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Death Ends Fun
November 1 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 178

It's a concept, but not necessarily a great one. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the 1998 Cloud Car Pilot (Expanded Universe) action figure from the Power of the Force vehicle collection. He's short, he's green, and he's not a design anybody really asked for in the first place. Should you care? Read on!

Also, we found the Target Exclusive Mace Windu's Attack Battallion Battle Pack yesterday. It's $19.99 and includes 3 Clone Troopers, 1 Clone Commander, and Mace Windu. (It's worth it.)


LEGO Too Popular??

DVDLimitedAfter years of worries of being unprofitable, of not selling enough units, and of generally having financial woes, it seems LEGO didn't make enough toys this year. Oops.


Final Fantasy XII For DS; Wii Virtual Console Game Details

videogamesLimitedApparently they're going to milk XII for all it's worth. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings is coming to Nintendo DS and The Magic Box posted a number of details on their October 31 update. It seems pretty specific to those who played the game, so go ahead and read the details there.

Also, the first wave of Wii Virtual Console Games has been revealed. These are the pay-per-download games Nintendo is using to do what people haven't been smart enough to do, and that's to offer their back catalog of software so people have an option beyond pirating it or eBay. Read the story at GameSpot. (It also reveals pricing on TurboGrafx-16 and Geness titles.) It's a real mixed bag. Super NES Sim City? Blech. (But they did put up the classic Gunstar Heroes, Legend of Zelda, and a few other goodies.)


Transformers Universe Micromasters Dumped at CVS?

TransformersFinallyAfter hearing reports, we went and looked for ourselves-- various Kay-Bee exclusive Transformers toys are showing up at CVS drug stores. We sotted the Railbots trains for $5.29 each-- which is a little high considering Kay-Bee was charging $3.99 each, which many also considered to be a little high. We have heard of sightings of the Superion set of jets but have not yet seen confirmation ourselves.


All New
November 2 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 179

What a novel trooper! Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the 1998 Spacetrooper (Expanded Universe) action figure from the Power of the Force set-- specifically, Heir to the Empire. He's got a wrist gun, ball jointed shoulders, and he's tall. What more can you expect? Read on!


G.I. Joe Sigma 6 Sale at Target

G.I. JoeNeetTarget stores are offering a sale price on seemingly all Sigma 6 products. From figures to mini-vehicles to guns, everything is a couple of bucks off, give or take. Check stores for availability and pricing, as new stuff has hit like the black Cobra Commander, the new Kamakura with glider, and other exciting new releases.


Children of Mana Early Impressions

videogamesLimitedWe managed to do some hunting during lunch and snagged a copy of the new Mana title, and there were precious few pre-launch reviews of this new Square-Enix title. After a little goofing around, we're not overwhelmingly pleased yet. The words "dungeon crawler" were tossed around and damned if we're not reminded of the old Dungeons of Doom shareware game as we played it.


Transformers Classics Grimlock Advance Look

TransformersFinallyAllspark member TheMightyMollusk posted impressions and pictures of Grimlock, or to be more precise, a test shot he got somehow. The real deal is due within a month, but it's totally worth seeing this advance peek at what might be a really fun toy.


Ad: New Hasbro Arrivals & More

Entertainment EarthTrek PhaserBuy some stuff! Yay for advertising and commerce! The new Star Trek Phaser is back in stock while supplies last. It's based on the original TV show and is pretty awesome. It was available last year and sold out-- and it's not yet known if it'll come back next year.

And as always, buying through these shameless plugs means we get a nickel or two, and we appreciate your shined nickels and loose change.

Shag Pirate Boy Titanium Figures V for Vendetta Mask Serenity Ornament

From left to right: Shag Pirates of the Caribbean Pirate Boy Vinyl Figure, Titanium Figures C-3PO & General Grievous (In Stock), V for Vendetta Mask, Serenity Ornament. Thanks for reading! (But mostly stuffing our coffers.)


November 6 2006
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on for Q&A action. It got what you need.

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

Yoda R4-M9 Pit Droid C-3PO

From left to right: Yoda, R4-M9, Pit Droid, C-3PO. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 184th installment in our ongoing series!

Today's 16bit update is a little short for a Monday because we got a ton-- and we do mean more than we can carry-- of new Star Wars toys in the past week, and these things don't open/photograph/review themselves. (And the staff is taking off from their day jobs today to work on, well, not working.) And we saw Borat, which was good. So read on.


Dragon Quest Swords Screens

videogamesDQOver at The Magic Box, there are several images of the new Wii game Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen & the Tower of Mirrors. It looks pretty cool, and apparently you use the controller like a weapon. There was a stand-alone plug-and-play game sold in Japan that had a sword "controller" and this sounds about as nifty. (Can't wait to try it.)


Exclusive Transformers Classics Comics Coming

TransformersFinallyThe Transformers Fan Club is going to publish comics that tie in to the Classics line. Exciting. Not much in the way of details yet but hey, it's something!


Like a Hobo With a Sweet Potato Pie
November 8 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 184, 185

Let's start the fun! Today at Galactic Hunter we start with a look at Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise from earlier this year. As the third attempt at this figure in the 3 3/4-inch scale, could she possibly be better than offerings from 1983 or 1996? Read on!

Next, there's the new for 2006 Chief Chirpa, the first since 1983. How does this tubby short alien rate? Read on!


Final Fantasy V for GameBoy Advance Out, Supposedly

videogamesDQSupposedly released yesterday, Final Fantasy V should be in stores in the USA now for about $29.99 and it's for GBA/DS/whatever. We went hunting for it on Tuesday before and after work and did not find it. Target, Wal-Mart, Toys "R" Us, you're getting on our nerves.

Back when the Internet was still new, we bought a Japanese Super Famicom copy and plodded through it and rather enjoyed what little we understood, so we look forward to another crack at it. As the PlayStation port was crap. The Super NES generation of the Square game line-up was easily our favorite-- hence the very URL of this site-- and if someone would be so kind as to port Secret of Mana to a portable that offers cooperative Internet play, you would be our new best buds.


Price Drop for Transformers Cybertron Deluxes?

TransformersFinallyWhile your mileage may vary, we've noticed most Top 5 stores we've hit lately have slashed the prices of Cybertron Deluxe toys to $8 or less. So far, every Wal-Mart, Toys "R" Us, and Target we've hit in the past week has these at a new, lower price. (We haven't checked a Kmart or Kay-Bee lately, we confess, because they tend to suck.) We spotted a Megatron again tonight and snapped it up, so new shipments are definitely still coming this holiday season. Don't miss out on these fine items!

--AP Q&A: Since You Asked

16bitFinallyWe get a few questions here and there, and we do our best to answer them. Today, though, someone wrote in with a non-functioning email address, so we're going to answer their question here. Warning/guarantee: if you send us questions, we may regularly answer them here.

Reader "Mr.E" asked: I read for toy news, and though I don't collect any Star Wars toys, I find the Star Wars Q&A interesting. Not really even sure why. :) Anyway, I saw mention of a 2003 Wal-Mart Transformers "Black Friday" promo/pack. I was just wondering: what was this?

Well Mr.E, we checked the Old News Machine and we have the answers in November 2003. The items basically "launched" on Black Friday (a.k.a., The Day After Thanksgiving) during the Transformers: Armada reign. The first item was Wal-Mart's exclusive Transformers: Robots in Disguise Landfill Gift Set, seen to the left. This item cost a mere $15.00, and contained four toys that when sold individually just a year earlier were $9.99 each. It was a fantastic deal, and we've never seen a deal quite this good ever again. The item sold fairly well at first, but piled up as the season went on and some people got very good clearance deals as the season rotted away.

The other item was not nearly as exciting, but Toys "R" Us stores sold a number of Supercon Bonus Packs that sold the week of Black Friday 2003, but showed up on shelves a couple of days before the sale. (You know, so we could hide them behind non-sale toys until the sale starts, and pick them up later. Don't knock it, it works.) For $7.99, you got a specially packaged Sideways, Powerlinx Hot Shot, Blurr, or Powerlinx Cyclonus with a bonus extra Mini-Con. (They were normally priced $12.99 before the "sale" started.) Since these were just existing toys in a new configuration, nobody really cared and these packs likely went pretty much entirely to holiday gift shoppers, making these harder-to-find for both collectors of mint-in-box Transformers toys.

If anyone out there has another question, you know where to reach us!


Oversized Decorative Poncho
November 9 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 186

Three eyes, get it? Today at Galactic Hunter we start with a look at Ree-Yees from 1998. As the second figure of him ever (and the last one so far), how does he rate? Is he awesome? Is he cool? Does he suck? Read on!


Final Fantasy V for GameBoy Advance Out, Finally

videogamesFFVScore. Final Fantasy V is now in stores. It's basically a revamped port of the Super Famicom game that was never released on an American Nintendo system until, well, now. The music, sound effects, and graphics so far are very similar to the original with some minor changes. Obviously, when it comes to games of the 16-bit era, we're very easy to please. More of the same? Yes please. We look forward to playing through it in English. (We also scored our copy at a Toys "R" Us that told us they didn't have it. Interesting.)

If you are a decent human being you will probably enjoy this game. And are also old enough to remember drooling over early images of Super Mario World in third-rate game rags around 1990. It's totally fun, though. (We're gonna go play some more.)


More Joes Hit

16bitFinallyWe neglected G.I. Joe a lot in recent months due to the abrupt change in scale and the even more abrupt change in price. Oh, and the lack of new product. (That sucked.) About a year ago we did our first podcasts and we did focus on the Wave 1 Storm Shadow figure, which was great and is arguably still the best. Just recently, Lt. Stone, a new Cobra Commander, Zartan, a snow-based Snake Eyes, and yet another Storm Shadow hit stores. (We finally saw 'em at a Kmart of all places.) With only four waves this year, it's nice to finally see some new releases. But cripes. Slow.


November 10 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 187

Pushee wumpa or something. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at Ody Mantrell, a Pod Racer figure from 1999. As the only version of Ody to see release, it's also the best by default. But is that good enough? Read on!


Neon Genesis Evangelion for first-ever licensed Stikfas

StikfasStikfasHistory has been made! Usually, Stikfas products are toy figures that are license-free and generally very well done. For the first time ever, the company announced some Neon Genesis Evangelion kits, and early photos are on their web site. Totally worth a look, too.


Transformers Movie Quote Announced

TransformersWhat?Once again, fans prove that as a group, they have a) no sense of fun and b) no idea of what makes for something interesting. Click through and be underwhelmed by what someone, somewhere, decided is the "fan's choice" quote from the movie. It's like letting a fan pick any character to be in the movie, and they pick Optimus Prime after Optimus Prime was already announced.


Sonic the Hedgehog for GameBoy Advance Preview

videogamesSonicAt first, Sonic the Hedgehog was a big-deal, brand-new, defining game for the Sega Genesis. Many moons later, it's coming out for a Nintendo system after countless sequels and bizarre fan projects were borne of what was once a very clever and original idea. How does this remake fare? IGN has a brief preview. (And we're mentioning it since it's a 16bit game. We're more excited that the world will have the opportunity to buy the mega-excellent Gunstar Heroes on the Wii's virtual console.)

While we do appreciate hearing classic 16bit ports hitting portables, we would rather hear of lost gems or, you know, things that aren't Sonic. Things like the lost Satellite channel Zelda. Or the unreleased-in-English Seiken Densetsu 3. Or the rare Super Famicom game Wrecking Crew '98, or Mega Man: The Wily Wars or... we could go on. We are, however, elated with Final Fantasy V and if anyone in the biz is reading, please take note. More of that, please.


2.5-Inch Sigma 6 G.I. Joe HISS Out

G.I. JoeFinallyThe Joe*Battlelines Forums have a thread going with lots of images of new releases, including the awesome new HISS vehicle, as well as other new releases. Early comments seem fairly positive. It includes a Cobra Commander figure (yay) and some sorta quasi Track Viper guy. It should be $15 or so.


November 13 2006
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on for Q&A action. It's hot for you, baby.

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

Clone Trooper Luminara Unduli R3-D3

From left to right: Mace Windu Battalion Clone Trooper, Luminara Unduli, R3-D3. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 191st installment in our ongoing series!

Today's 16bit update is a little short for a Monday because we got a ton-- and we do mean more than we can carry-- of new Star Wars toys in the past week, and these things don't open/photograph/review themselves. (And the staff is taking off from their day jobs today to work on, well, not working.) And we saw Borat, which was good. So read on.


Target Exclusive 2.5-Inch Sigma 6 G.I. Joe Figure Stocking Stuffer Tubes Available

G.I. JoeStuff ItWe saw these and had no idea what they were-- then we saw 'em in Target yesterday. Each 3-figure tube will set you back $4.99 and includes new and previously available figures in "stocking stuffer" friendly packaging. We're assuming these are Target exclusives. The same aisle had Bratz and Hot Wheels and My Little Pony and other $4.99 "exclusive" packs, but not much in the realm of our expertise/interest.

Click the image to enlarge and see in and out of package shots.


Batman & Batgirl 2-Pack at Target

BatmanDQWe have no ide if it's truly exclusive, but we spotted a $14.99 Batman & Batgirl 2-pack last week at Target as part of a DC character endcap. Since we couldn't find a good shot of it on a toy news site, this link takes you to the eBay auction from which we pinched the picture.


Microman Supergirl, News at Microman Forever

MicromanDQOver at Microman Forever, you can read all about the newly released Microman Supergirl, which is a very odd looking release that seems to have taken a lot of inspiration from magical girl anime shows. Check it out.

Also new is the monthly Tom's Micro News report, which shows more Kinnikuman (MUSCLE) and some Assassin figures. Cool stuff, for sure!


PlayStation 3 Launched in Japan (Badly)

Video GamesDQOver at GameSpot, there are images of the recent PS3 launch in Tokyo. Gamers lined up for days and apparently a few were left empty-handed in their search, with things like raffles and luck playing a big part of it. It also looks like a lot of them are being dumped on online auctions, which will no doubt exist as a sneak preview of what American gamers will be due for this week.

Numerous stores in the USA already have lines of gamers waiting for this system in front of them-- so if you want one, well, good luck to you.


Exclusive Transformers Classics Bonus Pack Coming

TransformersHunhOver at TFW2005 member Super_Megatron has images of a boxed "bonus pack" Optimus Prime vs. Megatron two-pack. This one includes two bonus Mini-Cons from the Giant Planet team, available now at fine stores everywhere. More than likely this set will be an exclusive, but to who? Time will tell. Our money is on Target or Wal-Mart.

Also, a number of exclusive "Super" Cybertron bonus packs are hitting Wal-Marts now. We spotted a Metroplex with Clocker set over the weekend at a Wal-Mart in LA for about $34, which is pretty good considering a plain ol' normal Metroplex will set you back $40.


November 14 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 191

As always, they'll do their job well. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at one of something like 100 Clone Trooper figures, this being the latest one from the recently released 30th Anniversary Tin collector sets. As yet another gift-set exclusive, is this redeco worth $30? Read on!


Titanium Series Transformers Soundwave Sample

TransformersWhat?While mostly in (we think) Mandarin or Cantonese (we are too ignorant to know), has many many photos of the new Soundwave toy. This new mold is die-cast and plastic, and looks... interesting. (We love Soundwave and we don't want one.) Click through to see many images of this new toy.


Region-Free PS3?; First Wii Games Out

videogamesYayAccording to NCS, their tests on early Japanese Playstation 3 hardware with US software shows that they're compatible. (But this doesn't go back to PS1 and PS2 software, just PS3.) If this is luck, a firmware glitch, or an oversight remains to be seen-- but it looks like importers from all over the world may be in luck with this new console! The PS3 launches later this week in the USA.

Also, we saw that in a local Target store today that a huge empty rack for Wii software was erected-- empty, save for one slot stuffed with copies of Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz. The console and additional software will go on sale this weekend.

For Zelda fans, IGN posted six pages of impressions (with spoilers) that indicate/estimate the game is a 70 hour adventure. Not "40 hour" 70 hour, not "20 hours", but actually 70 hours for the first time through. Supposedly the record at the company thus far is 27 hours. Um. What? There's also a full review of Wii Sports.

Oh, and supposedly Final Fantasy III is coming to the Nintendo DS today. Making this the most expensive Q4 in gaming history with all the new hardware and everything else.


The Speed
November 15 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 192

None more black. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at a very black Shadow Stormtrooper figure, an exclusive from this past Summer. As one of Carnor Jax' personal squad, is this Expanded Universe trooper worth $15? Read on!

Also, Wal-Mart stores (but only some of them) are blowing out the Saga Collection basic figures for $3.50. We personally spotted two Naboo Soldiers (which we bought) and the Emperor's Wrath Darth Vader yesterday on the way to work. If you have a Wal-Mart, take the figures to the price scanner and see if there's a deal to be had.


Final Fantasy III DS Reviews

videogamesToo New To Be Good?It appears that despite this being a heavy week for new consoles, a lot of new games for older systems are getting pushed out as well-- leaving one to wonder just what the Hell was wrong with the previous 10 months of the year as far as release dates go. Among the new games is Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS, the first-ever official English language release of the game. Some reviews are around and it seems that it's about an 8 overall. (Having not yet had a chance to play it we can't help but wondering if someone is issuing everybody a sheet of review "talking points" with a number.) Despite what seems to be high praise, there's a definite lack of enthusiasm in the reviews, and we're quite curious to find out more about this title in the future.


New Release Tuesday Wednesday
November 16 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 193

Drive, she said. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at an all-white redeco of the AT-RT Driver figure, a figure previously released in more forest-friendly colors. As an exclusive figure in a $30 gift set tin, is this figure worth the price of admission? Read on!


Wii Wiiosk Kiosk in Target Stores

videogamesC'mooooon...We stopped in two Target stores last night (and three or four other places, more on that in a minute) and we saw two recently installed Wii kiosks by the video games. They were so fresh, one wasn't plugged in yet and still had shipping materials around it. It shows a sizzle video for the console and the games, but nothing too fancy. Check your local stores for it.


Transformers Classics Grimlock & Mirage IN STOCK at Entertainment Earth (and Cliffjumper, Ramjet pre-orders)

TransformersMe Grimlock ShortpackedWe're hearing reports of Mirage in stores, but we've personally seen cases with Grimlock at Entertainment Earth which are in stock until they aren't. Also new to EE, the case assortments with Cliffjumper and Ramjet. You'll find shameless loads of Classics Wave 1 at some stores, as our local Toys "R" Us had the first four figures (Starscream, Bumblebee, Astrotrain, Rodimus) in quantities of about 20+ each. Just not on the Transformers aisle.

So, there you have it-- Grimlock & Mirage are definitely hitting. Happy hunting!


Spider-Man Origins from Hasbro Shipping Now

Spider-ManWeb-SlingerDuring lunch yesterday, we saw lots and lots of new Hasbro stuff at Target, including several empty shipping cases from Hasbro for Spider-Man Origins product. Someone snapped it all up, but since we know what to look for (and odds are you do too), it's obvious the stuff is getting put out. As such, the Mego-esque figures and other items may be in your local store-- just keep your eyes peeled.


New G.I. Joe Sigma 6 from Hasbro Shipping Now

videogamesYo Joe!Our quest at Target stores (and our employer, the fine Entertainment Earth) also revealed that many new 2.5-inch Sigma 6 items were out, including the pack with Destro, Firefly, and the Baroness (swoon). Along with the HISS, several new 8-inch figures, and much more, you've got plenty of reason to hunt, or to shop online to avoid the crowds. Although the Baroness we saw at Target was horrible, so you might want to examine the face prior to purchase.


Star Wars 30th Anniversary Clone-Heavy Case Remix at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthTraitorsSponsor Entertainment Earth has a new 2007 case remix that's more collector-friendly. Rather than having more Obi-Wans and R2-D2s, it has two of the Utapau Orange Trooper, two Galactic Marines, two Super Battle Droids, and two Lava Miners. Also, the price per-figure is only $6.99 each-- and if you order through these links you support our sites and more importantly, us. As always, we thank you for reading this horrible plug.


We Sail Tonight For Singapore
November 17 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 194

Silent, but... well, certainly not deadly. Blue, maybe. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the exclusive Chi Eekway figure, part of the Lucas Collector's Set currently being sold (well, selling slowly, apparently) at Do you need to add her to your collection immediately? Read on!

As we're doing a podcast in the AM and getting some toy reviews prepped, it's gonna be a shorter update today.


Transformers Classics Mirage Found, Jetfire Too

TransformersNow you see meYesterday while going to work, we dropped in Target here in LA and found two classics Mirage toys. We bought one. Here are some pictures-- and sadly, no Grimlock was to be seen.

At press time, we had not yet had time to crack it open and play with it, so impressions will likely be available later. (As in, later today on the podcast. We'll be doing one in the morning.) Also, Entertainment Earth has received a limited shipment of Jetfire toys. We're hearing some Wal-Marts have them as well. Boy, are you in for a fun weekend of hunting stuff! (If all orders are processed, we'll probably have a review of Jetfire early next week. Assuming we do it on Saturday and don't find a Wii or something.)


Spider-Man Origins Spotted, For Reals

Spider-ManWeb-SlingerDuring lunch yesterday, we actually saw the freaking toys. The Mego-like Spider-Man figures are very similar to the DC-themed figures Hasbro made in the late 1990s. (There were a few exclusives, an Aquaman, Green Lantern, and Green Arrow, for example.) These look pretty nice, so if you like this sort of thing, hit up your Targets and see what's left.


Rare Saturday Update
November 18 2006
Review: Transformers Classics Mirage

TransformersNow You See MeWe had some more time. Today we look at Transformers Classics Mirage, a newly released toy from the second wave of this exciting new line. Would you believe he's actually really cool? He's really not all that spindly once you get to know him! Read on!

(And now, we haven't found Grimlock, and we went to 7 Targets on Saturday.)


Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 196

Yay red. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the nifty R2-R9 figure, part of the new overpriced tin collections at stores everywhere. Do you need to add another droid to your toolbox? Read on!

Also, we spotted the Target exclusive Imperial Shuttle here in LA, because we're awesome and you may not be quite as awesome.


How Gangsta
November 20 2006
Review: Transformers Classics Jetfire

TransformersI'm AwesomeWho needs sleep when you can take pictures and write a toy review? Today we look at Transformers Classics Jetfire, a newly released toy from the second wave of this exciting new line. He's a supremely well designed toy with loads of play-action features, firing rockets, spring-loaded cannons, and more. If you don't like him, you're the problem, not the toy. Want to know more? Read on!

And don't forget-- we've got a review of Mirage too!


Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on for Q&A action. It's hot for you, baby.

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

Myo Ishi Tib

From left to right: Myo, Ishi Tib. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 198th installment in our ongoing series!

Today's 16bit update is a little short for a Monday because we got a ton-- and we do mean more than we can carry-- of new Star Wars toys in the past week, and these things don't open/photograph/review themselves. (And the staff is taking off from their day jobs today to work on, well, not working.) And we saw Borat, which was good. So read on.


Hasbro Spider-Man 2-Packs at Target, Cheep

Spider-ManPrice = YesHasbro's take on Spider-Man is actually surprising in that the first releases are often taken from Toy Biz molds. Several two-packs hit Target stores over the weekend, and here's the shocker-- they're cheap. $10 for two figures in a nice window boxed package, which is, frankly, a bargain. Had we not just sprang $60 for the new Imperial Shuttle exclusive, we'd have totally bought Spider-Man vs. Venom. The quality seems about on par with Toy Biz' releases, with a lot of paint ops, articulation, and style. We were expecting these to be significantly more colorful and toylike.

(Oh, and you can order them from our sponsor too.)


Wii, PS3 Launched in USA (with violence!)

Video GamesWiiWhile we didn't find one, we hear that the Wii launch went really well-- as in, few fist fights, sell-through of Zelda, and a generally high awareness that seems to be generating lots of warm fuzzies. If you have any amusing impressions to share of your purchase of this or the PS3, please send them in-- we'd love to share your comments with our readers, assuming it isn't written in some wacky foreign language like UK English.


Transformers Classics Grimlock Found

TransformersMe Grimlock Fairly Well Engineered ToyWe did not find a Nintendo Wii on our Sunday journeys. We wanted to, but we didn't. We were elated to see Grimlock, though, especially given we were at the same damn Target not 12 hours earlier and didn't see a damn thing. (But hey, we just buy the things.)

We are currently working on a review, and if no other major toy site posts one, we'll actually work on getting one up in the next day or two. It's a good solid figure for the price, but it has a few quibbles with stability in our sample (which could be an assembly problem, we can't tell). We're big Grimlock fans so we're very happy to have one, although it does reveal that Hasbro really did put their best foot forward with the first wave, and we're a little less sad that the line might only last as three assortments and some repaints now. (So for the record, we've seen like a dozen of Mirage, and this is the only Grimlock we've seen.)


Gotta Something
November 21 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 198

Prepare for a joust! Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the so-so Obi-Wan Kenobi in Stormtrooper Armor figure (yes, Stormtrooper), part of the 2005 Jedi vs. Sith Battle Pack. With an arguably wrong name and weird snap-on armor, is this a figure worth getting-- especially as four more figures come with it? Read on!


Aqua Raiders 2007 Set Found

LEGOUnduh Da SeaWhile going around town generally wasting time, we hit up Wal-Mart and were surprised to see this new set for 2007: 7771 Angler Ambush.

Sadly, it did not contain a 2007 product catalog, but it has glow-in-the-dark fangs, two diver figures, an awesome little angler, and apparently will cost $10 or less. (Ours rang up as "see associate for help.") It's a nice set for the money and assembles in minutes, and has about 130 pieces. We say "about" because they included extra teeth and other easily lost parts.

Wal-Mart also had no sets from Bionicle and Exo Force sets, although we didn't get them. We rather like the idea that they're going back to Aqua Raiders after 10 years, and hope this means Blacktron is something that may be considered as well. There are some particularly interesting bits we saw while doing research on the new Aqua Raiders line, namely tons of deep sea creatures including an octopus/squid thing that has a stomach you can see through and put figures (and a skeleton) inside. We're impressed. We want.

(Of course, this also makes us feel old-- having bought many of the original sets about 10 years ago.)


I Kiss You!
November 23 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 199, 200

Y are you doing this to me? Today at Galactic Hunter we start with a look at 1999's Rebel Alliance Pilot from Target's exclusive Y-Wing Fighter. Sure, he looks generic as they come-- but since he comes with a ship, he's gotta be at least a little cool right? Read on!

Next, there's the new for 2006 Kir Kanos, one of very few comic book based characters to see a new figure in 2006, and our 200th Figure of the Day. As an online exclusive, should you bother getting one? Read on!

Also, a shameless plug, the figure is in a special bundle this holiday weekend at Entertainment Earth. Click through for Kanos availability.


Ad: Entertainment Earth Thanksgiving Sale Starts Now; Leia Maquette In Stock

Entertainment EarthTrek PhaserLet the holiday shopping commence! Entertainment Earth is offerings tons of great items at ridiculously good prices, including high-end Star Wars collectibles from Code 3 Collectibles and other exciting items from Hasbro, SOTA Toys, and many others. It's not every day a $300 vehicle replica is dropped to $100, while supplies last. Click through for pricing and availability.

And as always, buying through these shameless plugs means we get a nickel or two, and we appreciate your shined nickels and loose change. (Seriously, 'tis the season to humor your favorite webmasters, and after you humor them, you can humor us.)

Xevoz Runeslayer vs. Firedrake Star Wars Poster Sculpture and Kir Kanos & Carnor Jax Bundle Die Cast Boba Fett's Slave 1 Leia Maquette

From left to right: Xevoz Runeslayer vs. Firedrake (was $18.99, now $4.90), Xevoz Runeslayer vs. Firedrake (was $109.98, now $39.90), Die Cast Boba Fett's Slave 1 (was $294.99, now $99.90), Star Wars Animated Princess Leia and R2-D2 Maquette ($79.99). Thanks for reading! (But mostly stuffing our coffers.)


Transformers G1: Kiss Kiss!

TransformersWowie ZowieSure, they look like they were designed by girls-- that's the point. The e-Hobby Exclusive Cassettes take some old molds and bring them back in pretty, pretty colors designed for the popular Kiss Play series. Old molds, new paint-- is it worth nearly $40 for what can be, at best, $15 worth of toys? Well, that's up to you.

The Kiss Play series is basically this funky storyline in which robots get magic powers when girls give them kisses. I could explain more, but the site KissKiss really does the best job of telling you everything you need to know, and a whole lot more.


Xbox 360 Offers TV On Demand Now

Video GamesNot CheapIt looks like Microsoft has a good idea-- they're selling/renting TV shows and movies over Xbox Live. The prices are about the same as pay-per-view when it comes to movies, and the TV shows are a couple of bucks a whack. GameSpot has a nice story explaining everything.


Try My Cookie Cookie
November 27 2006
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Read on for Q&A action. This is the last update for the column in 2006, so be sure to check out the backlog and submit questions for the next installment on January 1, 2007.

Also, Figure of the Day has been updated! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of the Saga Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

We also added archive pages so you can go through the entire column's run. Hooray!

Ki-Adi-Mundi Imperial Sentinel Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Clone Trooper

From left to right: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Imperial Sentinel, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Clone Trooper. These are all new since our last update, and another one will be going live today! Who will it be? Keep checking Galactic Hunter for the next update, with the 205th installment in our ongoing series!

Also, a lot of new releases and news popped up over the weekend. Consult Galactic Hunter for the latest news, including Galactic Heroes Hammerhead and Durge. (Didn't see those coming!)


More Aqua Raiders 2007 Sets Found

LEGOUnduh Da SeaWe found one set last week and were quite pleased with ourselves. Over the weekend, we found the whole line was pretty much everywhere, from a tiny $5 submarine to a huge (and glorious) $70 kit with a whole undersea base and a big freaking octopus. (We want.)

So right now, check your local Toys "R" Us and Wal-Mart stores for the newest kits-- we haven't seen them elsewhere as of yet, but they might be around by now. Happy hunting!


Wario The Thief (or Master of Disguise) for Nintendo DS

Video GamesDSWe totally missed this announcement. It looks like a new 2D Wario game is coming out for the Nintendo DS, and The Magic Box has the scoop. It's due out in January (in Japan) and GameStop has a listing for the title due on March 5. Our hearts are a-twitter, as the last 2D platformer from Nintendo (New Super Mario Bros.) was a superbly excellent game that held our interest for weeks, which is kinda tough to do these days. Here's hoping Wario will be at least half as good.


Transformers Classics Ramjet Testshot

TransformersThe Last Classics?With the emphasis moving toward the (arguably) less fun movie toys, it's worth taking note of many new images of Ramjet from eBay. This auction shows the toy in both modes and gives a good idea of how it transforms. Neat-o.


How Dare You Say Such A Thing To Me?
November 28 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 205

Short, drunk, and ugly. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the short red version of the of the Zutton figure, better known to old collectors as Snaggletooth. Is he a worthy update to the 1979 classic? Read on!


G.I. Joe Sigma 6 2007 Toys Leaked

G.I. JoeYo Joe!Over at Joe Battlelines, a number of asian auction pictures are mirrored of upcoming (and nifty) product, including new vehicles for the 2.5-inch guys as well as 8-inch Hi-Tech, a blue Kamakura, and much more. (Maybe the Kamakura will really be a Ninja Viper or something cool.)


Transformers Megatron Masterpiece Accessories; 1st Club Astrotrain & Airrazor Images

TransformersWowie ZowieOver at TFW2005's Forums, poster Refund shows many shots of the prototype Megatron, in gun mode as well as in robot mode-- oh, and they're showing his accessories, too, which are many and awesome. Energon swords, maces, guns, and more are yours for the buying. Click through to see more.

This is going to hurtUPDATE: The links were pulled down and made "members only." The fine folks at the Transformers Collector's Club posted a ton of new images, too-- of their exclusive Airrazor (based on Energon Slugslinger) and Astrotrain (based on Armada Jetfire). Images of packaging and both toys in both modes are present, but prices are seemingly not present. Oh well.


Super Smash Bros. X Images; Bubble Bobble DS

Video GamesNintendo RoyaleOver at The Magic Box there are 7 pages of screen shots of Super Smash Bros. X for the Wii. Highlights include new shots of Samus (Metroid Zero Mission suit), Solid Snake, Wario, and more. Check it out!

Also, Gamespot has the scoop on a new DS Bubble Bobble. Sexy. It's due in early 2007 in Japan with no US release date yet.


I'm Mr. 101
November 29 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 206

Beep bop boop. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the Revenge of the Sith edition of the electronic R2-D2 figure, which had mostly Return of the Jedi sounds. Sure, it's an old mold, and yeah, you probably bought it before. But are the sounds cool enough to make it all worthwhile? Read on!


Transformers Club Astrotrain & Airrazor Proces

TransformersOyReports are coming in for the upcoming Club exclusive Astrotrain (with four Mini-Cons) at $87 and Airrazor (with jack and squat) for $40, plus shipping. While it may sound like a lot, each is limited to 2,000 pieces and both seem fairly close to being in line with what Takara's exclusives for magazines would set you back in Japan. As of now, club membership is required to order, otherwise we'd be somewhat tempted by Astrotrain just because, well, a lot of exclusive Mini-Cons really do help the item not seem as crazy-expensive.

For the record, Astrotrain is a repaint (with a new head) of Armada Jetfire, which sold for about $25-$30. His Mini-Cons were part of a set that sold for about $7. While $87 might seem like a lot more than, say, $40... well, it is. But low production runs tend to cost a lot more to do, and if you compare it to a lot of other convention and club toys, it really isn't too horrible. Airrazor though, at $40... well, that's expensive. But it's a limited item and if you're so inclined, you might want to get in line.


Wii Downloads in Japan; More Bubble Bobble DS

Video GamesDouble ShotOver at The Magic Box there are lots of new images of Bubble Bobble Double Shot, which we mentioned yesterday. It looks really good, as far as graphics go, and there are 100 levels in the game as well as 4-player support. Nice!

Wii PointsAlso, The Magic Box has the first few weeks of Japanese virtual console games on the Wii, which includes variable pricing too. It has a good mix for its launch, check it out.


Army Ants
November 30 2006
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 207

Now here's a really ugly one. Today at Galactic Hunter we look at the hard-to-find alien Jedi know as Pablo-Jill, which was briefly in Attack of the Clones. He's a unique mold, tough to find, and weird looking. But is that enough to warrant premium prices on the secondary market? Read on!


Transformers Soundwave Reissue Preview

TransformersSoundwave SuperiorOver at AcToys, a forum user has many in- and out-of-box images of the Toys "R" Us exclusive Soundwave Reissue. It has two tapes, the "double" deck storage cavity, and generally looks awesome.

Also, Entertainment Earth received limited quantities of wave 1 of the "Legends" assortment of Classics toys, which have since sold out (for now). This includes Perceptor, Trypticon, Fireflight, and Leo Prime.


PS2 Dawn of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 4) Images

Video GamesDouble ShotToday at The Magic Box there are 8 pages of images from Seiken Densetsu 4! While the series hasn't really delivered lately, it does look really good and we're hopeful that it won't suck.


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