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RIP David Johansen
March 3, 2025
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Painting Star Wars and Nute-ism (and Toy Fair next time probably). It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.


Classic Review: Hasbro Transformers Universe Deluxe Class Decepticon Drag Strip

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Universe Deluxe Class Decepticon Drag StripSomething new every day-- but this was posted 10 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Posted 10 years ago! The Hasbro Transformers Universe Deluxe Class Decepticon Drag Strip is from 2008, back when it seemed Hasbro was never going back to "Classics" and any figure we got, even a repaint, was cause for celebration. This skinny Stunticon was based on the existing Mirage mold, and it's a pretty neat figure unto itself. Articulation was good, color was good, and it didn't look exactly like the original. We've since gotten multiple Drags Strip, including two that can actually combine - but this one ain't bad. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!


New York Toy Fair Pictures: The Loyal Subjects (and more)

Toy Fair 2025I'm almost ready to go home as I post this. It was a short one! The show continues, and I'll be posting pictures until supplies or bloggers are exhausted.

The Loyal Subjects Breakfast: M.A.S.K.
Toy Fair 2025 - Setup Toy Fair 2025 - Setup

The Loyal Subjects showcases M.A.S.K. at a media breakfast, and it was cool. (Of course it was.) The "remastered" toys are Kenner-sized, but with more painted detail - like eyes! - and supposed quality of life improvements. Ex-Hasbro Transformers people Ben Montano and John Warden shared that these toys should hold up to sandbox play - which certainly sounds like good news. Figures have more articulation, like ball-jointed hips and better shoulders, and that's a good thing..

The Loyal Subjects Breakfast: Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Carmen Sandiego, Popples, Jem, My Pet Monster, My Buddy
Toy Fair 2025 - Setup Toy Fair 2025 - Setup

The Loyal Subjects showcased Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Carmen Sandiego, Popples, Jem, My Pet Monster, My Buddy too. They do a good business in girls toys and dolls - which is not something I am fully fluent in, but I was delighted to see so many things I could share with friends and loved ones. New Popples! Supposedly those are due in 2026. I hope they pick up some more brands, because bringing back old toys as new toys for parents to buy for their kids seems like a pretty great idea. It certainly makes me happy.

Other galleries will be added as soon as I can get them done, and will be highlighted here on the front page over the next few days.


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


What Is This, a Robot for Ants?
March 4, 2024
Review: Hasbro Transformers Legacy Selects Voyager Antagony Action Figure

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Legacy Selects Voyager Antagony Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Back in black. Hasbro Transformers Legacy Selects Voyager Antagony Action Figure is a pretty cheap revival of an old, super-rare BotCon exclusive. And I'd argue it's probably better than the original even though it lacks firing rockets or blender butt mechanisms. The bug sculpt is nice, the alternate robot head is excellent, and odds are you missed her the first time around - so this is a nice cheap alternative. Read on!


New York Toy Fair Highlights: LBO's Yo Monsta! and Wilder Toys Console Heroes

Toy Fair 2025Back from New York and editing the photo galleries, most of which are up. Here are today's highlights.

Console Heroes
Toy Fair 2025 - Console Heroes! Toy Fair 2025 - Console Heroes!

At EE Distribution, you might have seen Console Heroes. VHS tapes and Sega Genesis cartridges (and consoles) opened up to reveal miniature figures and playsets. As a concept, it's about as 16-bit as they get. Altered Beast, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Stranger Things were some of the concepts shown. Heck, there's even Super Street Fighter II. Retail pre-orders are not yet available, but if you have a wholesale account with EE Distribution, perhaps you should give them a call.

LBO: Yo Monsta!
Toy Fair 2025 - Yo Monsta! Toy Fair 2025 - Yo Monsta!

LBO showcased a new brand concept. Yo Monsta! at the Disburst booth. A 3 3/4-inch action figure series was shown... as well as concepts for a cartoon, a toy car to go with the figures, and a cool boombox accessory. New action figure IP is rare, especially retro, and even more especially something a kid might enjoy. This may have been one of the most exciting new concepts at the show, mostly because I haven't seen anything else quite like it. And it looks like a lot of fun!


Nintendo World Championships: Week 34

Nintendo SwitchFightVia Nintendo: Competition #34 is on now in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. This was a fun one.

This week:
Door to Door (Super Mario Bros. 2) - in which you stop, drop, and roll over to the right.

Hammer Bro KO (Super Mario Bros. 3) - in which you get hammer'd.

Axe to Grind (Super Mario Bros) - in which you so long, eh Bowser.

Walloping Whispy Woods (Kirby's Adventure) - in which don't hug the tree.

Darknut Dustup (The Legend of Zelda) - in which you bid bad guys good knight.

I got some fast trophies last night, so be sure to give this one a spin.


RIP George Lowe
March 5, 2025
Star Wars Review: Dedra Meero (The Vintage Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Dedra Meero (The Vintage Collection). This is a good figure and should tie nicely into Andor, should she still be available when it airs. The articulation is good, the sculpting is nice, and she doesn't look too much like any other ISB agents you may already own. Read the whole review.


Review: Mattel Hot Wheels Mini Truck

Figure of the DayMattel Hot Wheels Mini TruckSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Not new, but cool! I got the Mattel Hot Wheels Mini Truck last year. It's covered in speakers, and of course a lot of words. It's really cool for an older car, and also so cheap you can afford to buy one if you find it. Read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


New York Toy Fair Highlights: LBO's Marmals and Super7

Toy Fair 2025Let's continue to dig through my camera from last weekend. Here are today's highlights.

Console Heroes
Toy Fair 2025 - Super7 Toy Fair 2025 - Super7

Based out of San Francisco, Super7 does not disappoint. I wanted to edit everything before I got home, so these galleries are a bit more spare on text - but let me tell you, the O-ringy ReAction+ Figures looked great. Back to the Future, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dracula, and The Wolfman joined G.I. Joe and Micronauts. And at $20 you too can give two f***s for Bela. Fun! Fun! is a new vinyl line that seems to mix and match Funko's packaging with a dash of Fisher-Price branding, with really good sculpts and a nice character selection including the oddly ascendant Garfield. Normal ReAction Figures continue with Gremlins 2: The New Batch, and you'll even see Big Bird packaged with Snuffy. And Phil Lynott! (I assume you have or are looking for Thin Lizzy records.)

Toy Fair 2025 - Marmals Toy Fair 2025 - Marmals

There were a bunch of booths for new and emerging concepts. One of these was Marmals, which are basically magnetic figures made like white boards. You can draw and color on them, and wipe them off. The magnets are in the body only - the metal in the limbs, I was told, won't stick to other limbs. I am told this is much safer for kids. There were alternate shoes, hats, and other gear. It's a neat idea, and because the toy industry is tough it might be hard to get it to stick without licensing - but it was really fun to mess around with. I'd suggest looking at it, especially if you're in the biz and want to lend them your brand.


Ad: Amazon gets Transformers Fisitron and Carnivac

AmazonFightAd: Transformers Age of The Primes Wreck Ôn Doom Collection Fisitron and Carnivac 5.5-inch Converting Action Figure 2-Pack, Robot Toys, Ages 8+ (Amazon Exclusive) is coming in August. (And yes, this is a sponsored link.) Click it, and you can buy this set for about $49.99. It's due to ship in August 2025.

The 'bot also known as Ironfist is based on Detritus and Hound, while Carnivac is based on a Weirdwolf toy from 2016. There are lots of new parts, but more importantly it's as close as Last Stand of the Wreckers fans got to getting an Ironfist based on the comic. So why not grab one?


Ad: New G.I. Joe and Transformers at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: A lot of new items from Toy Fair are up for pre-order, like G.I. Joe Classified Series Snake Eyes 6-Inch Action Figure with Polar Bear. Some returning favorites are also up, like Transformers Generations Legacy Deluxe Dead End. Check out some newness, some classics, and some new versions of classics. It's a pretty good selection.

Transformers Generations Age of the Primes Deluxe Combaticon Vortex Transformers Generations Age of the Primes Deluxe Decepticon Crasher Transformers Generations Age of the Primes Deluxe The Thirteen Alchemist Prime Transformers Generations Legacy Deluxe Dead End G.I. Joe Classified Series Search & Rescue Firefighter 6-Inch Action Figure G.I. Joe Classified Series Retro Cardback Tele-Viper 6-Inch Action Figure G.I. Joe Classified Series Snake Eyes 6-Inch Action Figure with Polar Bear G.I. Joe Classified Series Retro Cardback Courtney Cover Girl Krieger 6-Inch Action Figure G.I. Joe Classified Series Retro Cardback Flint 6-Inch Action Figure

Notes About the Gruel
March 6, 2025
Review: Mattel He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Cartoon Collection Ram-Man Action Figure

Figure of the DayMattel He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Cartoon Collection Ram-Man Action Figures ReAction FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

I wish it had the mechanism! The Mattel He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Cartoon Collection Ram-Man Action Figure is great and looks exactly like you might hope. But he can't spring or anything. He has a statue of Shipoopi, but no axe or alternate heads or anything. I like this figure a lot, but it's not the "toy" figure - you may want both despite their similarities. Cartoon Rammy is a bit taller. Do read on, and come back tomorrow for more fun!


New York Toy Fair Highlights: Hasbro Kid Stuff Gets Interesting

Toy Fair 2025Let's continue to dig through my camera from last weekend. Disguises are involved!

Toy Fair 2025 - Hasbro VenomVersus Toy Fair 2025 - Hasbro VenomVersus

Since everybody shot the collector Marvel stuff, I snapped a couple of shots of a very cool Hasbro VenomVersus playset for the Epic World of Action (formerly Epic Hero Series) line. There's a pizza place in it! And a big symbiote! Also if you look closely, you'll see a Spider-Gwen hiding in the background of these 4-inch shelves. It's a neat line, and if you want to buy toys - we're toy collectors, remember - this is a line worth checking out.

Hasbro Transformers Cyberworld
Toy Fair 2025 - Hasbro Transformers Cyberworld Toy Fair 2025 - Hasbro Transformers Cyberworld

And on that note, Hasbro Transformers Cyberworld may also be fun for kids and people who like toys. Depending on a few factors, the basic guys are probably going to be about ten bucks with bigger toys like Grimlock and Scorponok designed as ridable vehicle/playset things. This should be fun. A Bull Megatron joins a Sky-Byte with wheels. There are some fun wacky redesigns here and tons of nods to other lines over the past few decades. If you are buying stuff for actual kids, give these a look. And then maybe buy some for you, you've been good.


Ad: New Daredevil and Star Wars at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: More newness! Synergy arrives with Daredevil: Born Again Marvel Legends Series Daredevil 6-Inch Action Figure, and other new items like Star Wars The Vintage Collection Momaw Nadon Deluxe 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure and Star Wars The Black Series Cassian Andor (Sienar Test Pilot) 6-Inch Action Figure should be of interest.

Star Wars The Vintage Collection Momaw Nadon Deluxe 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Vintage Collection Imperial Armored Commando Deluxe 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Vintage Collection Ponda Baba 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Moff Gideon (Dark Trooper Armor) 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Imperial Praetorian Guard 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Cassian Andor (Sienar Test Pilot) 6-Inch Action Figure Star Wars The Black Series Director Orson Krennic 6-Inch Action Figure Daredevil: Born Again Marvel Legends Series Daredevil 6-Inch Action Figure

Private Equity Buys Walgreens
March 7, 2025
Star Wars Review: Anakin Skywalker (Flashback/Dream Sequence, The Vintage Collection)

Star WarsVia the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Anakin Skywalker (Flashback/Dream Sequence, The Vintage Collection). It's a pretty good figure - and something of an improvement over the "realistic" take on the costume from over a decade ago. You can see how far sculpting and painting have come in 13 years, but your memory of the old one might be that it's fine, and therefore, not worth replacing. If you got $17 to burn this is a pretty nice figure, though. Read the whole review.


He-Ro Pre-Orders Live

Masters of the UniverseHe-RoVia Mattel Creations: Masters of the Universe Origins He-Ro Figure. $20, vac-metal armor, and comes out in April.

I might be late to the game, but it's been quite a week.


Nintendo Switch This Week

Nintendo SwitchArcade Archives DEAD CONNECTION This week's batch of titles on the eShop: Suikoden I&II HD Remaster, Carmen Sandiego, Arcade Archives DEAD CONNECTION, and over a dozen more.


New York Toy Fair Highlights: Furry Wheels

Toy Fair 2025Everything I'm going to post is up, so go poke through it! Here are the last highlights.

Mattel Hot Wheels Racerverse
Toy Fair 2025 - Mattel Hot Wheels Racerverse Toy Fair 2025 - Mattel Hot Wheels Racerverse

Collector sites don't seem to cover Hot Wheels Racerverse and they should - they missed Donald Duck, Goofy, R2-D2, Red Hulk, and lots of other cool stuff.

Hasbro Furby
Toy Fair 2025 - Hasbro Furby Toy Fair 2025 - Hasbro Furby

Hasbro Furby was full of surprises with a Reese's flavored Furblet and some $3.99 Furby Minis. Cheap toys are hard to find, so seeing Hasbro try another sub-$5 item is really heartening.


Stop Dragon My Heat Around
March 10, 2025
Star Wars Q&A at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted Q&A: Star Wars at Toy Fair, Production Sizes, and Kid Stuff. It's new! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for the next thrilling update! We now have one for next week.


Classic Review: Banimon Red Army T-011 Bunkerbuster Tank Vehicle

Figure of the DayBanimon Red Army T-011 Bunkerbuster Tank VehicleSomething new every day-- but this was posted 10 years ago today! Our exciting Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Posted 10 years ago! The Banimon Red Army T-011 Bunkerbuster Tank Vehicle is a great little vehicle, and one you can't quite get anymore. The Banimon Shop is still up with items similar to this one, but in different colors - they're still priced well, and pretty satisfying for an indie toy. Give it a look! Do read on, and come back tomorrow for a new one!


Four Horsemen: Giant Mythic Legions Dragon Crowdfund

ToysBEYITHIRR, THE PILLAR OF THE WESTVia Store-Horsemen: PRE-ORDER - BEYITHIRR, THE PILLAR OF THE WEST - Dragon Action Figure. This crowdfund figure starts at $550, with add-on wings, fire breathing elements, and stretch goals - a fully-loaded one is about $1000. Why so much? It's huge. At 22-inches high and 31-inches long, it's one of the biggest action figure toys in recent memory with massive sculpted detail and more paint than a whole wave of action figures. With 50 points of articulation it's massive, and hopefully capable of standing under its own weight. It sounds absolutely massive, but this has been a line that doesn't tend to do a lot of shortcuts.

If it sells 2,000 units by April 6, it will exist.


Support and Galactic Hunter via Patreon

16bit.comWe're taking donations for server costs! Really. One of the rewards is Q&A a few days early - you can read next Monday's installment as soon as it's ready, which can be as early as 1:00 AM my time on Monday!

Become a Patron!

If you've got a dollar a month to share, please Visit the Galactic Hunter Patreon and help cover our server costs. I'll still put in hours of work, writing, photography, and research - I just need some help making sure that the site costs me only time, and hopefully not money. Thanks for your support!


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We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.