats are coming back! Check out this press release confirming that our long wait was for statues, and not actual toys. Icon Heroes is making "Staction Figures" and you may recall that's what NECA billed its figure-sized statues of Masters of the Universe as when the Mattel 2002 line folded hard. Hard Hero was already producing large, higher-end statues, so we have to assume these are going to be cheaper consumer-grade items for $20-$30. It's unfortunate Mattel didn't get it, this is a Matty-friendly line if we've ever seen one. We mean, seriously, who cares if they're doing vehicle replicas if you can't put figures in the damned things?

...we used James Lipton because he wrote the Thundercats theme song. Really.


Ad: Entertainment Earth Has DC Universe Wave 15

Entertainment EarthAd: DC Universe Wave 15 is coming! This August, you can get Martian Manhunter, Jemm, Starman, Omac, and many more-- just click through to order your individual Mattel action figures and/or cases now!

DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Figures DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Revision 1 Figures

At Least I Got Some Work Done
May 19, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsAntares DracoFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Antares Draco figure from 2008's comic pack line. He was a slower seller, so you might even be able to find him today. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Rocket KnightFull games this week include Rocket Knight for $14.99, also The Price Is Right for $9.99 and a new update in the Sam & Max subscription.

PSOne titles for $5.99 include Bomberman Fantasy Race which we don't remember either.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPPrince Of Persia: The Forgotten SandsFull games this week include Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, also... that's it. The new game is $39.99.

PSPMinis include Manic Monkey Mayhem and Supermarket Mania. Each is $4.99.

PSOne titles for $5.99 include Bomberman Fantasy Race which we don't remember either.


Official LEGO Blind Box Series 2, Advent Calendar Shots

LEGOReally? First up: new blind box shots! Check out The Brothers Brick and/or Brickset for a glimpse at these awesome new releases for later this year.

New Advent calendars were revealed, confirming the naked showering Santa Claus is indeed coming and we hope you pre-ordered yours now. A Castle set is also on the way and if history is any indication, it will not receive significant wide release in the USA.


Space Invaders Wedding Invitation

Video GamesWowYou may have seen it, but if you haven't, you simply must check out a Space Invaders-themed wedding invite. It's certainly one of the most creative things we've seen this week.


I Need More Time
May 20, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsAsajj VentressFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Asajj Ventress figure the 2008 comic pack line. She came with a dud of a sidekick, but as comic versions of Asajj go she's pretty good. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Two New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeMetal Slug XXXbox 360 owners, it's time for Metal Slug XX, a $15/1200 point arcade blast-fest.

Also available for slightly cheaper is Aqua which involves both boats and guns. It's $10/800 points.

Finally the Game Room had another pack of DLC released. If you like rebuying Intellivision games for more than the cartridge is worth.


New Devo June 15

DevoDevoDevo announced the track listing for "Something for Everyone," their first new album since the questionably received "Smoothnoodlemaps" from the 1990s. It is as follows:

1. Fresh
2. What We Do
3. Please Baby Please
4. Don't Shoot (I'm a Man)
5. Mind Games
6. Human Rocket
7. Sumthin'
8. Step Up
9. Cameo
10. Later Is Now
11. No Place Like Home
12. March On


Ultrasaurus Is Just Too Damned Big
May 21, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsR2-D2 (Dagobah)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the R2-D2 (Dagobah) figure from the Jedi Training on Dagobah Battle Pack. He looks like he had a little accident. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


New Unicron, Power Core Combiner Huffer Get New Heads

TransformersHuff ThisHead #1: Combined Mode Power Core Combiners Huffer is surprisingly retro-ish in appearance. Check out that crest! We are pleased.

Also exciting is ToyHobby Unicron, which is head #2. He has a movie-based head, and is repainted to look like the film. It is, of course, the Armada Unicron body, but painted in a old-timey way for a price closer to $110 US. It is expected to be a low, made-to-order run, so we're currently waffling on what to do here. If you love us, you'll buy us one. We don't know if we love us enough yet given the many Unicron toys we already have in our offices.


Sonic 4 Delayed

SegaNEWEverybody seems to be reporting Sonic 4 has been delayed and iPhone development has also started. Coincidence?


Craig Kilborn Gets New Show, Probably Not In Your Market

TVNEWThird time is the charm! Fox is giving Craig Kilborn a new show in under 10 markets-- but they're pretty good markets. The Kilborn File sounds kinda like Chelsea Lately with its panels and whatnot, only it won't be on as much and Matt Braunger will likely not be on it. But we thought you'd like to know this tidbit, so there you are. Also, we needed a filler story.


Some Other Thing Instead
May 24, 2010
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest! Also, be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update.

Plo KoonFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Plo Koon figure from the Legacy line last year! He has way more than you ever thought you would need in this figure. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

Finally, one more essential link: Rebelscum has a quick packaged gallery of the mail-in rocket firing Boba Fett figure for your perusal. Do check this preview out.


Japanese Animated Grimlock Gallery

TransformersGrimlock!A Japanese fan site has a gallery of of Japanese Animated Grimlock and he looks like an improvement, with a red Autobot logo, some silver paint, and a slightly more vibrant feel.

Also, some more knock-offs are coming in China. This is why we can't have nice things.


Mini-Gallery of Limited Edition Guylos Zoids Repaints

ZoidsGreenWe've mentioned these in passing before, but these Guylos Zoids on Flickr were too neat to not show you again. Twin Horn, Malder, Iguanus, Molga, Gator, and Wardick were all cast in black and ridiculously bright green plastics, and we simply must find a way to get them. Check them out!


Guess Who I Saw Get Yelled At
May 25, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsClone Trooper (Space Gear)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Clone Trooper (Space Gear) figure. Take a basic Clone body, add a bunch of stuff, and paint to taste. The end result? Pretty dang swell. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Meet 2010 Unicron's New Buddy: Bug Again

TransformersBugIt's Bug! And you were hoping for a new character. The 2010 Unicron page has updated with shots of the planet mode and Unicron's little buddy, Bug. That was also his name in Micron Legend over in Japan, so... more of the same. Check out Bug and Unicron's planet mode, and then be upset every importer is pre-sold out of this item like we are.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week: VC Gone Again

WiiBrightThis week's WiiWare offerings are ArtStyle: light trax for $6/600 points, Manic Monkey Mayhem for $8/800 points, and/or Viral Survival for $5/500 points.

The Virtual Console is on break again, apparently they released every possible game from every vintage console ever made. Who knew?


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: 4 Games

Nintendo DSMetal TorrentFour games this week. Choose from Advanced Circuits for $5/500 points and/or World Poker Tour Texas Hold 'Em for the same price. If you're cheap, you can get Advanced Circuits for $2/200 points and right folks with $8/800 points can get Real Crimes: Jack the Ripper.


Ich Bin Ein Locator, Baby
May 26, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsChewbaccaFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Chewbacca figure from 2008's comic pack line. He was a slower seller, so you might even be able to find him today. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Mega Man Model Kit, New Enough

Video GamesWowKotobukiya is cranking out this Mega Man Model Kit for about $30. You have to build it and everything, but it's super-articulated and about 5-inches tall-- so basically everything you'd want in a Revoltech figure, for example, except it's going to gobble up more of your time to make it.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3SoldnerFull games this week include Soldner X-2 for $12.99, also Super Stacker for $9.99.

PSOne titles for $5.99 include Delta Force Urban Warfare which, as usual, we don't remember either.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPHexyzFull games this week include Hexyz Force and ModNation Racers each for $29.99, also Pinball Heroes Bundle 2 is $9.99.

PSPMinis include VT Tennis and Robin Hood: The Return of Richard. Each is $4.99.

PSOne titles for $5.99 include Delta Force Urban Warfare which, as usual, we don't remember either.


David Cross Releases New Album

ComedyNew For fans of his style of comedy, you'll be happy to know David Cross released the CD Bigger & Blackerer this week. It has a poster in it, apparently, and we're told it's pretty good so far. Check iTunes or your local better record shops, assuming you have any left.


Salad-Eatin' Bitches
May 27, 2010
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsRed Leader Garven DreisFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Red Leader Garven Dreis figure the now-legendary Scramble on Yavin Battle Pack. Not only is he super-articulated, but he's short still for this second release. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


New Venture Bros. 21, 24 Figure Pre-Orders

Venture Bros.21, 24Pre-orders went up for the Comic-Con Exclusive 21 and 24 Action Figures for Bif Bang Pow/Venture Bros./Entertainment Earth/etc. The pair is $39.99 and from what we've seen up-close, they're looking sharp.


Three New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeDoom IIXbox 360 owners, it's time for Doom II, a $10/800 point arcade blast-fest. The first one was $5, but oh well.

Also available is Voodoo Dice which will corrupt your soul we think. It's $10/800 points.

Finally, there's Ben 10 Alien Force: The Rise of Hex which we don't get because we're not under 12. It's $10/800 points.


New Mothra Revoltech Figure

GodzillaMosuraA blog posted some great shots of a Revoltech Mothra action figure coming to the Asian market later in the year. It looks really cool and has a nice display base, too! We are impressed.


New Frightening Jay Leno Bobble Head Is A Thing

ComedyJay LenoThis exists! An oddly shaped Jay Leno Bobble Head is a real thing that actually exists for $19. And NBC never gave us Conan stuff.


New Coolio Cooking Book Also A Thing

MusicCoolioAlso real, Cookin' with Coolio: 5 Star Meals at a 1 Star Price. Well "new" as in "last year" but new if you haven't seen it yet. An excerpt from this feature: "chapter four is titled 'Salad-Eatin' Bitches." You are welcome.


Still Not Quite Functional
May 31, 2010
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest! Also, be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update.

Battle Droid (Orange)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Battle Droid (Orange) figure from the 30th Anniversary line (and later Legacy)! We also added Wes Janson, and he does look a little goofy. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Ad: Entertainment Earth Has New Vintage Star Wars

Entertainment EarthAd: Want to see pictures and case breakdowns for Hasbro's Vintage Collection Wave 2 and another exciting batch of The Clone Wars? (Yes, you do.) The new Mace Windu comes with a bomb inside Jango's helmet. The new General Grievous has pockets for lightsabers. You want to see pictures-- so click through to Entertainment Earth for those in addition to pricing and availability! (And you may need to scroll some.)

Star Wars Vintage Action Figures Wave 2 Star Wars Clone Wars Action Figures Wave 3

New War for Cybertron Bumblebee Gallery

TransformersBee!Fan S250 (via TFW2005) has a gallery of of War for Cybertron Bumblebee and he has a swell blaster. Check it out!


Michael Bay To Rape More Childhoods (Not Really)

TMNTGreenSo anyway, the news got out that Michael Bay has been tapped to do another kidvid reboot and this time it's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. All we can say is that we're curious to see how they turn out.


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We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.