No Fooling
April 1 2005 |
Review: Star Wars Revenge of the Sith C-3PO
 Today, our review is posted at Galactic Hunter. We look at the marvelous C-3PO from the latest Star Wars movie. With every new movie, we get a new C-3PO, but is it better? Is there actually a way they could improve on this character? Could he be any shinier? Find out in today's review!
Also, tonight starts the launch of the entire Revenge toy line. Be sure to look out for exlusives like Wal-Mart's Early Bird Kit, Target's Lava Reflection Darth Vader, Toys "R" Us' Kashyyyk Transmission Yoda, and Kay-Bee's 12" Chewbacca. What a wookiee.
And in other news...
A truly funny man has left the world-- RIP Mitch Hedberg. The stand-up comic had a number of specials and a couple of CDs and was a rare comic that was both funny and surprisingly clean. He will be missed.
Confound it
April 2 2005 |
No News is Good News
April Fool's Day is a cause of great mirth and great... pains in the ass. Numerous hoaxes are easy to spot but a lot of actual news skirts the line of being too good to be true or possibly a hoax, and as such, we'll be holding off for anything that isn't Star Wars today. And we'll be going to go buy some crap right about now.
Stuff you should probably know
Despite not much of it appearing here, the editorial staff has been and will most likely always be a hardcore group of Star Wars dorks. That's what got us into toys and that's why we're here today. We're going hunting this evening (technically last night, this is being written before a late night toy run) and there are many new items that we're going to hunt this weekend-- the real kicker is we don't know what one of them is at this point. Ordinarily we post this sort of thing at Galactic Hunter but for some reason it seems unprofessional, so we decided to put it here.
Target is hyping a 50,000-unit run of a Darth Vader repaint with lava deco. It's a pretty big run for a repaint-- other exclusives are made in much smaller numbers which we would divulge to you were there not legal reasons we we cannot. There are, however, exclusive toys with NEW molds that were made in much smaller runs. Keep that in mind if the $12.99 doesn't deter scalpers from buying a bazillion for eBay. It's entirely possible the market won't absorb it and as such, well, who knows-- we're still going to go look for one in the morning and will complain profusely if we don't get it. There's also a Clone Trooper Cup set showing up and frankly we don't know if it's a launch item or what. It does look cool, though.
Kay-Bee has a Chewbacca 12" repaint. Zzzzzz.
Toys "R" Us has the nifty Holographic Yoda which is our favorite exclusive that we've seen. See below for more-- because as of now, the Vader and Yoda are the only things I can consider a "sure thing" at this point. has 'em for $10, TRU stores are going to have them for free with $25 or $35 purchases or for a flat $9.99-- depending on who you ask. And it'll be either tomorrow or a week from Sunday, it doesn't seem to be fully known. What is known is you can get them right now on Amazon and that's what we did.
Finally, Wal-Mart has an early bird kit-- as in, a remake of the 1977 empty cardboard box. You can send off for four figures and a free trial of the fan club. It's $30. So on paper, it's a good deal, and as it is paper, it should be. But what are the four figures? CNN says one thing, Hasbro's press materials indicate something else, and a close-up of the packaging we saw on some forums and are assuming are not April Fool's gags say something else. It seems agreed upon you'll get Luke, Leia, Chewie, and R2-D2 as they appeared in A New Hope, but that's the only part people seem to agree on. These might be all-new 2006 style figures. These might be 1978 figures with a new copyright date. Or they might just have an extra joint or tweak-- as the box indicates they're "updated." And that term is pretty nebulous.
As of now, no forums are posting on it, the fan sites are silent, and it makes me wonder if the entire concept of the product was just an elaborate hoax-- nothing but a stock photo seems to be flying around. (Wouldn't it be funny?) It's interesting and infuriating, an item is about to be released-- or has been released-- and we still don't know the deal here. So, more tomorrow or probably right now on your favorite toy site.
Iron Maiden? Excellent!
April 3 2005 |
Swerve's Sticker
TFW2005 posted in-box images of the new Alternators Swerve-- and it looks like the flame sticker for the hood was not a hoax after all. Assuming this is not some elaborate hoax, it includes the sticker from the blue redeco of BinalTech Tracks.
Bill & Ted's Excellent DVD
The Digital Bits posted the news-- in July, there's going to be a release of Bill & Ted's Most Excellent Collection with both films and a bonus disc. We're sold. What's on disc three? Legend has it they shot a ton of deleted footage from the sequel (originally titled Bill & Ted Go to Hell) and this might be a great way to put it out. But the site itself mentions a title of one of the animated cartoons (surely you remember the episode where the two boys go to ancient China to replace Missy's broken vase) and some other stuff.
The site has tons of release dates and nws of other cult releases like The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, so do read up.
Stuff you should probably know II
We went hunting and pretty much got what we wanted-- and if you're buying Revenge of the Sith toys, here's some things you should know.
Early Bird Kit: it's legit, it will get you the four figures named earlier, but we're still not entirely sure which versions you'll be getting. If you plan to send off for the figures, please note that it requires the receipt. So if you decide to buy it from a scalper, be sure to ask for it. Otherwise just get it from Wal-Mart or so you don't have to worry, besides, it'll be cheaper there anyway. Wal-Mart also has an exclusive Darth Vader carry case with a Clone Trooper (Clone Wars version, no weapons) and an Anakin Skywalker (ROTS, no weapons). It's the same old OTC case with different figures and if you're looking to cut a corner, pass on this one. Titanium vehicles were also available.
Target had a lot of good stuff, actually we daresay they were the best place to go for exclusives. We went to two stores and got a Lava Vader at each and nearly everybody else there buying one was either a speculator, trading it for something else, or scalping it on eBay-- so expect prices to skyrocket and drop just as quickly. They also had three cup with figure sets-- these were a bit of a surprise. Clone Trooper, General Grievous (Preview), and Obi-Wan Kenobi were available for ten bucks a whack. Also available were three packs of micro figures and vehicles.
Toys "R" Us had the Holographic Yoda and you can get that online (now currently unavailable)-- nothing else of merit as far as we can tell, and no blue Senate Guards. Kay-Bee had the 12" Chewbacca and a lackluster selection of product.
For Galactic Hunter, we're doing a review of Lava Vader this week. Other items TBD.
Anyway, happy hunting.
This is what you want, This is what you get
April 4 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. Hasbro made a mail-in offer of sorts with its Early Bird Kit, so what's the deal with it and what exactly do you get? Why aren't the stands working like they should? And will that Toys "R" Us green Jedi Starfighter appear in the film, and is it really Anakin's? Be sure to find out-- because the answers are in today's column!
New Simon Furman Interview
TransFormers mega-scribe Simon Furman granted an interview over at the TFW2005 which answers a lot of questions-- some of which you probably wouldn't have opted to ask. It's informative, so go check it out.
I said Bucky! Bucky O'Hare!
The folks from Shocker Toys sent us a big fat press release announcing Bucky O'Hare in its Shockini toy line. We reviewed a sample Shockini in 2004 and were quite pleased with it and were hoping to hear they licensed something we would find exciting, and frankly, this is pretty exciting. Bucky is best remembered as a cartoon show from the 1990s with a green rabbit, a four-armed duck pirate, and some dorky kid going around fighting froglike aliens. We enjoyed it and are glad to see it yet again. From the press release:
A release date scheduled for Sept 2005, Bucky Oš Hare Shockinis will debut with new and freshly updated versions like Bucky Oš Hare, Deadeye Duck, and AFC Blinky. Each figure is based around the Shockini body, but presents unique body parts appropriate to each new character. Each character will come with appropriate and numerous accessories. Also part of the line will be vehicles and playsets for the little versions of Bucky. As in all Shockinis interchangeability will be the key so Bucky Oš Hare can go out on the town in a tuxedo if need be.
The 1990s were not remembered as being a huge toy decade, but several properties like Bucky or Biker Mice from Mars excited kids alongside Power Rangers and their ilk, if briefly. Could this be the start of '90s nostalgia? Could there be room for Thundercats block figures somewhere? We can hope!
They Pitted Godzilla against Ferris Bueller
April 5 2005 |
Movie Rumors
TransFormers movie news has been lacking lately but it seems the internet rumor mill is pointing to Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay. You may recall that a few reports surfaced last month that seemed to indicate we were about due for a director announcement, but we're still waiting-- it's possible these will be way off, as with all the early Star Wars prequel director rumors. But still, it's fun to read.
Nintendogs Keychains
The guys over at NCS added a preorder of somewhat pricey puppy keychains from the Nintendo DS title Nintendogs. These don't look at all like typical game merch or Nintendo character designs, we're linking to them here because they will no doubt appeal to fans of such things. This certainly isn't filler for a slow day in a news environment dominated by Star Wars, no siree. (By the way, give your red Royal Guard one of the Ninja Battles staffs from G.I. Joe. It's awesome.)
And in other news...
We're mired in moving, freelance articles, and Revenge of the Sith swag. So, more tomorrow-- including a review of the mega-hyped Lava Reflection Darth Vader.
It's red
April 6 2005 |
Review: Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Lava Reflection Darth Vader
 Today, our review is posted at Galactic Hunter. We look at the odd yet still neat Lava Reflection Darth Vader from the latest Star Wars movie-- and it's also a Target exclusive! Limited to a fairly large run of 50,000 pieces, it won't be too hard to find in the long run-- but is it even worth tracking down? We've got pictures and the full scoop in today's review!
And in other news...
More later.
The Game Could Have Been Easy
April 7 2005 |
Early Bird Figures Revealed
GH posted a blurb with a link to Hasbro's info (and some extra info) on what you get if you bought and sent off for the Wal-Mart Early Bird Kit Star Wars figures-- and huzzah, they're new! Luke has a telescoping lightsaber, Chewie seems to have his mouth closed, R2-D2 may be recycled, but Leia looks like a mishmash of new and old parts. Overall, good stuff.
G1's Over (Again)
A letter-- with a few typos-- is going around the TransFormers sites indicating that Hasbro has stopped releasing Generation One reissues for the time being. They use the term "hiatus" which could be a year or several years-- the earliest recent line to be put on hiatus was Zoids, which Hasbro previously said would return in 2005. There's no sign of it yet.
Daily Show DVD Info
The guys over at The Digital Bits have information on the long-rumored Daily Show DVDs. It isn't a season box, but rather a three-disc set with uncensored bits and episodes from the 2004 election. Sure, it's a little late, but it's filled with quality stuff you can watch with your kids down the road and they can go "I don't get it, is this supposed to be funny?"
April 8 2005 |
Coming Soon: Nintendo Store, More UMD Movies
A lot of stories are floating around on this one-- Nintendo's replacing its Pokemon Center in New York with a new Nintendo World Store, a giant company store like an Apple Store, but not. No word on additional locations yet, although old-school Nintendo fans may recall the old "World of Nintendo" mini-stores in the likes of Sears or Captron (World of Nintendo) stores at numerous shopping malls. This will be kinda like that, but more so.
This is sort of DVD news. Disney is releasing movies for the Sony PSP, so you can pay kinda high prices for a bare bones movie disc. The Digital Bits lists Pirates of the Caribbean, Reign of Fire, Kill Bill Vol. 1, and HERO. Two outta four ain't bad, and it really does prove who the target market is for these things. Until the Spongebob crowd gets one.
More G.I. Joe Rollouts
The last new Joes in a while have been trickling out, but it seems more places are starting to get them. Here's a rundown on what we're seeing so far.
Figure Two-Packs: The likes of Valor vs. Venom Bombstrike vs. Croc Master and Snake Eyes vs. Swamp Rat are showing up at Wal-Mart, Target, and reportedly some Toys "R" Us stores. The prices at our local Targets vary widely although we have seen these sets as low as $4.99, a great price if you're looking for the new Viper en masse.
Adventure Packs: The second wave of these currently seems to be showing up at Toys "R" Us and, in Phoenix at least, some grocery stores (namely, Fry's Marketplace). These include the new Wave Crusher with Depth Charge, the Sand Viper with his glider, and Kamakura with a bright green Ninja Lightning motorcycle.
Comic Packs: We're seeing the last three sets at Targets and Wal-Marts and so far, that's about it.
Vehicles: The 2005 stuff has yet to show up, but Target stores are putting out more of the formerly super-rare Ice Sabre and Quick Strike Bravo vehicles. These new releases have the Storm Shadow mail-in offer on them too, so they're easy to spot.
Clearance Alternators at Kay-Bee
Some older cases of TransFormers Alternators are showing up at select (so far) Kay-Bee toy stores. If you missed Smokescreen or Sideswipe, you can now get them for a fairly cheap $12.99, an excellent price if you haven't already purchased any of them.
Also, Hasbro re-applied for the "Bumblebee" trademark, we're hearing. That could mean we're in for a new version sometime soon!
And in other news...
Business this weekend. Back later.
April 11 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. What kind of Clones does 2005 have in store for you? Why can't you get all the Revenge of the Sith figures yet? And does Diamond Comics have a warped sense of humor, or are they just clueless when it comes to Star Wars? Be sure to find out-- because the answers are in today's column!
TransFormers Director (Supposedly) Confirmed
TransFormers will supposedly be directed by Michael Bay, favorite director of Jerry Brukheimer and the guy responsible for Pearl Harbor and lots of other stuff I wouldn't pay to see. MTV and other sources are saying this is the real deal, so hey, there ya go.
And in other news...
Was out of town again. As such, light update-- not much is going on outside of Star Wars and that's our focus on another page.
Oh, we did score the new ish of the fantastic Chunklet. This is "The Overrated Issue Part 2" which is a very good read and lives true to their old slogan, "you make it, we'll hate it." Lots of stabs at lots of crappy musicians as well as ones you'll like-- savage, great stuff. Lots of joke about Man or Astro-Man from their drummer, who happens to write for this magazine. If you have any interest in music you'll probably appreciate this a great deal.
By the Power of Grayskull, again
April 12 2005 |
Prices for Masters of the Universe Stactions/Statues/Whatever
Action Figure Xpress has the set of three MOTU statue figures up for preorder. For $53.99, you get a Snout Spout, a Hordak, and a Clawful. This brings it to about $18 a pop, which is probably about what it'd cost to continue the figure line as an overseas exclusive if you're an American buyer. We're not entirely convinced we need these just yet but we very much do like the concept and as we like stupid elephant things, Snout Spout may be reviewed here come July 2005.
New Xbox to debut on MTV
MTV, May 12, 9:30 PM EDT. Color us vaguely interested.
Easter Bunny School
Playmobil has been good to us, offering us drunk homeless men, ninjas, pirates, robots, and monkeys for kids of all ages. Then they release something like this Easter Bunny School which looks like a mishmash of Smurfs housing with mad scientist gear. I understand this may sound cool, but like sniffing glue and playing with bugs, it is not.
April 13 2005 |
Liger Jack Tidbits
Photos around the web, including Takara's own eHobby page, are showing that the new Liger Jack toy from Galaxy Force (and eventually TransFormers Cybertron) can combine with both Galaxy Convoy (Optimus Prime) and Master Megatron (Megatron). Neat-o.
DVD News for Masters of the Universe
Before the inevitable season boxes, there's going to be a best-of set with 10 episodes. Screen captures, packaging art, and features are listed at and we gotta say we're actually impressed enough to snag this when it comes out. Good job, He-Fans!
Yet Another Tomb Raider
The Eidos megahit returns in an era where giant polygon boobs are the norm instead of an exception as can be seen on this series of photos at The Magic Box. The character model has been improved a great deal and looks less like she got hit in the face with a frying pan, and as far as the character model goes, she's an improvement. Will gamers care? Well, we didn't, give us back our fat plumbers and Princes of All Cosmos or something innovative.
Napoleon Dynamite Merch
NECA once again sees a void and fills it. has shots of their new Napoleon Dynamite head knocker (bobblehead) from the movie of the same name. Shirts, stickers, and other licensed wares have been doing brisk business at Hot Topic in recent months so it's probably a matter of time before these get made into something else, like Japanese brick figures. Vote for Pedro.
The Head Knocker itself has a good sculpt and excellent deco, guaranteeing that you won't have a problem identifying the character. It's also a little creepy. But so are we.
In For A Treat
April 14 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. We look at Clones, the new Early Bird Kit, 2006, Target rumors, and more. Do you know what we think the claw is from the recently released Clone Pilot? Be sure to find out-- because an answer (or perhaps the answer) is in today's column!
TransFormers Energon Not Quite Over?
TransFormers may have at least one more release in store for Energon, as Hasbro added Overbite and Repugnus to their web site. Overbite is almost a straight reissue of the Japanese toy Hellscream, which is and always has been one of our personal favorites. Repugnus is a repaint of the American-only Beast Wars Fuzors toy Buzzclaw, another favorite. While these may well end up as Universe or even Cybertron toys, they are most definitely a surprise!
More MST3K Next Week
Fans of Joel, Mike, and the bots are in luck next week as the fourth volume of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 collection hits stores for about $60. This one has The Killer Shrews, Hercules Unchained, Hercules Against the Moon Men, and Prince of Space. Good times.
Microphone Chamber of Death
April 15 2005 |
Alternators Wheeljack Sightings
Reports around the web indicate that the Grimlock retool has hit stores. So you fans of TransFormers Alternators, keep your eyes opened for everybody's favorite animated creator of the Dinobots, Wheeljack! We have yet to see one but we'll keep you posted.
See some Soul Calibur III
Once again The Magic Box has some shots of another new release, this time Namco's PlayStation 2 Soul Calibur III. While the likes of Link and Spawn seem to be gone, these four screens show the next evolution in the series of very popular fighters best known as starting out as the Dreamcast's arguably finest title. And it looks like Ivy has some new costumes.
And in other news...
Like wacky Japanese toys? We sure do. Video game importer NCS manages to pick up some really neat items, and while they are not a sponsor, we like their style, and as such, we think you might like to see these. Because they're really neat items.
For starters, there's two Japanese items from Gremlins, a movie license that seems to have been insanely popular in Japan for years-- in the 1980's, Japanese collectors snapped up a lot of the American merch, and later made their own. First: the Gremlins "Popple." This plush item rolls up into a ball and pops out, like a Mogwai from the movie-- and like a toy from the 1980's that was out around the same time. It's adorable and a great concept as it ties in to the flick well. There's also a very creepy mask.
But what is there for the more discriminating convention goer, or wedding guest? Take a look at this Pac-Man hat, which has the yellow fellow basically encase your head and look like he just devoured your quarter-spending self. If you click on one link today, make it this one-- trust us.
Everybody's Favorite
April 18 2005 |
Star Wars Q&A Updated at Galactic Hunter
 Galactic Hunter has posted a Q&A column by yours truly. We look at Unleashed, the new Early Bird Kit, how to get questions in to people at Celebration III, and more. But what about C-3PO figures never having knee joints? Is there a reason for this? Be sure to find out-- because an answer (or perhaps the answer) is in today's column!
G.I. Joe General Mayhem Revealed
Master Collector added shots of the new General to their convention preview pages, and we have to say, it's a very interesting figure. Not to say it's bad or it's good, but it's worth seeing to say the least. All five figures that will make up the con gift set are now on display.
More Lord of the Rings Gift sets
Taking a cue from Hasbro's cinema scenes from Star Wars, Toy Biz is packaging mostly older figures with some new figures this year with a number of figure multipacks seemingly designed for the international market only. What does this mean to you, American Fanboy? It means that these items on will be available to you through trade buddies, eBay, and scalpers. The six multi-packs are pictured on the bottom of the page.
Katamari Damacy 2 Information
It's coming! Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy (which we assume means Everyone's Favorite Katamari Damacy) has a release date. In Japan, anyway, you can get this game on July 7 for a paltry 5229 yen. The Magic Box has three pages of pictures and it's looking quite good. Like any good sequel, it seems they kept a lot of what was good about the first game graphically, and made some upgrades. So, don't toss out your PS2 for the Xbox 360 (or whatever they call it) just yet-- there's still some good titles on the way!
Invader Zim DVD Box Set Released
Sorry we missed this one folks-- the new DVD box for Invader Zim hit stores recently. You can buy either the complete series in a big box with a bonus materials disc and an exclusive GIR figure, or you can buy just the box, disc, and figure. The entire deal can be had for less than $80, while just the box can be had for $24-$40. We have yet to pick this up but it sounds like the extras disc is attractive enough to warrant a purchase despite the box itself being a little bland.
McFarlane gets Napoleon Dynamite License
McFarlane Toys has been great about recognizing a market and getting product out for it-- they snagged the license for The Simpsons, and they just got Napoleon Dynamite, which we assumed would go to NECA. Not many ultra-low budget indie movies made in tiny towns for seven dollars are this marketable, and with the Hot Topic following and small, steady stream of licensed products, this will probably make for an interesting release when they finally hit stores.
And in other news...
A few months ago we moved the home office across town. Now we have to move it to Los Angeles. This is why we haven't been able to do new reviews and updates on weekends have been removed-- we've been packing a lot. If you see the kind of things we review, you can understand that this takes a lot of time. When we return with regular reviews, there will be fewer than we did from February through March just because, well, we have to unpack too.
This week we will do updates on Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning. As our key copy writers are attending Star Wars Celebration III in Indianapolis, it is not likely that updates will happen until we get back. Full reporting on those events will be posted to Galactic Hunter. We are currently asking for questions to ask while we're there, so if you have any, please share and we will do our best to add them into our convention reports. Please note any email sent to our Galactic Hunter accounts will not be seen after Tuesday afternoon until we get back, but we should be able to check this one from the road.
Let Him Go
April 19 2005 |
Review: Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Toys "R" Us Holographic Yoda (Kashyyyk Transmission)
 Back in the 1990s, "alternative" (read: no longer in business) toy makers decided variants were great, and made clear, black, and all sorts of oddball recolors of characters you'll never care about. Taking a cue from them, Hasbro said "hey, we can make a recolor, but let's make ours fit in with the movies!" Thankfull our review at Galactic Hunter today looks at a good example of how to do a clear figure from an old mold with our look at Holographic Yoda from the latest Star Wars movie. It's an exclusive, and it has come and gone-- is it worth tracking down? Or for that matter, was it worth the initial asking price of $9.99 or as a gift with purchase? Find out in today's review!
Amazing Video Game News Round Up
First up, GameStop and EB are merging. These guys have a stranglehold on the used game price market and exist as a bit of a duopoly, keeping prices ridiculously high and after years of competition, consumers aren't any better off. Although I guess it does give you a place to go where the employees will let you know how great their TV is.
Target stores are clearancing out a lot of games for the Xbox and GameBoy Advance right now. Prices and selection varies by location, but it's hard to say no to the classic NES title CastleVania for a paltry $12. Keep your eyes peeled for more.
While not exactly game news, Adobe & Macromedia are merging-- that means two highly annoying proprietary formats are now under one roof with this marriage of the .PDF and .SWF files. We're sure they'll come up with an even more exciting new standard file type in the coming months.
The name of the previously confirmed CastleVania game for Nintendo DS is supposedly Dawn of Sorrow. Makes sense as it's a sequel to Aria of Sorrow.
Finally, there's a new art exhibit opening up in Hollywood that focuses on the 8-bit era of video gaming. If you've taken a moment to look at the URL of this site, you can guess we're excited. We'll see if we can report on it when we move to LA.
More TransFormers Releases
Today at Target, we made a few sightings. For starters, Alternators Wheeljack is in stores, as is Universe Blastcharge! Happy hunting, we'll provide pics as we can, which will most likely be next month. Yes, I know, exciting.
Also, Don Murphy is answering movie questions. Good news for fans of a mass-shifting Soundwave, what seems to be a confirmation of Arcee, and the top choices for the voice actors for Megatron and Optimus Prime. Of course it's good news.
Mouthing the Letters
April 20 2005 |
Review: Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Clone Commander (Battle Gear)
 Today's review over at Galactic Hunter looks at the new site mascot, the super-cool Clone Commander from the latest Star Wars movie. It's super-posable, has a lot of accessories, and looks like that awesome red ARC Trooper-- but is it worth all the hassle of tracking it down right now? Find out in today's review!
Nintendo DS in Electric Blue
After Japan got some recolored systems, the USA now gets one in blue-- and you can see it at GameSpot. Looks nice. This seems to be a western hemisphere excllusive.
And for the many Pac-Fans, NCS posted a new update with some more nifty Pac-Man plush toys. There's a seat cushion shaped like the yellow dot muncher and a series of small plushes that look most excellent.
More TransFormers Images
Infamous collector PPrime posted some new shots to TFW2005, including the first packaged Korean toys from Armada. Even more surprising is a semi-retooled Scorponok, with the stinger revised to accept the new Cybertron-style planet key. Neat stuff.
Click Here For News From March!
