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New or Old
March 1, 2011
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsR2-D2Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the R2-D2 based on the super-popular R4-G9 mold, one of Hasbro's best. You'll want this one. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayKenner Beast Wars Transformers Air Hammer Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Beast Week continues! The Kenner Beast Wars Transformers Air Hammer Action Figure was released in a time where Transformers were animals and combining two animals in to one seemed like a pretty good idea. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Packaged Transformers Generations Thundercracker

TransformersThundercrackerComing sooner than you might think! Transformers Generations Thundercracker has now been seen in the package which means it's coming out soon. You can also get a look at his bio, but really, what's it going to tell you that you didn't already know?


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiBit.Trip FluxThis week's WiiWare offerings are Bit.Trip Flux. It's $8/800 points.

The Virtual Console has nothing once again.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSMagnetic JoeThis week's batch: Magnetic Joe, Monster Buster Club, and My Little Restaurant. Each is $5-$8 and can be yours... if you have a DSi.


FOTD #100! Tell a Friend!
March 2, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayKenner Beast Wars Transformers Torca Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Combining whales and elephants like never before, the Kenner Beast Wars Transformers Torca Action Figure is a bizarre creation from the vaults of Kenner. The robot mode isn't bad, and it's one of the first modern Transformers I bought-- if you can call this "modern." So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsMajor MiandaFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Major Mianda figure from a few weeks ago, a figure that meets the "just different to make you mad" benchmark with flying colors-- and that color is mostly silver. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Transformers Undertow Sorta Has Octopunch Mode

TransformersLike getting another toy, sorta!Over at are numerous pictures of Undertow including a nifty mistransformation that looks vaguely like Octopunch. The combined mode head is something like a diving helmet, and if you toss in Terradive's trident, you get a pretty nifty new robot.

We are pleased.


Dial-Tone G.I. Joe Club Figure to get Carded Release

G.I. JoeStylishA small batch of carded club exclusive Dial-Tone action figures will be produced, according to ToyNewsI. 600 pieces will be packaged for the convention, while the rest will be bagged. Nice!


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Vagrant StoryNew to download this week are many new games: Modnation Racers, and PixelJunk Shooter 2. These run TBD each.

PSOne classics this week aren't many, but you do get Vagrant Story from Square-Enix, meaning it's probably worth paying attention to.


Hyrule Poster = Impressive
March 3, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayKenner Beast Wars Transformers Terragator Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

More Beast Week! The Kenner Beast Wars Transformers Terragator Action Figure has a gorgeous paint job-- and that's by 2011 standards. For 1998, the shell was freaking gorgeous. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsBlackhole StormtrooperFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Blackhole Stormtrooper figure from 2010, which does not really represent the correct deco of the character as seen in those old comic strips. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Ross Gets More "Unreleased" G.I. Joe Vehicles

G.I. JoeFinal WaveA confirmation of the final wave of Rise of Cobra Vehicles has shown up, including the Tiger Claw, Lava Pod, and Polar SHARC.

Each is about $8.99, if you luck into them.


Playmobil 2011 Toys "R" Us Sets Catalogued

PlaymobilPlaymobilA batch of new Playmobil sets is hitting Toys "R" Us and PlaymoDB has a page showing off the many new sets. These are mass market sets, which means you'll probably see them mostly (or only) at Toys "R" Us in the USA and some of them may be de facto US exclusives.

Highlights include a Penguin Zoo Exhibit, new SCUBA Divers, lots of horses, and of course, bikers.


Awesome Ancient Map of Hyrule Is Awesome

NintendoHyruleA really slick map of Hyrule as seen in The Legand of Zelda and The Adventure of Link has been posted to Flickr, and will knock your socks off.

Fans of the NES entries of the series will recognize the upper overworld section as being from Zelda II and the lower portion as the overworld map for the original The Legend of Zelda. The artist has a giant print for sale too, clocking in at $40.


New Game for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released, Avatar Statues

Xbox Live ArcadeBeyond Good & Evil HDXbox 360 owners, it's time to look into Beyond Good & Evil HD, a $10/800 points thriller from Ubisoft. They say:

"Beyond Good & Evil, the award-winning action-adventure game is back! This time play through this innovative thriller in full high-definition graphics. Play as Jade, a young investigative reporter, and expose a terrible government conspiracy. It is up to you and your loyal pig friend Pey'j to save your planet and its inhabitants."

Sounds good to me. Also, FigurePrints has expanded their offerings to include Xbox Live Arcade avatar statues. Previously, they did World of Warcraft avatar statues for about $130. It's a neat idea for a genuinely unique gift, plus it's a glimpse into the future of manufacture-on-demand.


Street Fighter II Turns 20 This Month
March 4, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayKenner Beast Wars Transformers Quickstrike Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Beast Week comes to an end! The Kenner Beast Wars Transformers Quickstrike Action Figure was actually a little tough to get near the end of the Fuzors' run, given he actually appeared on the TV show. Does he warrant this kind of love? So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsLuke SkywalkerFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Luke Skywalker figure, based largely on novels you probably didn't read. Is this a good figure as it is, or do you need to do some homework to enjoy it? Well, that's up to you. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

Finishing things out, Phantom Menace 3D comes out next February.


Link Dump: New Green Lantern Movie Masters from Mattel

DC Universe Site sponsor Entertainment Earth has added some pictures of the new Green Lantern Movie Masters action figures, based on the upcoming Summer movie but sized to be basically compatible with your DC Universe toys. And boy howdy, are these things weird.

Green Lantern Movie Masters Hal Jordan Action Figure Green Lantern Movie Masters Tomar Re Action Figure Green Lantern Movie Masters Rot Lop Fan Action Figure Green Lantern Movie Masters Nautkeloi Action Figure

Collect them all, or don't! A build-a-figure will be included, and if these are any indication it, too, will be freakin' weird.


Transformers Club 2011 Animated Cheetor Robot Revealed

TransformersCheetorNext up, the people of the Transformers Collector Club have revealed Transtech Animated Cheetor, and finally, a look at his sculpted head.

Based on the Animated Deluxe Blurr mold, this figure sports the same gear as the original, plus the newly-tooled head. Not bad! Pre-orders are said to go up soonish.


Danger! Humans Approach
March 7, 2011
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update-- or a few weeks down the road.

Clone Trooper with Freeco SpeederFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Clone Trooper with Freeco Speeder figure from 2010, which was a redeco of a resculpt of a remake of the Captain Rex mold. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

Also, check out impressions of Star Wars Vintage Collection Wave 6, which also went up over the weekend.

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Marvel Universe Marvel's FirestarSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

She's a classic, more or less! The Hasbro Marvel Universe Marvel's Firestar came out a couple of years back, and boy howdy is she bright! How does the NBC Saturday Morning Marvel heroine hold up? Well, we'll find out. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Carded Waves 5, 6 of G.I. Joe

G.I. JoeSteel BrigadeA large batch of new carded and unpackaged sample photos of upcoming figures can be seen at Generals Joes, complete with Steel Brigade, Croc Master, and a new Cobra Commander that are all worth seeing. Most are pretty great, but you'll notice increase mold and existing body part reuse in these 10 new action figures. You'll also see another in an ongoing list of freaky Snake Eyes figures.


Review: Xbox 360 Live Arcade Hard Corps Uprising

Xbox Live ArcadeHard Corps: UprisingIN SHORT: Everything you love about Contra, minus the brand name.

With the advent of digital distribution, a company can make pretty much whatever game it wants and not have to worry about the investment of physical media preventing a game from being successful. Hard Corps: Uprising is a game that probably wouldn't have worked as a full retail product, but as a $15 downloadable title is quite the treat. It plays a lot like a lost descendant of the 16-bit generation, effectively referencing Contra III: Hard Corps in an adventure that's Contra in gameplay, but not in theme. (That is to say, an evil empire of future Earth has replaced the aliens of the older games. [ READ THE FULL REVIEW ]


More Targetmasters in Japan: Spoilsport, Caliburst

TransformersPerceptor ExplosionThe great and increasingly prolific Higekuma Toy Blog has shots of Caliburst and Spolsport, two more recently released Japan-only Mini-Cons-as-Targetmaster repaints. They are, as always, quite pretty and very expensive on the secondary market.


When Hipsters Attack
March 8, 2011
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsClone TrooperFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Clone Trooper that just came out, and it's an entirely new sculpt with painted details on his guns. Unheard of, right? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra KickstartSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Yo Joe! The Hasbro G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Kickstart came out last year with a giant armed robot suit. Awesome. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Packaged Transformers Generations Warpath

TransformersWarpathComing soon is this fancy Transformers Generations Warpath which has just shown up on an auction web site, Taobao. How about that? You can also see his firing rocket and the bio.

Also exciting, a gallery of Transformers Animated Elite Guard Optimus Prime. Check out the colorful head deco, it's pretty nice.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiBomberman HeroThis week's WiiWare offerings are Heavy Fire: Black Arms and Soccer Bashi. Each is $5/500 points.

The Virtual Console has Bomberman Hero for the Nintendo 64.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSG.G Series HORIZONTAL BARThis week's batch: G.G Series HORIZONTAL BAR, GO Series Earth Saver, and JellyCar 2. Each is $2-$5 and can be yours... if you have a DSi.


Advance Review of Mattel Green Lantern Movie Figure

DC ComicsGreen LanternAn early review of a Green Lantern movie figure has shown up, and it's on a blog called "Chase Variant." The figure is said to have come from a flea market overseas, and because of the magic of the internet you can see it now. Lucky you!


Man or Astro-Man Record Blog, New Scott Stanton Band

MusicWarpathA new (to me) blog called Astro-Man ad nauseum has started up, showcasing the many records put out by the band since the 1990s. There's a lot of stuff, so do go check it out.

Also exciting, fans of the bands The Causey Way and Pilot Scott Tracey may be interested in knowing that members of those groups are now in a band called "When Hipsters Attack." Check your local venues in case they go on tour! (Thanks, Steven!)


Nuclear Wessels
March 9, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayPlaymates Classic Star Trek Chekov Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

A second-season addition to the classic show, this Playmates Classic Star Trek Chekov Action Figure has the actor's most important feature: the hair. (And the face. But the hair too.) So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsBattle DroidFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Battle Droid figure from roughly 2007. Yes, another one. Hasbro went nuts with the repaints of this mold at that time. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Transformers Dark of the Moon Optimus Prime Preview Toy Spotted

TransformersLike getting another toy, sorta!For $9.99, numerous Toys "R" Us stores are selling Dark of the Moon Cyberverse Optimus Prime right now. It's $9.99, includes old-school blue-and-red 3D glasses, and sports a build like an anemic Scout or a beefy Legends-class toy. I'll try to get a sample this week for the FOTD.

For those not paying attention, "Cyberverse" is a new scale of toys essentially no larger than a Scout-class toy in an attempt to bring back the micro scale to the toy aisle.


Bagged Club Dial-Tone G.I. Joe Club Figure Sold Out?

G.I. JoeStylishWhile previous G.I. Joe Collector's Club Exclusive action figures have taken months or in most cases years to sell through, reports say that the club exclusive Dial-Tone action figures are already spoken for! Whoa.

Carded samples will be sold at the upcoming Joe convention, and there may be units left after club units are sent out, but it looks like they actually picked a hot enough figure to drive interest. Congratulations!


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3TestYourself PsychologyNew to download this week is: TestYourself Psychology. It's $2.99.

The PSN store will also add Hard Corps: Uprising on March 15. You should get it. here's our review of the Xbox 360 version.

PSOne classics this week are many, a massive dump of Disney classics, or "classics." Choose from Disney's Hercules, Disney's Peter Pan, Disney's Lilo & Stitch, Disney/Pixar Toy Story Racer, Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc. Scream Team, Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2, Disney's: The Emperor's New Groove, Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life, and the non-Disney R4 Ridge Racer Type 4. Each is $5.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPPhantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle DigitalNew to download this week: Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle Digital and MLB 11 The Show PSP. They're $19.99 and $29.99 each, respectively. So sports fans and lovers of teh animes, this might be a good week for you-- plus the PSP hardware is having price drops lately too.


I Love Slime
March 10, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayLEGO Minifigures Series 2 WitchSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Bricky woman! The LEGO Minifigures Series 2 Witch is quite ornate, and features numerous painted details on her dress. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsJohn D. BranonFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the John D. Branon figure from 2009, which was around the time new Rebel pilot figures went from an exciting new addition to being more of the same. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Convention G.I. Joe Figure Shows Up On (and is removed from) eBay

G.I. JoePython Patrol Motor ViperIt was on eBay, and then it was pulled. Thankfully has a great hi-res shot of what appears to be a 2011 convention exclusive Python Patrol Motor Viper which seems largely based on the 2009 movie toy's mold. Nice!

Odds are this will be bundled with a vehicle, but which one? We don't know yet.


April 15 Slate Revealed

Masters of the UniverseSy-KloneIf you're wondering what Mattel has up on MattyCollector in April, they posted the full slate and it's rather extensive.

Masters of the Universe Classics items include Sy-Klone, a Weapons Rack, a reissue of Moss Man, and Panthor.

Disney/Pixar Cars Barry Diesel will be going up from that series, as will a Retro-Action DC Super Heroes Sinestro inspired by the Mego line. Rounding out the month's offerings are 3 Superman offerings, including the title character, Lex Luthor, and General Zod.


New Game for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeTorchlightXbox 360 owners, it's time to look into Torchlight, a $15/1,200 points dungeon crawler from the developers of other similar games. They say:

"Torchlight is an action-roleplaying game developed by the creators of popular games Diablo and FATE. Players will choose from among three character classes, and venture from the safety of the town of Torchlight into randomly generated dungeon levels, with a huge variety of creepy monsters, endless variations of loot to find, and quests to complete. Randomized levels and an 'endless dungeon' unlocked after completing the main game ensure a long-lived gameplay experience. "


The Week Is Over
March 11, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Cybertron Wreckloose Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Beast Week is over, but the Hasbro Transformers Cybertron Wreckloose Action Figure feels like he belongs with the Fuzors. Why? Komodo dragon with moose hat. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsDarth MaulFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Darth Maul figure, which came out with the VHS release of The Phantom Menace oh so many moons ago. He can split in two, on purpose. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Gorgeous Transformers Generations Warpath Gallery

TransformersCheetorThe hard-working fans at HK-TF added a Transtech Generations Warpath Gallery, showcasing the toy in its various modes and in mid-transformation.

Note the firing shoulder cannon, the numerous c-clamp attachment points, and the markings on the side-- "ZDW-333," or "Zowie!" as the character was fond of blurting out. It turns out Warpath is slightly shorter than Drift.


Ad: New Star Wars Vintage Waves 4, 5, 6 In Stock at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth Ad: While supplies last, Entertainment Earth has inventory of this year's three new Hasbro Star Wars action figure assortments. Inside, you'll find new versions of Lando Calrissian, Clone Troopers, Han Solo, Jango Fett, and many others spanning five of the six Star Wars films. UPDATE: Wave 6 out of stock again, but pre-order for the next shipment!

Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 4 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 5 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 6 Case
Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 4 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 5 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 6 Case

Also, feel free to pre-order Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 7 Case from Entertainment Earth. Sites like this one get a kickback from the sales, so if you were going to order them anyway, please order them from this link-- it helps!

March 14, 2011
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update-- or a few weeks down the road.

Padme AmidalaFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Padme Amidala figure from 2008, which was repackaged in 2009 and is a significant upgrade of a figure from 2002. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Marvel Universe Spider-ManSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Yet another webslinger! The Hasbro Marvel Universe Spider-Man adds to the endless pile of the character in toy form, although this one has unique arms and a big white number on his thigh-- is this a good thing? Not really. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Wave 4 LEGO Minifigures Breakdown, Reviews, Gallery

LEGOKimono GirlA user on the Eurobricks forums has a case and a set of figures from Wave 4, kindly showing off a ton of exciting new releases. The Punk Rocker will no doubt be worth getting just for the hair alone, and the array of monsters, sports stars, and even an artist should delight pretty much anybody lucky enough to stumble on this batch of figures. Good stuff, indeed! The gnome/dwarf is particularly amusing.


Plush Sharktopus Exists

ToysSharktopusWhile a retail release would make sense, it turns out a promotional plush Sharktopus is being given away as a contest prize and a limited number were actually, really produced. (I couldn't even stumble on one on eBay.) So yeah, take a look, and revel in something you probably can't ever own.


Just An Ordinary Guy
March 15, 2011
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsCommander BacaraFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Commander Bacara from 2009, a good mix of old parts that gave us the (as of yet) best version of the character. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Snake EyesSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Yo Joe! The Hasbro G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Snake Eyes may be the best action figure from this line and in this scale ever. I don't throw that around loosely, this is an amazing release. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Transformers Generations vs. United vs. E-Hobby Kup Gallery

TransformersKupsIf you're wondering what's different about all the new Kup figures, has a triple Kup gallery showing off the various releases of the mold. Of note, the E-Hobby one looks pretty fantastic with bright, cartoony colors and a different deco layout.

Of note, the US Generations figure in the picture has the iGear Cy-Gar head.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiLiightThis week's WiiWare offerings are Liight and a free demo for Mix Superstar. Each is $5/500 points... well, the demo isn't.

The Virtual Console has nothing because Nintendo found out that you didn't keep your room clean. That's what happens.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSPlants vs. ZombiesThis week's batch: Plants vs. Zombies, Rabi Laby, and 5 in 1 Mahjong. Each is $2-$8 and can be yours... if you have a DSi.


Lost Action Figure Edition Sizes Set

TVGreen LanternI just got word from Bif Bang Pow! and Entertainment Earth that it is true-- the next Lost action figures are still coming out and will be limited to 1,000 pieces each! Each figure will be individually numbered with a sticker on the package, if you're in to this sort of thing, and you probably should be.


Lou Scheimer Filmation Book Coming

Masters of the UniverseThe Filmation GenerationWhile remembered for fun stories and limited animation techniques, it's unlikely that any American child of the late 1970s or the early 1980s missed out on the work of Filmation. The masterminds behind animated Star Trek, Masters of the Universe, and numerous others are being celebrated in the book Lou Scheimer: Creating the Filmation Generation which is co-written by the amazing Andy Mangels, who did a bunch of awesome Star Wars stuff in the 1990s. This book will go on sale at Comic-Con, but if you click on the picture you can get the full details at

A four-hour Filmation animation block is presently airing late at night on the Qubo channel, which is generally on the same banner as Ion. It's broadcast over the air in the USA (even in Arizona) so check your local listings to see if it's available. You can get a taste of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, She-Ra: Princess of Power, Filmation's Ghostbusters, and BraveStarr each in one-hour blocks, seven days a week. It's fun to revisit, especially since it's free.


Not What You Wanted
March 16, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Outer Space Men Infinity Edition Astro-Nautilus Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Because this line is gorgeous, we look at the Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Infinity Edition Astro-Nautilus Action Figure from late last year. It's direct-to-consumer (so the packaging has no UPCs) and is still ins tock, meaning it's your time to get while the getting is good! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsPre VizslaFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Pre Vizsla figure from 2010. His body has been since used for several other troopers, but he started it all! Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Transformers Beast Wars New DVD Box Art

TransformersMaximize!If you haven't already heard, Shout! Factory is releasing a new boxed set of Season 1 of Beast Wars. has the box art and it looks pretty nice. The set should have some new special features, and it hits stores this June.


Record Store Day: Exclusive, Special Releases

MusicStylishWhile previous the official release list is not yet up, the blog Wax Poetic has a list of 249 releases and counting for the April 16, 2011 event.

Listings include special releases from Queen, REM, Soundgarden, the Velvet Underground, the Yardbirds, and tons of other bands your parents loved! Although the split of "Just Got Paid" with ZZ Top on one side and Mastodon on the other sounds pretty damn cool, I must say.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Hard Corps: UprisingNew to download this week are: Hard Corps: Uprising, Prince Of Persia, and Slam Bolt Scrappers, and each is $15-$20. If you loved Contra, do yourself a favor and give Hard Corps: Uprising a shot. It has some DLC hooks in it, but I'd say those are worth ignoring-- the core game is fun enough.

PSOne classics this week include Squaresoft's monster-packed late 1990s thriller Parasite Eve. Surprisingly for Square, it's only $5.99.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPDissidia 012 Final Fantasy PrologusNew to download this week: Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Prologus, Jikandia: The Timeless Land, Major League Baseball 2K11, Vertigo, and Gods Eater Burst. They're $19.99 and $29.99 each, respectively. So sports fans and lovers of teh animes, this might be a good week for you-- plus the PSP hardware is having price drops lately too.

New PSP Minis include: Ancient Game Treasures Mill, Enigmo, and Pix N Love Rush. I'm not sure if the games are good enough to warrant a rush, though.


Celebrate Some Failure
March 17, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Conrad Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Check out those guns! The Hasbro G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Conrad "Duke" Hauser includes a giant shoulder-mounted rocket launcher plus an Aliens-inspired pulse rifle weapon. Oh, and the figure ain't bad either. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsAqua DroidFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Aqua Droid figure that's so new, I'd wager you haven't even seen it yet. It's a great design with a weak execution. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Transformers News Round-Up

TransformersBlueberry!A lot of stuff is going on, so here are some of today's most interesting headlines for your Robots in Disguise.

First up, the alternate head for Generations Warpath has been revealed from the toy's instruction sheet. Right now, it's expected to be Hardhead, which got a toy as a repaint of Universe Onslaught a couple of years back.

Next, the Transformers Collector's Club put up box art for Exclusive G2 Ramjet on its front page. It looks great! And purple. So very purple.

Finally, take a gander at Animated Excellion which, if the watermark is true, may be appearing in some future club something-or-other. It comes to your courtesy of the great M Sipher, who also brought you Animated Crumplezone from the upcoming comic the TFCC will be putting out. Nice, eh?


Fancy Alice Cooper Retro Boxed Set Coming

MusicDeskWhile MP3 is arguably king these days, there's still money in big, expensive collector's editions. A collection of mostly rarities, plus a DVD and some other stuff, is coming up in the $260 Alice Cooper Old School 1964-1974 Box Set.

If you bought the "Life and Crimes of Alice Cooper" boxed set from 1998, it seems there's a tiny bit of overlap and most of his solo stuff is dropped. But it comes packaged in the "School's Out" desk and has some crazy yearbook thing in it, so it'll probably be worth snagging for fans of high-end musical objects with nifty stuff inside.


New Game for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeFull House PokerXbox 360 owners, it's time to look into Full House Poker, a $10/800 points poker game that has nothing to do with the TV sitcom of the same name. They say:

"Go all-in with Full House Poker! Play Texas Hold 'Em against your friends and thousands of players worldwide, and bring your personality to the table with unique tells and unlockables galore. Save your player progression and winnings between sessions as you increase the stakes and make your mark as a Full House Poker pro! "


Cheap Camp
March 18, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Dirge Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Formerly a Botcon exclusive, this Hasbro Transformers Generations Dirge Action Figure was way cheaper. If you just want a Dirge, the price is right and if you're lucky you can find one in a store today! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsKul TeskaFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Kul Teska figure, which came last summer. Oh, and he's freaking huge. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


New DOTM Shockwave, Transformers Generations Warpath Galleries

TransformersShockwaveThe lucky people who run Kapow Toys have added a Dark of the Moon Shockwave Gallery, giving us a look at both modes of the voyager-class (read: $25ish) movie toy. It's quite purple.

They also added another extensive gallery of Generations Warpath, including numerous size comparisons to other toys including some recent releases and the 2009 Universe Legends Warpath.


Ad: New Toys and a Model Sale Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth Ad: For just a few days, Entertainment Earth has its entire selection of Model Kits on sale-- buy 1, get the 2nd for 40% off! Choose from over 200 model kits, spanning Universal Monsters, Star Trek, Mega Man, Gundam, and dozens more!

Elvira Mistress of the Dark Model Kit Mega Man Rock Man Plastic Model Kit Star Trek USS Enterprise 1701-B Model Kit Battlestar Galactica Viper MK VII Model Kit
Elvira Mistress of the Dark Model Kit Mega Man Rock Man Plastic Model Kit Star Trek USS Enterprise 1701-B Model Kit Battlestar Galactica Viper MK VII Model Kit
Universal Monsters The Mummy 1:8 Scale Model Kit Phantasy Star Online Racaseal Fine Scale Model Kit Batman 1966 TV Batboat Model Kit Psycho Bates Mansion Model Kit
Universal Monsters The Mummy 1:8 Scale Model Kit Phantasy Star Online Racaseal Fine Scale Model Kit Batman 1966 TV Batboat Model Kit Psycho Bates Mansion Model Kit

Holy Crap Am I On Fire?
March 21, 2011
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update-- or a few weeks down the road.

Quinlan VosFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Quinlan Vos figure from last year, which brings the character to life. As seen on the TV series, this figure has a speederboard for reasons I can't currently fathom. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Scourge Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

More movie fun! The Hasbro Transformers Generations Scourge Action Figure adds to the small cast of characters made from discarded Decepticon debris in Transformers: The Movie from the 1980s. Actually, he technically completes the group, although the existing Galvatron sucks. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Playmobil Treasure Hunters, 40% Off at US Toys "R" Us

PlaymobilTreasure HuntersUntil some point in the middle of April, US Toys "R" Us stores have the entire Treasure Hunters range [as seen on] on sale for 40% off. That ain't bad. The range has numerous temples, strange vehicles, and giant lizards. A highlight to action figure collectors is the pictured Treasure Robber's Crawler, which looks a lot like the G.I. Joe Cobra HISS Tank.

Also notable, select Borders stores are going out of business. They actually do have a small toy selection, including Playmobil, LEGO, Bakugan, DC Direct action figures, and a few others. If the store is going out of business, prices tend to be 40% off. They also tend to be 30%-50% higher than other stores, but hey, good hunting.


Matty Ghostbusters Updates

GhostbustersWinstonThrough their forums, issued a statement on the changes to Slimeblower Winston and the 12-inch Egon and Ray figures. In short, no final dates exist, and it looks like they're making the 12-inch line to be more customizer-friendly. Can't complain about that. (Image pinched from TFW2005/etc.)


C2E2 Mattel Booth at ToyNewsI

Masters of the UniverseClawfulOver at are pictures of C2E2 Mattel toys, including the just-released King Hiss, Catra, and the (I believe) previously unseen Clawful. Nice! Be sure to go check these out, there are figures from other lines pictured as well including Young Justice and WWE.


I Met Li' Sebastian T-Shirt Exists

TVSharktopusIt turns out NBC is making use of its intellectual property quite nicely with its I Met Li' Sebastian T-Shirt, one of many available on its web store. This is based on last week's "Harvest Festival" episode of the increasingly awesome (yet sadly lacking in Ron Swanson as of late) sitcom. If you like this site, you should buy me one. I wear medium. Thank you.


The Moist Wisdom of Tropical Ancients
March 22, 2011
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsARC TrooperFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the ARC Trooper from last year, a newish sculpt with some blue detailing on his armor. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayKenner Total Justice Superman Mail-In Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Today's figure is Kenner Total Justice Superman Mail-In Action Figure, because I had it in a box under my bed. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Transformers Botcon Registration Live

TransformersBotConIt's that time again! The next annual BotCon is being held in Pasadena, CA and BotCon 2011 registration is live now so you can go if you're so inclined.

As reported earlier, the attendee boxed set is Transformers Animated Stunticons.


Shout! Factory Prepping M.A.S.K. for DVD

DVDMASKAs reported on The MASK Message Board and elsehwere, the Kenner toy-based animated series is coming to DVD. No specifics are given beyond that cover art is being created and that the publisher will be Shout! Factory.

Very few M.A.S.K. items under the original brand name were released as of late, the most notable (and possibly only) of these being Specialist Trakker in the G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary toy line.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiNatsume Championship WrestlingThis week's WiiWare offerings are Arcade Essentialsr. It is $5/500 points.

The Virtual Console has Natsume Championship Wrestling which you have likely never heard of. It's a 4-player Super NES wrestling game, without any licensed characters. It's not a rare game, just one nobody wanted. At 800 points or $8, it's cheaper to buy a physical copy of the game.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSG.G Series D-TANKThis week's batch: G.G Series D-TANK, and Shapo. Each is $2-$5 and can be yours... if you have a DSi.


New Super Deformed Megaman/Rockman Figures

Video GamesRockman BonanzaSnake Man is one of many new entries in the Game Characters Mini Collection Rockman which, at online seller NCS, will set you back about $66. You get 12 figures, one of which is "secret," so it might be worth just buying it and giving me your duplicates. It's not like you were going to do anything with them, right?

Also notable: Elec Man, Roll, and repaints galore.


Matty Collector King Hssss Fix, If You Dare

Masters of the UniverseKing HssssThe great Poe Ghostal has posted a King Hssss shoulder swap fix which you might want to look into.

He did say that there were some problems which stemmed from swapping his arms, including a small torso crack, so you might just want to leave it as it is.


Adora Stolen from the House of Randor
March 23, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Iron Man 2 Comic Series GuardsmanSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

We love green! Late for St. Patrick's Day but still good, the Hasbro Iron Man 2 Comic Series Guardsman is a nifty figure that is designed slightly differently when compared to the other figures in the line. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsJodo KastFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Jodo Kast figure from 2010. Based on an existing Boba Fett figure, this release has a new head under his helmet and a slightly better deco. Worth getting? Yes. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Ad: New Star Wars Vintage Wave 6 In Stock at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth Ad: While supplies last, Entertainment Earth has inventory of this year's three new Hasbro Star Wars action figure assortments. Inside, you'll find new versions of Lando Calrissian, Clone Troopers, Han Solo, Jango Fett, and many others spanning five of the six Star Wars films.

Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 6 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 4 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 5 Case
Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 6 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 4 Case Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 5 Case

Also, feel free to pre-order Star Wars Action Figures Vintage Wave 7 Case from Entertainment Earth. Sites like this one get a kickback from the sales, so if you were going to order them anyway, please order them from this link-- it helps!

Venture Bros. Renewed for 2 More Seasons, Specials

Venture Bros.MoreWhile you no doubt ran out and bought the Venture Bros. Season 4 Blu-Ray this week, you may not have known that series co-creator Jackson Public confirmed on the LiveJournal that Season 5 and 6 of Venture Bros. are happening in addition to a series of TV specials.

Delightful! The first of these will be a 15-minute short special airing this Summer. Probably, Delays happen.


Lost Sigma 6-era G.I. Joe Art Found

G.I. JoeYo Joe!A nice gallery of unseen G.I. Joe Sigma 6 artwork, as well as for numerous other lines. Including Xevoz. They all come from Dynamo Development Labs, and if you collect toys you should check this out.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Ghostbusters: Sanctum Of SlimeNew to download this week are: Premier Manager, Ghostbusters: Sanctum Of Slime, Swarm, Battle: Los Angeles, and DC Universe Online, and each is $10-$60. PlayStation Move Heroes will be coming later this week for $40.

PSOne classics this week include Squaresoft's Legend of Mana and it's only $5.99. It also is not Secret of Mana.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPDissidia 012 Final Fantasy PrologusNew to download this week: Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy, and Hoard. They're $29.99 and $9.99 each, respectively.

New PSP Minis include: Doodle Pool, and Minisquadron. They're $5 and $2.


Transformers BotCon 2011 Sets Selling Out

TransformersBotConBagged sets and the customization class are sold out! If you want the boxed set of Stunticons, remember that the BotCon 2011 registration is live now and seems to be going pretty damned fast.


Konami Bought Hudson?
March 24, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayFour Horsemen Outer Space Men Beta Phase Metamorpho Action Figure Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Think pink! The Four Horsemen Outer Space Men Beta Phase Metamorpho Action Figure is a lot like the previous releases which were fully painted, glow-in-the-dark, or later, green. But it's pink! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsBattle DroidFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Battle Droid figure from the Saga Legends line a few years back. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Custom LEGO MASK Rhino is Amazing

LEGORhino!Take a look at this! Wow! Some guy on Flickr posted a gallery of a LEGO version of the MASK Rhino toy, complete with figures and moving parts. There are some great chrome details and the coloring looks right on the mark. Be sure to get a look at this one.


Ad: Buy 1, Get 1 Half Price Gentle Giant at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth Ad: For one week only, Entertainment Earth has a special deal on Gentle Giant items-- buy 1, get 1 half off! Choose from all items, be they in stock or pre-order! Amazing! Choose from busts, statues, and lots more. Over 100 more, in fact.

Star Wars The Old Republic Shae Vizla Mini Bust Star Wars Darth Revan Mini Bust Sucker Punch Amber Statue Limited Edition Sculpture Star Wars Cloth Cape Jawa Jumbo Vintage Kenner Action Figure
Star Wars Shae Vizla Bust Star Wars Darth Revan Bust Sucker Punch Amber Statue Star Wars Cloth Cape Jawa Jumbo Vintage Kenner Action Figure

To see everything, click here for every Gentle Giant item on sale. Sites like this one get a kickback from the sales, so if you were going to order them anyway, please order them from this link-- it helps!

Mattel Green Lantern Info and Pic Dump

DC ComicsKilliwogIf you want more shots of the new Green Lantern stuff, MattyCollector has a news release with exclusive toys and other news as well as a gallery of new toys based on the new film.

There's quite an array of exclusives. Target will be getting light-up figures, Kmart has a Test Pilot pack, Toys "R" Us has a couple of special items, and so does Wal-Mart. It's quite extensive, particularly for a Mattel action figure line.


Custom MOTUC Ram-Man

Masters of the UniverseRam-ManOver at Poe Ghostal's is an amazing Custom MOTUC Ram-Man action figure by the great Joe Amaro. Not only is it enormous, but it's so good that you'll be disappointed if/when Mattel makes one. (Well, maybe not. But probably.) Check it out!.


New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeGhostbusters: Sanctum of SlimeXbox 360 owners, it's time to look into Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime, a $10/800 points game based on the movie franchise, minus all the fancy voice work of the last one. They say:

"Strap on your proton packs for an all-new Ghostbusting adventure! Ectoplasmic threats are spawning all over New York, and only you and your team of rookie Ghostbusters can stop them. Choose from 4 new playable characters. Hop in the all-new ECTO-4WD and blast your foes with a medley of destructive weapons. Battle against the hordes of evil entities alone or with a team of friends through local or online multiplayer co-op. Show them you ainšt afraid of no ghosts!"

Also released is Swarm for $15/1,200 points. They say that it's like this: "An action-platformer where you take direct control of 50 pudgy blue morons and drive them through an intense and suicidal gauntlet of destruction." So like Lemmings?


Sailor Hat
March 25, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Generations Skullgrin Action FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Another Pretender homage, this Hasbro Transformers Generations Skullgrin Action Figure ain't half bad. Sure it's Darkmount with new colors and a new head, but it's cool! So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsNikto GuardFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Nikto Guard figure, which came last fall. He has no knee joints, but he looks pretty neat. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Aquabats Show Gets Green Light at HUB Network

MusicThe Aquabats Super Show!Wow! After years of various starts and stops, it looks like the HUB network picked up The Aquabats Super Show, which is said to be a mix of cartoon and live-action. Congratulations, guys! Now keep it fun and don't make us old farts deny we own all your albums.


New Transformers United Frenzy, Rumble "Gallery"

TransformersFrumbleThe folks of HK-TF have posted a Transformers United Rumble and Frenzy Gallery, giving us the very first look of the actual toys. Of note, there are no known US release date for either Frenzy or Rumble, despite our little blue friend showing up packaged on a few months back.

Also, pictures of the BotCon 2011 Box have been posted showing off some great graphic art, as always.


I Am Error
March 28, 2011
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Be sure to send in your questions for next week's thrilling update-- or a few weeks down the road.

Luke SkywalkerFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Luke Skywalker figure from 2008, and it's just awful. As a repaint, it's one of Hasbro's all-time worst releases because they actually made a good toy look terrible-- the skin doesn't glow in the dark, but it almost looks that way. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayWarner Bros. Studio Store Space Ghost Plush ToySomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? Probably not!

Technically not an action figure! The Warner Bros. Studio Store Space Ghost Plush Toy was one of very few licensed products from Space Ghost: Coast to Coast early on, and was sold at the now-defunct Warner Bros. Studio Store chain. It's pretty nice though, don't you think? So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Playmobil USA Exclusives Appear on

PlaymobilSCUBAA number of Toys "R" Us and Target exclusive sets have made their way to all of a sudden. These include a number of blister, cheaper Africa sets, and more.

A full breakdown of what's new and what's not may be found on Playmofriends, and it's notable that it seems to include 2010 and 2011 sets. Could this be a result of Target having seemingly completely dropped the line?


Transformers Botcon Drag Strip Images

TransformersBotConYou can find some new BotCon 2011 Exclusive Drag Strip images on Taobao if you'd like to see a "real world" look at the toy.

Non-attending and bagged sets of the Transformers Animated Stunticons are pretty much gone, so at this point, I hope you already registered.


Nintendo 3DS Released in the USA

Nintendo DS3DSWith its 3D capabilities, reduced battery life, the Nintendo 3DS hit stores yesterday for about $250, close to $80 over the price of the original Nintendo DS in 2004.

According to some online research, there were ample supplies as of Sunday morning which is exactly how the Wii launch didn't go. The original DS was pretty easy to stumble on for launch week as well. Demo kiosks are up at Best Buy, Target, and other stores and I did indeed get to try it out. The 3D isn't bad, the screens are pretty bright, but ultimately I think I'd probably end up playing it flat-- as you have the option to switch off the 3D. After some old NES series get ported over and we get a hardware revision with longer battery life, I'll be first-- well, maybe tenth-- in line!


Everybody Got Rich
March 29, 2011
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsR7-A7Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the R7-A7 figure, which is a must-have if you bought Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter. You did get it, didn't you? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

--AP Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra SandstormSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Today's figure is Hasbro G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra Sandstorm, and it seems this assortment is continuing to ship to Ross stores. (I just saw the red Cobra Flight Pod after an absence yesterday.) So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


New Man or Astro-Man Record Happening

Masters of the UniverseCoco is backIn a move I can only describe as "exciting," an email blast from Chunklet Industries confirmed that the band Man or Astro-Man are indeed recording a new album or something. Here's the exact quote:

"So word has it that our homies in Man...or Astro-Man? are going up to record with Al Bundy in Chicago next month and we here at Chunklet will be lucky enough to put it out. Can y'believe it?!"

I assume "Al Bundy" is code for Steve Albini but I'm not cool enough to be aware of such things.


Transformers Legion Movie Set + Classic Rodimus

TransformersGift SetIt's not exactly known what this Dark of the Moon Soundwave, Bumblebee, and Rodimus Legions 3-Pack is going to be but you can see it on Yahoo auctions right now. It looks like you get two metallic repaints of existing (or known) molds, plus what may be an orange redeco of the Universe 2.0 Legends Rodimus toy. (I'm a fan of that one.)

As always, more as it develops.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiDart RageThis week's WiiWare offerings are technically nothing. Just free demos for Dart Rage and Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 2.

The Virtual Console has absolutely nothing.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week

Nintendo DSFaceez: Monsters!This week's batch: Faceez: Monsters!, and Simply Solitaire. Each is $2 and can be yours... if you have a DSi. Possibly the 3DS too, I'm not entirely sure how all this is going to work.


March 30, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayFunko Gremlins Pop! Vinyl Stripe Vinyl FigureSomething new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

Funko loves Gremlins, and so do I! The Funko Gremlins Pop! Vinyl Stripe Vinyl Figure is a vinyl figure I picked up recently and man, I love this thing. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsClone Trooper JesseFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Clone Trooper Jesse figure which just hit recently. He has the new ball-jointed hips, the first of this particular clone mold to get them, so I'd say you should pick this one up. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


3eanuts is Garfield Minus Garfield for Peanuts

ComicsYou've wasted it!A friend of mine turned me on to 3eanuts, which basically postulates that Charles Schulz' Peanuts comic is improved considerably if you drop the final panel-- hence the "3" in the name. I tend to agree, do check it out.


Jem, BraveStarr DVD News

DVDMoreTwo exciting 1980s toy TV DVD news bits today. First, Shout! Factory confirmed that Jem And The Holograms is coming to DVD but specifics-- like the release date-- are in flux. The Jem program was made by Sunbow, who was responsible for things like Transformers and the early seasons of G.I. Joe.

Also new (or new-ish) is this announcement of a special edition of BraveStarr on DVD, with new bonus features. TVShowsOnDVD posts that this is a complete series collection with commentaries and stuff, so this should be pretty good.


Amazingly Ugly And Awesome Transformers Sidearm Sideswipe

TransformersMemorial SideswipeWhile I'm not sure what the real deal is with this toy, this auction for Dark of the Moon Memorial Sideswipe is a lot more colorful than the silver version of the character. It might be an exclusive, it might be a Japan item, but one thing's for sure: it's really colorful. I really dig the bright blue and yellow here.


Custom LEGO Printing Now Available (for a price)

LEGOMemorial SideswipeI saw a great article on The Brothers Brick showing off custom-printed minifigures and bricks from Citizen Brick. It's positively glowing-- the guy uses real LEGO bricks and matches real LEGO colors when it comes to printing. As you can see in the picture, these aren't necessarily things LEGO might make in their usual sets. I mean, seriously, wood printing?

Be sure to take a look and read all about it. For people who want to make their own stuff, this sounds like it has a lot of potential.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Rush'N Attack: Ex-PatriotNew to download this week are: Chime Super Deluxe, Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot, Moon Diver, Split/Second, and the original Sonic The Hedgehog. Each is $5-$30.

PSOne classics this week include Squaresoft's Legend of Mana and it's only $5.99. It also is not Secret of Mana.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPWWE All StarsNew to download this week: WWE All Stars, Dragon's Lair, The 3rd Birthday, and Legend of Heroes: Trails In The Sky. They're $8-$30 each.


Ad: New Charlie Sheen Bobble Head and More New Stuff at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth Ad: An officially licensed Charlie Sheen Bobble Head is up for pre-order at Entertainment Earth, and this delightful little cultural artifact can actually talk too. There's a video showing off the phrases. Several other new items were added, too!

Charlie Sheen Talking Wacky Wobbler Bobble Head Elvis Presley 1968 Comeback Special Mr. Potato Head Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection Tenth Doctor Bust
Charlie Sheen Talking Bobble Head Elvis Presley 1968 Comeback Special Mr. Potato Head Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection Tenth Doctor Bust

Also, feel free to pre-order Star Wars figures, props, and collectibles. Sites like this one get a kickback from the sales, so if you were going to order them anyway, please order them from this link-- it helps!

Is It Dead?
March 31, 2011 Figure of the Day Updated

Figure of the DayHasbro Transformers Reveal the Shield Optimus Prime Action Figure  Something new every day-- unless it's old! Our exciting non-Star Wars Figure of the Day continues for you lucky people! Is there anything we won't cover in this column? So far, only Star Wars!

G2 is in this season! The Hasbro Transformers Reveal the Shield Optimus Prime Action Figure is a fantastic, exciting idea but it's somewhat awkwardly executed. The Japanese version just hit and actually fixed a few mold problems, so should you buy the cheaper US version? Well... maybe. So read on, read our Star Wars one too, and come back soon for more!


United Transformers G2 Laser Prime Changed from Aforementioned US Release

TransformersKilliwogHot on the heels of its Japanese release, collectors are posting galleries of the G2-inspired Transformers United Optimus Prime which has been retooled. I'm not clear if the hands have been altered, but the weird pin sticking out of the shoulder has been revised as not to hinder movement.

There are also a number of deco changes, including visible Autobot symbols and blue windows with a matching sword. Visually, the Japanese one looks a little better.


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsEmperor PalpatineFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Vintage Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Emperor Palpatine figure from a few years ago, and while it's a repaint it should be noted that it's a particularly good one. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Ikaruga Model Kit Coming to the USA

Video GamesIkaruga White Fine Scale Model Kit It looks like someone appreciates classic shooters! Kotobukiya is bringing out a Ikaruga White Fine Scale Model Kit, and it's shaping up to be about $50. No word yet on Radiant Silvergun, Gunstar Heroes, or other classic Treasure games... but I'm hopeful.


G.I. Joe Convention Exclusives Start Leaking

G.I. JoeArmadilloOver at the forums, find the Convention Exclusive G.I. Joe Armadillo repaint. It's a redeco of an existing toy, and the freebie for those who go to the show to pick up their sets in person.

Also shown in the thread are a pin and the convention comic, and, presumably, the other figures will be shown in the next 24 hours.


Three New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeStraniaXbox 360 owners, it's time to look into Strania, a $10/800 points shooter. I read that the Japanese developer, G-Dev, is a crew of people who worked on old Darius games. Sexy! Microsoft says:

"Reminiscent of nostalgic arcade games from the 1980s, XBox LIVE Arcade delivers an authentic robot shoot'em up with Strania. Incorporating strategic decision-making with the exhilarating action that defines the genre, Strania offers a dynamic game system and features dramatic effects plus a catchy soundtrack. Get ready for some hot arcade action as we're bringing back true hardcore arcade gameplay!"

Also released is Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot for $10/800 points. It's a reboot of the old game Rush'N Attack, and the reviews have not been kind so far. Also released for the same price is Islands of Wakfu which is set in the universe of some MMO I've never heard of. Maybe you should try it and let me know how it goes for you.


Ad: 15% Off 6,000 Items at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth Ad: For one week only, Entertainment Earth has a special deal-- 15% off over 6,000 items! Choose from busts, statues, and lots more. Thousands more, in fact.

Star Trek Classic USS Enterprise Mini Tin Tote Back to the Future Part III DeLorean Vehicle Battlestar Galactica Cylon Centurion Target Poster Replica Elvis Presley 1968 Comeback Special Mr. Potato Head
Star Trek Classic USS Enterprise Mini Tin Tote Back to the Future Part III DeLorean Vehicle Battlestar Galactica Cylon Centurion Target Poster Replica Elvis Presley 1968 Comeback Special Mr. Potato Head

You'll want to see everything, so click here for pricing and availability. Sites like this one get a kickback from the sales, so if you were going to order them anyway, please order them from this link-- it helps!

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