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Don't Make Me a Thank You Hat
November 2, 2009
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Dash RendarFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Dash Rendar, the only one ever made. He's from 1996, so don't get your hopes too high. Is he good enough to snag since a newer one is only rumored at this stage? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!


Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth Soundtrack Posted

WiiThat's FastDespite being released in Japan a week ago, enterprising fans ripped and posted the soundtrack to Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth at The Castlevania Dungeon, so you can listen to it if you're so inclined. Assuming it's legit, it appears it's a suite of remixes from console games with little music from the original portable titles.


Mighty Muggs Memorial posted a page they call The Mighty Muggs Graveyard which shows most (but not all) of the entire line of the chunky figures. I've never seen this many pictured in one place, so be sure to take a look at it for most of the Marvel, Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Transformers, and Indiana Jones Muggs that Hasbro showed to the public.


Comedy Is Dead: New Updates

Comedy Is DeadWeeklyComedy Is Dead has updated with many new articles. They include:


G.I. Joe Vehicle News Round-Up

G.I. JoeNiceFirst up: has posted pictures of new, upcoming vehicles in-box (pictured) which showcase some of the best packaging art to come out of Hasbro in what may be more than a decade. Check out the Cobra Flight Pod, Jungle Terror Twin Battle Gun, Air Assault Glider, and Ram Cycle.

Also, the G.I. Joe Past and Present Rockslide ATAV set is available online at and is not yet in stores. It's $25 for a modern vehicle plus its 1980s equivalent, which, all things considered, really isn't that bad of a deal.


Target Revenge of the Fallen Bruticus: Now $7.48, Most Likely

ToysHelloIf you missed it, now is your last chance to snag Revenge of the Fallen Bruticus, the repaint of the Energon set from a few years ago. Formerly $29.99, it's now just $7.48 at many stores. Check the store pickup thing to see if you have any left near you.


Playmoblog: New Dragon Knights, 2010 Previews

PlaymoblogConquistadorOver at Playmoblog: Looking to see some new sets you can't buy yet, you American scum you? First up: posted a number of scans from a catalog of 2010 German releases. 27 new planes, Easter Eggs, vacation homes, zoo animals, and other items were added. Of note, we particularly liked the "Ferienhaus" which looks like about 70% of the restaurants in Scottsdale, AZ. [Click for more]


I Knew It
November 3, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsPadme AmidalaFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Padme Amidala as seen in numerous more action-oriented episodes of The Clone Wars. Is she worth tracking down? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiR-TypeYour WiiWare games this week are Carnival King, a $7/700 points collection of carnival games. Two entries are up $5/500 points, and they are: "Aha! I Got It!" Escape Game which is some sort of puzzle game, plus Family Card Games, which does not look all that hot. At least there's the VC.

Virtual Console fans, it's R-Type (Sega Master System) for $5/500 points. It's also TurboGrafx-16 Fighting Street for $6/600 points, which is the game that's actually probably better called "Street Fighter." As in "the game before Street Fighter II that wasn't very good."


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: Trio of Terror, Sans Terror

Nintendo DSBattle of Giants: Dragons: Bronze EditionGot a DSi? You can snag Battle of Giants: Dragons: Bronze Edition for $8/800 points, or Viking Invasion for the same price. Sparkle Snapshots was released for $5/500 points, and it's some photo booth thing.


Comedy Is Dead: PFT new CD on AST

Comedy Is DeadWeeklyComedy Is Dead has updated with Album Announcement: Paul F. Tompkins' "Freak Wharf". We are most pleased.


Transformers NEST Mail-In Ravage Revealed

TransformersRavageLast week, an online retailer posted shots of a packaged NEST 2-pack with Soundwave and Bumblebee with a box that confirmed a mail-in was coming. Today, thanks to Ben Yee, we know who it is! A special reworked Ravage from Revenge of the Fallen is the bounty-- click through for more pictures and info on how to get one.

(And no, it's not free-- $4.95 plus stickers.)


Battle-Armor He-Man Coming Soon, Sans Fun

Masters of the UniversePad!The guys at Matty Collector have revealed Battle-Armor He-Man which has armor which looks like the original toy. The awesome rotating battle-damage action feature? Not so much. Now you just plug in the new armor piece. Check it out on if you dare, as we don't have a Facebook.


Damn Grizzlies
November 4, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsCaptain ArgyusFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Captain Argyus figure released a few months ago from the recent TV show. He's blue! And he has fancy hair. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


New CBS Game Licenses

Video GamesSomeone has been murdered!Today we were treated to an email from CBS Consumer Products regarding all the new properties they have licensed for video games. Some, like CSI, we already knew about. But there were some surprises in there, some of which were interesting and potentially great, others of which made us giggle. They are:

  • The Amazing Race (licensed to Ludia Inc.)
  • Survivor (licensed to Mindscape)
  • Diagnosis Murder (licensed to Merscom)
  • Criminal Minds (licensed to Legacy Interactive)
  • Ghost Whisperer (licensed to Legacy Interactive)
  • The Hollywood Squares (licensed to Ludia, Inc.)

...Diagonsis: Murder?!? What next, Matlock? We can't wait to see how this forms up.


G.I. Joe Resolute DVD Out, As Low As $5

G.I. JoeYo.S.I.Not only has the Movie DVD and Blu-Ray been released, but The Terror Drome is reporting that the DVD of G.I. Joe Resolute is being found for as little as an even $5.00. We don't know if this is isolated or all locations, as it is not reflected on, but we're going to go hunting tomorrow to verify this for ourselves. Because hey, $5.


Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect Rejects

Jurassic ParkChaosLong-time readers know we're huge fans of dinosaur toys, the more ridiculous the better. None were better than Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect in the late 1990s, and has the most complete archive we've ever seen. This site has mock-ups of the Night Hunters, unreleased and rarely seen repaints and new hybrid designs, plus original sketches from the designers. This stuff is so cool to see that it makes us mad Hasbro didn't put it out as part of the new Toys "R" Us relaunch of repaints. If you like dinosaur toys that can only be described as "rad," do check this out.

We mean, c'mon, Pachysaurolauphus! And speaking of dinosaur links...


The Dinosaur Toy Blog: Worth Seeing

ToysT-RexWe spent an hour or so last night pouring over The Dinosaur Toy Blog, which is a really fun resource and a much better way to spend your creative energies than NaNoWriMo. Tons of prehistoric creatures, including very simple early organisms as well as late-era mammals, are present and rendered in great detail. Some are ugly, some are awesome, but the whole project is a great look at toys from numerous toymakers worldwide. Great, great stuff here.


New Weezer Album Released, Band Loses It

MusicThat DogWeezer's new album Raditude came out this week and Amazon has it for $3.99-- the whole album, with an exclusive bonus track. This is surprisingly cheap, if you're going to buy it anyway this is probably the way to go. The exclusive track is "Turn Me Around" which you can also buy separately.

After listening through it once, we put it at "OK." There's no "The Greatest Man that Ever Lived" on it but it's... inoffensive?

Also insane, this video-- it's a TV spot for a Weezer-branded "Snuggie" (the robe you wear backward) with the album for $30. This is a real thing. The band's in it. We're not sure where this falls on the irony spectrum.


You've Got Good Taste
November 5, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsLando CalrissianFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Lando Calrissian figure with his pilot gear, the first one in the modern line. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Revoltech Zoids Revealed, More Ligers

ZoidsBlade LigerThe first Zoids characters as Revoltech toys were revealed! Check out Zoidspoison to see the Blade Liger and Geno Breaker toys. Expect repaints.


Namco Zippos Also Expensive, Retro Genesis Cheap

Video GamesDig Dug, FireAfter the Sega lighters last week, some Namco-inspired Zippos are also on deck. They're pretty, but at $110 they're pretty out of our range. Games include Dig Dug (pictured), Pac-Man, Xevious, and Galaxian.

Also notable was the AtGames Firecore Sega Genesis Console, which, apparently, is actually a licensed product. It's a pretty slick idea-- it's a plug-and-play game with 20 built in games, plus it has a slot for controllers and additional game carts. It's good to see Sega has the sense that Nintendon't as far as these kind of retro products go.


New Transformers Frenzy/Rumble Coming?

TransformersFrenzy is RumbleSo what's this toy? We don't know yet. Maybe it's Frenzy, Rumble, or Scrapmetal. Maybe it's a Hasbro Transformers Universe mold for 2010 or beyond, or perhaps a fan-produced item. We aren't sure, but it looks legitish enough to us to share with you. Enjoy the link, scope the picture at HK-TF.


Three New Wallace & Gromit Chapters for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeWallace & GromitXbox 360 owners have a trio of new episodes of Wallace & Gromit, which started out a few months ago, to choose from. Each is $10/800 MS points:

  • The Last Resort involves rain, head injuries, and a new invention.
  • Muzzled brings more dogs to the table.
  • The Bogey Man involves golf, and we presume cheese in some capacity.


TMNT Crossover to Air Shortly

TMNTTeenage MutantsThe as-of-yet unseen Turtles Forever movie-- which crosses over the 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with the modern counterparts-- will be airing on 4KidsTV on television and online November 21. Set your DVRs, or wait for the DVDs. More details here. Are we cowabunga on this?


Kitten Mittens
November 6, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsDarth Maul (Sith Training)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Darth Maul (Sith Training) figure released in 2002 and again in 2006. It's based on a concept design! Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Movies: New In Theaters

MoviesDevilishSo what's new this week?

    Wide Release
  • Disney's A Christmas Carol
  • The Box
  • The Fourth Kind
  • The Men Who Stare at Goats
    Limited Release
  • That Evening Sun
  • Splinterheads
  • Previous
  • Endgame
  • Collapse


Dark Continent Finally Gets Decent CD Release

MusicDSi XLAfter a very short run in France on CD, the album "Dark Continent" by Wall of Voodoo is finally getting a slightly wider release as a twofer on Australia's Raven Records label. Combined with the awesome (but much easier to find) "Call of the West", this CD is showing up at online importers for as little as $18.99, which is arguably worth it as "Dark Continent" CDs routinely sold for $100 or more. Or you could just buy the vinyl for five bucks. Either way, we suggest you find a way to hear both of these awesome albums.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Military Madness: NectarisYour new games this week are: Military Madness: Nectaris (previously released on the Xbox 360, and fun) and Numblast (which we haven't tried).

PSOne releases include: Gex.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPDana GouldThis week's downloadable PSP titles are many, mostly catalog games: Numblast, Battlefront Elite Squadron, Clone Wars Republic Heroes, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Ghostbusters, Creature Defense, Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground,, Class of Heroes, Crimson Room: Reverse, Ben 10: Protector of Earth, Ben 10: Alien Force

PSOne releases include: Gex.


Actual Micronauts News, For Reals

MicromanTwo tidbits today: one, Hasbro's investor teleconference confirmed they are working on a relaunch of the line. (For those keeping track, in the past decade, Takara put out a couple of great lines, Palisades put out some poorly made reissues, and Sota's line never made it out of the gate.) Two, J.J. Abrams has confirmed he is interested in working with the property as a movie. We're a little weirded out by this one.


Good Morning, Mr. Sleepy Kill Me!
November 9, 2009
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Dash RendarFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Jawa, the big 2009 animated one. Is it good? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!

Also a friendly reminder: order your Wal-Mart exclusive Dewback now and the AT-ST has hit and is selling out very quickly in our neighborhood. Commence hunting.

Finally check out the next mail-in figure. You'll want this one.


Review: Xbox 360 Live Arcade Bubble Bobble Neo

Xbox 360Splosion ManThe 1980s provided gamers with tons of classics at the arcade, some of which became better known as NES hits. Bubble Bobble Neo is one better known to most American gamers as an NES title, now upgraded, and arguably worth it. It's classic Bubble Bobble (with more power-ups than you remember from the NES), plus a remixed game with new stages and the ability to walk up and down a 45-degree incline, which makes things surprisingly difficult in places. [MORE]


Joe, Mac To Return

Video GamesGolgoth Studio wrote in last week to send a character design sheet for their next game. The first? Toki. We are pleased. Next up? Data-East's Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja.

Joe & Mac

How about that? We can't wait for the inevitable announcement of Karnov, or rather, that's our guess. No word yet on the consoles it will see release on, but assume PS3/PC/Xbox Live Arcade.


Comedy Is Dead: New Updates

Comedy Is Dead42Comedy Is Dead has updated with many new articles. They include:


Target Revenge of the Fallen Devastator: Minty G1 Flavor

TransformersDevastatingIf you missed it, the Famitoy blog posted some shots of the "Legends" size Revenge of the Fallen Devastator in G1 Colors, as required by toy nerd law. It's a 7-piece combiner, and each element can be a limb, a vehicle, or a robot. The movie-colored version will be hitting the USA as an exclusive in 2010, and we can only assume the G1 deco will show up somewhere eventually.


HMM Zoids Red Horn: More Pictures

ZoidsRed HornWe're very much looking forward to seeing this Kotobukiya Red Horn HMM Kit so you can guess we were pleased to see these new official product shots. It's pretty, that much hasn't changed, and the kit has a black paint wash on it. Looks sharp!


To Fit In
November 10, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsClone PilotFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Clone Pilot released a couple of months back with the big giant gun turret. It plugs into your Republic Gunships, and a figure can fit inside. Is it worth shelling out the big bucks to get these? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week: New Excitebike!

WiiExcitebikeYour WiiWare games this week are Excitebike: World Rally, a $10/1,000 point update of the original NES game. None of this first person malarkey, it's an honest-to-goodness old-timey hi-def update with new features. Two entries are up $5/500 points, and they are: Frogger Returns which is pretty self-explanatory, plus Dragon Master Spell Caster , which involves wizards and dragons. Cool? Sure, why not.

Virtual Console fans, it's Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (Sega Master System) for $5/500 points. It's also C64 Cybernoid for $5/500 points, which is probably about right.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: Trio of Terror, Sans Terror

Nintendo DSBomberman BlitzGot a DSi? You can snag Bomberman Blitz for $5/500 points, assuming the PSN and Xbox versions aren't doing it for you.

At 200 points/$2: Electroplankton: Beatnes, Nanocarp, Rec-Rec, Hanenbow, Trapy. These are instruments of some sort.


Doug Seasons 3, 4 Coming to DVD... 1, 2 Already Out

DVDWeeklyColor us surprised-- we read an announcement for seasons 3 and 4 of the popular Nickelodeon series, which may be fondly remembered of people just barely scraping 30. It turns out these, and the first two seasons, are available on Amazon as part of their "made on demand" service. Who knew?


Supernova Released a New 7-Inch in 2008

MusicTwisting me off, againWhile the Costa Mesa-based band Supernova let their web site lapse after a brief stint of functionality (following a reality show which aped their name), we were surprised that they released a 7-inch record in 2007 called ¡Diga Queso!. It features live versions of "Best Coat" and "Oreo," and at 200 copies odds are none of you will ever see a copy.


Hungry Freaks, Daddy
November 11, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsJabba the HuttFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Jabba the Hutt figure as seen in the animated The Clone Wars film. It's really awesome. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Rockman/Megaman Kubricks and Be@rbricks

Video Games8-Bit BearMaking the rounds today (and now a pre-order at NCS is this superbly swell Rockman & 1-Up Bearbrick Set. One figure is based on the legendary game hero, while the other sports the 1-up logo from the game on his torso. How swell is that? The $30ish set is due in January.


Playmoblog: Rumor Mill: Playmobil's 2011 and 2012 Product Lines

PlaymoblogAvast, Ye Dead DudeOver at Playmoblog: Over on Playmofriends is an English translation of the German forum Klickywelt concerning possible lines for 2011 (Germany). These include: [Click for more]


Ad: New Clone Wars In Stock at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: What's that? New figures! First released a few month ago and surprisingly hard to find, the wave with Ziro's Assassin Droid, Padme Amidala, Matchstick, and the Clone Tank Gunner is in stock and ready to ship for free in the USA!

Star Wars Clone Wars Action Figures Wave 10 Star Wars Battle for Endor Action Figure Battle Pack G.I. Joe Vehicles Wave 2

Also, check out these amazing Pre-Black Friday Deals including the Order G.I. Joe Vehicles Wave 2 for $24.99! You get 4 vehicles-- normally about $16 each-- for less than the price of 2. Order today!


I Am The Ska Boss!
November 16, 2009
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

AT-TE Gunner Whorm Loathsom Saleucami Clone Trooper

From left to right: Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


New Super Mario Bros. Wii Released

WiiWhat will no doubt be the Game of the Year for the Wii was released last weekend for $49.99. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is on shelves now, but the only "deal" we're seeing is for Best Buy Rewards members. Buy the game, get mailed 500 Wii Points for use online later. (Which you may as well get so you can get Castlevania when that hits. Or an existing Castlevania.)


He-Man and Scareglow Up Today at

Masters of the UniverseScareglow!Love He-Man? You can order him again, this version has been tweaked from the original release. Also: Scareglow, which is pretty awesome. Both go on sale today, so check for availability.

Why these two this month and Scareglow after Halloween, we don't know.


Three New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeEncleverment Experiment Xbox 360 owners have a trio of new games this week at various prices. What are they?

  • Encleverment Experiment for $10/800 points, and is one of very few games to support the big button buzzer controllers from Scene It! which has us interested. Word, picture, puzzle-based mini-games. Expect a review.
  • 0D Beat Drop, at the same price, has beat matching and puzzles. We're not sure what to make of it but durned if it doesn't look interesting.
  • NBA Unrivaled involves basketball, costs $15/1,200 points, and is beyond our capacity for understanding.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3BraidYour new games this week are: Braid (previously released on the Xbox 360, $14.99) and Star Trek: D-A-C (ditto, $9.99). Braid is one of the most beloved, praised, and artfully done games in recent years. Trek? Not so much.

PSOne releases include: Command & Conquer: Red Alert.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPBubble TrubbleThis week's downloadable PSP titles are Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble ($39.99) and numerous flavors of Pinball Heroes at $3.99 each.

PSP Minis: Bubble Trubble.

PSOne releases include: Command & Conquer: Red Alert.


Comedy Is Dead: New Updates

Comedy Is Dead42Comedy Is Dead has updated with many new articles. They include:


Biggest Loser Games

Video GamesFatThe games based on The Biggest Loser are now out, and in other news, someone made games based on The Biggest Loser. Blitz Games and THQ put out titles for the Nintendo DS and Wii, and while we have no idea what is involved in the gameplay, we found this bit of news worthy of sharing. (Surely some of you watch or love the show? Some of our co-workers do, so here it is.)


Revoltech Goes to Jurassic Park, Hasbro Stuffs

Jurassic ParkRevoltechThe Tokyo Hunter Blog has a massive look at new Revoltech offerings, including Jurassic Park's T-Rex (pictured) as well as the creature from ALIEN, Jack Skellington, Gamera, and Batman. Holy crap. Go see these.

Also, we went on a sweep of stores to get the skinny of what's out there for you fans of the Hasbro relaunch at Toys "R" Us. Here's what we've confirmed: There is indeed a variation on the T-Rex vs. Triceratops set, with the Rex coming in either orange or brown, and both showing up at the same store. Also, the biting attack ($16.99-sized) Rex is exceedingly hard to find, as we've seen exactly none of them at the many stores we've visited between California and Arizona lo these many weeks. So if you're short on cash, get him first. We'll be posting some product reviews and a line checklist in the coming weeks.


This Week's Secret Word: Revenge!
November 17, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsDeena ShanFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Deena Shan as seen in the comic books. How does this Rebel agent fare? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!

Also, this article is obscenely funny and sad if you know anything about Star Wars toys and what they're "worth." Specifically, the stuff in the green and/or red boxes are pretty much worthless-- they cost $5-$7 for a basic figure and now sell for $2 or so. If you're lucky. Check eBay if you don't believe us. Odds are the guy would have been better served donating the toys as playthings than as collectibles.


Review: Xbox 360 Live Arcade Bust-A-Move Live!

Xbox 360Bust-A-Move Live!Depending on where you're from, you know this game as Bust-A-Move Live! or Puzzle Bobble. In the USA, it's Bust-A-Move, a classic arcade game ported to nearly every platform (yes, even Neo Geo and Neo Geo Pocket Color) for you to enjoy. If you're familiar with the gameplay, this has more of it. If not, the dinosaurs from Bubble Bobble shoot little bubbles at other bubbles, and if you combine a string of 3 together, they disappear. It's a fairly straightforward puzzle game, and there are a lot of other similar games out there-- but this one works pretty darned well. [MORE]


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiPokémon RumbleYour WiiWare game this week is Pokémon Rumble, a $15/1,500 points title which involves rumbling, most likely not gas.

The first demos are up on WiiWare, and they are: Bit.Trip Beat, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord, NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits, and the praised World of Goo.

Virtual Console fans, it's Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures (Super NES) for $8/800 points. It's also TurboGrafx-16 Street Fighter II - Champion Edition for $7/700 points, which we don't quite get. Was that something people wanted?

Finally, controller fans take note: black Wii remotes and Nunchucks ship this week.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: Triple Threat, Minus Threats

Nintendo DSArt Style: DigidriveGot a DSi? Arcade Bowling and Robot Rescue are each $2/200 points, and Art Style: Digidrive is $5/500 points. Digidrive was previously sold as a GameBoy Advance title in Japan, we're not sure which changes were made for the DSi release.


Comedy Is Dead: Podcasts

Comedy Is DeadWeeklyComedy Is Dead has updated with Review: Bear Down Podcast. Matt Walsh and Football. Interested? Well, read the review.


Final Fantasy XIII US Date Revealed

Video GamesSqueenix wrote in to confirm that the USA release of Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Final Fantasy XIII will be March 9, 2010. Slightly less compelling is this quote from the release regarding its theme song:

"Multi-platinum, Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter Leona Lewis has come on board with Square Enix to provide the theme song for FINAL FANTASY XIII. The song is entitled "My Hands," and is featured on her highly-anticipated second album ECHO (J Records/Syco Music) set for release on November 17th."


Free LEGO Santa at Toys "R" Us, Supposedly

LEGOToys "R" Us' PR people wrote in with this tidbit: "On Sunday, November 15 and Saturday, November 21, customers visiting any Toys "R" Us store will receive a complimentary LEGO version of the jolliest of holiday souls, Santa Claus, to help bring in the yuletide cheer, while supplies last... those who visit Toys³R²Us online at will also have a chance to receive their complimentary LEGO Santa minifigure keychain with the purchase of select items. With nearly 13,000 eligible items to choose from, customers will find Santa riding along in enough packages to make it around the world and back." We were in a store on Saturday and we weren't seeing anything about any LEGO Santas, so perhaps you will have better luck this weekend.


What A Great Afternooon
November 18, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsLuke SkywalkerFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Luke Skywalker figure released with Lumiya. He's really swell for a Marvel-based figure. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

Special Bonus Feature: Hasbro Answered Some Star Wars Questions

As you may or may not know, Hasbro does a number of Q&A sessions with its brands, and we participated in the Star Wars one. Hasbro's answers will be italicized for your increased comprehension difficulty. (Again: we asked, Hasbro answered, in case there was confusion.)

1. The dioramas with the vehicles are a nifty idea. What are the chances we'll see fold-out dioramas with an original trilogy theme, like a Death Star segment or a Hoth Rebel Flight Deck in the next few years?

A1. If you are asking about Original Trilogy diorama backdrops in the Starfighter segment, we will be doing them if/when we do more OTC vehicles. If you are asking about a new type of diorama or segment, we are looking at how to utilize this nifty idea more but do not have anything lined up yet.

2. You guys have done some great 501st-themed figures over the years, like R2-KT and the Stormtrooper with the flag a few years back. There are a lot of creative repaints of the armor, ranging from a Trooper repainted with the American flag to a tribute to someone who may or may not resemble a popular American singer. Are there any plans to do more 501st stuff for Comic-Con or Celebration or some other venue?

A2. There aren't any more 501st-tied figures coming up for the foreseeable future. Not for lack of wanting to do more, it's just that there are limited slots and our exclusive pipeline is filled with a few other things roght now. One day we do hope to get back to it, but we think you'll be in Heartbreak Hotel when we tell you there is one tribute figure we definitely won't be pursuing! (Editor's note: Sorry, Trina, we asked.)

3. There have been rumblings that the droid TODO 360 was at one point meant to be included with the recently released Cad Bane action figure. Is this true? Also, is the little Seth Greenbot coming in some form?

A3. It is true, but we had to drop him due to costing. We are finding a way to get him into another pack, hopefully next year.


G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Test Shots

G.I. JoeYo.S.I.The guys at The Terror Drome found auctions for new figures of Zartan, Storm Shadow, and Snow Job. They're... figures. That you can see.


New Tom Waits Live, Hitting Early?

MusicTripodHitting most stores November 23, at least some copies of Tom Waits' Glitter and Doom Live are out now. We picked up a CD last week. One disc has 17 live tracks from his recent mostly sold-out tour, and the other has 30 minutes of "Tom Tales." Or as we like to call it, "the reason our dads will all buy this." It's pretty good, so keep your eyes out for it.


Finally: Class Up Your Laptop with USB Chandelier

ToysChandelierYou gotta get a chandelier. Taito is making this bizarre USB Chandelier for Japan, and of course, it's getting imported. It should be around $20 and is due in the Spring.


Koopa-esque T-Shirt

NintendoThat DogArtist and seemingly nice person (we have no record of her joining Cobra or kicking puppies) Ashley Hay wrote in to say that she designed this t-shirt called "Lizard King" which has a somewhat misleading name. You won't find Jim Morrison here, but the back does have more than a passing likeness to the shell of Bowser, King of the Koopas. Neato.


And I Don't Need You
November 19, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsMace WinduFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Mace Windu figure from 2005-- this one has Sith lightning and a slashing attack. We keep one of these on our desks. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!

After hearing some reports, we went out and confirmed that Target's new Hasbro Star Wars exclusives are hitting shelves (and also back rooms.) These include a new TIE Fighter ($39.99) and the Ambush at Abregado and Assault on Ryloth Battle Packs ($24.99 each). Happy hunting!


New Layton Toys

Nintendo DSThe ProfessorAnother new licensed product is coming! This time it's the Professor Layton FuruFuru Figure which will be about $20-$30. It's due in January.

...and as far as we can tell "FuruFuru" figures look a lot like Bobble Heads.


New Transformers Target Exclusives Hit

TransformersFrenzy is RumbleNow at Target stores, on shelves, we've seen 'em:

  • Leo Prime, a white and gold repaint of Leobreaker that resembles Beast Wars II Lioconvoy
  • The Fallen with burning flame deco
  • Straightaway Shootout Revenge of the Fallen Legends giftset with Ironhide, Sparkcrusher, Mudflap, Swerve, and Runamuck


Two New Games for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeDiner DashXbox 360 owners have a pair of new games this week, both of which are kinda sorta new but in some ways not:

  • Diner Dash involves dashing and diners-- and is new to the 360. It's $10/800 MS points.
  • Gyromancer is $15/1,200 points, and is a puzzle RPG. It looks a lot like PuzzleQuest, except this time it's from SquareEnix and PopCap Games, which may be enough to sell you on it. The developer says it's based on Bejeweled Twist.


Ad: Pre-Black Friday Specials Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Pre-Black Friday Deals - One Week Only! Several items had their prices slashed and you can take advantage right now! Get a 5-pack of Cantina Band action figures for $7.49! Save nearly 50% on a Wizard of Oz doll from Tonner! Get 10 Star Trek 6-inch movie figures for just $44.99!

So what should you get? Here are some selections that may be of interest.

Star Wars Cantina Band Action Figures Santa Spud Mr. Potato Head Wizard of Oz Cowardly Lion Tonner Doll


PSP Gets New Dairius, Soundstrack Too (in Japan)

PSPFishOne of the great underrated game series is Taito's Darius, which has horizontal side-scrolling shooter fun with a heavy robotic fish theme. Bosses include all sorts of sea creatures, and a new game is coming to the PSP called Dariusburst. Taito confirmed a Soundtrack CD would be released on their Facebook page (in English, no less) but currently is mum on news of a US launch. The CD comes out in January in Japan, while the game hits Japan on December 24.

We are eager to try the game. We'd punch an old lady in the throat to try it. Know any old ladies?


WiiWare Getting Phoenix Wright

WiiBecause we're lazy, we'll let Capcom tell this story. The game developer "announced that three classic Ace Attorney games are scheduled for digital release on Nintendo's WiiWare next year beginning with the one that started it all, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney followed by Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: JUSTICE FOR ALL, and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS. Gamers can expect the deliberations to begin January 2010. These games will cost 1,000 Wii Points, $10.00 USD."

Who is this?

The game is the first home console release of the series, and there's a multiplayer component too. A DS bonus episode will also be downloadable on the Wii, and it's going to be $1/100 points. Viva DLC?

Who is this?


Flash Pan Hunter
November 20, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsBattle Droid PilotFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Battle Droid Pilot figure released just a few months back. It has blue shoulders! How about that? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Movies: New In Theaters

MoviesSpaceySo what's new this week?

    Wide Release
  • Planet 51
  • New Moon: The Twilight Saga
  • The Blind Side
    Limited Release
  • The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
  • The Missing Person
  • Fix
  • Defamation


Transformers Animated: More New Toys?

TransformersBlurrThe chaotic life and death and life of Transformers Animated left several toys in the wings, and new ones like Vortex Blurr showed up on a new Thundercracker toy's box. Other new toys and repaints are also shown, so go check those out.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3PeggleYour new games this week are: Peggle, plus the Peggle Nights expansion pack. So now it's on pretty much every platform.

PSOne releases include: Resident Evil 2, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPKillerThis week's downloadable PSP title is the new release Assassin¹s Creed: Bloodlines. Well, new enough at least. It's $39.99.

PSP Minis include: D-CUBE Planet, Echoes, and Circles.

PSOne releases include: Resident Evil 2, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.


Comedy Is Dead: New Updates

Comedy Is Dead42Comedy Is Dead has updated with many new articles. They include:


Turtle Power!
November 23, 2009
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Queen AmidalaFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Dash Rendar, the 2000 one with cloth bits. Any good? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!


Toys "R" Us to get New Transformers Animated Exclusives

TransformersArcee!Over at The Arker are shots of Cybertron Ratchet and Arcee from the Animated line with "Toys "R" Us Exclusive" stickers. That's that, they probably will show up in no time!

Why these two this month and Scareglow after Halloween, we don't know.


Review: Tom Waits Glitter & Doom Live CD

MusicNew? Sure.There's a lot of things in this world that supposedly exist that you will never see. Bigfoot. A successful Chicago Cubs team. Tom Waits in concert. One of these three things happens on a fairly regular basis, but some artists seem to get big to the point where you could charge virtually anything and still sell out multiple shows. If you missed the very expensive tour, you can get the next best thing. Well, the next-next best thing, as the next best thing would likely be a Blu-Ray. Tom Waits' Glitter and Doom Live is a double-disc set with the first being mostly music and the second being a single track called "Tom Tales." [ READ THE FULL REVIEW ]


Comedy Is Dead: New Updates

Comedy Is Dead42Comedy Is Dead has updated with many new articles. They include:

  • Weekly Comedy looks at what appears to be another awful week of new releases, and some goodies we missed. But mostly crap.


Daria DVDs Coming, Sans Music

DVDDVDThe has a confirmation of the 1990s series Daria for TV. The MTV show had an amazing library of music in its production, with tunes from Buffalo Daughter and Frank Zappa among the many tracks played in each episode. As such it should surprise no one that music in some places will be replaced. Thanks again for screwing up art again, Music Industry Licensing Fees!


November 24, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsR7-Z0Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the R7-Z0 as seen in a reference book, and little else. How is he? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!


Deal: Xbox 360 Live Arcade Peggle, Half Price

Xbox 360Bust-A-Move Live!This week's Xbox Live special is Peggle for $5/400 MS points. It's half price, making it quite the deal as the game is particularly fun. Give it a whirl, we give it a strong "buy" rating for the price.


Nintendo Wii Downloads This Week

WiiSuper Mario KartYour WiiWare games this week are Bit.Trip Void, Harvest Moon: My Little Shop, Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 1, and Little Tournament Over Yonder. Prices vary from $5 to $12.

Virtual Console fans, it's Super Mario Kart (Super NES) for $8/800 points. It's also the NES game A Boy and His Blob, both of which are classics for different reason. Blobert is $5/500 points.

Finally, controller fans take note: black Wii remotes and Nunchucks ship this week.


Nintendo DSi Downloads This Week: Triple Threat, Minus Threats

Nintendo DSArt Style: DigidriveGot a DSi? Castle of Magic and myNotebook: Blue are out, as are Electroplankton: Luminarrow, Sun-Animalcule, Lumiloop, Marine-Crystals & Varvoice. Everything is $2/200 points, except Castle of Magic which is $5/500 points.


Comedy Is Dead: Book Review

Comedy Is DeadRock BibleComedy Is Dead has updated with Book Review: Chunklet's The Rock Bible. If you love music, make music, or are aware of music, this may be a good book for you. As such, read the review.


In Case You Missed It: Turtles Forever

TMNTTMNTOver the weekend, the long-awaited end to the most recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series has come, and it was really something. In the movie Turtles Forever, which aired (and will supposedly re-air) on CW4kidsTV (and supposedly a stream), the story is pretty simple: the 1980s Shredder, Krang, and Turtles wind up in the 2000-era TV show. The new more serious Turtles have a strong dislike for the old, and there's a lot of potshots taken at the original show. Pizza, camera-muggings, really every convention which made the original what it is can be found here, complete with Shredder's surprisingly awesome whining. The classic voices weren't sought out for this project apparently, so some decent soundalikes are there. There's no confusing them for the originals, but they do a good job.

The story is your typical "we gotta save the multiverse" plot, with dimension-hopping, cameos, and in-jokes galore. Fans of the comics and cartoons will find a lot to like here, and there's even a number of blink-and-you'll-miss-it references to original comic cover art. Specifically, it being put right in front of your face. If you're somewhat oblivious to the new show (like we were), this special may be designed with you in mind because if you basically get the gist of the turtles (particularly the older show) it's completely accessible. However, if 1980s kid properties make you ill, you aren't going to like this. It's a valentine to 25-years of a pretty great pop culture franchise, and considering the next generation is about to start on Nickelodeon, this is a great place to cap it off-- for now.

An ad says it should air a few more times, so check your local listings.


Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Sales beat Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD; Ghostbusters LE Price Drop

Video GamesTaken For a RideAccording to a report on The key quote:

"Not everything Capcom have done [with digital distribution] has been successful, but that's par for the course for our business. We have three titles that have drastically over-performed our expectations, the most recent of which was Marvel vs Capcom 2, which we didn't expect to exceed Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HG Remix's numbers, but it has."

So in short: the game that they ported over kinda half-assed outsold the one that was redrawn, repolished, and rebalanced. Keep retro, retro.

ALSO! The Amazon-exclusive edition of Ghostbusters for Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 have all been cut down to a mere $27.99-- this is the game, plus a Slimer statue, an Ecto-1 key ring, and more. Not a bad deal!


Gravity Is Racist
November 25, 2009
Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsImperial TIE PilotFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Imperial TIE Pilot figure released with this year's TIE Fighter and TIE Interceptor. He's good-- but is he perfect yet, after 13 years of modern attempts? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Bionicle To End in 2010

LEGOEx-TahuLEGO sent out a news release confirming the rumors, that Bionicle will not be surviving past next year. No new products were announced leaked past a wave of 6 "Legends" figures, smaller-scale versions of popular toys, each with a build-a-figure. Since 2001, the brand really did wonders reinventing packaging for figures as well as expectations of what you can get out of the Danish company, and it was one of very few genuinely successful original intellectual properties in the action figure space this past decade. Kudos to LEGO on a job well done, we hope your next attempt in the figure world will be as equally awesome.


PS3: PSN Updates This Week

PS3Gravity CrashYour new games this week are: Gravity Crash, Diner Dash, and Madden NFL Arcade. Madden is $14.99, the other two are $9.99.

Also notable: several games are on sale this week, including Prince of Persia Classic and Bomberman Ultra.

PSOne releases include: Command & Conquer, Command & Conquer, Command & Conquer, Fighting Force, Backstreet Billiards, and International Track & Field.


PSP: PSN Updates This Week

PSPLittle, Also BigThis week's downloadable PSP titles are LittleBigPlanet PSP and Tekken 6 PSP.

PSP Minis include: Fortrix, Pinball Fantasies, Blast Off, Bloons, Kahoots, and Let's Golf.

PSOne releases include: Command & Conquer, Command & Conquer, Command & Conquer, Fighting Force, Backstreet Billiards, and International Track & Field.


Real Soda: Judge Wapner Root Beer

SodaWapnerMakers of many fine products, the Real Soda company put out a product called "Judge Wapner Root Beer", which has a label reading "I Sentence You To Drink My Root Beer." This would be much funnier were it more delicious, it's OK but as there seem to be countless varieties of niche root beers, well, it's kinda... eh. We're not good at describing tastes, but candylike seems to be a fair estimate. We picked ours up at Pop Soda in Scottsdale, AZ, but odds are you can get it elsewhere. We'll be keeping the bottle.

...the same company is also responsible for "Leninade," the Commie-themed pink lemonade soda. Which is pretty fantastic.


Ad: Black Friday Specials Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Black Friday Deals - Hurry! Heads up, Black Friday bargain shoppers! Entertainment Earth's Black Friday Sale is coming your way! Get the latest and greatest toys, action figures, bobble heads, and collectibles in time for the holidays, and get them at amazing Black Friday discounts from Entertainment Earth. Choose from thousands of terrific Black Friday deals that are sure to light up the eyes of everyone on your gift list!

So what should you get? Here are some selections that may be of interest.

Halo Kubricks Series 2 Figures Star Wars Joker Squad Stormtrooper Figures - An EE Exclusive G.I. Joe Action Figures: 25th Anniversary Wave 9

Not Dirty Enough
November 26, 2009
Video Game Art for a Good Cause

Video GamesOne of our best friends and sometimes contributor donated a bunch of video game-themed paintings for a fundraiser for a friend of his Bill Binder, a nice guy who got robbed. Like, literally robbed. They were so nice we asked if we could post them here. And we can! We are pleased.

Both works are by Shaun Clayton. On the left, "The Secret of Link." On the right, "We Will All Die Alone Someday." If interested in bidding and/or buying, kindly contact Christina Hopes for more, if information isn't here.


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsBattle Droid (Sliced)Figure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Battle Droid (Sliced) figure from 1999-- one of four unique variants released in the same assortment back when the first prequel hit. Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Vintage Masters of the Universe Gygor Prototype

Masters of the revealed shots and a brief story on the rarely-seen prototype of Gygor which is some sort of funky gorilla soldier. You should read this, it's good.

...and as far as we can tell "FuruFuru" figures look a lot like Bobble Heads.


New Transformers Club Exclusive: Elite Guard Dion

TransformersAutistic RenditionNow that their adult toy-named combiner is done, the club has a new toy coming-- Dion! It's an orange repaint of Universe Hot Shot. Wow! Gonna be great. It's one new item of many in the new fan club magazine, and it's gonna be the freebie if you subscribe to the club for $40 a year. Which, really, sounds pretty decent.


New G.I. Joe Exclusive: Big Lob, Classic Adventurer

G.I. JoeNEWThe G.I. Joe Fan Club revealed two new exclusives. Big Lob is coming for 3 3/4-inch fans, and uses the old 1980s-style construction, and Urban Adventurer... uhhh.... well, we won't make fun.


New Football for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released

Xbox Live ArcadeMadden ArcadeXbox 360 owners have a single game this week, and it's Madden Arcade. It's football, and it's 1,200 points/$15.


Ad: More Black Friday Specials Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Black Friday Deals - Hurry! Heads up, Black Friday bargain shoppers! Entertainment Earth's Black Friday Sale is coming your way! Get the latest and greatest toys, action figures, bobble heads, and collectibles in time for the holidays, and get them at amazing Black Friday discounts from Entertainment Earth. Choose from thousands of terrific Black Friday deals that are sure to light up the eyes of everyone on your gift list!

So what should you get? Here are some selections that may be of interest.

Indiana Jones Short Round & Sallah Mighty Muggs EE Exclusive Star Wars Boba Fett Classics Bust G.I. Joe Cobra Firebat with AVAC Vehicle
$10.99 $9.99 $6.99


Matty Marks Down DC Universe 25%

DC ComicsDC UniverseThat's pretty much it all-- on Matty's news page there are deals based on how much stuff you buy. Buy 4 or more things, get 25% off. Buy 2 or 3, and it's 15%. This applies to DC Universe, Infinite Heroes, and Justice League. Offer starts today and ends December 7.


Thanks For Giving
November 27, 2009
Review: Jurassic Park Battle Growlers Tyrannosaurus Rex

Jurassic ParkNew Fruit Flavor!Since Jurassic Park as a movie franchise exited the world nearly 10 years ago, Hasbro had the foresight to keep repainting toys for stores as exclusives, resulting in a wide range of product like this pretty nifty Battle Growlers Tyrannosaurus Rex. Previously available in numerous color schemes ranging from a classic brown color to a white and blue "arctic" deco, this version seems to have a lot in common with a water melon. Depending on how you pose him, he's 5-inches tall and 8-inches long. [ READ THE FULL REVIEW ]


Star Wars Figure of the Day Updated

Galactic Hunter & Star Wars NewsConcept Anakin SkywalkerFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson!

Today we look at the Concept Anakin Skywalker figure released just a few months back. He's already really tough to get. So should you get him? Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series!


Movies: New In Theaters

MoviesSeth Green Cashes In His Nerd CredSo what's new this week?

    Wide Release
  • Old Dogs
  • Ninja Assassin
    Limited Release
  • The Princess and the Frog
  • Me and Orson Welles
  • The Road


DVD: MST3K XVI Next Week, XVII March 2010

DVDServoFirst: Mystery Science Theater 3000 Vol. XVI comes out next Tuesday, and will include a Tom Servo figurine. Note we didn't say "action figure," if it's anything like the Crow it's a look-but-don't-touch figure. The movies on the set include The Corpse Vanishes, Warrior Of The Lost World, Santa Claus, and Night Of The Blood Beast.

Second: Coming March, Vol. XVII includes The Crawling Eye, Blood Beast, The Final Sacrifice, and Blood Waters of Dr. Z.


Comedy Is Dead: New Updates

Comedy Is DeadGouldComedy Is Dead has updated with many new articles. They include:


I Am a Liar
November 30, 2009
Star Wars Q&A, Figure of the Day Updated at Galactic Hunter

Q&A by Adam PawlusGalactic Hunter Star Wars NewsGalactic Hunter has posted a new Q&A column this week! Be sure to click through and read up on the latest!

Darth VaderFigure of the Day has updated once again! The daily feature on figures you might have but might not-- either way, here's what you've been missing! Spanning from the original Power of the Force series of 1995 to the latest of The Legacy Collection, it's almost like a history lesson! Today: Darth Vader, vintage 2006. He's been shipped in a few configurations, but is he any good? Go to Figure of the Day to find out!


Device Label Transformers Grimlock, Trypticon Released

TransformersGrimlock?!Over at Higekuma Toy Toy are images of the just-released mouse Device Label Grimlock and Trypticon toys, which look little like them other than being dinosaur-like and similarly colored to their namesakes. But they work! Check 'em out.


Comedy Is Dead: New Updates

Comedy Is Dead42Comedy Is Dead has updated with many new articles. They include:


Ad: Cyber Monday Specials Entertainment Earth

Entertainment EarthAd: Cyber Monday Sale - Amazing Cyber Monday markdowns! Heads up, Cyber Monday bargain shoppers! Entertainment Earth's Cyber Monday Sale is here! Get the latest and greatest toys, action figures, bobble heads, and collectibles in time for the holidays, and get them at amazing Cyber Monday discounts from Entertainment Earth. Choose from thousands of terrific Cyber Monday deals that are sure to light up the eyes of everyone on your gift list!

Bettie Page Red Lingerie 6-Inch Statue - EE Exclusive Star Trek Captain Picard in Chair Action Figure Star Trek Deanna Troi Action Figure - an EE Exclusive
$39.99 $9.99 $3.49

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We know where you live and we'll break your friggin' legs.